Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1968, p. 11

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m the acton free press wednesday july 10 1968 jfrtt press editorial page frond parade spectacle j the old myth about it always rain ing on the orangemen for their annual walk to commemorate the battle of the boyne was exploded last salyrday here lodges who f locked to acton were rewarded with beautiful weather and the two mile long dlstriclparade was delight for thousands of olsilors as well as poopjefrom acfon end district one tradition king billy on his white horse had to be cjlscarcjed when the horse went skittish at the sight and sounds of so rhany people and musical instruments n one placet that was the only serious hitch of the afternoon lodge officials who served on the committee to prdmole the event in ac ton are to be commended on the work and thought they put into the event visitors were loud in their praise of the parade the fact it started only 10 minutes late shattering a long tradi tion here for parades to be at least half an hour late starting speaks well of the organization orange parades arent a new feature here by any means actons early days refers to the orange walks that centred around the station hotel in the days after the crimean war commonly call ed the rooshlan war in those days says the book acton had orange walks that were some pot aloes no place in the country was more popular for spending the glori ous twelfth than acton and nearly every year there was an orange demon stration the dining room of the tavern was ontlroly inadequate for the crowds of visitors so mr bell tho tavern keeper always socurod permission to erect a temporary dtning roonj on the lot be hind the hotel lumber was cheap in those days and otenge wipers numer ous y new potatoes and green peas were the leading vegetables at the orange dinners since thowore usually hefirst of the season for the diners a well known irishman of the day who superintended tho outside dining room used a rich brogue fo shouti bring on some more of them new pltatles and green pays all anybody paid for tho huge din nor was a quarter or two york shillings as was tho common term for a quarter dollar in those days taverns wore numerous and some times tho onthusiasm for tho day ex tended into the cups of hard liquor which wore cheap and easy to come by arguments somotimos wore settled by fists its a big change today saturdays parade was a modol of decorum fiery speeches onco e highlight of tho 12th ere usually only a resume of what the orange order stands for the bitterness is gone the day is a grand spectaclo and a chance for orangemen everywhere to visit one an other and talk over previous walks farmer depend mather this is a busy time on the farm newly mown hay its fragrance waf ting in the summer breeze has to be baled and stored in tho barn its often a race to dry the new hay and get it into the barn between rains which have been copious this year the large amounts of moisture have made the alfalfa timothy and alslke thick providing lots of feed for the long winter months continuance of the wet weather has however made the race for the barn more difficult even with fast uptodate equipment tho modern farmer uses if the hay isnt properly dried the farmer stands the chance of sotting up a chemical reaction known as spontan eous combustion which has been re sponsible for tho destruction of many barns in this area over tho years even with tho latost in scientific methods and modern equipment the farmer still waits on tho vagarlos of the weather along the slderoads today there are thousands of bales of hay waiting to be stored in tho barn think of the farmer when ydfrre cursing foul woathor and your own troubles will probably soom smaller jlltoe and kicking outildo of a few towns the game of lacrosse has been in eclipse says the printed word but it teems to bo making a come back and it hat even been honored with a garish stamp by the canadian post office so canadian is this gamo that 95 per cent of all lacrosse sticks used in canada and in foreign lands have been manufactured in a cornwall factory that burned down on june 4 in the ontario legislature tho mem ber for pool south pool was always a great county for lacrosso asked what was to bo dono to alleviate a critical shortage in lacrosso sticks he was assured that an official had already been despatched to cornwall to see what could be dono most of tho ninety omployoos of the factory arc indians thoy invented the gamo fergus anothor lacrosse hotbed isn t worried thoy purchase sticks from tho ohsweken reserve pkttta tfrw the pam fresh coats of paint being applied on the christian reformed church often mean ascending to dizzy heights these large window panes and sharply des cending eaves require a skilled brush as well as a liking for being up in the air staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley summer kxerrfmktt for actons child- ran one day year ago was the appear ance of this dwarf playing s flute with a travelling photographer the family of the late mr and mrs john brown purchased this picture since daughter fern is sixth from the right the year must have been about 1900 if your family is anything uke mine you must sometimes nut your head down on your arms and weep quietly and utterly we go through periods of passivity and morbidity to the point where mass suicide seems the only sane solution and with the perversity of ufa suddenly the clouds break the sun comas out the rainbow appears theres a pot of gold at its base and god is ooee again back in his