Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1968, p. 12

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ssfl t acton free pwu wednesday juno 19 1968 jftet press editorial pag tu4l mii eect ua the metropolitan toronto and reg ion transportation study which irtclud- ed all of halton county had the usual bag of goodies for communities along thelakeshore but utile itv mind for this areav although tffer were folir proposals submitted on which government j would tike comment made by rrtunlcl- palitles in the region there- emj little likelihood of me last two being mpv rnenfed number one goals plan 1mi all the earmarks of the one which willbe sel ected as a guide for future develop- ment it is characterized by a corridor of several urge cities of between 300000 to so0opo population bound ed by a parkway belt to the north and located eait and west of metro be tween hamilton and oshawa the cities would be linked to one another and to the regional centre by a system of com muter rail and expressways they would be approximately 10 miles apart the parkway belt which would run flvemlles north of the queen eliz abeth way is to be a dual purpose out er transportation corridor and part of she regional recreaffon area although the study was to have been concerned with transportation it turned into a aeepndary consideration to an overall planfor the region r r snce the minister of transport mf maskethn his remacki af the mooting where the study was outlined conclud ed that it will offset the personal jiv ing of every famllyin this roglqn we can only- hope itwill receive much et- teption from municipal officials in acton and district the govevnmont said it must select the par that is going to bo best for this region lot us make sure that it is also going to bo tho bost plan for this particular area it is a report which will require much thought and tho bost advlco be fore anyone can make any knowledge able suggestions wkata ih a name we can appreciate the sentiment be hind last weeks council resolution re naming the stream commonly known as the school creek to hendersons creek we doubt very much if there is much historical accuracy in the new name it is also difficult to determine how the stream can be hendersons creek from its source to fairy lake and then become black creek where it leaves the lake surely it is the same stream the earliest record we scanned gave the creek which was once a bubbly fresh stream the name acton creek the pond which once lay behind the present dills printing property was call ed the corporation pond not hendsr- sons pond according to actons early days the source of the stream is the spring on the third line a little over a mile to the north where it comes from the rock the creek flows through the near property the book reads comes down through the mrs swltzers mrs mcphersons mr d youngs and mr cjitwidl httea early birds in one part of canada could be the polls this election by 6 am thennanclal post says under the intrepretation act of july 1967 all polling must be conducted by standard time whether or not provinces are on daylight time and each electoral dist rict regardless of size mutt use the same time throughout cr 6 r june brides month and acton and district is supplying its share of lovely maidens at the altar handsome grooms loo w a lasbys properties and then forms corporation pond a mill privilege first used for tho old holt woollon mill thence it passes through tho school grounds across main st one or two lots and into fairy lake which covers an extent of 88 acres forming a penin sula of the public park and thenco through the old mill on across main st again to the mammoth tanners of the beardmoro intorests tho largest in tho british empiro which it supplies with splendid water for tanning purposes as you can seo tho pionoors did not considsr the stream flowing from fairy lake different from tho ono entering the lake no more than it was when it entered and left now vanished corpor ation pond consequently if the newly named hondorsons creek is to bo so named if should follow that black creek should have tho samo name or is tho naming of streams that arent entirely in the corporation coun cils perogatlvo if you are thinking of buying a house this year youll find it increasing ly hard and expensive the supply of mortgage money is tight as a drum and seoms to bo getting tlghtor mort gage interest rates may also bo going higher tt ir cr any form of government is no bet ter than tho men who run it r tf ii if you cant got a lawyer who knows tho law get one who knows the ludgo fancy chapeaux wore a field day sidelight at tho robert- little fiejd day friday taping a running commentary of tho events aregary cdgo nellie van dtsr kooy dobbio bpusficld arid jim fnzzoll staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley fathers day as ive said many a time is a farco only excoodod by mothors day well this year it was ovon farclcr than usual around our placo it all started with a couple of birdies trying to id ii two birds with one stone my birthday arrived this year on a sunday in june and my wife and daughter were de lighted to realize that it was also fathers day usually i do pretty woll in june first comes the birthday present with cards and love and a pair of rubber waders or some thing romantic like that which ivo boon hinting about for a month and which goes on my bill at the sports shop thon comes fathers day not longaftor and tho whole process is repoatod cards love a whltf of rospoct and somo golf balls or other