Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1968, p. 5

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the acton free pre wednesday july 10 1968 1 the world of outdoors art h a w e s saturday july 13 sportsman diy vatlon area rattlesnake point conser family orienteering instruction and hike 10 am this hike and instruction will be for everyone of ill ages 11 am short hike for all participants map and compass can be borrowed at rattlesnake competition hike sunday july 14 rattlesnake point conser vation area a competition hike for all ages wont be difficult but a lot of fun 10 am registration and instruction 11 air the races themselves categories junior is and under inter medials 16 19 seniors 20 and over veterans 40 and over wayfarers 24 group teams race at same time 2 juniors one girl 2 intermediate one girl 2 senior 1 veteran sports talc with e d puffing and blowing like whales up for a breather the old timers gave acton tinners a run for their money as well as lots of laughs in fridays exhibition lacrosse tangle before ending upon the short ond of in 1110 georo taking up where they loft off when they handled gutted sticks for the old acton rams back in 1959 larry talllefers crow of mossybacks proved to spectators they havent lost their touch true there were a few rusty hinges in the knees dangling tongues and sore feet they were all forgotten by the following wednesday as the old timers had by then got their second wind muscles were stiff instead of sore and stomachs returned to normal after a laugh session which fractured fans turning hack the clock was ok for the kids said one panting gladiator pointing to the juveniles who hardly worked up a sweat but for us it was murder puff puff because other commitments including an old timers game in fergus prevented several of the former rams from being in the lineup tanner coach howard dwyer and manager art cooper joined the group bob andrews played goal a tender plant in a musty garden i lvi former hams larry talllefer george grasby billy bur ton barrv inseoe and johnny krapekwere joined by harold towns- ley ted footlt dave james and georgt tyers dave james rapped in four goals and deadeye johnny krapek notched three barry inscoe rifled a pair while george grasby accounted for one gary kelly rifled four markers in for the juves bob turkosi and paul cooper accounted for three and hob houghloy bagged a single depending on the lime and players available there could be another game this fall for those who missed this one alt lockrtdge one of wiskrn ontarios best known sportsmen was honorod at a wqaa appreciation night recently in wlngham well known here when acton tinners puyed in the woaa alf hid several friends from this district including mr and mrs bob marshall in the lampicked armouries in wlngham treasurer of the woaa when the league was formed in 1942 he became secretarymanager when tory gregg resigned among the many achievements he has beencredited with in wlng ham are a member of the public school board for 18 years on the hospital board chairman of the artificial ice fund arena manager five years played intermediate hockey for 20 years coached and managed junior and minor hockey teams and 1 stint at playing field lacrosse several fitting gifts were presented to mr lockrldge whose main interest now la horse racing and grassing fine herds of hereford one of the proudest moments for charlie thomson in a retire ment career devoted to aoorts and helplngthe kids came herbs run up early lead but lose 43 squeaker last week at maple rock shooting range cord clow and john shadbolt tied for top spot with 24 john also got a 22 other good scores were ed hawes 23 brad mainprise 22 earl jolly- more 19 and 15 art hawes 19 and bui miller 17 thlswek john shadbolt agitn topped ue fait with 252624 and 24 john missed tbe 99th bird in his attempt toltet 100 straight he dualities of his 75 straight badge however congratulations john john cordes got 25 and 22 this week while edjlavros got 21 and- 1 a and bui miller 18 j v duq to the efforts of the federation- 6f angurs and hunters the lady fishermen will be exempt from the ontario fishing license thlt is to come in effecti the federation was also instrumental in getting the proposed hike to 500 for resident hunting licenses lowered to 300 tho license now costs 100 the adventure of a new outdoor sport is reaching canada it has been almost twenty years since the first introduction of orienteering to our schools and camps orienteering is the rather cumfaorsome but internationally used term for wayttndlng carried out across country on foot with the help of a map and compass basically the game of orienteering is a cross between a treasure hunt and a car rally on foot at the starting line the orlontoer is given a detailed