Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1968, p. 1

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ninetythird yoarno 49 uw tn sftt tt acton ontario wednesday june 5 1968 oiiawb for poauf pam in cain ftt anon sixteen pages ten cents locomotive hufk and puffs aoaart of exjdts meat hit acton bait 9 so saturday morning as everyon wtumnetj- shot of the rntue e mad dash for the neret railway crossing w ctlcti i glimpse of 1 the leist nalde ifcf rpbretlllne iran noree in apertrioa pulling number ofteesenfer cure sad a baggage car belt patted past the station tnetr bscked up lowsjdsgebrgetown lor iorr approach to give camera enthuslssts second chance the coaches carried 550 mem bers of the upper canada rail road society who chartered the train on a return trip north from toronto union station to palme rat on on hand to greet an old friend was retired acton engineer john lovell who operated 6218 in ma daya on the railroad 6218 la a slater locomotive to 617 which stands as a per manent landmark at the guelph station the tour was such t success that society members are en thusiastic about maunf it an annual event t yj taxes uv ooftdon tutne delivers the sermon in decoration day services at fairvlew ceme tery sunday afternoon on a dais set up in front of a memorial to color sgr moore tho day was blessed with lovely weather after a week of rain and clouds staff photo rain holds off for 14th annual decoration day service at fairview woman smith continues study at sc degree norman b smith son of ur and lira w a elmer smith r r s graduated from the university of guelph with t bachelor of science atrieulture decree in the four year honors chemistry course the artec hit school graduate hat return ed to the university of guelph for postgraduate studios in bio chemistry for hia u se degree mr and ura smith attended convoeauoa in war uemoritl hall guelph uay 24 joan m cook honors degree uias joan u cook received her ba degree with honors in political science at the con vocation held at yorkunl versify friday uay 31 joan la a former student of both public schools in acton end of acton district high school in 19m the von a scholarship to york unltveratty joan hopes to go lo university of toronto law school in sept ember she la the elder daughter of ur tod ura walter h cook a former mayor of acton now windows are open at night the dredge motor sounds all over town someone who saw the crowds at the station saturday stopped bar ear and asked excitedly la trudeau coming told it was a steam angina she drove off briskly in the other direction the decoration day program has always boasted one weather through its past 13 years despite a few drops of rain this years parade and outdoor service on sunday afternoon brought the mildest weather experienced so far in a wet and chilly spring the parade speckled by a shortlived rainfall marched through the town to fairvlew cemetery once the service began there was no more rain although skidding black clouds brought sudden gusts of wind whistling through the tops of the tall evergreens the sunburst through periodically the threatening weather hadnf deterred attendance the usual large crowd gathered in the cem etery for the 14th annual decor ation of graves for the first time the platform was setuplnthe shade ratherthan on the sunny meadow just inside the cemetery gates the many lnattendtnee brought folding chairs sat on the damp grass or stood among the grave markers to hear the speakers after the clutensbandplayed several selections mayor les duby welcomed everyone rev gordon turner gave the address this year pointing out the essential meaning of dec oration day goes beyond ritual our actions prove the continuity of life expecting many of the flowers were placed on the graves of loving parents he asked is what they taught you still alive in your hearts have we adequately built on the cornerstone they laid for ua have you held high the torch in home life and community he challenged assuring his listen ers they could sow seeds of peace call to worship invocation and prayer rev samuel thomas read scripture and rev h j dawson pronounced the bene diction programs were distributed by cubs and scouts and the group joined in singing unto the hills legion members legion lad- lea tlretlghlera and lqde members picked up the bright geraniums massed at the plat form and started off through the eemeteryplantingthe blooms on the graves of deceased members uany families bad planted flowers or placed cut bouquets before the service and more placed their floral tributes afterward the band played tor tome time before the parade returned to the legion hall where a lunch was prepared the parade led by marshal william nlcolak included acton cltlsena band and the guelph pipe band and representatives of ua various participating organ- tsauona his worship the uay or and members of the council of the corporation of acton acton legion branch 10 ladies auxiliary to acton lesion lake side chapter lou womens institutes of acton and dublin acton fir department acton citizens band loyal orange lodge no 467 lions club of acton rotary club of acton acton ministerial association and the ys mens club of acton scouts cubs and guides mar ched with their