Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1968, p. 9

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i thai acton fre pram wdn day july 3 1968 happy days are here again for acton school children as classos closed for tho ium mor inst friday dougle flnd donnn darby nnd nancy frank dash down the school lane waving final report cards triumphantly in the wind staff photo silverwood community gift to couple presented at henderson home by mrs harry scott friends and neighbors of sin verwood district gathered at tho home of mr and mrs george henderson to give a party and presentation to earl burt and his bridetobe judy brltlon on thursday evening juno 20 an evening of euchro was on- joyed by all the community gift was a leather reclining chair and tho womens institute presented them with a two tiered aluminum cake plate earl thanked evoryone and the good wishes of tho community go to earl and judy mr and mrs russell millar spent june 22 weekend at dublin enjoying the hartman reunion mr and mrs laver havo mov ed into their new home on tho highway andsllverwoodroaldonts extend a hearty wolcomo mr and mrs e mlllor arc entertaining gnosis from eng land murlol hag boon showing mr and mrs barnard frank as much of ontario as sho can they wont to ottawa then algonquin park and thon wasaga beach last weok tho franks are returning homo tho last wook of juno aftor a months visit with tho milium mr bon caso mrs korrmr and mrs frod duffiold attondod tho 62nd annual convontlon of tho ontarlohortlculhiralassoci- atlon at tho university at wind sor on tho id 20 and 21 of juno mr and mrs gordon smith mr bon caso mrs mlnda cor- bait mrs silly halm mrs h scott mrs w r norton mr and mrs h marchlngton mr and mrs f duffiold sllvorwood mombors of ihu g h socloty alone with town mombors spont a dollghtful ovonlnc at the spac ious homo of brig f c and mrs wallaco on thursday juno 27 greenock wi has meeting at listowel fourteen members of greenock womens institute journeyed to ustowel to tho homo of a former member mrs l tryssonaar for their juno meeting the ladles enjoyed a noon lunch on arrival consisting of sand wiches pickles pie and a delic ious salad made by tho hostoss all adjourned tothe living room where president mrs g wallaco opened the mooting with a verse of what is so rare as a day in june followed by tho mary stew art collect meditations woro road by mrs j mecultoch followed by the lords prayer the roll call was a garden hint mrs a gates and mrs j mc culloch was appointed to pur chase a coffee maker for the losutute mrs g wallace gave a report on tho recent district annual at elora mrs c altken reported on the display of articles from the tar north at tho district annual she also was in charge of an informative program of the dif ferent meanings of the institute in our own community country wide and world wide we must not just work harder but work smarter in our institutes she said mrs t hemsley gave a read ing success as it concerns a graduate which was amusing mrs a gates made a presen tation of a w i pin and adelaide hoodleas coffee spoon to the past president mrs g leslie tho ladles of tho institute along with tho 411 girls and friends spont an enjoyable even ing recently when they were riven a tour of the school for the deaf at milton the mooting closed with o can ada mrs e winters thankod the hostess mrs jamesmeculloch acton offered her home for the july 0 mooting when all are in vited to bring a friend lack of pep is often mlstalun for patieiill dean lemon osslgvad land query misunderstood yaremko legally right morally wrong a query ralssdlnnasaagaweya township councils june 17 meet ing questioning the moral rather than legal aapectg of ontario social and family servlceamlnl- ater john yaremkos land deal ings in tho township has been widely misunderstood councillor mrs anne mac- arthur wondered out loud at that meeting if mr yaromko might have uaed lnsido information re ceived through his position in tho legislature to enact several land separations in nasaagawoyn slut fdlt it was stvange mr yaromko should suddenly decide to sep arate his land after he had apoken to both council and plan ning board condemning such np- rations the ministers land separa tions were completed just a few days prior to the passing of new provincial legislation requiring isndowners wanting separations to appear beforo tho local oom- mltteo of adjustment snd pay a fee into the capital reserve fund in nauagaweyaa case the foe is 500 per separation prior to june 1 separations woreallowod without a hearing if the parcol was in excoas of 10 acro although both reeve william coulter and township clerk j c mclntyre told the council mr yaremko was entirely within his rights and had done nothing il legal tho story became diatorlod and twlated when it appeared in several newspapers reports insinuated the cabinet minister had been guilty of at least in discretion l mr yaremko pointed out to his critics that the