Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1968, p. 2

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the acton free pnase wednesday july 3 1968 ctectfon analifma reasons for the liberal party auo- ceaa in the generel election laat week am being bandied about by expert of every political atrlpe some auppoae that pierre elliott trudeaua magnetic personality and charm wooed the electorate to tucceaa- fully that they voted for him and his party despite any convictions they might have held previously others hold the quality of the opposition left something to be desired and n intelligent vote could only po on wy to trje lb- erala there are others who supposed some of the recent legislation on div orce and abortion proposed by mr tru- deau reached a smashing climax in the heavy liberal vote doubtless there were rriany influ- ences yvorklng or the choices canadians made at me polls but the most sensible brie the one which exerted the most weight was the simple- need for a majority government people are sick of the constant bickering in the house of commons over legislation the elec torate would like some action after year of petty quarrels between fac tions there was not political hokum in volved voters went in the words of the songvhere the action is trudeaus party endhit straight from the should er approach promised the voter action it is unfortunate however that some of the ablest men in the conserva tive party went down to defeat tommy douglas too the star of the great debate and certainly a dedicated man with a profound knowledge of canadas social ills was beaten by a comparative unknown the new democratic partys poor showing after some optimistic forecasts poinds out the futility of a mulii party house of commons with no hope of formlrig a government the ndp on nailed off votes which could have made issue clearer certainly the example of other coun tries with multi party systems is enough tofrriake the average voter take thought compare them to countries with a two party system good idrfas legislation and social ac tion now muted by lack oy a majority could influence the thought of two large parties radical ideas could be temper ed by moderates before they even got as far as the commons the two party system is one leaf we could well take out of the united states book centnveraial hail epptt are the recommendations of the hall report on education a step forward or do they represent a betrayal of the system of schooling in ontario the georgetown herald makes no bones about sympathy with the latter view in a bitter editorial assailing the report the herald says the proposals would be as deadly as a communist takeover the herald editorial sometimes in business its bet ter to absorb your losses start over again and forget you ever made a bad move this is our advice to the ontario government and education minister bill davis in particular were talking about the hall re port on education released last week cost according to dally news paper estimates was about a quar ter of a million dollars it recommends completely un graded education in the whole ele mentary school systems permissive studies choose what you like drop what you dont no examinations no report cards and on and on and i on was this compiled by a group of crackpots the only answer can be yes despite an imposing list of creden tials which include university presi dents school teachers businessmen lawyer are they out of their minds carried away with wild theories tome of which may look good on paper but which would lead to a lost generation if those in positions of authority decide to implement the report again yes they have completely lost sight of the fact that our world is a disci plined one and that one does not acquire this by magic but by a long process of learning from parents teacher and playmates already our school system has gone too far in freedom of choice in dropping final exams and departmen tal in bowing to student demands for a say in school administration the end result of the hall report would be for a student to go through the entire school system with stud ent parent and teacher completely unaware of what he can do and completely unprepared to enter this hard old world of business we talk a lot in our democracy of guarding against iron curtain in filtration a school system such as the report proposes would be as deadly and as final as any commun ist takeover could ever be we think the herald is being ex treme in its views of the report but think there are some points on which the editorial scores if the recommendations mean a breakdown in the selfdiscipline of stu dents well then there is reason to fear it if they herald an era where students will know or be taught at only one branch of the tree of knowledge to the exclusion of all else then it will be a catastrophe the way we understand it however is that the report is attempting to cor rect weaknesses in the present educa tional structure although some educators have been guilty of wooly thinking in the past and will likely continue in the future there is merit in the reports attempt to do something for those who are illfitted for the present system the philosophy behind the report could be called radi cal but it remains to be seen whether it will work or not the only way to find out is to im plement the ideas if it is impractical and shows signs of being a backward step for education then we can surely return to the less radical philosophy ttt tutfess back issues tf amt i 1i mil dominion day in prospect park enjoyed the beach on the sizzling uon- was ideal for bathing beauties and girl day holiday watchers alike over 200 swimmer rctuff photo jfttt tyftzz editorial pag sugar and spice by bill smiley eeomuha uu whomplng up a few bars of soap when youre running short these vploneer women had to depend on soap recipes handed down by their another because it wasnt available on grocery shelves