Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1968, p. 9

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oh the mall ws mutt admit the advene com ments from tome merchants over a trial period for a mall on mill st from john to main sts comes as a surprise we thought the suggestion had much merit and would receive almost 100 per cent cooperation from mer chants in the proposed area the oplrv ion was strengthened when chamber of commerce representatives asked councils endorsement of the idea and there wasnt a dissenting vote from the delecaoqrt malls are fast becoming the mos popular way of merchandising they- give buyers a relaxed milieu in which to- shop and offer something a little different frorn the hurlyburly of flght- log traffic noise and confusion certainly the fed that hlo 7 high- way stretches along milt st does not assist the idea traffic would have to be rerouted apparently alohcj church st and residents there certainly arent going to welcome it there ere other problems like ship ment of goods to the stores in behind the barriers but there are none from which the chamber of commerce hasnt worked out a solution whether their answers are acceptable or not it an other thing but we think their ideas deserve consideration personal contact with newcomers to town and comments from relative old timers reveal an awareness of short comings in the business section some times these complaints pinpoint e lack of variety or comments like they dont carry my size personally we believe it is cheaper to shop in town but can recognize in many cases there ere services not avail able here which can bd readily bought elsewhere the proposed mall is the most im aginative suggestion to come in front of council yet to emad more people downtown with more people buying merchants ban afford to stock more variety both in cjuantlty and pflee v planners recognize that new devel- opmenfs iw6 of which arei readypro- pdsed here with plazas tend to cut the town into segments and reduce business for dowotown stores if these developments proceed piecemeal dis integration ofdowntown business eduld take place if there is no counter attrac tion a mall may not be the answer reeve hlnton an advocate of more ffstreet parking may have the answer businessmen are looking for but how is anyone to speak intelli gently on the proposal until it is given a fair trial no matter what decision the mer chants in town arrive at and it is their decision wo sincerely hope these discussions will initiate something con structive to make acton a more attrac tive and enticing place to shop editorial page sattu jf the tfajtichj mens fashions a subject once taboo in male circles are now being discussed even among the rough and tumble types why not turtlenecks symbol of the hale and hearty look have been adopted by those who set the fashions theyre sold the length and breadth of the continent nehru collars which resemble clergymens collars have turned some dandles into facsimiles of ordained min isters and priests earrings and lace the sole preroga tive of american women since pirates tailed the spanish main are being worn along with bracelets chains and pend ants a few years ago a man wearing the parapharnella some males don now would be sent for a psychiatric examin ation branded a sissy or been the tar get of a fist now they hardly rale e second glance there have always been malos who liked to dress up wear the latest clothes its natural look at nature it s the peacock not the peahen which preens itself sproads out a beautiful tail for all to admire the female bird in some species is usually a pale imitation of a brilliantly colored male how then did olstnctmo sapions get stuck with conservative cuts and colors while women wont in for the splondor lets turn the pages of the history book back to the days whon our ances tors wore emerging from thoir caves was tho woman adorned then nope it was the man who wore the ermine and mink molissa herringbone had to be satisfied with scraps old goorgo skinned from a bear back in biblical times some of tkose egyptian pharoahs syrian princes and roman caosars lot their wlvos dross up for feasts and events at the arena but the plain janes were in tho mority abraham and moses and some of the hebrew prophets didnt hesitate to lot the jezebels know they were flirting with fire when they stuck their volls out of the tribal tent in medieval times males outdid the womon in outlandish garb kept the gals locked up in castles or doing the laundry with paddlesdowrtakthe local rivor round about rfhehmo of henry viii some of the womon got out of hand and ended up married to the king a sure death warrant tho men were real dandles over in france male dandies who kept a wife in plumage and the odd extra as well endod up headless undor e guillotine along with the lady vic torian ladies wore widely known for thoir modesty and plainness it wasnt until after the first groat war that tho women kicked over tho traces while men became more conserva tive and slavishly wore the same fash ions year aftor year the fomale stuck her ankle out of the cocoon then hor calf then her knee now shes wearing skirts above hor thighs colors every shade of the rainbow and styles hold up by who knows what the only way for tho male to regain the dominance he exercised back in the history books is to assert his mastery as a fashion plate woar fashions and colors which will put the female in the shadi and this is what he is doing pfotoj frw the ftajt vtafts of sihtvtcc with beardmore and co totalled 542 for the men in this pic ture taken at guelph june 25 1936 included in the old timers and execu tive are front row left to right wes beatty john kennedy s g bennett jim mcintosh torrance beardmore john dunne eric smith james wilds william gunner gould back