leaders the st john ambulance ended the parade a color party included the flags of several groups david hunter was chairman of the decoration day committee this year with mrs j c jocque maud vvouk good iivw and smokln a cigar is my secret to long life claims c k browne who celebrated his 98th birthday on tuesday mr browne wasrecently made honorary past grand master of western ontario one of many top honors he holds in the orange lodge he continues to work behind the counter of his variety store on main street north staff photo churchill church future unsettled the future of churchill united church is still unsettled follow ing a meeting of the congregation tuesday uay 28 called to decide the future of the building a historic landmark the meeting revealed a split in the congregation over the pres byterys decision to close the church the four trustees harold grif fin archie kerr wallace swaek- hamer and clarence denny issued a statement to the free press this week which reads as of the end of june we of the churchill united church have by a majority vote of a duly called congregational meeting on uay 28 198 decided to con tinue the work of this church and that there will be no amal gamation or closing of churchill united church we wlu under gods guid ance find some wty to keep our doors open the four trustees of churchill church harold griffin archie kerr wallace swaekhamer clarence denny clerk of the session frank freeman who is also recording steward and chairman of the stewards ralph dennysaldhow- ever that the motion presented opposing amalgamation with trinity united in acton or clos ing wta never carried they said the congregation voted in favor of amalgamation by ballot but it was never re corded both ur freeman and ur denny dispute s claim by the trustees that the deed of the church building was never ceded to the united after the church union the congregation voted 103 in favor of church union in 1324 they said and an act of parliament in 1926 confirmed the transfer of property to the united church the minutes record a meeting at the church in 1926 where art swaekhamer explained church union but nothing was said about keeping the church both mr freeman and ur r denny told the free press meanwhile the united church presbytery has a meeting set in the immediate future to decide the official action of the church in the matter minor changes were made but all three sectors of esquedng township ratepayer- acton georgetown and milton areas will find a substantial increase in thojnlu rate this year esquedng council sat the rate at a long meeting monday night which will up taxes in theactpn ars by 12113 milts add 1505 mills in the georgetown area and chalk on another 1710 mills in the milton area the 1s68 rates for the acton area is 6301 mlus milton area is set at 6518 mills and the georgetown area is tops with 7108 mills additional milts are added in norval glen wil liams and stewarttown for street lighting of 258 159 and 34 respectively council decided to take a chance and knock one mill off the public school requisition banking on the board over-bud- gettlng there is also a railway bonus of one mill for everyone living in the area bounded by lots one to 15 and concessions ono to seven known as the in group jh county rate has been set- t 63tnhla the general rale is 818 for farm anjj residential and 1228 for commercial and lndqstrlal the public school rate has baen set ai 3086 residential and 3439 for commercial and in dustrial high- school rale for the georgetown area is z305 and 2561 acton area 1474 and 1638 milton area 1733 and 1925 fire area rates were set at 2 mills for the acton area 23 mills on the building assessment in the georgetown area and 158 mills for milton fire area milton separate school area supporters wlu pay 3086 mills on farm and residential and 3439 commercial and industrial georgetown separate school supporters will pay 26 and 28 mills respectively following is a breakdown of the residential tax rate for the three areas ttems affecttnijeeral rate residential tax rate acton george milton tne secretary and mrs george hargrave troasurer quite a few from outoftown returned for the annual service probably the oldest there was ck browne actonsaetlve non agenarian who observed his 98th rannaay luesday flags marked graves at st josephs and fairvlew cemet eries where geraniums were planted lions club members planted the bloomsat st josephs cemetery high school general county public schools fire 1988 rate 1967 rate increase 1474 2305 1733 878 878 878 663 663 663 3086 3086 3ffb6 200 230 158 6101 7108 6518 5088 5803 4738 1213 1505 1780 1967 1968 i actus proposed overestimate previous years 17490 interest 253426 350000 discount 446066 500000 roads 14361800 23030000 relief 2610961 2b0o0oo sheep 59600 100000 salaries 3723216 3810000 printing 241656 250000 logal 28100 100000 audit 115000 125000 exchange 46843 50000 election 145660 150000 grants 171801 170000 bau park 68428 70000 training school 24705 25000 insurance and carikpfbullding group insuranco 441151 450000 139614 170000 telephone 41387 50000 miscellaneous 244047 250000 conservation 881154 924500 garbage 270985 300000 charity 38887 40000 taxes written off 68781 50000 unemployment