j the acton free praia wednesday june 26 1968 recreation board proposes pennies to play in park pool osprinoi johns a w1nnh1 and iht chahis show ir hi lit 1iil wtnner and his wiff cllt ck incominc i i fc1 ion 111 sll u s elderly couple harassed by malicious pranks opp a waok of varied activity a week of groat acllvlty a wook of thieves of drlnkorsaccldiints inkirlon and damage that is the week ii was from june 10 tojuiw s2 10b8 a week when the slxl man anion opp force whllo working 240 hour a and patrolling 7b5 miles were called upon to lay criminal liquor and traffic chariot iho majority against local people incomplete invest igations being pureiied now will no doubt me additional charges pressed the 15 complaints recorded during our reporllnjperlodsomp of which were involved in the previously mentioned charges included one thoft whore he goods were recovered during the exe cution of a search warrant one break and enter in the lakovle subdivision one disturbance at a local hotel and 11 miscellaneous requests for assistance tour motor vehicle accidents investigated revealod six cars and a motorcycle damaged to an extent of 4780 while five of the persons involved sustained injuries infractions such as palling to stop careless driv ing and speeding wore found to have contributed greatly to the causes the driver responsible for the faulty driving in each incident will be summoned before the traffic courts other traffic statistics com piled show six traffic citations issued 11 drivers warned for less serious violations and one vehicle checked with regards to roadworthiness magistrates court at ullton ontario on june if saw the majority of acton rases re manded to a later datt but one person chose to proceed and was convicted under the highway- traffic act he paid tints and costs totalling 28 for causing his vehicle to make unnecessary noise in a recent qpp press rt- leaa we spoke of sadists at work injuring and maiming small animals we spoke of how ap palling we found this typo of complaint well of late we have noticed an increase in ycl anothor type of complaint wo feel is just as had elderly people elderly women particularly alone wllh no one to protect them elderly women easily frightened hecsnse of their vulnerability elderly women being harrassed and yes fright ened by thoufthtloss youths or perhaps some older than that windows broken doors hanged and smashed rocks slammed against house sides those are hit a few of the mallclouspranks our senior cltlscns experience is it your son or daughter the one you proudly introduce as mine parents you and your children will be old some day will you or they react favorably to such pranks wont you and they be just a little frightened too toaeh your children now to respect our senior cltlicns their age their safety privacy and property let it be said here and known now thai anyone found engaging in this rank type of activity will be dealt with to the very extent of the law we will not tolerate cruelty 800 worth of stolen goods found a search warrant wasexeeuted by acton police as a result of a complaint and 800 worth of goods stolen from an acton plant was recovered and taken to the police office on friday the investigation is continuing and there are reports of further thefts a- avis rentacar phone 8775323 special weekend rates free delivery a viinimm it will coat one dollar for the season or 10 a splash to use the park wading pool on saturday and sunday afternoons thla summer it was decided at monday nights meeting of the parks and he- creation committee chairman jh coy explained the move was not to make money hut rather for control we have to pay a supervisor to hu on duty at all times in the past the guard has been paid out of ibe playground funds but thla year it was decided to try to have ibe pool pay for itself leaving more montty lobw epentonsuppllusand activities if thevweatber is warm enough and the demandhllththepoolmay bv opened during the svnntngs wvllv chairman cayfemkrked face tlously thais the equivalent of two aod a half baurs wllh the beer strike on toe kid est af ford lo gn swimming 11ui hoard passed a motion allowing group plrnles in prepert park on lundays and holidays wllh a minimum of 10 tables at a cost of one dollar a table it was full that wllh the limited number of tables in the park reservations by individuals or small groups under 10 tables would not he fair in the majority of park users if the park draws largo enough crowds more tables may be purchasedthlssummerto add