row john gibson tom gibbons jack mc- arthur tom marshall william main prize w hall john mellon george benlon w chapman randy bartholomew and eric fryt- ers arent disturbed by mud oozing up through bare feet as they look for tad poles in the school creok what would anyone collect tadpolos for fishing bait of course staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley nothing trivial this week im going to ask and answer somo quostlons about the more profound aspects of life if you dont like the answers supply your own when is a politician during an election campaign going to promise the populace the moon and thon remind us out loud that it is we not some otherworldly essence called the government who will have to pay for it answer when wo find out which may be any day now that the moor is really made of groon cheese after all why are teenagors so often so unbear able bocause like babies they have learned quickly that the best means of getting attention is to raise a stink liter ally and figuratively what happens to my socks every time my wife washes i lose one sock never a pair always singles just checked my drawer and i have nine single socks no two matching theyre about as useful as antlers on a rabbit answer there is a tittle man with a bizarre taste in socks built tn to these new tangled automatic washers or dryers it never happened with the old upright and tile clouibsune at least the dealer could tell you before you bought the machine solution buy all my socks the sime color but this would spoil my imagej ive always been notod for my dashing socks gray lightgray darkgray dark- blue or black where did this vile canard begin that men are babies when they are sick theyre supposed to be whining querulous demanding sympathy this is poppycock at least in our family hugh and i want only to be left alone when were hi its the females who talk endlessly about how they feel discuss every twinge demand fresh tea every halfhour and complain about the slowness and slopplness of the service after three weeks of it i know why do black people loot during riots for the same reason white people do partly to get something for nothing partly for the sheer heck of it what has pierre elliott trudeau who is older and has even less hair got that i havent not much really except a mil lion dollars a brilliant mind hags of charm no family shackles and a couple of million females who would like to be his mother wife or tn a pinch sister why are so many draftdodgers coining to canada first because they dont want to defend the us and rot or be shot 10000 miles away in a jungle second its too hot in mexico and they dont know the language why is it warm and sunny all week cold and rainy on weekends because tho week end is tho only time you have a chance to golf or fish thats why why all tho fuss and admiration about tho teenagers marching for money on may 4 thoy had a ball try to sponsor one into marching around behind a lawnmowor with procoeds going to tho underprivileged of the world and see what rosponse you got whon are the clots in this country going to stop cutting down avonues of beautiful trees in towns and cities in ordor to widen roads and creato speedways never unless we nonclots start a holy war about it when are governments going to get rid of that vast strangling afterbirth of a bureaucracy answer whon thore are only 300 people left in tho country who arc not working for the government how many poople would stop smoking it weeds went up to 2 a pack or drinking if booze went up to 12 a crock about as many as a onearmod man with a wooden leg could count on his toes and fingers why is teaching school like washing dishes theres always another stack coming along unless you want to stop eating any more questions no woll i gums that clears up a lot of things that have been bothering you the acton free press phone b53 2010 bui neu nd ed tonal office 0 i j j puh ituj r 1 jru ul4 s ii i u ihi j ik l 114 ihf iv nj g 4 on icu tl sutihnn i tit lj 1 njjj v fit lupiri i v urwl i i uj p 1 ofuc o 4j i i ng i epicj un 1 t i u imi jph l j h n l ru jtrri g ipt i i ri i m in i nt rwf uh j j a loi ugm u u u nut b 4 i iu h tij j 4 uf tu ajt rnwrrwnl i- pj j t 41 if- ep jh t die in ih t pri j i i j t ng nija u i i i t l 4 oil ittlts ritallnj aut ruuuju co lu ixa j b dilu fuwutwf ljil- cols xu bdf fcdlur utl i tlitr ptcsx back issues 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 20 1948 there was nothing but exclamations of delight and words of congratulation thurs day when actons new theatre the roxy opened us doors the feature picture was mother were tights a fine production rather badly titled there were opening ceremonies ip the intermission when reeve mccutcheon and mr r l gregory both spoke briefly x recelption was heldafter- ward the community variety concert woodsy and tuesday purred to large appreciative audiences the local blaysrs banded nhder mr r parker to ralsemoheyfdr the save the children fund included were numbers by eight girls of the united church r sly playing a hot number of his own ctfmpo sitlorji mr h w baxters soloeccompanled by mrs gowdy miss nancy gordon tap dancing the mlxm quartette cflhepresby- terian cnurdh accompanied bychis lands- borough public school choir under miss lynda stewart with miss warner accohir pardst jock anderson scottish songs male quartette w burton t hansen n balrd and g musselle scotty burton a scotchman sang an irish song the haystack quartette with us duby at the guitar wolf pack demonstration under akela tay lor chas landsborough trumpet solo 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 20 1018 by an amendment to the school aetpasa- ed at the recent session of the legislature the holidays may be extended to september 30 if adopted by local boards it will leave the boys on the