Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1968, p. 4

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itjjiimjrtssrssmrtjjjiisrrrrrt mr leonard creator of the twiggy look stresses personal total concept in fashion copy twiggy jean shrimp- ton penelope tree7 youd bo out of your mind declared mr leonard tho creat or of the twiggy look as he began a weeks seminar at style acres ranch on the fourth une of esqueslng thlsweek ho went on to explain that although be knows sinty admires londons tqp models penelope tree jean shrlmplpn andtwlg- gy ho lrtslsts they cant be- copied each personmust ifcr yelop hev owa total concept were looking afieadand ad- aptlnga new- concept of shape vr- lieonard eplaned but people aotih just have a hair stylo ihey have a way of life hair style rtmketip and clothing stiould belntegralod iritptho total concept to mr leonard thbro dtdnt seem to be rules about hair length shape or color its adapted to the place and time and personality the top fashion expert flew from london england on the weekend to demonstrate his uni que skills to bruno schools of hair design leachors and others from all across canada and the states the annual summor somlnar at the ranch has boon going on for seven years now alwayswlth a featured guost stylist its operated by bruno scuslnl and mrs evelyn hathaway tuesdaytpfo sif reception was held at the ranch when nows- papor magazine and television peoplo joined the two dozen on the seminar for anltallandlnner earllor inthoday mr loon- ard had croated a now hair de sign for toronto modol marllou macdonald a long red flow of hair tied in brown volvot ribbon and ending with an intriguing twisted curl mr uonard loft top london fashion soltor who put twicjgy in international headlines discusses ono of his latest hair styles with toronto model marilou macdonald mrs evelyn hathaway and mr bruno on tho bruno ranch on tuesday night after a press reception given in his honor staff photo a now soft prulty look is what he has currontly created for tho logondary twiggy he also soos buns corning in and tho stylo he created especially for tho press roftocted this it was he who first saw twlggys possibilities and told a vogue editor about her inci dentally he prudlctod to bruno and mrs hathaway that shod be a top modol in a yoar and slip was but now she has changed shes growing up said her stylistsmi a swoep of his ox- prosslvc hands twlggys now hair style is long pullod back with soft curls and croamycolorod highlights more and moro hair coloring is coming ho prodlcts a yoar ago curls wore in ho said but thats a long time ago in london in ono large house he oporatos several salons and boutlquos with a staff ofabout40r according to mr leonard the blggost boom in london now is for men immaculately dressed in a light blue ruffled shirt that was nevertheless very mascu- uno slim craam stovepipes and dark loathorpllgrlmtype shoos he explained men have stopped having inhibitions and he thinks changes in mens stylos will happen here eventually too mr leonard first came to stylo acres about four years ago its a complete contrast here and i enjoy it its not like put ting on a formal show bruno and evelyn are progressive people so its nice to do ho explained there are 25 taking this sum mers seminar at style acros from all over canada and tho united slates the temporary students are all professional lialrdrossers owners of their own shops or chains and some of brunos own instructors the courses have been held at the ranch for the past seven years with outstanding demon strators flown in from abroad to highlight the sessions hiding swimming and tennis are enjoyed by the people taking the course in the beautiful roll ing selling acton witnesses among thousands in kitchener tho acion freo press wednesday july 10 1968 opp report the time has come whon god has to take over the rule of this earth konnoth little pre siding mlnlstor of jehovahs witnesses in canada said in kitchener sunday while deliver ing the feature talk of tho good nows for ah nations district assombly an audience of 14190 in- cludlng40 acton dolegatos filled memorial auditorium tpcapaclty and- overflowed to the annex and stadium oh adjacent property vifewed from the standpoint of ha world situation today it is becoming undeniably plain trial man is unable to rule himself sb ssijnahle jo survive without the help guidance and glossing ofgbdsaldmr lltl ho balled the attention ol the assembly to the findings of tho american association for iho advancement cfsclopce in a december 1007 session it was disclosed that even the balanco of nature is being destroyed hot only are the earths soils and wators being polluted but oven the amount of oxygen for mankind to breathe is being ro- ducod pointing to a problom in greater evidence to the public ho said we have boon issued into an ora of violence surpassing even that of noahs days before the flrjbd the- onlysolutiod is v kingdom or jod bychftst i willi be the divine moans