Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1968, p. 8

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19 legal 19 legal 19 legal 19 legal 19 legal 19 legal tho acton free pratt wednesday july 10 1968 20 auction sales notice of application to the ontario municipal board by the corporation of the town of acton for approval of a bylaw to regulate land use passed pursuant to section 30 of the planning act take notice that the council of the corporation of the town of acton intends to apply to the ontario munici pal board portuant to the provitlont of section 30 of the planning ad for approval of bylaw 1416 patted on the 08th day of ma16tf to amend bylaw t358 a copy of jthe bylaw i furnished herewith t any person interested may within fourteen jm day after the date of fhl notice tend by registered malu or deliver to the clerk 61 the town of actori notice of hi objection to approval of the tald bylaw tboqlher with a statement 6f the groundt of such obleition jthe ontario municipal board may approve of the laid bylaw but befqre doing 6 ti may appoint a time and place when any objection to the bylaw will be considered notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection the latt date for filing oblectlorjt will be july 19 1968 dated at tke town of acton this 5th day of july i96tf j mcgeachie clerkadministrator town of acton the corporation of the town of acton bylaw number 1416 a bylaw to amend bylaw no 1358 whereas it it deemed expedient to amend certain sec tion of bylaw no 1358 relating to the regulation and use of land and the character and ute of buildings and structures within the town of acton now therefore the council of the corporation of the town of acton enacts as follows section 1 this bylaw shall be known as a bylaw amend ing bylaw no 1358 for the corporation of the town of acton section 2 schedule a to bylaw no 1358 shall be de leted and schedule a to this bylaw shall be inserted in hi place and stead on a scale of 300 fee to one inch together with quotations and references thereon section 3 section 238 is amended by adding thereto the following the maximum percentage floor area used in home occupation shall not exceed 25 percent- of the floor area of the dwelling so that section shall read home occupation shall mean any use customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by inhabitants thereof which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling purpose and does not change the character thereof or have any exterior evidence of such secondary use the maximum percentage floor area used in home occupation shall not exceed 25 per cent of the floor area of the dwelling there shall be no display no stock in trade no commodity sold upon the premises no person employed except such as is necessary for housekeeping purposes it shall include the office of a dentist physician chiropractor or chiropodist but a clinic a hospital a barber shop a beauty parlor a tea room and an animal hospital shall not be deemed home occupations section 4 section 5 7 a is amended by deleting there from the words into any required front or rear yard so that the section reads chimney breasts main eaves belt courses sills or cornices not projecting more than twenty- four 24 inches section s section 522 is added as follows- no person shall use nor change the type of use of any land bulldkig or structure in whole or in part unless a certificate of occupancy is obtained from the zoning administrator authorising such use or change of use section 6 section 6 11 is amended by adding thereto after the word chiropodist as o home occupation so thai the section read a detached onefamily dwelling the office ol a joclor dentist chiropractor or chiropodist as a home occupation a public park and uses accessory to the- foregoing slction 7 section a 1 is amended by adding thereto os a permuted use aflcr the word house a home occupa tion and after the word lone except a community hall and refreshment pavillion so that the section reads all uses permitted in the- k2 zone and the following uses a duplex dwelling a semi detached dwelling a boarding or lodging house a home occupation a private club and uses accessory to the foregoing all uses in ol zone ex cept the community ball and refreshment pavillion eub- ject to the requirements thereof fcctlon o section 6 4 1 is- amended by adding thereto after trie words apartment dwelling a homoocciipatlon and deleting therefrom religious institution a public hoslul4i homo foi the aged so that the section reeds all uses permitted in the r3 zoiye except detached one- family dwellings subject to the r3 zone requirements and the- following uses a double duplex dwelling aa apartment- dwelling a home occupation and itscs ecces sory to ihe foregoing section 9 section 6 is amended by addjng as note 6 ti the