heaven instead of hanging around the pool- hall wove just come through one of these cycles and i reckon that just about one more will finish me off it began about 10 weeks ago for the fifth time in the last couple of years hugh the wandering boy took off to make a new start and his fortune this time it was to be- in the mines of northern quebec a week later we received a card from the flashpots of montreal urging us to write and saying he had a job at expo jr we all wrote silence nothing for weeks and weeks momma worried i dldnt at about the same time my wife got sick and couldnt write her university exams had a small operation came home and lay around the house driving me mad kim of course had to get into the act and came down with monooucleosis she was forbidden to study would she fall her year your bumble servant as usual had noth ing wrong with him except a rotten family however bo just put his nose to the wheel and his shoulder to the grindstone and kept on running in circles hes used to it things got steadily blacker hugh main tained silence his mother learned the had to have a big operation and spent a month chewing her fingernails right up to the wrists as she waited for the hospital to call the ghastly operation and the news that she had cancer kim got surlier and surlier from being cooped up did my best wrote hugh a strong hitter talked to my wife for endless hours about hysterectomies ovaries uteruses mallf- nant fibroids and such delicacies tried to humor kim inioniatlur and sleeping then everything started to pop at once the hospital called and the old lady went off to ber doom for three days i sweated out the operation and at the same time kims promotion from grade 12 which lay in the hands of the gods her teachers finally the dam broke all in one day we hit the crisis hugh phoned from que bec city to learn that his alum was likely breathing her last kim was granted her year at school and that night a shaky old lady of about 90 called from tho hospital to toll me that she was alive though not exactly kicking during the next week the tide rose and the old family ship which had boon high and dry on the bleak beach amid tho rotting weeds began to float again hugh phoned his mother in hospital and she was so glad to hear from him that she forgot to give him hell for not writing the missus came home from hospital with an allclear a beautiful scar and feeling re markably porky kim recovered ho r health with amazing speed so as it stands now hugh has a job as a waiter in quebec city is nappy and has stopped smoking and biting his nails my wife is overwhelmed by the flowers and cards from friends dldnt think she had many and shes feeling great on the whole kim is riding on a cloud because her brother has invited her to visit him in quebec city and shes going all the way by herself with no parents to ruin every thing au of this is rather uninteresting but it is written as inspirational material for those thousands of gallant men across the country who are about ready to burst into tears dont let it got you down jack behind every dark cloudthere is a darker one just keep that in mind and youll bo amazed at how you feel when the sun suddenly comes out if you can uve so long the acton free press phone 853 2010 buimesi and editorial office riuwulfil 117 jrwj publ ih0 awry vwdfuulay a w v ikiu s 4 on on too ikmlwr uf lb aim i butciu ul c uuitun ih cuffja nd ottba ail i ng iit un rvuucat subkcnp- iiun pjwblr n d jfuir 1400 n tnjj voo ui ll uu itkt other iin catujj i nju cuut lk aulkur ttftj ji sturtl cuis ul i foal omu tbpjdnun omu adkfuuaf aticpud oa ths luml turn irui in irw tni ul itpugrjphifal rror thji pulkin il uvr 4ulirinr quia at tufuftl fas ihr f f runruua lam lusflhtr with tfjuwuiil jiluwafu itu vlj future will not bat turikst tor bu in luumtr ul lb adtwhiuaoml will b uul it l lh applurabt ri in lb ttinl uf j itaucraphmal itw ajhiung food or uniort i urunf pen fuutla at wrvur hui not be wltt admu ng nuivly an offer to mii mj nut iw w ibdiauin l uv iim- ikttt immlmal mat isahmtsssag cat lu david ft fell rublthtt lurttany col dun rytw basilar cupvnhi l7 ad utus back issues 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday july 8 1948 jack ualnprisa son of air and mrs harry mainprise is a member of the crew of the destroyer athabaskan which is now oa the british columbia coast under quar antine seven members of the crew have been stricken with infantile paralysis and one member has died friends willi be glad tb learn that word received by mr and mr mainprise from jack is that be is well a large group of neighbors and friends of mr and mrs ralph mckeon nee eleanor mcdcugalo gathered at greenock schoolon thursday issti the occasion wis s presentation to the recently married couple by the residents of cruenock and woodslde school sections the mccutcheort reunion was held this year at the home of mr and mrs murdo mccutcheon osprtnge with an attendance of 65 mr and mrs frem denny and miss lucy denny mr and mrs harold mclniyre and lloyd visited mr and mrs roy denny and family at porcupine lsst week and also visited at tlmmins miss gertrude chalker of east london africa and miss sophie chalker of london england are visiting their sister mrs charles cults for a few days the campaign for acton community swimming pool is now on meet your can vasser with a smile and do your best to assure a new swimming pool for the swelt ering days of next summer greatest matched race this year july 13 hntwmtn canadian chamolon trotter billy stout owned by frank plaunt cells lee owned by hon w earle rowe and dorothy blggar