farms for an additional month at a time of the year when they are greatly needed girls becoming engaged lo soldiers make a special point of acquiring out-of-the- common engagement rings all these have been very successfully and artistically made from the bands of shells melted down and inset with the prospective wearersfavorile stone on the inside is inscribed the day on which the fragment was orlglnallyplcked up and a few particulars miss frances mullln was home from toronto for the holiday nursing sister miss cole spent the holi day at her fathers homo here r l gregory ofthewonderland theatre has secured the great film the submarine eye for tomorrow evening mr and mrs j h denny and mr nu mrs fred cooper motored to rockwood on the 24th and spent the holiday with friends there jret jjrtss the church of st auan the makty anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rlv h j damon ba btli aslcnsiun dn thursday may 23 10 am cckbraiiun ol holy eucharist sunday may 26lh 1968 sunday aflcr ascension 9 00 a m the holy eucharist 10 30 a m church school 10 30 am morning prayer eth4b christian reformed church minister rev p brouwcr ba bd acton ontario sunday may 26th 1968 10 00 am english service 11 10 am sunday school 2 30 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 im everyone welcome evangel pentecostal ta1ernacu p a o c 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday may 26ih 1968 10 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 am morning workup 7 00 pm evangelistic service tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursdjy 8 pm christ ambassadors triday 7pm crusuders blessed is in whose transgression is forgivtn whose iin is covered pialm 32 1 maple avenue baptist church 81 maple ave v georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnas sunday may 26th 1968 lkrc is our sincere invitation to rile whole family to attend church 915 am sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a in morning service 7 00 p m evening evangel 7 45 p m wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 75 years ago taken from the issue of the fnw press of thursday may 25 laa3 in his annual report to the county council inspector deacon said acton has now the most ample accommodation and the finest public scboo in halloa county for a num ber of years the fourth department had been located in a smart room in the town hall the board built adsautliultaxlcornmodloua loanroom building at the front of rofnatn- ing wo rooms the cost was nearly 16600 v a highclass rtflnad and interesting en tertainment will be given inmhe brick church above acton on thursday messrs f red imxon dialect reader and will a dixon ventriloquist arefhe artists for the occasion a school room has been buljf as an addition to the christian- church at everton queens birthday wis rjuletly observed in the afternoon a lacrpsse match was played 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion may 21 1868 a raiber rich sell took place at the champion office yesterday a farmer who has lie on the brain entered the sanctum with a tall and mysterious stranger whose name we afterwards ascertained to be mea- chem we were gravely informed that meacham was an oil witch and would for a small sum inform us whether the milton oilhole contained the precious fluid and as one of those interested we were asked to bear our pari of the test the other direct ors had been seen and were willing logo on with the i trial being rather skeptically inclined as to the wonderworking powers of the oil charmer we ventured to inquire how it was that the oil witch was not clothed tn purple and fine linen as his knowledge of oil locations ought to have en abled him to make his fortune before this meacham offered to test his charm on the spot and in the presence of a number of gentlemen called in for the purpose he pro duced an instrument in the form of an arch with two waving steel arms surmounted by an indian rubber band from which was sus pended a small hag and needle this he poised over a lamp containing oil and on it being moved to various parts of the room the instrument pointed to the oil as he stated that it would operate more power fully on crude oil than refined we quietly slipped out and having cleaned out a tin lamp filled it with water and producing it as the real crude the machine operated more powerfully thanever after a thorough trial the hodtre was revealed and with some confusion vujeham tried to explain that it was the wick that did the business after a hearty laugh the oil witch was allowed togo in peace church notices trinity church the united church of canada minister the rev gurdun b turner ba bd dirtdor of music dr george elliott ma phd sunday may 26th 1968 trinity united 10 00 am muminu worship nursery providltl churchill uoilcd church 1 1 30 a in morning worship sunday school 10 00 am junior school to gr 4 1115am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon ret 144 tidey ave phone 8331615 sunday may 26lh 1968 9 45 am church school and adult bible class 1 1 00 a m atoming worship 7 00 pm family night wednesday 7 30 prayer meeting and bible study thursday 6 30 p m explorers thursday 8pm choir practice friday 7pm b h f my son hear tho instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother prov 1 8 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzje ba b d minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday may 26th 1968 9 45 a m church school for ages 3 to 15 years 9 45 a in ministers church member ship class for teenagers 1 1 00 a m divine worship sermon theme secret disciple- ship 8 30 pm adult bible study group in mary ellen anderson room everyone most welcome this it an invitation to attend the church of your choice on sunday

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