new leglslk- churchill one of tho first graduates of ontario school for tho do if mil ton was dean lemon son of mr and mrs fred lomon john st he has three sisters mrs betty- hawos umahouae lira marilyn gardner eo4hwotlahfjacquoun ai borne dean entered osd bello- villo at the age of six he at tended kindergarten at robert uttlo school acton dean was transferred to milton school for the deaf in septombor 1066 when it was opened for senior pupils ho specialised in cabinet mak ing also typing and recently re ceived hlsdrlversuconso which he it very proud of he hopes to find employment in or around acton mrs darwin crlpps mr and mrs fred lemon and jacquoune attended a graduation dinner and banquet at osd card swackhameraf banff r hyde takes sunday service summer services at st albans tho summer schodule of ser vices for st albans church be gins this sunday during tho month of july the servlcos of mattlns wlu bo con ducted by layroador los duby and tho services of holy com munion will bo conducted by tho rov r w fostor rector of grace church mlllon by mrs f mcarthqr the congregation of churchill church welcome one and all to worship with us this coming sun day july 7servlcoal tho regular hour 1130 am mr r hyde ba will conduct tho service bible vacation school at churchill church stsrts monday july 8 all chlldron of the area will be welcome the churchill church sunday school picnic was well it tended last sunday at gormac lake the weather wis perfect tho child ren as well as adults enjoyed games and races with prizes for all swimming horse shoo pitch ing and visiting were specially onjoyod by the older ones in tho shady spots tables woro ladon with pot luck supper which clim axed a happy aftornoon not to bo forgotton all churchill friends and neighbors will be plaased to hoar mr joshua thompson was ablo to return home last wook from guolph general hospital and is convalosclng nlcoly wo hope ho soon will bo ablo to bo about again rockwood father callaghan pastor rockwood oustic churches rev aloyslus s callaghan 77 former pastor of rockwood sacrod hoart church and st polors church oustic died wodnosday juno 26 at st josephs hospital guolph fathor callaghan had bean a resident of st josephs homo for the past five years ho had boon pastor in tho rockwood aroa for 10 years wrong name the last account of acton wom ans institute erred in reporting miss dorothy simmons won baking contost at the district annual in georgetown tho cor rection was brought to our atten tion this week ho is survlvod by two brothers john a callaghan of guolph austin e callaghan of aurora and a ristor rev sister m eugonla st josephs community house hamilton falhor callaghan lay in stato at sacred hoart church concolebrated pontifical high mass was hold saturday aftor noon at 430 pm burial followed in holy sopulchor comotory hamilton fathor callaghan wasnotodfor his keon wit mr- r j aodorsqh celebrated his sath birthday at the homo of his son and daughtyrlnawdnii and mario anderson june 22 guests were mrs rj anderson mrs fred spear mr and mrs emmorson andorson mr and mrs frod kontnormrandmrs archlo kerr mr and mrs colin maccoll woro unable to attend duo to illness of mrs msrcolls fathor mrs voradonnyandhorpupliu of grado five and six of osprlnge school vlritod midland the mar tyrs shrine huron village and ste mario i mrsloilloswack- hamor and miss erica strokov went as escorts with tho group mr and mrs alan samuel of konllworth visited with iho grif fins during the wook congratulations to miss eliz abeth strokov on passing hor grade fair piano examination royal conservatory of music toronto with a high honor mirk mrs annlo burns is visiting with her son anddaughtorlnlaw mr and mrs honry burns of glen williams on friday ovenlng mr and mrs bob korr were in duntroon where thoy showodslldesofpats trip overseas they also visit ed with mr denton mccoll and his parents in colllngwood mr gordon macdonald who is working in orillia for the sum mer was home for the woekond miss carol swackhamor is one of the 12 young pooplo from tho province of ontario chosen to attend a rural leadership camp near banff during their stay in alberta thoy will also attend tho calgary stampede and spend a week with a rural family young peoplo from alberta will bo roturning to ontario in an exchange visit lator in the sum- mo r wo are proud that carol was chosen for this trip mr and mrs john near visit ed on sunday with his slstor and husband mr and mrs william bossey of guolph car misses curve milton man dies a milton man dlod in tho wreck age of his car early sunday morn ing when it missed a curve on highway 25 at spoyside and loft the road crashing into rocks and troes john roger pearson of 3g6 poarl st milton aged 62 was found doad at 530 am sunday the accident is bellevod to have happened between 3 and 530am his 1964 chovrolot sedan suffer ed 000 damage in the crash police said the car appeared to have missed the first left curve on tho highway just