Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1968, p. 10

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atti jta district pags eden mills holidays visitors camps cottages in district news by mm r wright tfr and mrs j cann and family aru tin holiday at bayfluld mr and mm garnet mac- dougmll mr and mrs jack- charoburlalti andthroo children aru holiuayliuj at little wliltu fish laku parfy sound for ono week w mr and mrs wormap mar- ahall it and throb ohlldron have uift for iho monlh of july to stay at ihulr cotlagu at ddo laku mr and mrs herb gllborlson apdhj tui holiday woukoddalltloir sons cottage at urock lleach mrs cralk of oakvlllo- is pending a fow days with nor daughter mr and mrs ii drys- dmlu mr and mrs iloss camphil aru at bulwood laku for tho weekend mr ogk mcloan branlford mr and mrs w mo loan mr and mrs bon wilson and family woro visitors of mr and mrs w wilson also mr and mrs iibk dudd miss pal wright was home from hamilton school of nursing or tho holiday jimmy gubortsoh js atunain a scout camp at peterborough iorton days miss eva stuvonrfon is ar camp i algortojulnpark the christian husltosn men of kitchener took thu survlroun- day at fcdun mills irusbytirian church aside mini slur and family wirro attundlnk a pmlly reunion in ottawa miss bonnlu maoflougall wat iii montreal ovur ihu holidays mr and mr lamus hainur are al hrnce mtrms ov r tlio holi day weekend iv erin twp elects whiting jlojlodlng tho trund in llallon erin township volormnvvo uhur- al dud whiting ihu ndgo in last wouki ulucllnn tho aclon froo preai wednesday july 3 1968 9 discuss subdivision for campbellville area liprfinltlvfii of thu ontirln wttitr uti xir cuti cormnlnslon and nbkirwuya cruwk ii 11k- ctinsfid luiit for a prapawiti wih- davlnlnn in tiipuhvilltt it ft trul rnimitlnn llnirmuy tftur noon y ffi sapijj dpityourielf prkyoornwii ftrwhurry husl- nes is wwiipii this wk olio ideation south of acton on tip highway closed monday- liionjluf at 11 am aftnr btifl pic bin had cleaned out llw diys crop severalother ltlh art well palrenlrod a ii huddyknpp niparvlsorof waturwnrks andf mills district tnglnour for owltc dlscusaud with rnunrll thu hurt way to pro- vldii waliir for the suhdlvlalon itm subdivision firms have apiiroai hud runnel for the ron- irail itu preliminary plans ghow tin subdivtalon wilt ix atod tii campbullvilln south nf 401 highway and will t latg nvtikti for 16 hombs i ith roprowiitatlvus adviaed namill 16 have tho ahbdlwders take ari of ihewalorandiaiwvi rrnthintk tujally itlsdoiai lll way and thuithitnlclpallty lkos over ownership if ink sys- tein when tliv last liomu la built trra cotta conservation parcs new onlriir we officially npemxl iit woclruidfty ijflornnofi by rnnmhnri of the crli vnlley coniorvntlnn aulfinrjly ihhwrj horn prnpnrinrj ebenezer or lh refenrtooy onh one hitch ajunloped crosautimi ovflivtrtfj from tlwj tirkft lionlh lo iho fldr hnni xio too low lor bion nd luoi mprs stiff photo following aru lliu rosults ly polls poll no 1 poll no 2 poll no 3 poll no i poll no 5 poll no fi poll no 7 poll no 8 nop 23 28 31 44 25 s8 20 30 200 pc 71 bg 04 54 30 100 05 80 575 lib 40 75 102 48 58 113 58 113 107 mark triple anniversary student takes church service ludjaflur ihajrlnr iry i ihlirt pny iuktloii ymi would liku in aik lifuru- ninjdirliiiillui uvldmv- luror a i ruiplu of ii h would ilk lo know if ihu imundanl hullfld ihu mall nrui r two hrairn and how did hu kuup ihu vioki mil iffszs frid a horman tljtlllllkthlii s8 st iiriti so iilpli out trlrphnk si4207l wmmmitimtmmmmmiltimmmtmtmmtttmttmtitimmmm0timmmi00tm by mrs lion mcuian thu sllviir wuiiiuiik annlvur- sary of mr and mrs waltui lucas was cululiralull on iho loudly shady lawn nf tholr hninu mora than 100 frlunds luilnlilwnt and rulallvus loliunl ihum in cululirallng ihu happy ociahlnu among many bountiful cardi and ballinafad call public meeting to discuss future of ballinafad cemetery by mrs ii shorllll congraliilatlons aro oxtendod to all tho puptlson tholr succoss ful year al school anolhormlu- stoao is comploted for thorn and holidays will soum vory good to thorn anno shorllll and murray jam- loson woro succossful in ihulr grado 13 at acton high murray has ban a honor studsnl and wo undorstand ho has unrollod in iho wuslorn unlvorslty anno only had to wrlto ono subkict and has enrolled in lakoshoro teachors collogo