topo graphic map of the surrounding area on the map will be small numbered circles they are the course and tell you whore you will find the checkpoints or controls you then set out to reach the checkpoints in the right sequence as quickly as possible the last control is the finish line and also the starting area here for competitive hikes your time will be recorded orienteering is mainly a game of skill it combines the pleasure of a hike through the woods with a challenge in conservation week in halton the ontario orienteering association and university of guelphs school of physical ed ucation has set up the following orienteering hikes they are open to everyone of all ages and heres a chance to get the kids away from the boob tube while enjoying the outofdoors yourselfl aule hitchcock didnt write the script hut thursdays town league softball contest was a thriller station hotel won a 43 decision their second from herbs in tho week herbs delivery underdogs threw a scaro into station hotel by chasing three runs across the plate in the first inning best the mill st innkoopers caild do was one herbs hung onto the lea until the third inolngwhen ed bmlth era ked a two tun homer to ho tho game up what droved lobe tho winning run galloped acroas home in tho fourth asdonharrlstookallcsel bob smith doubled fnd jan rtddall dammed another twobagger to score harris it ws jusllto for bob smith he gave up the three unearned runs to herbs in the opening frame with fair pasras to first and a single by long don archi bald from that point on herbs couldnt crack the score sheet nevor put a runitur past second except for harold townsleys triple lome peavoy flnlshod up the five hitter for tho winners fred archibald took ihe loss for hurbg jle was nicked fqr 14 hits walked one and struck out tw harold townsley was top man- ed smiths homer highlighted the long hall cannonading of the taverners one of three he smash ed pete homor also connected three times jan lllddall in coochman and boh smith wore two hit hatters goorgo william son and don harris one llnescore it h stn 102 100 000 4 13 herbs 300 000 000 3 5 station bob smith p lorno peavoy p al mckabb jan md- doll goorgo williamson i ed smith donjford pole hrnnar gary couture don harris herbs phil mccrlsiall terey wasajos donmarro her on the hitting totem- for herbs oldtownsley bill lucn llih with m triple and single tlck ard coe don archibald fred coe don archlhatd and eraser archibald jlrn eraser craig rapped singles weldon jv pksssports page minor baseball snakes alive through the ages snakes have been feared misunderstood and often persecuted somi pt ople bolitvu all snakes an- venomous others consider them uselest croaturcs while still ntliersdls- uke them for no other rearnn nellis edges corner with heavy slugging a nudge and a tie made acton minor baseball action this week mighty exciting third place nellis construc tion got the edge in the nudge thoy nipped sports corner the leagues improving bottom team 1110 last wednesday in a five inning game monday night custom cleaners had to settle for a tie with sports corner 1717 customs aro deadlocked with lions club for top spot in the four team league outhlt 166 by the hard swing ing nellis team sports corner nevertheless made tho most of their opportunities as thoy lost to tho construction crow the winners plated seven of their runs in the third inning which saw shortstop chris senilis polo a homo run thoy also scored one in the first two in tho second and one in tho fifth inning sports corner chalkodup three runs in oach of tho second third and fourth frames and wound up with ono in tho fifth thoy ac complished all this on six hits big clout was a homo run by russ van fluot mondays tlo gamo wasa walk- around as both custom cleaners and sports corner hit lightly custom hid tho hitting odgo 64 coupled with an ii run third inning which kopt thorn in tho running thoy scored five in tho first and ono in tho fourth sunday races allowed no plans for mohawk legislation legalising munici palities to allow sunday horse racing has been passed in tho ontario legislature however it is unlikely sunday races will bo started at mohawk racoway at campbellvllle unless the jock ey club makes in application there his been no official icknowledgement madetonassa- gaweya township council about tho passage of the bill and there has been no indication yet that the jockey club will apply when the legislation first be came known somo time ago st davids presbytorlan church wrote the township council op posing the legislation and pre senting their arguments against sunday racing at campbellvllle the twopronged argument pointed out members of the con gregation were employed by the track and if they hid to work sunday it would interrupt church servlcos and