in year gone by photo is by the late r r swallows of goder- ich a noted cameraman of early life in ontario this is being written before the national election and theres nothing more exhil arating thin going out on a umb it begins when youre very little when you eat a worm to see it hell really stay alive inside you or pick up a toad to see whether youll wind up covered with warts later it might be climbing out on along shaky tree umb over a deep pool when you cant swim or it might be caught up in a tree shirt stuffed with apples while the voice of geo j jehovah thunders from beneath come down ye utile dlvils i know yer up there and 111 whale the tar out of yes and the pouceu put yes away far life or it might be caught in the act of swip ing corn and racing through backyards and over fences with the cobs dropping and your heart thumping and the shotgun going oft lnt6 the sky or it might be about age 12 smoking butts with the hoboes in the jungle be side the railroad tracks and having a drunk with a gallon of wine come up and start terrifying you with all sorts of ob- seenlues you dont understand or it might be about 14 and spotted uke a hyena with pimples having to ask a girl to a party knowing that you are the most repulsive awkward booby in town this is a rotten umb to be out on it could be saving dont you say that about my motherl to the bully of your age and sailing into him yourseu outweighed 20 pounds but your fists and feet and teeth going uke a windmill or it could be a swimmingly eihllaratlng moment uke the day when i was in high school and kissed my french teacher up in an apple tree she was a spinster and six years older than i but if i recall it was a swooning experience and i think we both wound up hanging by our knees from the umb these are some of the limbs ive been out on lots of other umbs crooked umbs rotten umbs smooth ones brittle umbs sturdy ones we have all gone out on a umb when youre young you dont really know the difference or you just dont care its eumblng out on the thing that matters evea at 20 1 was eumblng out on a umb trying desperately to make the grade as a tighter pilot sweating blood so that i eould climb out on the fragile wing of a spitfire and be uuad what an irony those who didnt make it were brokenhearted and then theres the umb of marriage uoat tnalea win eumb out on the first hub that is endowed with long eyelashes or trim ankles or a big bust even though they know its a very green one or a very brittle one out they go i was lucky the umb i cumbed out on was firm but yielding green bit not brit tle and i dam soon discovered that when you cumbed out on that particular umb you didnt carry a saw but a parachute and an ironbound alibi however what i started out to say was that as we get older we eumb out on shorter and shorter safer and safer umbs unul we are finally left clutching the tree- trunk even though were only two feet off the ground the old umbs or the youngumbscreak- ed and swayed and cracked and dipped they are replaced by the umbs of safety and conformity and security and enough life insurance and the sad part is that these are the umbs we want our children to eumb out on no farther than two feet from uio trunk and no higher than two feet from the ground while they want to eumb on the swinging umbs that wlu sail them to the skies or break and let them fan all this of course is a preamble to the fact that im suu wlulng to go out on a umb if somebody will fetch me a step- ladder to help me get started up the tree i repeat this is written before the nations election theres going to be a landslide it may be in quebec or ontario but its more ukely to happen in the rockies the acton free press phone 853 2010 busmen nd editorial office ritutulfj n ii end pub i tlwd trvrry tvatllwulgy ji vi u u s a ui un eftu utmbcr uf itwt oj i buttjit ul c tulil un ik cuifca auul own h i ng rjir un rrquatl subttniv wn futjbi n jj jrur woo n cafuila t n j i uuiiruk uirwr ivan cjruulj unju cop hk auihun j j second cli ui i ihmi oh urn tkpjitnunl otumi aldurl una it axevpud 08 irw- uful luwi ihil n the nni ul itpugfafthlceu errur i rut puftiun ul the autivriiufif ajltttt osr upuii b ih tit tftrou ion loihir ullh irltunthl dltou jfuf i at sifrulun ttlll nol bar tuimd tut lui iha- bjuiur of itw jtvn wnunl ill be pjul i x the- pplubu rat in ittc etnt ul j nptttrvhual rtrui adtrd tint food tw urntt el uruttf p guud or wrvwtta tut nut br au4j ajtehia ny u rwrvly an utur ii vrlj and mat tw wiirulftmn at anv hma- bktt fttkuiekj md rymatiu c lu oauj ft dill puutuur turiioy filial don kydtt kalsw- coitvnjki 1mt 20 years ago taken from the lasna of the free press of thursday july 1 1948 the home of ur and mrs g a dtlu acton artistically decorated with pink ros es snapdragons and urge baskets of pink and white peonies was the setting for the pretty wedding on saturday of frances elisabeth dills ba only daughter of mr and mrs g arlof dills la clarence bod- rick prosaar ba elder son of mr and mrs- wjroserrfrurklnd late louis- dickering performed the ceremony the wedding music was played by air frank daley of toronto it would appear since the elections in saskatchewan that the ccf lent h upward swing where it has been on rial ontario elector may wall wonder when they ware fed such glowing report from saskatchewan why jtbe cct lost evev a doaen seats last week ray father morgan left acton this week and sailed from new york today on a two months visit to ireland and the british isles james dllts left this morning for sher wood forest boys camp in rauburton where he will be a counsellor for two months fred james who for several year peat has been chief press officer dominion department of agriculture retired on june 8th miss dorothy pallant has been auceestul in her second year examinations in her course in occupational therapy four boys from acton high school left this morning for a ten day cadet camp at ipperwash 