sentimental token which see previous paragraphx i admit that its a lot of nuisance for the family but darn it thoro should be one month in tho year when a chap is compen sated for growing older by picking up somo loot ho needs this year the girls had it all figured out thoy could avoid half of that sloppy nonsonso of mucking about with cards paper and ribbon and trying to be decent to mo until at least noon and save money on the deal well i thought id go along with it ovon though i know i was being had i not only had a bath but went to church this tied in perfectly with the whole theme that it was not only birthday but also fathers day spurred by all the money she was saving my wife even romombored to got hor own father off a card and gift a uttle late as usual but sincerely felt nonetheless everything went according to schedule kim had stayed out later than i had sug gested on saturday night and i gave her hell when she came in but when we got home from church all was serene thanks to forgiving bigheaded bill she said tentatively happy birth- phtua few the paat pupils at omenock school about 1897 with their teacher mr archie mclntyre are first row annie currie donalda mann bertha clark louisa clark jennie smith alice stone mr mclntyre ida murray maggie dron ethel armstrong flora clark jennie allan maggie johnston harvey leslie will near roy wansborough ernest near second row ethel reed maggie boyle grace brown jennie crewson may crlpps annie allan grace mccutcheon kate cripps edna swackhamer myrtle mann cecil mclachlan will cripps edmurrav will armstrong third row richard near annie mcarthur jennie allan mabel mckeown daisy lambert mabel reed maltie crewson lelaiwansborough elva mclachlan lorena mclaughlan bert armstrong alex clark fred crewson darwin cripps fourth rovb herb cur rie herb allan billie mcarthur bob currie tcldie dron lome mcarthur chester mcbam rob allan ed allan hugh allan andy murray bob mckeown tom mccutcheon joe allan basil johnston will forbes howard lambert day dad and i said thanks dear and thon i said and how about a fathers day hug to cement the deal and got one then wo had thooremony she went off and brought in the box gaily wrapped and with ono of her own lnlmltabttrhomemade cards on top its a mil shoot of paper with happy birthday dad at the top in fancy letter ing below is a sketch two figures bot tom left is a stocky figure resembling a porcuplno graying but with a jaunty red cap and coat and a swinging scarf ho has a sad wistful smile and ono arm extended toward a bluebird which is flying away from him beneath the bird in fine iettors is tho inscription i give you all my love that nearly broke me up but i blinked back tho tears and opened the package there was a shoebox inside my heart sank slippers who wants them stocking feot aro good enough for mo it was a pair of golf shoos which ive neoded for two years and planned to buy this yoar ovon if the crops failed i have montlonod thorn only about 12 times since eastor however theyre expensive and only too well did i know that my usual birthday and fathers day gifts would havo cost me twice as much so i gave the girls tho old exactly what i wanted how did you know routine within half an hour everything was back to normal with my wife asking plaintively why i wasnt like other men who like to paint and my daughter trying to find out why im so square about drugs and psycho- dellcs and the whole lot but rovengo is sweet and i had mine that night my wifes father phoned she thought it was about his fathers day card and gift and apologized because it was late ho hadnl got it and seemed a little mysti fied her mothor wasnt picking up the phone she said do you realize fathers day is two weeks off the third sunday in june not the first and that gentle reader proves once again that guile is no match for goodness and explains why i scored twice on gifts as usual the acton free press phone 853 2010 bui neii and edtioul omtc ffig spi u w ii nj r skaii crs unjtvtujv s n i utmlvr kt ths toj 1 bur ike iuv4 nj oun4 4 it hi irf 1 y rvi4lul luwp i n ruwh juh 140 h fun d tinu nip lj 41 ta mlj la uji f it ojlu fapjiim i it 4 j if i thpuj on n iriji n ilk ul ufuiuj o hi a fu jl uptfj hi ifc n lumiltfr utlk dll u iiinjiuir mill nui la kjijj u rull ih tuun t ul lk jtvlltwmmml uill iw paul fi it tfw jftplk ahl rsl lf ik vnl ul j h r4phit1l frur jltrtltlaj tmfcjt 1 p f4tuda or tfftk tut uu b uu jm nwtvlv n jr to wli and mj hv wilkj i nv time- btfb ptiu taj ftuuij cat um huuv colm don lvjr rffret jdrtss back issues 50 years ago 100 years ago taken from the luue of the free press at thuradsy june 27 1918 total prohibition of the uctior t raffle in the united state will o into effect in a few months the 1z rrdluoo dollar emer gency agricultural appropriation bfll with its rldar f6r rational prohibition from next july 1 tiotll tbe american armies are o- rnobiuted after the end of the war was phased last wewk by the senate without a roll call before final paaaage of the measure the senate voted 4s to to re- tain the prohibition rider the manufacture of beer ha already been prohibited a concept of merit will be ivan in the methodist church next wedoecday night an excellent and varied programme will h given by ttw following talent mrs harold s nicklln solstj miss lillian alder son vocalist miss lskr and miss masoo in duets miss bennett and miss marjorie hope readers the misses maaon instrumentalists itev mr mayer will take the chair at 8 oclock miss m coopers millinery opening last week attracted many