Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1968, p. 14

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lightning strikes the acton free press wednesday july 10 1968 5 news of the district mall graced with fountain fepgus in an effort to produce more local participation in be highland games here on august 17 the chamber of commerce is proposing a downtown mall thai day council einreseed only one objection in a similar arrangement last year for centennial celebrations bales of straw were used as part of the propsmnd these broke- open loose stravln the streets gave ihd town works crew a large headache as another project io help beautify the town fergus c of c is proposing to erecf a fountain ori the small safety island at the corner of onion and tower sta the chamber plans to spend about 300lmb he protect the fountain will be concretedlshshsped sfeejlkl lighting wtu illum inate ft with a main et and three hubburrs providing interest it is hoped the fountain will be ready for the highland games archaeology must be a fascinating mbect whether the study is king tuts lomb or kandoucho in the bush those of you who have studied esrly canadian history know that the jesuit missionaries wrote out yearly reports known technically as the jesuit relations in one of these reports jesuit fathers tell of a visit to a town of the neutral nation indians called kandoucho judging by the time it took two of them to journey through the bush from fori ste mario it must be in the fergus neighborhood people have looked for it for years i suspect and hope that albert potrlo may have found ha answer 00 his farm he amassed a large collection of indian artifacts on his farm in west garafaxa georgetown man commands lome scots georgetown five hundred people watched as a georgetown militia officer col earl unco assumed command of the 102 year old lome scots regiment at centennial secondary school bramp ton over 400 men took partlnthe ceremony including a pipe band a brass band and armed militia brigadier general g r a coffin cd inspected the troops the general salute was taken by retiring commanding officer lt col r g hardlo cd col hardlo invited the new commanding officer ltcol e f unco cd recently promoted from major 0 inspect the ruglmont li col p a g cameron commanding officer in the 48th highlanders of canada conducted the ceremony in which the re tiring commanding officer presented bis claymore as a symbol of command to the new commanding officer col camoron oxplalned that through long years of tradition a commanding officer from the 48th highlanders would be present at the change of command in the lome scots and viceversa he said that he claymore was originally presented to the lome scots by ho highlanders to bewomlnperpetualky the dirk which the co of the 48th highlanders keeps with him on all military oc casions was given to thorn by the lome scots col hardlo had 28 years military service previous to his 3 years as co of the lome scots col llnce said he hoped he could fill he urge shoes of the man who preceded him in command of he regiment col unco began his career in he armed forces as a stoker in the royal canadian navy 24 years ago eighteen of his past years have been in the mllltla ending the change of command ceremonies was a march past by the vetorans and the regiment itself attending tho ceremonies was marine general fierce of the us marina corps also attending by special invitation was lt col victor mavor of the royal ruglmont of fusiliers in england tv tower erected in hornby hornby large sections of steel tubing are being hoisted sky ward and a crew of aerial constructors is scampering around high above the ground as a now cable tv lower is orocted in a farm flold oast of hornby this week macloanhuntor cable tv is erecting a 508foot master antenna there at an estimated cost of 35000 chief engineer on the pro ject s swltior slid it would pick up tv stations from the local area plus barrio buffalo and petorboro areas and relay the signal to homes subscribing to cable tv in the west toronto etoblcoke and mlsslssauga areas the tower is located on the east side of the tenth una oakvlllo between upper base une rd and highway 401 the property is owned by toronto radio station cfrb which is awaiting approvals to orect a 740foot television lower on the same farm macleanhunters tower is going up in 20foot white and red sections embedded in concrete at tho base and anchored with sev eral guy wires honor mrs olive maior on retirement erin i nl on public school board gave a dinner at hilltop lodge wednosdav evening june 19 to honor mrs olive major who at the end of the present school term is retiring after 35 years in tho teaching profession 21 of which she spent at the erin school among those present