insurance stamps 29448 30000 revenue old surplus 989500 1247700 grants in lieu 11429 10000 ponaltlos 862814 870000 dog tax 187822 190000 ontario unconditional 3587550 3580000 ontario road subsidy 7218228 13070000 licenses 349000 350000 plumbing pormlts 76760 80000 building permits 319400 320000 roliof rocoverod 2019338 2240000 rents 4 miscellaneous 133450 100000 closing road 22013 325 stranded at buffalo zoo cuboree home five hours late six busloads of 325 wolf cuba parents leaders and friends hap pily headed off to buffalo too saturday but returned home over five hours late with tales of frustrating problems and com plications parents expected lite boys home between 6 and 630 pm but they didnt arrive uu after midnight anxious parents had phoned leaders homes each other transportation companies in cluding the wrong one immi gration officials at buffalo and even the police before the child ren arrived home phone calls made from the states hadnt reached all the many parents concerned the trip to buffalo was t georgetown district cuboree and the days eventsprovedhowbest- laid plans go wrong never theless the lads thoroughly en- joyed the special occasion the ave busesthat left george town picking up boys along the way were an hour tod t half late for the first rendetvoui point at milton plata the 43 acton boys were picked up at acton plaza and met the others at milton a utile late the buses stopped at queenston heights where the boys sat in a reserved area to enjoy their lunches with coffee and milk provided the scenic rnitetookthemptxt the rapids falls fort erie and over the peace bridge vttere special border arrangements had been made and the six big buses were expected and cleared with no delays at the famed buffalo too the boys excitedly started off in small groups with leaders to see all the animals they bought sou veulrs and snaeksfor themselves and the peanuts tofeed to monkeys and ash to feed the seal a complimentary entrance wu given ill the group to the rotary childrens too as well one norval lad was hurt in a fall from playground equipment and was treated at a first aid station at the too slightly dampened by drlulo the group met again to board the buses when the too closed tt 430 but their buses had disappeared apparently the buses had been notified to go to the department garage for a required mechanical pit inspection which the groups in charge had had no knowledge of it wasnt until 20 minutes to seven two and a quarter hours late that the busesplckedupthe children at the too bus drivers explained minor repairs had been made to some buses on the spot and the one containing the acton boys bad been grounded it was forced to return to georgetown empty while the weary boys doubled up in other buses no satisfactory explanation had been available to the distressed leader who made many phone calls during the delay it wasnt until monday that the leader learned from the chart ering transportation company about the standard us require ment for pit inspections fiveyeamdd hit by taxi fiveyearold paul looser suffered cuts when struck by a taxi driven by don greln on monday the taxi waa pulling into the driveway beside the tail stand when the boy waa hit he suffered abrasions and cuts to his face he waa checked by dr hut chison and taken to guelph gen eral hospital the day hadnt been planned to include supper but since it was so late the huge group was forced to descend on a restaurant for another snack provided with cuboree funds the bus inspection plus the lunch stop en route home were the major roasons for the ex tended delay a second reshuffling of the buses at milton produced one busload of acton boys which returned to tho actonplata where parents had expected them hours before some had been waiting there four hours with the 43 acton boys were mrs earl jordan mrs grant ura conroy mrs dsigle ur and mrs uurray scoyne and george ware ck browne new honor helton county lol was well represented at grand orange lodge sessions held in the cry stal ballroom hotel london on uay 24 and 25 attending were wor bro clif ford ebbs county master uttl 3234 wor bro ralph barlow deputy county matter lol 467 wor bro earl brown past county master lol 2429 wor bro joseph fuller lql 3234 and rt wor bro c k browne who was made an honorary member of grand orange lodge of ontario west a few swimmers braved the watera of fairy lake and rock- wood conservation area on sun day look mq cavities the dental division of halloo county health unit has been busy inspecting school childrens teeth during the past nine months and presented soma figures on ut work to the recent halloo board of health meeting it was noted 45 per cent of those children examined were found to be requiring treatment the dental hyglenlsts visited 5085 children in 218 classrooms and found 2303 needed treat ment a farther 22 children were treated at the halfmlay topical fluoride clinics almost 44 veahs in the priesthood for father v j morgan right gave him a few years start on newly ordained father michael bennett left who meet over the tea cups at a pariah recaption in st josephs church hall sunday evening pictures and story inside the paper staff photo

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