onequarter mile south of 15slderoadat spoy side avis rentacar and truck rental phone 8775323 special weekend rates free delivery guardian specials july 1 july 6 including un lpy dalty adorn hair spray 7oz 1 98159 bactine 2oz 79c 67c dettol 4 general antiseptic 3 75c 66c eno frutf salt 1 19 89c 612 insect repellent 12oz 1 98 149 macleans tooth paste family size 1 25 91c micrin oral antiseptic 12oz 1 10 89c modess 1 2s regular or soffform 55c 289c super special 14or raid insect repellent boml 2 19 159 resdan dandruff remover 6oz 1 50 109 stainless steel double edge blades schick super 5s plus 1 free 75c 59c secret spray deodorant 99c 77c acton pharmacy business opportunity cockthuh farm equipment of canada limited has an opening for a dealer in the milton area cockshutt it a subsidiary of the white motor corporation along with the oliver corpora tion and minneapolismoline inc cockshutt has one of the finest lines of modern form equipment with a liberal term and discount contract why not contact us today there is a real future for the right party cockshutt farm equipment of canada ltd 120 orenda road brampton ont mlr mary mrlachcrn of lor onto spent the weekend- with hoi mother mil mary mr i- arhorn and undo annus trfr hon mc- earhorn and sharon of orauim- villi wuru also visitors at the same homo mr km knnx and miss marge kitchen of woodstock spool part of tho weekend with his mklor and hrotliorlnlaw mr and mrs hob korr mr and mrs dave william son spont tho holiday wookond at tholr cousins homo mr snd mrs harold dartlott who live at st charlos whoro thoy havo a summer rosort thoy came back through sudhury and wuru amatod at all tho mountains of rock congratulations to mr karl noar who was railtu succussfu in passing his frradn 12 examin ations at tho john f doss col- loglato in guolph wookond visitors with mr and mrs iosllo swackhamor and iris woro miss elslo crokor of vi rull medical missionary on furlough from durango mexico mr and mrs harry crokor and family mr and mrs anton dyko and family and mr brian gos san all of st catharines a piano recital was hold at tho home of mr and mrs don andorson juno 27 miss bonnie brlstow miss erica strokov and miss elisabeth strokov played several pleeos and two duots paronts and guests onjoyod the girls music vory much hon was common knowledge a month before it was passed and anyono interested could havo found out about ihu impending change in soparatlonproruuurus ho appeared before thunassaga- weya planning boards last moot ing to tmtlfy his actions ni p muinbur dr morton khulman hoard of the ronlrovtir- y and quontlnnd both mr yar omko and premier iijiii linbartk on ihu milijurl during a numtlng of the limine uw week more quuktlona wr kpcld lalui ihlswuek clerk mrfntyrt nxpuliwd ur yaremkos dealing wuru uo dlf- fnrnl llian thai of stsvuitl nlhot puisilc thorn wnj land separations ih the tnwjtkhjp dur- lngmarrli anil mayomhlh year tiie dork uld prubs cov erage of tho matter had houu miiloadlutr and on iho vurgu of hulnp iworrocl all lovvii- shlp separations are roylhiatrud in the ifalton rojufry nftiruat sow milton not in loronto nowspapurs inferred ha clarified a statement in one papor which said dosens of ponplu hsd msdu separatlona it should have said dozens of sopaistlon had taun made mrs macarthur told council thursday site had iskon a survey of some 30 puiptu and hone of thuin were aware the new amend ment was mining into uffact i take uvniptlnii to the idea that thfu was general kupwledgo sbv salrl sim said she brought the mai ler up andjiad asked a sonslhle lueitli ii i knew it was legally right l i still feel it was mor ally wrong for mr yarmko to liiako allhir rsuibrhov hout keeping nassagswoya srwn frosh kod plrturusuu and then to go ami mindlvldeit i feu i wai protecting- the moril of jjsssagawuya and they iiave a right to know what is going mi she said 24 mour towing service tires and batteries service and repairs gasoline and oil richs bp service on hwy 7 at 5th una of etquatlng renny and dick voskamp 8532940 le us help you build a complete hoof of planned protection h s holden opyomentisr m cork si east guelph phont ta z7114 safecoatlfecogenehal insurance ivflmf of cte4tl t wjj0o is ie stten wiim sarecos m0ao risk homeowners roucv youll sav tnonaytool homeowners check the big tulns in safeco 0n policy covers everylhinjno dan gerous gaps or oveilapt you save money too for the finest most eomolttt tool ol planned protection oil us lodiyl ttti dennys insurance agency 17 mill st w aden 8s341s0 pesidfncts milton 853 2243 bill 853 26j5 harold 8532545 save many on each pair at tflcnicfue jaahich hcej dress shoes reg to 14 99 now white beige yellow orange black patent 9 88 block heels now 788 wh to be ge orarge green yellow brown black clearance of flatties ra w now 388 i all summer sandals reduced all sales final no exchanges or refunds 7 73 matdonttoll st guelph ont open fklday ti19pjwl

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