Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1968, p. 15

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get involved k davey tells liberal fundraising dinner literal supporters and woods of rod whirl ng gathered at a fund- raising dinner for the candidates and lo hear senator keith davoy peak at the holiday inn on thurs day davey told thu colloctlon of staunch liberals involvomont was the only way to make a democracy work many look down at a person bocaiisu of his political affiliations and davit y said this was wrongi the senator quoted m lafo john f kennedy as saying tho credit belongs to the man ih tu- arena who i marred by swoar wood and dual and at luast if he alls bo does it during gnatly andjiisp1acs nvvor with those timid souls who otrwtr know wlc- tory dr defnat ceeintuato ho positive davey said h said thu i lhorah could rldo tho past rocord of lester pearson whoso record is unparallellod in canadian hist ory let us nevor forget his achievements were accomplished while fighting against one of the greatest opposition leadors in canadian history he romlndod davoy said pearson had often spoken about thu now polltlci and ii sewmed fitting that poar- sons carver should i culmin ated at ihv same time pirrr trijdoau appeared oil tho sconn tnideou isthupursoniflrailoii of thd new politic mr pearson spoke of tho speaker said ho rofurnid to rrenloii ar plflnttrl- lectinl with tonwion serfs i tounji reform r anda nnl mhor ary he said trudnaii was roay to maki tojigh decisions and klvees the penpli both youny mid old mcwilliams unveils answers to housing peter k mcwihianii criti cized iho llboral govornmont for mismanagement raiiunk mm ruination of iho mnneiy markils and for ihelr faltiiro to solve hit housing crisis at a luncheon in his honor last week ho charged the i lborals wi re planning to cut tln auinunl of money available lo housing l 330000 ho outlined iho cnnsiirvatlvi program on housing i lie first step would he to stop llu gallop ing inflation and reduce llu in terest rates mcwilliams said a ministry of housdnr and urban affairs to concentrate nn llu problems of housing should hi sil up alongwllhalaskforci tosludy iho problom callliu on cxpurts to gather falls and roi nmiiiond methods for effedlvi hulldliif designs malerials anil uu thoils mcwilliams rulloratud man- fluids plan to remove tlu 11 por cent federal salus lax on hullilliig materials tho conservative program also calls for a land lank tnpilr- chace land aiul sell ii in lots to assure canadians would not he al tho hands of speculators totflm- u lul investment in iho lluiltid dlvldond hmiflnp corporations to provide low rental linoslni and lo authorize nha loansloown- ers nf mills liifondnmlnliiiiisqirli as town hnusliik mcwilliams uriid a uniform enjiliic bylaw slwwlnf imlldi ri what they can do with tin ir land he said most znnlniliylawswcre ohscuri he urtid lliat hinds frnm llu canadln old ai penslnn fund in lurnid towards linuslni aiulsue- 1istod an investment in a housi to live in would lie lietti r than an old ape pi ustnn llu conservative candidate said fi di ral funds jiqnld in available to nmnlclpalltli slofln- unii llu servicing of hulldlnr lots he said the cosnfsi rvln s roqulnd liytlu municipality from suluil vldurs amniinls in 3000 or 4000 and this added to tin prlco of tin hnme he proposed fedi ral loans lie made available al loss than seiven per rent mcwilliams di live red the speech at a l liinclu on in thu oakvllle chamlwr of com- iiu rce lounce last lunulay something to identify themsolves with davey cnioted from a 16-year- old boys essay trudeau is symbolic ot canada he is young wise and he is a swinger tho ossay read he conceded that both tommy douglas and hohurl stanflold are sincere bit insisted voters have the clearest choice in canadian history tl cholc- is between slanfleld who is slow slnci ro and stolid or truduau whrfli young exclllne and a reformer davey said thi ndp wert i iherals in u hurry and prc- dli ted l in pirhalni ill ihuy woilld pkidc he said a majority gov- ernmenl woeild bt in the i st inlori df tin country daviy warned the life of ah mp was not all ylamor yheri art many lone linow endh ss travel nomvllmis a rial drud- geryand a real sacrifice too one word secret to success is work he said and hud whiting is world lie harder than any of the other party workers rlpht now and harder than his opposition mayor macuian anderson of oakvllle was master of ceremon ies and head table gueslslncluded tolin llaletil mike ijdwlth whit