so replant gods rule in uie parth henry loejuen presiding nrlhlster of the acjoncongre- atlon of jhjvah witnesses iibadiid the local jelegaflon mr loowon estimates that at least 10 per centof the large throng woro coloured people most of whom tame from more than 20 of tho united states problems minimal despite orange walk a week of limited activity greeted tho six manactonopp detachment from june 30 to july 6 during air reporting period 200 haurswero worked while over 1000 miles were logged on the town cruiser but considering tho produce of tho largeorange crowds in town for lhi annual july 12th celebration problems were minima general duties activities con sumed the greatest portion of our- policing tmoasin occurrences were notodpn the blotter many cnniplalnts concerned lost and foqnd property while ihreo bus- tiess pronilsoswbrelocated in secure al night 7 tpe brewers strjve now in progress seems ta have had llttlo effect bnlho availability of alcoholic beverages to local pur- s advanced swimming cancelled conductor of thevacton citizens bind george elliott pro- pares to lead tho parade out of prospect park flanked by an honor guard of young orange marchers staff photo piano pupils present summer recital at knox toronto model marilou macdonald wears a romantic hair style created for her by mr leonard the hair flows over a bun interwoven with brown velvet ribbon and highlighted by a long wispy ringlet down the back to the nape of the neck staff photo retted halton mp is insurance doctor mfirfrrrfr fttttrtttttmni rud whiting off to ottawa with the oloctlon over unsuc cessful candidates across the country are faced with the prob lem of what to do now success ful halton riding candidate dud whiting was in ottawa last week with former mp dr harry harley becoming oriented to his new job ndp candidate murray kor- nlghan who has been beaten in three elections previous to this said ho would likely contest the next election kit it wasadeclsion that would have to be made when the time came until thunhewlu be kept busy with church workand his own inaiuifacturtug business in milton for p k mcwuuamshe elec tion was a costly one after 10 years as crown attorney he re signed to take a shot at the elect ed position and lost although he hasnt yet made any official statement he will llkelv reaimr practice as a lawyer retired from politics after successfully winning throe feder al ulectlons and spending nearly six years in ottawa as halton countys mp dr harry harley of oakvllle is settling down to civilian life once more since thu end ol june he has been commuting to toronto five days a wuek to his new job as medical officer assessing the health of insurance prospects for the crown life insurance company dr harley describes his work as reading cardio graphs and chest xrays of applicant s seeking life insurance he is one of three medical of ficers the firm employs dr harley admits he will miss the excitement of politics but enjoys his new work he an- namced tils retirement in april alter the june 5 federal election was called leaving the door open for liberal candidate hud whit- ing of oakyillf to run land win tile seat as ills successor for part ol his three terms in parliament the former gener al practitioner worked as chair man of the commons health and welfare committee conducted a study on drug safety and drug prices and studied abortion and birth control legislation healso served as chairman of the stand ing committee on veterans affairs music teachers mrs faye dawklns pink and mrs dorothy rlcliardson scull presented their pupils inasummorrecital tues day of last week in knox church sunday school room families and friends enjoyed the special program years awards were presented to some of the outstanding pupils by the two teachers mrs sculls awards first for yoar debra bousfleld overtime practice cathy hlnton highest in piano grade 1 lorna savers grade 3 lindasyersdlane bous fleld mrs pinks awards first for year brenda klngsmill most overtime practice erlkaheptner gifts were presented to the teachers the program follows pupils of faye dawkins pink a merry dance duet faye pink and brenda kingsmlll peter pan waltz ertkalloptnor tho pony race john ashley throe kittens trio john judy faye pink waltz on the shadows shells col let the little heroes ralph landsborough pollchlnello darlene holmes cathedral rev eries velma llnliam island flower cathy ashley pupils of dorothy richardson scull springtime debbie an- drus orange s and le mons lor na sayers springtime violets dehra and diane dousfleld cathy hlnton allegretto in f diane bousfleld bright as a bjitton shirley and lynda sayers pre lude in b minor cathy hlnton holiday in switzerland lynda sayers rippling water faye sayers rippling water and also venetlenne faye pink and dorothy scull hanging gardens karen ashley concerto in a minor valerie coles impromptu the wise owl club sponsored by the canadian national institute tor the blind attempislneducate the public about the value