owned by clarence lock- hart purse 500 winner take au 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday july 11 1918 that canada is at war will be brought home to every man woman and child now when all bread made from standard wheat flour must be labelled victory bread and mixed with a percentage of substitutes for wheat flour this is the effect of a recent order issued by the canada food board in a vigorous effort to save the ex isting wheat supplies so as to make them last out until the wheat of the coming har vest reaches the flour mills and the new flour is distributed for consumption a letter received yesterday from pte ernest brown formerly foreman of the free press written at frensham camp england says be had a most enjoyable trip across the day he was writing sergt rolph swackhamer sergt perry ptejd burt pte cameron lelshman and pte d carty enjoyed part of the day together the bricklayers are hustling up the walls of the new shoe factory holmes new barn oa the gamble farm was successfully raised yesterday jfrtt jjress the chuich of st alhan the mafttyt anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev h j dawson b a b th sunday july win 1948 trinity v 10 00 am holy euoharist lay reader rev robert foster fthm christian rtroimed church minister rev p brouwer ba bj acton ontario sunday july 14th 1968 10 00 am english service 11 10 am sunday school 230 p m alternating dutch and english service a saturday bible classes to 12 ajn everyone welcome vanoel pentecostal yaimnacu pa o c 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday july 14th 1968 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 p m evangelistic service tuesday 8 p m prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassador 1 john 5 4 for whosoever is born of god overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith trinity church the united cilukch of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bjd director of music organist mr george elliott ma phjd 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday july 13 ib93 london july 6 the marriage of the duke of york and princess victoria may of teck an event to which all england has been looking forward with great interest took place at half past twelve oclock today in the chapel royal st james palace the wedding was a brilliant function and was attended by a large gathering of b members of the british royal family con tinental sovereigns or their representatives and marly members of the highest nobility about a dozen of the members of acton lojga aouw attended service in sie preabyteriarj church roolrwood an sunday evening rev r 3 beattie of goejpn preached the anniversary sermon there was quite a lively scsttering at charles and cos grocery the other day when a lively tarantula crawled from a bunch of bananas to investigate its northern surroundings messrs robert brown and son raised s 36 by b0 addition to their bank barn they have now a fine building about 60 by 100 the masons are at work on peter gib bons new bank barn in the second con cession near speyslde james vanwyck the new butcher com menced business on tuesday with a good stock 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton july 9 1868 the small potato government of john sandfleld not satisfied with charging mag istrates 50 cents each for a copy of the ontario statute have seen fit to refuse reeves mayors and others who are ex- otflclo magistrates a copy at even this reduced rate it is reslly too bad that magistrates are mulct in this sum as their fees are seldom charted and even if charged are not adequate remuneration for their arduous and often disagreeable duties the montreal telegraph company intends opening all their principal offices on sun days from 9 to 1030 am and from tight to 9 pm this will be a great boon to the public in many cases though of course it is not likely it will be taken advantage of unless where absolute necessity such as dangerous illness death or business of momentuous importance demands tuesday last the engine of mr thomas gowdys saw mill in esquaslng was badly smashed on account of the breaking of what is known as the connecting rod fragments of iron flew in all directions and one piece as thick as a mans arm shot clean through thick beam theenglmlswreek- ed to pieces but fortunately the engine room was vacant at the time of the accident and nobody was injured the cause of the mishap is supposed to have been in some of the bolts about the connecting rod spring ing out church notices j acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 8531615 sunday july 14th 1968 9 45 am church school and adult bible class 1100 am morning worship no evening service wednesday 7 30 prayer meeting and bible study thursday 8 pjn choir practice he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of god hath not life 1 john 5 12 make avenue baptttf church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnes sunday july 14th 1968 hera is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 9 45 am sunday school all ages 1 1 00 am morning service 700 pjn evening evangel 745 pjn wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 6774665 this i an invitation to attend the church of your cholos on sunday imrtmlah church in canada knox chubch acton rev andrew h mckenzle ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sixth season combined summer services in knox presbyterian church preacher rev andrew h mckeazie sunday july 14th 1968 1000 a jn divine worship sermon theme discipline comfort and peace

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