ings campaign manager bob blake halloo i literal president lerry kennedy mr whiting and the senator halfhl anderson and lodwllh had all sought the party nomination earlier davey was appointed to the nate in iocs he formerly served as the i ihoral organizor for the nation and recently served a short li rm as commissioner ot tin canadian fnolhall leiapuo tho acton froo proa wednesday juno 19 1968 end of year for sunshine twentysin pupils from tho sunshine school in milton took to the stage on monday night for their annus end of school con- cort a crowd of list over 100 filled actons hohert little scnoolsud- itorlum to hear tht children nine songs and rerltn poetry punlu from each of tlu font levels displayed the prqfzresu achieved during the school yiar for txannile the heginnefta ted put s typical tfiisnnil it itilinborfi concert students and counting from 1 to 10 in charge of the seniors was school principal mrs jeffares the intermediates mrs michael the kinlors mrs dolbel and the beginners mrs hancock sunshine bchool will not act ually closei for the summer until the end of the week i he last day of classes will he saturday mrs jeffarusuxplalri jid ji s in make up for an ice sformlast wilder great way to campaign r h piorrr rl rirlmr tru i m pud whitmfl 5 hp and pnmr mini tor trudniu flid ntly th if i rolrtxed in tho holiday inn wimmmq ptioh ii a flork of mw oflkvilln dunnrj fridfly vkit a low mtnirtft frnlirkod in iljf our readers write need vacation money see hfc in i r i nd 1 comply hit mi lh of tin p i il ind won it i n i lf d nii i the p aa v iti r stiff photo 1- cheat dtbate r stanfield here friday oakvllle and citizens will leave a chaiui to compare bob aan- field and pierre trudoau friday whon the conservative loader pays a brief visit to oakvllle he is oxpected al oak queui mall at 4 11 trudeau attracted large crowds to the sami site last friday dear editor the rroat di bate has come and gone and its panning by some ri preventatives of the news media lias begun their groans arc loud and long because trudeau failed to materially as tho hon they had painted him in fact when he and mr stanfield both admlllod thai ihey had somolhing to hide from all canadians in thi form of campaign contribution sources their whole cast shriv elled in my estimation this was the in si tv deliati i have hoard and i congratulate the cnc on tin i r handllnc of procedure fcarh candidate had equal oppor- mobbed at plaza pierre gets in the swim by bob ilurtl i touched him itoucliedhlm one young girl boasted an old er woman confided she loo had touched the grand pierre asthou- aands of oakvllle and area dil uent pushed and shoved tlironeli crowds of people at oak queen mall in oakvllle friday al noon prime minister pierre fulot trudeau spoke to the crowd of over 3000 gathered at the mall he urged tho people tooncourag change and not to be afraid he contrasted a loose associ ation with independent provinces under a conservative govern muni to a strong united country with a strong federal govern ment under the liberal party the crowd yellud and scroam- ad support as 1 rudeau and hal- ton candidate hud whltlnc left the platform together and follow ed a police escort through tin crowd to his car as lie slowly pushed his way through the mob trudeau offered both hands to people on either side of him a collection of over1 from oakvllle police the cur the rcmp and a host of sec urity men held crowds back as best they could police walehed with rifles and radios handy from the plaza rooftop while the merchants al the plaia wore apt to make sonu business from the trudeau fol lowers the biggest speeial of the day was trudeau buttons police press and liberal of ficials followed the prime mini ster lo holiday inn where in dooueda green bathing sullweni for a swim in an outdoor pool lunched and did some business with ottawa by telephone v trudeau dove oft a low board several times and was soon join ed by an altracttvi blonde woman in a yellow bikini mrs aim vandonborr wlfi of llu inn keeper iot an autograph then ajiod if she could oln tin pm and w is wi icomed the two swam in the pool as reporters joked and shot pic tures go gel em tiper oiw man yelled nol lonf after tru deau and the blonde entered the pool andldate whiting appeared in a navy blue swim suit lust outside he pool an a on the opposite side of tht fence a crowd of georgetown youngsters wived trudeau signs and chant ed somewhere in the crowd some one is yt ulng hurray for trudeau hurray for trudeau llu chants later