Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1968, p. 3

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planners envisage area cmiimm9d from poow l conference aftar thepraaantatlon that the term transportation study iu a misnomer the report was study of tb com plete development of the area with transportation u the vital una study officials recommended lbs ontario fovernment be res ponsible for planalng major iranaportatloo facilities within a rational plan the study also amid there is a need to stress the role of pubutftransportatlcp asa prime carrier of people in lhe sioo scalar mile area moat modlclpal official from worth halloo feoerated utile env tbnstaatn for thestudy although they falt would take some anamination before they could be fuuy aersialnied with recom- mendafioas outride of plan three whlctt would boost miltons population to 50000 people there were few chances in store for the north hilton area phinkett report recommendations that this ares remain larcely a rural area seemed to have influenced the study some the south part of the county can count on beln included in any one of the four plana bounded by the parkway bell on the north and lake ontario on the south the rrowtb of oakville for in stance is almost assured al though the estent of growth would depend on the coals plan imple mented the builtup area will stretch as far north as the pro- goals plan moo iv tected highway 403 site one facet of the study which drew attention at the later press conference was the projected movement of a million people in the south part of the region to the less densely populated sec tion in the north some news papermen envisaged a peoples movement like the trek to siber ia apparently but th minister of municipal affairs the hon d- arcy mckeough said tbey would be attracted to the north by op portunities of work and recrea tion facilities the minister said the govern ment was looking forward to the views of farm organisations in particular before any decisions are made on the goals plans all four plana revolve around toronto a fact which some dele gates accepted grudgingly the church stands by decision the free press received an official statement from the hilton presbytery realignment com mission of the united church which will help clarify the sit uation al churchill united church the statement isprlnted in full june is 1968 dear sir i would appreciate yourprinung the following statement re the churchill united church sit uation churchill congregation has had a long history of affective ser vice in gods kingdom it was established by men of faith who met the conditions and social structure of their day with sac rifice and courage that their ser vice might be effective not only for their local community but for the work of the total church and society tb rapidly increasing social changes in our day provide a real challenge lor the church to be as effective as possible both la soc iety at urge and in the local neighbourhood which because ol the automobile radio television larger school areas and other octal changes takes tn a larger area than ever before the church cannot be blind to this fact of todays society if it is to be true toner lord many rural and city churches with floe traditions located doe together because of bygone travel and or other changing condi tions are meeting th new fron tiers of the church by realigning to be more effective lnthe church work in sunday schools young peoples work church worship and outreach in the larger com munity and world it is the same pioneer spirit directed loth new frontiers of society for many years now a great deal of discussion and consider ation has been given by presby tery as to the future of churchill congregation and efforts made to serve itonafulttlmeordelned basis for the last four years the area has been studied by a realignment commission of presbytery the commission met with churchill official board on wednesday january 31 1968 with trinity acton official board pa wednesday april 24 to se cure as much new information as passible about the whole area in question other officii board meetings were he id at the request of the official board the commission gave due con sideration lo the present ar- rsnfjjnents prodmuy pf preaching points lbs number of families number of members attendance growth overlapping of areas interests facilities and the effectiveness of ttw total work in the total area in these changlnc times w it recommended amalgamation o urchlll united church and trinhy united church acton halloo presbytery consisting of an equal number of laymcnand ministers representing all past oral charges both ruralandurban is the court of the church that has immediate jurisdiction over th pastoral charges presbytery took into consider ation the unofficial notes the unauthorised petitions the ex plosive pressuring within a small congregation and the considera tions of the commission as noted above and voted as it has the authority lo do lo amalgamate the two congregations as of june 30 19u continuing lo perpet uate the excellent traditions of both in the one new congregation anyone desiring to transfer to another congregation would be free id do so the decision of presbytery still stands even though at a congregational meeting held for explanation after presbyterys decision the majority present indicated they