secondly it would add to the already heavy traffic along the guelph line on sun days letters were also sent to george kerr mpp rouvo bill coulter said he understood tho legislation allow ed the municipality to pass by laws to fit tholr individual situ ations he said it wis up to the munlclpillty but they did not need tho consent of tho electors however it could bo done by plebiscite if tho council felt it was nocossiry for a vote j a kenney general man ager of the jockey club said the bill hid not recelvod royal assent yet but the jockey club had applied at fort erie earlier because tho matter was urgent and the council there had grant ed permission mr kenney said hlsflrm would make application to each mun icipality where thoy have a track located and hope to havo a bylaw passed but tho jockoyclubboard would hive to decided whothor or not they will implement sunday racing even if tho bill is passed he did say howover it was unlikely for sunday racing to come to the standardbred tracks immediately but that again is for tho board to decided he said sports corner plated two in tho first frame five in tho second seven in tho third and three in tho final catchor roger swans bat ham- mored a homo run and a ringing triple in two trips to tho plate for tho corner russ van fleet also rapped a throo bagger kon swan singled twice for tho cleanors terry hol- mos wallopped a four bagger kent konlnor trlplod and g carnoglo doublod twice danny mcgiuoway homored and doublod pltchors tony lambert and bob pauw had troublo flndinf tho plate as 34 walk wore chalk- od up accounting for tho largo scoro custon cleaners d marcoux rf m morris lfs oakloy lf k kontner c d mcgiuoway ib t holmes ss j marshall 2b j hurley 3b g carnegie cf t lambert v 1 sports corner pert post 2b jim matthews rf joe kentnor lf roger swan c ken swan 3b jan staehyra ss john mccut- cheon cf bob pauw p russ van fleot ib murray gow umpires h lambert tr pickles nellis 11 spohtscornenio sports corner h bourflold john mccutchoon murray gnw kon swan russ van fli i t john staehyra roper swan jim lynch bob pauw jim matthew koith croskon bert post nollls david allan ld en- slng chris tonninl dale harn- don potor hargrave john han son ron mooru chris senilis john pink mitchell conroy umpires oils iwandowskl bryan dunne league standing as of july 8 pts lion club custom cloaners nellis construction sports corner future games wed july 10 nollls vs lions mon jluy 15 sports corner vs lions noto game curfew has been movod from 8 pm to 8 30 pm now school is out so the boys can play oxtra innings than simply because thoy are snakes fortunately in recent ynarj ihls ttllude is changing people an beihnnlngtoreallxe that these nptlles play an important pari in nature hy consuming prnat numliers of inse rt and rodent pesls in ontario dure is only one sliaki which poses any dancer to man tin lltllr massasaupa rattlesnake it is found chiefly along lli shores of georgian hay to about twenty mile s in land on some of the islands in the liay and on the bruce pen insula this rattler is a mildman nered ralhor sluggish illtli snake which normally prefe w retreat to attack and trh s to avoid i ncmintors with humans if possible the rreati st danj r is in accldmlally stepping on a massasaupa as they bli nd so well with their surrnundlnps the massasauga is a small stoutbodod snake which seldom attains a length of more than two and a half feet although three- footers have boon found the head is broad and distinct from the neck the snout is blunt and oke all rattlors the mass- asauga also has the facial pits and cat like oyo pupils four homes nassigiweya building inspect or s w savago reports there were six permits for work total ling g4000 issued in june these includod four houses at 58000 ono addition at 5000 and ono accossory building at 1000 bringing the years total to 550800 to provide accurate infor mation on the massasaiika rattle snake the federation of ontario naturalists publish d a booklut on this fascinating reptile it was aulhorltlvely written hy miss barbara froom of the ontario department of lands and forests there an twelve sections in the booklet dealing with topics such as rantri in ontario pre cautions when in rattlesnake country first aid and some snakes sometimes mistaken for rattlers the v nom ofthe massasauga is highly toxic writes miss froom hut the epiantlty is small and th snakes fangs aro short with prompt treatment no one need die from thi bite of a massasaupa rattler georgetown girls strong finish wins them game monday night bonnie macdougall mado a sparkling seasons debut on tho acton senior girls mound hit georgetown gals scored runs in late innings to down tholr hosts 1310 monday kindled by somo hoavy hitting from loft fielder lynn dunn who rappod four hits in five