changed to hurray for whiting a french man among the younrslers yell ed ive k canada trudeau walked over and shook every one s hand rolloulur a private liinehtru- deau lalkt d to ntusimu for a brief period tin p m dress ed eomforlabh bit niodisth af ter his dip in tin pool asked lieu tu fi it ulwut being tin ee nter of trudeaumanla in said it was like being in tin middle of a evelone and that di scribed exaetl the scene at the plaza earlier a cyclone ik told newsmen lie was not a swinger but a hippie that is illp hoiustv in politics and that is what i stand for the liberal leader said hi said voung people had three choiees when it came to politics then eould rebel and accept iiolhlng offi red to tin m or they could accept evi rythlnp kist as it is given and do as they are told or tin y could become in volved and ask why ii is done this way and why cant it be done bettor with a pleasant swim a brief lunch and some business taken care of llu pm and his motor cade lilt tin road and left for burlington where he was wel comed by liu ral candidate john morlson mayor george harring ton and 1000 to 5000 people he spoke from tin sle ps at the hurlliittoir central arena 1 lie motorcade left burlington for st catharines for a late aiti rnoon visit and then returned to hamilton for a maor rally frldav ulcht tmdi an told ou r ldooopeop- li in hamilton civic stadium that labor laws would be revised to provldi 1 tier ticlinlques for sol ving lahormanaretneiit prob lems ho reiterated whamie told the people in oakvilh and burling- made while veu wait keys hintons 5c1 store arthur a johnson od omomitiist opan evary wednesday and saturday 34 mill si e acton 532520 ia acr rep brand beef acton electric company residential industrial commercial free estimates no job too big or too aall wn 8534234 65 main s n acton your freezer custom cut and wrapped mature aged to a mellow tenderness black- angus fronts 49s 61c 75 slulide j lb hinds clip thli number for rafaraiu phone 8530185 tunity to answer i aeh qui tlnu no interruptlnns were offi rd or permitted kimtli men all i di plnro these socalled di lab s win re the vlitnr is tin loudest mouthed and iho mil si luff r rtiptor the obk ft of political di itati i is or should ho to inform and this debate carried nit thai aln very well my hat is off to tin cbc jack henry 3031 nronh lid oakvllle onl bore the fellow who knows the same storlos as you do but always tolls them first acton precast concrete supplies manliracturers oi septic tanks all slioi 36 well tile and llda culverts 12 and is sidewalk slabs pig slats phone 8531529 don i ipi lick u iminiv keep yu tnmi uninyini tin vicitimi you noiil mil ilisurvi a irlveilo in irom itoiisoholel i in nit c will piy every iiimsi iriim iuhkiko lo limluin al hrc wo ii tell you m iifv inee wh it ynur 1 rivoln in will cost wo ii i ly it mil in ilnllir mil i nl- nn imlilun chirtios no entris nn siirprisi snellk now before you ian on the dolled line know what your loan will coil borrow up to tsooo take up to 60 months to repay 4i ylirnil neilil lilnnui vtrr mi h in il umiip lllr household financ georgetown 41 main street north telephone 8775221 hut 10 sllvari dapetlmanl store li iibiml mil iiiiiiiiii imiiri ion and asked hamlltonlans lo prepare to take a risk and nol to foarchanro wtewmwwmwe wide track pontiac v8 sale theres still time to make big savings on most- wanted options wo picuudtiveot our most popular pon tides and oquippod each o thoni with j327cu in vq push button radio with reartpeauer dolum suat and bhoutdur belts roar window dofoggor front and rtar loor mat sand a ronion control outtido rear view mirror then wo reduced the prices the models the grande pansilnno sport sedan tho pattisienne sport coupe and sport sedan the launnlian four door sedan and tho strato chief four door sedan choose your favorite for a summer full of driving fun you can aaue even nioro if you wish to add oira luxury options to your sale priced pontine the following four pacbag are also available at specially reduced pneas 1 27 hp 327 vs with powerghde transmission 2 275 hp v8 with 3 speed hydra matic 3 power steering with power brakes 4 power steering with power disc brakes and tilt typa steering wheel come in now and get your new pontiac equipped with any of these outstanding option package and save go widetracking for less during the widetrack pontiac v8 sale see your local authorized pontiac dealer- pete masson 351 ouhh si etr motors limited aden ortf

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