disagreed with presbyterys action a furthur congregational meet ing will be held on june 26 to decide whether or not the pro perty will be part of the amalgamation ii is unfortunate thai dissen sion has been increased by some who have not been too active in churchill congregation or are not members or evenadherenls it is unfortunate thai sentiment ality and emotion have clouded the issue it wss hoped and still is that the church building will not be come an idol taking the place of greater service to our lord who calls us as a church to new ways of service and witness ii is hoped that the same sac rificial spirit of the pioneers will guide the folk at churchill lo have done with a selfcentred cosiness and dare lo reach out in a new adventure for their lord their children and the whole community and society it is not easy to advance be yond cherished traditions and hallowed places but we trust that all there may rise lo the present day challenge as many of the faithful families of churchill have indicated they in tend to do we pray that the long history of christian worship and witness at churchill will bear the fruits not the bitterness and death but of christian love and sacri ficial living as together the new congregation serves our lord and his people in the whole acton community thank you for the privilege of writing to your people yours sincerely george d watt chairman haltonpres- bytery realignment commission ask fob iitfiiitiiiil l iii us assist you with vous wi0dino hams come in and ask for your ree bridal gift register fe dills stationery 59 mill st acton population of torontos golden horseshoe area is expected o reach 6400000 by the year 2000 hdp candidate in rockwood phil lanthler ndp candidate in wellington told supporters in rockwood saturday afternoon that alf hales and ralph dents crit icisms of the carter report seem to be based 6n an inadequate understanding of what the carter commission proposed mr halos told the allcandi dates meeting at ross hall on thursday night that the carter report discouraged farmers and it moowners from making im provements to thelrproperiy he suggested that the profit a homer owner or farmer mljtit nuke in nulling his property would be subject toa capita gains taxi mr laiitliler pointed oil that thereafter kepor 11 veryfpuciftc in thles roatterv- dveryon is given a lifetime exemption- of wsopo in capital gains such an exemption would enable the average farmer or homeowner to sell property several times during a- ufotlmo without belnc subject to a capita gains tax 1 ho said mr dent hasrpiid that i capital jtalnstax would not be advlsablo for us because of can adas special conditions he fours said prof lanthler not unlike mr halos that incontive to invost in canada would bo lost osprinqe the acton free prost wednesday june 19 1968 ladies aid work bee visits in items of interest by mrstx g robertson mr and mrs barry clarke attended the marriage of their youngest son robert to judy nodwell at guelph on saturday mrs k klooster and daughter mrs paul hard and grand daughter bellyjo of orton re turned home on- friday after a months visit wllh the formers ttaiibhlerjiahe families at huston and srolthers b mivand mrs atvin mc- cutchudn guelph mrs harvey justin eyertoo mrs wm san ders erlilwere recent visitors with mrs m jackson on friday mr and mrs h r howard visited with mr and mrs earl howard at clarkaonjonsun- day they visited with mr and mrs it a craig in london the ladles aid of the local presbylerlsn church met for the last meeting prior lo summer holidays at the home of mrs byron bruce plans were made for the 7bth jtrinlmrsery service dfl sunday june 23 when the guest speaker will be rev d glbfop of tweedsmuir presby terian church pranfevtlle special music is belngarrang- ed by the choir under the direc tion of mrs norman mckansle several map from the com munity attended the qeork bee at everton cemetery on monday when the hedge was clipped mlas nancy grundy entertain ed several ladles on tuesday evening at a jewellery demon stration held at the home of her mother mrs georgb grundy mr f enns of winnipeg is visiting willi his daughter and soninlaw and family mr and mrs honry pankrals 1st line mr snd mrs douglas uobert- son sharon murrsy and dartahe ml ssm uclver guelph mr and mrs kun robertson and v donna oakville visited saturday evenlngv with d g and mrs robertson vj f a capllaf gains mx wore ith- plemented he reminded those prosefnt that he carter report had been pre pared by a number of canadas leading economists robert r hamilton optometrist m6 mountatnoiew road s georgetown 77397 1 jf 24 h6ur tovvinfc service tires and batteries service and repairs gasoline and oil richs bp service ori hwy 7 at sth line of liquating renny and dick voskamp 8532940 keep halton on the trudeau team rud whiting haltons liberal candidate is a man in the trudeau image young vigorous and vital he has worked for the halton community on civic boards and committees for twentytwo years he will represent you in ottawa especially in the areas of housing consumer affairs and eastern agriculture your vote for rud whiting is a vote for a strong canada a strong economy a just society a dynamic nation vote whiting x on june 25 for transportation to the polls call 8532225 published by the halton liberal association

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