was her son wilfred who flew from labra dor city to be with bis mother on this special occasion also at tending were members of the school staff and board their wives and husbands farmer staff member mrs gordon altken and mr altken home and school president mrs mcphersoo and rev mc pherson two friends of the honored guest airs u sinclair and mrs b leltch caretaker air b somerviue and mrs somerviue the calling of tenders is announced this week by the uquor control board of ontario for the construction of a government store for the sale of liquor in erin architects are curswou and grleabaeh of colllngwood the site for the naw store is adjacent to kennedys specialty manufacturers the former erin creamery property 122 pigs die in rockwood barn a sevoru electrical storm on friday aftornoon was responsible for a fire which completely de stroyed a barn on the farm of cecil nollls hr 1 rockwood loss was ostlmated at 40000 lightning struck tho barn at the height of the storm and flames sproad so quickly rockwood fire fighters had no chance to save lt a small shed nearby was saved also destroyed in the fire were 122 pigs and between 30 to 40 tons of hay the farm is located on the fifth une of eramosa township two mrles north dfhlghway 24 rockwood firefighters r- srjondejnajulckly when he alarm sounded but the fire had gained such a foothold when ihoy arrived thoro was no chance of savingtho barn or pgs loss was estimated at 40 000 when light ning struck tho barn of ecil nellie r r 1 rockwood friday iflornoon during a severe eloctncl storm photo by don hilts ebenezer former missionary nurse describes woes of formosa by mrs r mcloan ebunosor congregation had tho pleasure of hearing a former missionary nurse in formosa miss greta gauld on sunday miss gauld was born into a mis sionary family in formosi and after acquiring hor schooling in canada including training at the sick kids sho roturnodtothat troubled island and devoted hor ufo to its looming noudy after the war tho population of for mosa was 4000000 now rofu- geos from the chlnose mainland have swollod its poopk to 12- 000000 miss gauld began with a story for ihc children as told by a formosan oldor chlldron re turning from sunday school wore askod by tholr mother what they had loarnod they said well mother wo dont undorstand about adam and evu god gave thorn that boautlfulplacoand only askod one thing of thorn why couldnt they have left that one tree alonc tholr mother said thats a good question glvo mo until tomorrow and ill try to give you an answer tho next morning bofori the chlldron loft for school tholr mother said whon you come home for lunch 1 may not be hero i have to go down town but go ahead and oat your lunch ill loavo ovorylhlng roady for you on tho table tin chinese oat at a low round tabic sittlnr on stools the mollilr toldthorr thoro will bo oneblgrounddlsh covorod in tho mlddlo of the table ploaso dont touch that at noon the children found a dill clous lunch a big dish of rlcn with various side dishes of vogotables and other thing which they enjoyed what a won derful molhorl tlion whon ihoy were full ihoy began to sit and look at that bigdish in the middle how silly mother wasl it wouldnt hurt just io peak the longer they sat the more tempted thej were finally they tipped tho lid a woo bit out jumped a mouse and ran away then the clover mother returned and lookod in the dish on seeing it empty she told the children that shouli answer your quostlonaboutadam and evo it is human nature tobo missionary work in formosa was begun by tho english pres byterians in 1805 in 1872 a canadian dr mckay from zorra wont out it is now an in digenous church celebrating its centennial throe yoars ago with our closely knit world one can fly agroatdistancclnsuchashorl time ii may takowtekstoconu down to earth to fool orlentcd in tho now environment in canada wc have such a beautiful largo froe world we mustnt just be grateful for our bksslnps but wc must think of people far away who suffer so terribly bccausi of ignorance of christ whore will tlu ptopu go if oustod from formosa tin aiffor from two terrible dis eases thoro are seven leprosy clinics it can ho cured but it is much droadod it is only the christian doctors who will look after tho lepers christ wasnt only wostorn formosa now sends missionaries to malaya singapore and other places in one district in sw for mosa a disease called blackfoot is endemic there are saltpans great moundsof salt from the sea it is now surplus the disease is called blackfoot because it usually affects ihc feu gangrene sets in so far the only cure is amputation many rtsoarch crows arc working trying to find a cure it is thought to tie caused by too much arsenic in thi water the agony the hopelessness of these peoplol