of safe ty glasses charters in tin- club have been granted to 701 indust rial companies individual awards for saving sight on the job have gone to 700 workers since 10g1 graeme goebelle chartered accountant announces the opening of an office for the practice of his profession at 39 main st s georgetown 8776565 different date a news story in last weeks piper carried an incorrect date for the start of new legislation on land separations the cutoff date for allowable land separa tions over 10 acres without committee of adjustment ap proval was listed as june 1 but the township of nassagawoya has been informed by the de partment of municipal affairs the date was noon on may 3 ims the same story saldjolniyar- amko had attended the last mauling of iho townships plan ning board this is incorrect the meeting referred tonappuiud everal months ago avis rentacar and truck rental phone 8775323 secial weekend rates free delivery w thanks lj to the many people who worked so hard for me and to kb all the voters who supported me at the pojis on june 25 1 will do my best to represent all of the people of halton in ottawa rud l whiting since advanced swimming re gistration was far below expect- atlons parks supervisor harold townsloy said the classes will not bo possible this yoar only 20 registered and the pro gram needed co students for a reasonable cost money or choquos rocolvod for tho course will bo returned mr townsley emphasized either by mall or dollvery if parents wish to pool thoir resources tho course could still be arranged mr townsley said tho onus would bo on parents first gal you wrote a con fession story did it sell second gal no but the ed itor camo all tho way from now york to soo mo mwimmw julie smith sparklets and can adian capers betty ashley and dorolhy scull several vocal numbers added variety edelweiss and how groat thou art by diane and debra bousflold and a heart thats free and hush my dear by bonnie boort chasers four persons were found to possess liquor ulogally during the week and one person was lodged at the halton county jail for bolng intoxicated in a public place in all six charges were laid as a result of the liquor- seizures the two motor vehlclu acyrc- dents investigated saworteperr sc4i sustain mjnor injuries while the hired ears arid one jriotorcji- cle involved tecelved damages totalling goo chargepursuant to the highway traffic actvhave biert laid wrert warranted other traffic patrol figures complied reveal jvonlriotorlsts weraycharged with automobile violations such asspooijlngjfall- lug to stop at a stop sign and following tooclosoljo fifteen other drivers wore warned about- committing toss serious infrac tions traffic court usually a dom inant statistic in our press re ports was not hold on july 1 as court personnel onjoyod the hol iday wookond criminal liquor and traffic laws as they apply to the ont ario clllzon are widely known but it is becoming most appar ent that loglfelatlon and good practices applying to water safe ty are pot known nearly woll onough ignorance of safo wator prac tices and procedures for both the swimmer and iho boalor can readily result in serious injury or death it is therefore only reasonable that persons partici pating in wator activities should want lo know the what whore and why of tho sport for iho swimmer common sense should easily load the way to safe recreation dont swim alono or in unfamiliar waters nover swim in unllghlod areas or beyond your known capabilit ies and novor swim shortly after oatlng these are just a few of the precautions that can bo taken by all for tho boater too common sense should lead the way but for yoiir guldsnco the depart ment of transport lssuodahook- let onlltlod safety afloat in this booklet available al any department of transport offlco you will find summaries of boat ing regulations as they pertain to tho boats operation and equip ment as well as all the dos and donts that lead lo pleasant boat ing why leave your safoly to chanco know why you arc going what you are dolngwhonyoudolt guaranteed products and service froaa imperial o oil ltd furnace and stove oils greases gasoline diesel fuel motor oils jerry skirrow ultimatic furnaces no down payment 10 years to pay poweg humidifiers 8532340 heres why its so good each piece of pipinghot chicken is in vitingly crisp on the outside full of juicy mouthwatering flavor on the in side thats why we call it flavor- crisp its deepfried under pressure so all of the natural goodness of the chicken is sealed in rather than cooked out flavorcrisp chicken is never dry always delicious mtorcimsp snack ken frvnch fries special pak 8 pieces of flavor crisp chicken kimdv i serve chicken in a box family pak 1 pieces t chicken fiench fries cule slm bulteivtl run honcv 139 phone 8531201 14 pieces of chicken rolls ijunev party pak i pices of- chicken 79c 219 399 525 open 7 days a week b 6l m hood drivein center aden blvd and qum st in acton

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