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday july 4 1918 two uttle girls were told by their teach er to design a specimen of millinery when both drawings were finished one child whispered to the other how do you spell mllunery i alnt atakln no chances came the whispered response im just agotn to put down hat acton is not yet as loyal to the flag as is desirable in these days of crisis on a day uke dominion day every home and every business place in town should display the colors not one half of these had flags trying on monday let us make an effort to improve on this and give occular mani festation of our loyalty to the empire and our love for the flag william johnston was sumtnonedtocodrt at owen sound under the anuioaflng law and given a week to start work a toronto man was fined for trying to drive a ear and hug a girl at the same time the country stands for no manner of waist these days the acton red cross society tfalppedlast week a box of suppues to the army medical corps containing 54 pyjama suits b cush ions 1 caps 75 handkerchiefs 182 pairs of socks have been knitted and sent to the men in france durlngthepast three months mr and mrs george dills spent the houday with toronto friends 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday july 6 1893 the reduction of the rate of postage to newfoundland from live to three cents is one of those things which should have been done long ago it is absurd to send a letter to texas for three cents and yet to ask two more cents to an island lying right in the mouth of the st lawrence the next re form should be a reduction in the rate of postage to britain i why some people uke dominion day becauae one may rm dlaay and 6 forgiven because its so much nearer to the next houday because the troublesome small boys have a chance to uu themselves becauae it gives them a whole day for love making and loveslnetfahla ineftebla- naas v the acton tanhlng co closed ihslr tannery last friday tor a couple of weeks most of the men take the opportunity ot visiting friends out of towp during the re cess kingston jul 2 yesterday s sau ac cident occurred hear loughboro lake a girl twoyeararotd daughter of john john son while playing on a milk can tumbled into it and was drowned in the milk before her father knew it hamilton july 4 the naturalgascom- panys boring machine has not yet struck gas below the surface of the lot in cheever st but yesterday afternoon the drill enter ed a sau well or something very uke it at a depth of 450 feet there was such a copious flow of brine that the shaft had to be piped it is expected that the hon wilfrid laur- ler will address a aeries of meetings throughout ontario in the latter part of august and the first part of september 100 years ago taken from the issue ot the canadian champion milton july 21 1868 we are informed that it is proposed in welungton sojuare to have a promenade concert and strawberry fete at wettlngton sojiare on the evening of tuesday the 7th of july for the purpose of raising means to replace the altar cloth that was recently stolen from st lukes church by soma sacreugtoua hands and making some nec essary improvement in the interior of the church several of our beat amateurs have agreed to give their services on the occasion and as we understand that a steamboat will leave the square after tha concert and return to hamluon by moon light we have no doubt that many ot our readers will avail themselves ol the op portunity to pay a visit to the favorite summer resort of hamlltonuna we have to thank r s hall esq of hornby for the materials of a dominion pie in the shape ot some enormous stalks of the victoria rhubarb imported from england they are ot great weight and atte being about two and onehalf feet long and to the up ot the leaf ttve feet we measured the leaf and found it to be 15 feet in circumference who can beat it jftte jjress wl chuich of st alttan thf maktyh anglican corner willow st and st albana drive rev h j dawson ba b th spnday july 7th 1968 trinity iv 10 00 am mattlns lay reader leslie duby tithat christian raformio church minister rev p brouwer ba bj acton ontario sunday july 7th 19o8 10 00 am english service 1 u0 am sunday school 2 jo pn alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 ajn everyone welcome evanoh ftntscostal taifltnaeil paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday july 7th 1968 10 00 am sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 7 00 p m evangelistic service tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8pm christ ambassador john 3 3 jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be bora again he cannot see the kingdom of god tunny chutrch the united chuatch of canada minister- rev cordon b turner ba bj director of alualc organist mr george elliott ua phd church notices iliap acton apmrt founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 8531615 sunday july 7th 1968 9 45 a m church school and adult bible class 1100 am morning worship no evening service wednesday 7jo prayer meeting and bible study thursday 8 pjn choir practice he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of god hath not life 1 john 5 12 marhi avtnu laptttt church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnes sunday july 7th 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 9 45 am sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a m momlng service 700 p m evening evangel 745 pm wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 this i an invitation to attend tha church of your thole on sunday prbhythuan church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenxje ba b d minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir maater sixth season combined summer services in knox presbyterian church preaches rev andrew h urlf sunday july 7th 1968 1000 an divine worship sermon thane- frejh every morning

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