to the 42 now in use vicechalrman brendan ah- erne was instructed by the board to inveallgate the cost of ln- stslllng s higher fence along the edge of the park toprevent child ren from trampling on neigh boring flower hsds complaints had been made to hoard members about ihe children making a cer tain portion of the present funce regular shortnil into the park don frjco gave a report on the playground which will have us registration next tuesday he llstod supplies bnughl and ihe events planned for ibe sixweek period and displayed ihe now blue and gold jackets irarmty purchased for each of the play ground hiporvlsors he said he hoped that every member of the hoard wnula visit the playgrnind sometime in the aiinmer ml in seolf it in worthwhile chairman coy replied w4i- ii hultur 1i worthwhile or the hoard will i wtisrlnglhnse fatu y jarkels harold townsley ruijuesled a motion to put upfc slgiiprevuhllng motor vehicles particularly mo torcycles from entering ihe park grounds durliigplayground hours why put up a sign piped chairman coy anybody riding a motorcycle wouldnt li able in see itthrojifrhthedarkglasuik june month for weddings golden agers recall theirs luiki being the traditional month for weddings ihe golden age club honored their members who had neon married over 40 yours at last weeks nlghl meet ing ten couples were honored llnforlunslely mr winn and mr vlrkers were not well enough to he present and mr and mrs jag itolston and mr and mrs jack hargrave who have colo- braled their golden weddings were not able in he present mrs bradshaw played the wedding march the celebrants were ushered up lo ihe platform to recolve congratulations and to be presented wllh corsages and houlonnloroe tho froe press photographer arrived and with quiet efficiency soon had a picture of ihe group miss dorothy simmons sang i lovo you truly accompanied by miss jean mclean mrs shoemaker gave appro priate readings and mrs max milne also gave a couple of well- received readings a quarlotte consisting of mr and mrs r l davidson and mr and mrs robert mcenery sang when you and i wore young maggie and juanlta the rhythm band gave several numbers suitable for the oc casion mr davidson lod in a singsong with mrs bradshaw at the piano a decorated anniversary cake featured the table where tho hon ored guests were seatod for lunch mr and mrs robert mc- kikiry who wllh so years were iho longest married ml iho cake mr davidson on luhalf of tin head table thanked ihe commit tees for their kindness in pulling on the lovely evening mr mc enery also expressed thanks for the wonderful complete surprise what then could ho moru filling than singing auld lang syne and most be thortlo that binds before departing for homo chairs stolen four wrought iron chairs val ued al a total of 35 wore stolen from the model homo on elmore dr tho theft was reported to acton opp by james ryder of tho construction company when discovered june 20 i think you rtuuldpulupeehaln the motion was csrried mr townsley discussed ihe various activities in the arena this summer he reported that the roller skating twice a week has been averaging from 30 to 40 profit plana have been made lo have a live local group come in on saturday nights for a dance following ihe roller skating lecroeau has yet lo m a proflf for the arena but ihe board is confident thai in another year they will gel something nut of ii a fild to get movie in hit arena has fallen face first be cause advertising would lw lm- hnsslhhi an attempt 10 bring flh wrestling haaajsofalm how- dyer townley was instrurtudlo write to ihe athletic commiss ionaire for ontario in an jrttemol lo bring in something wxvh hover had bnf ore it was yqnorled lhal due to the drudging ihe luaih has inst six to eight feol of sand arui some of hut grass is lulng re movd lo eftlarge the heach in llw past ave weeks 120 cars have passed through the park gales to use ihe huach and pic nic area mr townsley announced lhal a dance will lie held in the arena july 10 wllh a kroun called the ran i- rend wo haxe ii drew 3500 kids in cuulnli recently he iwamed im not saying were going to gel 3500 lit it would lie nice if we got 600 out the kids are really an in this soul lype lliusle he ex plained dont doubt ii wllh a name like thai replied a somewhat dislvillovlng hoard member in musing over long range plans for iho future the board discussed the possibility of having a ronllmnua park all around airy laku the board would like control of the re claimed land resulting from