christ never lets us down are we going to lag behind tho com munists in trying to help our less fortunate brothers mrs don joss tho u c w president had charpe of the ser vice and mrs earl ward read the scripture a ladles choir sang a version of fight the good fight birthday greetings to mrs george thomas and mrs archie stanley wedding congratulations io mr and mrs don moffat who were married in campbellvllle on sat urday also to mr and mrs al bert blom the former donna dolson who were married in elora next sunday tho mon of the congregation will be in chargt of the service with a speaker from the gideons the last two sundays in july church and sunday school at ebenezer will be cancelled if you were born in you should apply now for your old age security pension h uppl inu now uu iill nit ui vour lirtt pumt nt in jummr 1q ulnn urkont who huw rtuihul tin ugt of 6 luiunn tugihk lor old i snunti if you were born in 1903 muki application for our old sttunt ptnulon nix month lu for our 6mh blrthdu n application form for otir old snuritv p nuon u uvatlabu at vour it iai iur nrtt r ou tun urtu to tin 1u clonal dirtitor utiul ioai ottut or ou tun uritt to tin 1u clonal dirtitor of old i snuritv in tin capital tlt of our iroviiui mo ml with our application form ou will rtuiit a pamphlet giving ou full information uhout tin old t sicurit pt nation prugi iroiiram guaranteed income supplement h ituun an mtur olil 0i siiurifv ptiiklon u upprowd ou will lit mint information about tlu uurunuid itutinu suppununt ami an application form ou ma tu n tit lid tun nuppununf w tilth tout tlu r uilh jour old t siiurlt pt union will guuruntti ou a monthlv ituonu of at kant 10 10 issued by the hon allan j mjceachen minister the devamtment of national health and weleame improve channel new drayton bridge a 266000 project to improve the conestogo river channel and build a new bridge at drayton northwest of kitchener will pro bably start this tall agreement to the project has been reached by the grand luver conservation authority ontario department of hlghwaysandwel- ungton county who will share the cost plans and specifica tions are being prepared by the county the channel lmproyomenlsare being made so that the river a major tributary of the grand htver wh flow 1n one channel instead of two is at present this wlh reduce the slse of bridge ean required to cross tho rlvvr arrears figure out of date says twp clerk figures printed in this news paper last week showing tax ar rears in esuuosing township of noarly 27 per cent wero out of dalo said clerk k c lindsay this wouk the figures from tho auditors iteport wore a of decemlwr 31 1067 mr lindsay said out- standing taxes as of june 3q j5g8 amounted to 16 3por cint tliey are oven lower ihaitthat j mr lindsay noted only one newiaper in the towhshlp receives the auditors llopocl advertisement silveftwobd family reunion holiday visits in area news by mrs h scott mr and mrs jamos balloy and family onjoyod a short hol iday at tho family cottage at parry sound this past wook community goodwlshostoearl burt and judy mritton who wore married saturday june 20 in nassagawoya presbytorlan church mr henry whitfield miss lena whitfield of london onl mrs w m treanor of streets- vllle were holiday visitors with mr and mrs harry scoll mrs daisy lucy and son ed mrs charlie flint of toronto wore win elnd guests at iho homo of mr and mrs g burt mrs w ij norton altondod the family reunion on monday july 1 at the harrison park in owen sound arthur a johnson od optometrist orn every wednesday and saturday 34 mill si e attoti 8533520 going places see hfc boforo you loavo on that noodod family vacation got a travoloan from housohold finance that way you ii bo suro to have onough monoy to pay for ovorylhing along tho way moals transportation lodging extras and boloro you borrow from hfc housohold will toll you what your travoloan will cost in plain dollars and cents going placos travol worry froe with a travoloan from hfc before you sign on tho doited line know what your loan will cost borrow up to 46000 take up to 60 months to repay atk about credit ttft insurance on loans at tow group rates household financi georgetown 41 main strml north telephone 8775221 next to sllvari department slare tsk about our ntmnti nmrs for all the hot water youre ever likely to need ksx- rent a new cascade 40 electric water heater with a cascade 40 there s always plenty of hot water waiting for you when you need more cascade 40 will produce it quickly and economically because cascade 40 is flameless it s safe and clean needs no flue so you can install it anywhere just ask your hydro live better electrically acton hydro rectric commission 43 alice street phone 8532410 a

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