trips to tho plate which includod a four bagger tho acton squad looked uko they wore hoadod for their tanners edged by lakefield one charge a hamilton man was reported to police saturday during tho orange celebrations hero and polico chargod him under the uquor control act other than that the event was orderly as far asthe opp were concerned we should havo won that one we had thorn on the runlntho last period hit penalties killed us coach howard dwyers re marks alter tho juvenile lacrosse tanners dropped a 109 decision to undefeated lakefleld here last thursday visitors sported an 83 lead at the end of the second period thanks to a six goal splurge in tho opening canto against a lone reply from the tanners both clubs went at it hill tilt in tho middle recently with a letter from the north halton association for tho mentally rotarded charlie in case you didnt know spends much time with the children assisting them in thearena to skate and play hockey as well as teaching them the rudiments of baseball in season the letter of appreciation read as follows- dear charlie tho children and the ladlos of larcho auxiliary would like to thank you again for the time you spent with us at tho arena this year i think the children become more excited each year and as usual they had you thero to share their happiness and pride in tholr achievement we were also very proud of your accomplish ments in your walk for ccs thank you again charlie and wo all hope to see you again next yoar yours truly mrs anne dodds corr sec session splitting four goals it was obvious once the acton kids got a wobbly first period out of their systems that they had full command of the game lake- hold hung on grimly however to preserve their lead in the final chapter although they wero out- scored 62 gary talllefer wasinthe acton unoup for the first time and holl help tho club as the soason advances gary turkosi handled the nctmlnding dutios to start the game off and mlko coopor went in in relief big gun for tho tanners again and best man of the floor was bob turkosi he cashed three balls in for goals and assistodon two more fred fllsnlck also connected for a hat trick glen talllefer notched a goal and two assists paul cooper and mike marcoux each got one lakeview got a three goal per formance from kattyle while hooson and hall bagged a pair apiece the teams split 24 penalties acton- gary talllefer doug allan rob roughley bob tur kosi glen talllefer paul coop er brent marshall fred flls nlck stu mecullocfa gary kelly bob waller gary turkosx ulke cooper mike marcoux first win of the season thoy wilted in the last throu innings however while the vlsltorscame on strong with a seven run out burst in the sixth georgetown was outgunned on the night 2115 hit thoy cluster ed their hits wo should won her man- agor charlie thomson reflected after the ballgame was over well got em next time it was the second straight loss to the georgetown squad thly trimmed actons sails under the glen candlesticks thursday score was not disclosed eve smith hurled for the georgetown brigade bonnlu flunr for acton besides lynn dunns contrib ution to the belting bats joanne fhtcher and gail reed each hit safely three times for acton gall fryer lit campbell sand ra stlngerland bonnie macdoug all and jill hurst contrlbutedtwo hits apiecebarbfergusonclout- ed one marilyn eagles and jane mc- nally supplied the georgetown power three singles apleci marilyns seventh inning con tribution was a baseempty homer judy shepherd susan qulnn and brenda richardson hit safe ly twice r h e georgetown 210 007 3 13 15 3 acton 330 400 0 10 21 1 georgetown judy shepherd cf marilyn eagles 2b susan qulnn lb eve smith p brenda h ilme rf richardson rf jane mcnally ss peggy given c l paul c gail young if julie par sons 3b a march me nt 3b acton lynn dunn if gall fryer lb i it campbell 3b san dra sungerland c bonnie mac dougall p jill hurst 2b joanne fletcher ss gail reed rf marg slaver rf barb ferguson cf patsy vh eler cf umpire g douce ttt bases rick coe bases r frmmr 134 mill i at wilbur mout u33iu just arrived x hunting knives starter pistols pocket knives a fine new assortment at jpwtj coraer thuri ft sat july 111213 all color show rod taylor trevor howard jill st john in the liquidator plus burt lancaster shelloy w nters ossie davis in the scalp hunters recommended adult entertainment mon yuet wed july 15 16 17 all color show greit entprta nment for all the family virg n a mckonna b ii traver in born free plus the endless summer tnil and brc ithtjklng ni in in pilturt ibout urf m iiiiiilli in atricj aus li ilia tu a iland tahiti 11 iu in and cahieirnl i shaw tim 915 ustang- drivein theatre mkum 1344431 anytime 1 mil e ot goals cjryl umlta jurt oh hwy 71

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