mr garry brown has socurud a position with brlgadlor wal lace mrs scull hold a rocllal ofhor piano pupils on thursday night in tho church a vory unturtalnlng program was prusunlod and oach and ovoryono should bu com- mendiid on their splondld por- formanco awards and certif icates woro handed out by mrs scull miss bonnie beer tavorodwllh a beautiful variation of what a friend we havo in josus parents enrolled their children for the fall term the womens institute spon sored a bus trip lo midland and other points neturnlng homo they stopped at siayner united church whoro ihoy enjoyed a tasty suppor put on by the ladles of that church of which mrs ellas choyno is a mombor mrs blackburn and hor son of now toronto havo purchased tho former wiuiis placu on the town lino and have moved thorn we welcome thorn to our neighborhood mrs catharine uatthows negotiated the sale a number attended thoprosen- tatlon in llmehouse hall for miss lillian brown mist lynne waldiu and mr ernie medland wore married in knox presbyterian church ac ton a week ago friday evening rev mckonzlc officiated a reception followed tho wedding at maplu view lodge mrs sloksoraltls hasruluriuid home from a visit to chicago pupils of grade 5 brisbane school onjoyod a bus trip to niagara last thursday a mooting of iho irusluos and socrutary of ballinafad comutory was hold on thursday ovonlng at f w shorllllg hoove jack son atlondud and ii was decided to hold a public mooting to dis cuss iho fuluro of said comolory annnuncomonl of which appoarud in iho coming events column this comolory has boon carod for by a handful of pooplu for many yoars many of our foro- falhors aro rusting ihoru and it is tho fooling that any who have lovod ones burled ihuru should allond said moullng and oivo volcu to tholr idoas ii would hu rogrultablo for this promlnont cornur lollonugloclod and brush etc to oneo moru take ovur rvon for all of us whollvo huru it would hu an oyusoro so it is really tho responsibility of in all a ploasant ovont took placu in ballinafad church on sunday aflurnoon when bov johnson ad- mlnlstored iho sacrament of bap- dlsm tho raclplonts wore mrs eddlo moloddl and the two llttlu boys who aru tho family of mr and mrs eddlo moloddl just a fuw of us woru prosont and what a lovoly llttlu coromony it was dr and mrs hold wore namod godparonts of ihu wuu boyii mr and mrs garrutt spout last wookond in tho putorborough aroa dublilu was a guest of punny shortlll for tho wookond mr brnlo barium lias huun working in ihu nastorn towm nf ontario for tin- past weeks thuru is a survuy nf thu anglican churchus in thataruahulmrmadii this wouk ho is in colhnrno grafton and cohnurn mr and mrs rtodun woru in nova scotia last wouk on liifi- inoss mr and mrs it somurvlllu connln and kathy vlsllod the harry sliorlllls on sunday comrratulatioiifi to mr ana mrs earl burt who wuro mar- rlud in nasmtgawoya on saturday earl lias liulpod us with local program many timus andwuwlsli til in and his bridu a happy fnluru mr and mri ld smith gor don and stovlo unjnyud tlu-wui-k- oiul al crudyvlllu park whore thuy have a trailer for camping plftr riiculvnd wempole lamp from thu family son lloyd ruluhratod lili lilrlhday that day and the same date was also hid weddlm anniversary nl son bill mr and mrs william ijiras of burlington mr william boyd nfmnrrl stem cnmluctud thu sunday survlru at i lienerer while iluv iliissoll iiuley was admliilslurliir enm- inunlnii at ahorfoyli aiulmnrrls- ton mr boyd is to lie rnnirram- latid nnrerulvlitfrhlfnadiiprei from waterloo dnlvurnlty in iiil fall hu huplm studies at lor- nntns lnirnamiiil cnllige mr hnyd lusud his thmightf on thu third chapter of james a lilt in hu- horses mouth is a small till rip 1ml wlthlttliedrlvei controls hie larpi animal huge ships an irovernedliya relatively small rudder i von so the tniunii is a little member and linaslelh gruat things tho tongue is a flru ii is an unruly evil full of deadly poison give home lived in look if ihoro is ono thing that can be i the carrying out of ourpatrols said of police work ii is that tho and particularly on tho midnight ralo of activity is novur at a con- shut wn all tho town buslnoss riant lovol from high to low and proporllus are chockod wo aro back again occasionally settling constantly confronted wllhunllghl- somswhoro in betweon is iho most accurato description of