of the ladies of acton who admired th numerous styles mr and mrs john clarke are enjoying a couple of weoks at muskoka mrs george sopec wont to mount forest last week to visit her daughter mrs j livingstone taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton june 18 1868 is there anything to be done in the town of milton on dominion day many of the surrounding towns are making their prep- aratlohs and if anything is td be done speedy action 1 necessary wo trust that a committee oreituenswlll take themarter in hand and improvise something for iht occasion there j s a small sum lift over from the qjeon birthday celebration and with smalt supplettierjtar subscription tireworkrt could be procured or athletic games- announced at all events we trust that jh matterwill be taken up jlis wor- ship the mayor will wo suppose proclaim a general holiday j we observe that the grand jury recom- mend a grant of 100 to chief constable burger for his daring and clever arrest of john bottorriley alias smith we think the suggestion fs a very proper one and popu lar feeling would sustain even a larger grant by the county council mr burger has incurred considerable trouble and ex pense in the matter and has shown that if properly backed up he would become the terror of evil doers we trust that this is not the last arrest that mr burger will make may he effectually weed out the regulators cant happen hen whon s gunman shot down robert kennody to start anothor chain of tragic happenings in the united statos can adians wore understandably glad they wore snug north of tho u s border evonls in the u s whero assassina tion of tho brighlost moral and political loaders in time of groat unrest is be coming frequent havo been upsetting to its neighbors and allies we are prono to look down our nosos with the smug assumption it couldnt happen ho re lots hope canadians newer copy the violent acts of us politics like they follow american styles and entertain ment tho georgetown horald commont- ing on bobby kennedys assassination says ovents like this could happen here but it isnt likely because canadian poli ticians are important at home but dont have the world shaking influence of their american counterparts this is true of course but you dont have to turn the pages of canadian his tory very far back to find a parallel sit uation thomas darcy mcgoe was as sassinated outsido his ottawa rooming house in 1 868 a yoar after the confed eration in which ho played a large part a misguided fonian part of the irish american political movement did the deod and was later hung for it mcgoe had an international reputa tion as a poet oditor and orator and hold important cabinet posts in the can adian government he was one of the brilliant men of the day and like kennedy irish when the mood is right passions aroused and hatreds strong no country is free of the threat of violence to i leaders it was obvious from the in creased police protection political fig ures in canada received after kennedys assassination that the fear also exists here the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev h j dawson ba bth trinity church the united ctucb of canada minister the rev gordon b turner ba bjd director of music dr george elliott ma phd sunday june 23rd 1968 trinity ii v 9 00 a m the holy eucharist 10 30 a m church school 10 30 i in mallins ethtl christian reformed church minister rev p brouwer ba bd acton ontario sunday june 33rd 1968 10 00 am english service 11 10 am sunday school 2 30 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 a m everyone welcome bvanoe1 pentecostal tabernacle p a o c 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8332715 thursday june 20 8pm meet the candidate nighty- sunday june 23rd 1968 sacrament oi holy communion trimly united 10 00 am morning worship nursery provided churchill united church 1 1 30 a m morning worship sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 11 15 a m senior school gr 5 to gr 8 sunday afternoon congregational punic rockvtoud park acton aptisy church founded 1842 pastor- rev stanley gammon res 144 tldey ave phone 8331613 sunday june 23rd 198 10 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worihrp rin tranklin waldcn 7 00 p m tent crusade gcurjctoan plaza john 3 3 jeus answered and said unto him venlv verik i sj unto ihcc- except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god maple avenue rapttst church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor- rev robert c lohau sunday june 23rd 1968 9 45 am church school and adult bible class 1 1 00 a m morning worship no evening service wednesday 7 30 prayer meeting and bible study thursday 8pm choir practice he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of god hath not life 1 john 3 12 pressvtirian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h ucjcenxle bjl hi minis tj- mr e a hansen ba organist and choir mute sunday june 2jrd 1968 here is our sinnara invitation to the whole family to attend church 9 45 a in sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a in morning service 7 00 p m evening evangel 7 45 pm wednesday prayer meeting actun 8531956 georgetown 8776643 sunday june 23rd 1968 9 45 am final session of church school before summer vacation 1100 am divine worship and holy communion communion homily on the real presence june io september 1 inclusive com bined summer services with trinity united congregation at 10 acm in knox church tih end oi july evayon moat weaosan 4-

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