hie dredging by elisabeth drive larl masales mentioned ihe possibility of tho town selling tho land to private interests mr masales was instructed lo keep plugging for more park land particularly a park entrance ad joining ihe cronk to highway 7 the board agreed lhal they would lie prepared to give up the present entrance if ihe new one earns about mr and mrs harold townsley liaveheen authorised to attend a convention aug 1821 in lon don being sponsored by the parks and recreation association of canada church anniversary bus trips graduation banquet in report lly mrs df hohertaon mulr prestiyterlanora gevllle hnice and i inda mi i mr oral kvane and son peter of monlreali mr and mrs m hutchison slid sons toronto and miss nellie allium i- rln were binday guests with mr hrtjflrs loriion allium mrs grundy end namyi mr and mrs unhurt grundy and david mv and mrs fieurge a crundyi mrs murray mrkllrlk and family allended ihe lwkur- weltu reuiilmi on mislay it mono mills mr and mrs wm ilptytursiw of nutwood visited nhtlundaywltli mrs r htw andonrls mrs murray mckllhi k enter tained a number of failles lues- day evening ala jnwellnryduiiiisi- stratum hollowing the diilay by mrs audrey lllllnn ihe hos tess assisted lly yrk marleiu harher sufvil refreshments and a social iteie was unjnyud miss lleterly hnicennrbe-ln- iralnlng al loroiiliiweslernlliiu- pllal was home for ihe weekend mudenls at ihe local iulilli school are enoylng the annual educational lm trips various place nf inlerem are imlng visit ed by llui different grades among which are the i- ire slallon and police building ihe waterfowl park eielpli niagara lallsj cast 1 oma toronto and mid land iho annual graduation haunuei was held friday evening it ilu school for ihe 11 pupils nf flrade b following ihe dinner a short program of speeches was held concluding wllh a dance brian houurlnn montreal was home for hie weekend wllh lit t parents dci andmrs knlierlbon congratulations lo mr and mrs robert llauna nee marluiu fuller on ihe arrival nf adaugh- ter mr and mrs stuart mrktnnon aru unlorlalnlug ihe mrktnnon- thomson reunion al their hnnu on sunday afternoon nora ktuhlilngirjii and barbara moore participated in lie piano recital given by ihe pupils of mrs gordon harris artc at her home on the highway on thursday evenjng mr and mrs h 11 howard spent ihe weekend in guelpli and attended the class reunion at the university of guelpli rev denis gibson of tweods- mulr presbyterlanoraigevllle was guest speaker at the local knox preabyterlen church on hunday morning for the loth almlversary service the church was filled wllh metnliurs and former tnemliers hnicu and i inda mi kunale added to hie servlie the uuulrwasiindarlh direc tion of ihe organist mrs norman mi kelllle ibe morning service al burns f hurnli i rln was rancailad to alfriesis who j p friendshlp sis fellnwslilp lo- lhi uullwr mr and mrs william webb giielnh f lutliuj vrslted no jui- iwo mnihtirs by the luujui ley wllh mr and mrs dan wn holr and a iuel ly jiruikla tr inwnlliij new balers interest free to june 1 1969 s buy troublefree baling s jj see the massey ferguson 9 and 12 j balers with or without p t o throwers s bl s milton equipment co ltd 3163 base line rd 8821 2f s sihblhmmhmmbfmmmhklhmaillllllmmglliglblmbfbfslsfhkfi awberries ly j pick your 0 ah tirn vouc0 l how to get there r acton oi i no 10 sueiraad brobar farms exit 3 hwy 401 0 miiton ondlays wednesdays and fridays 7am to 13 noon 5 m to pm saturdays all day 7am to 5 fm quart pickin boxes only bring your ownor purchase at catch rluu no children ueder 13 allowed in the patch brobar farms dr john f brown vern t barber rr 3 milton conveniently located on paved highway exactly 3 milet north o 401 on hwy 25 ample free parking teats that make the mal mow lovell bfot modern meat market maplo lof sp cottage rolls 59 fresh pork shoulder roast 49 lb lean shoulder roast beef 73 lb lb choice rump roast lb lb beef 95 wound chuck 69 lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill i acteh ke t33340 daily delivery j if you bought your cottage for relaxation install electric heating and relax take a holiday from heating headaches forget messy maintenance and service problems get qway from it all with electric heating when the first buds burst and the last leaves fall you ii have the cosiest cottage on the lake see about electric heating today it s the carefree way to keep a cottage comfortable live better electrically acton hydro electric commission 43 alice street phone 8532410