the police work pace our reporting porlod of juno 13 to 29 1088 finds llsolf in iho somowhore in between category as eight occurrences including tho thoft of a bicycle an insecure premise and a liquor seizure were roporlod to the aclon opp de tachment the remainder of iho complaints lodged wore of a minor nature for the sixth time in 10b8 our traffic patrols do not include acci dent investigations and yet iho overall number of accidents in vestigated this year is running far ahead of 1987 other truffle stat istics complied during ihu 102 hours worked and g54 miles pat rolled show nine citations issued nine other motorists warned to correct their driving habits and 75 bicycles safety chucked in our continuing bicycle saioty program od promises it is lo the mer chants advantage to absorb tho slightly higher oloetrlclty costs to assist us in safeguarding your properly a lighted premise is far less inviting to an unwanted and unwelcome back door visitor than an inky black loru a slnglo 80 wall bulb may light the way to honesty in todays modern society thoro aru many muchanlcal devices that could assist you in thwarting wouldbe thieves one of the most common and most ingenious of these devices automatically acti vates particular ughtsasdarknoss sets in tho cost involved in the purchase and installation of this headquartersl larga slrtloti of evergreens shrubs perennials roses potted ready to plant cut flowers and potted plants always available chack your evargrmrtt shrubi and tra for inuct damage i everything for your garden caroline flower garden shop two miles wist of acton south side of mwy notice the congregation of churchill church welcomes one and all to worship with us this coming sunday at the regular time 1130 am mr r hyde ba will conduct the services ilnw many friendships have uien broken hy some hioufhtless word it would lie usl as easy to eninurage a child for some lood point rattier miaiii oelliiiial- ly finding fault ifymir lilld falls a frade al sihool ii will not help hi in pass next tlmulfhlspareiits laliel him stupid we often feel we ran say hie meanest lhlns to thosi we low tin liesl birthday routings wild ii years old oi to willie iwu 10 next sunday miss greta iv fiould former missionary in i erinosa will la tin sjm abi r i here will lu a iiiw ilmli on inly 14 there will lu a speaker from i in gldi ons on the last twosiindayslnjuiy church and inula y ulinol will he cancelled we wish hi v ond mrs hiissi ii holiy a refp slilnif holiday on their trip west t1iln wsrvieo will provide you with plenty of hot wntor for all your botmahold ruwila tdros new mot water service a low monthly charge oovrai installation of a modern auto matic electric water hontar all hervlco and mnintonanc including replacement if neoemiary eoet of electricity our staff will be glnd to tell you all about thlu alfinclualve hot water 8kiivice acton hydro electric commission 41 alice st 311410 ica foods iga foods iga foods ica foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga iooi ka h k atbm wmmm machine mlrlit easily lie offset in the loss and damage of property it could prevent nol only murcliants bit vaca- uonlng homeowners too should rive this and alarm systems ser ious coneldorallon when consid ering tho proioctlon of tholr property local people loavlng town for evtondud periods of time aru ad vised to make arrangements with frionds or neighbors to liave tholr home chockod regularly have thusc pooplu unlur your home alternate the lights loft burning change the position of the drapes glvo thu house that uvodln look you are also invited to leave your name address and length of absence with the police offlcu thu patrolling constables will make an offort to check thu o- tcrlor of your home pickles libbv s fancy fruit cocktail 1h 259 libbv s t ja alphagehi 2 49 iell 0 gelatin 1f fa desserts 10 99 1avk on hcalth beauty aim gillette right guard ula ii i inta x atuniuat grooms ctean colgatf denta1 cream 9 ica choice m pa apple juice 4 59 lean al ml 75 soft drinks 12 89 fruit drinks 3 98 marsnmailows 25 3i 49 biscuits ica salt i vinegar potato chips mozcm roooa 53 macaroni cheese 4 69 haddock batter grape juice 3 1 cuintt mat ht mutt iiotta lemonade 10 89 hi the daott cae t caul uih i oil all wmlti large eggs285 cheestcuts 79 cheez spread u 69 89 peaches 35

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