schedule of residential zone acquirements the following note 6 for the office of a doctor dentiat a chiropractor chiropodist or home occupation such use shall be conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by the inhabitants thereof which use it clearly inci dental and secondary to the use of the dwelling purpose joccupving not more than twenty five 25 percent of the total floor area and does not change the character there of nor have njy exterior evidences of such secondary use save and except as follows a doctor- dentist chiroprac tor or chiropodist mav erect a sign so long as the same does not exceed a surface area of two square feet and so long as ihe same is attached to the face of the building section 10 section 7 4 7 41 and 7 4 2 are added as fol lows 7 4 commercial general holding zone ci h 741 v permitted uses a church a home occupation an existing dwelling and uses accessory to the foregoing 74 2 awe requirements the provisions of section 5 ii 5 13 and 5 15 shall apply and the repair rebuilding or malntainance of an existing dwelling except that the bulk size lot coverage of all existing dwellings shall not be increased nor the existing front side or rear yards reduced from that which exists on the- dale of the passing of this bylaw section ii section 9 11 is amended by adding thereto as a permitted use a vegetable garden and an accessory building so that the section reads a park a playground a playing field a flower garden a vegetable garden a community hall an open or closed swimming pool a bowling green a tennis court an accessory building and a refreshment pavilion or booth and facilities accessory to any of the foregoing uses section 12 section 10 10 i and 102 shall be deleted section 13 9 i conflict with other bylaws in the event of conflict between this bylaw and any general or special bv law this by law shall prevail 92 validity should anv section or part of a section of this bylaw be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in valid the same- shall not effect the provisions of this bv law as a vvhole or any part thereof other than the pari so declared to he invalid 9 3 effective date no part of this bv law shall come into force without the approval of the ontario municipal board but subject to such approval this bylaw shall take effect from the passing thereof read a first and second time this 28th day of may 1968 i a duby mayor j mcgeachie clerk read a third time and finally passed this 28th day or may 1968 t a dubv mayor j mcgeachie clerk 19a2 lif carriers stray pigeons land here swu any stray plfaoas lately sevan readers have reported flodlaf fairly tuna carriertype pigeon la this area during the neat eoapla of week sotae are bended xrftn coda letter and have been traced to the crm union oi pigeon fanciers who have bean holding competitions with the birds 1b recent week one which adopted t catap- beuvtoe family last week was carrying all bsoty receptacle of the type used for carrrlag toee- aaas its arrival was reported to the cupf hit before the owner could claim it the animal died reports indicate it w probably attacked by a hawk or other predatory bird as it show d up at the campbetlvitta womans boom la a badly ruffled and worn oat eoedluon soma have beau reported in the aeton area oaa that lauded la lb back yard of a hilton home was tame enough to drink from a preferred cup of water before it moved on notice office closed the office of dr f g oakes will be closed from jul 11 to july 24 emargancy calls will bt taken by dr r gaskin rieoroetown phono 8772741 dm o oakk the corporation of he township of erin bylaw number 1168 a bylaw for the licensing of dogs whereas pursuant to the provisions of the dog tax and live slock and poultry protection act rso i960 and amend ments thereto the council of the corporation of the township of erin enacts as follows i in this by law a dog shull mean a male or female dog b owner of u dog includes a person who possesses or har bors a dog but owns and owned have u corresponding meaning 2 the owner of every dog over 6 months of age- shall within ted days of becoming such owner and on or before overy suc ceeding 30th day of jiuic procnie such dog to be registered numbered and llccncedjfcir one your from the- ut day of janu ary lit the office of the township clerk or hh assistant unci shall cause such dog to wear nmtirid his peck u ollir to which shall be attached the license tag furnished hy the municipality and bearing ihorcon the soriuj rumiteand the year of istue 3 pecs payable tothe clerk orhls assistant for such license up to and including the joill div of june shall he as follows auction sale notice ir j a stokes at the- taim on the ftiiclph line 2 miles south of campbell vllle on saturday july 20 lit 12 noon tnctor implements furniture tiiul a good ouciiug of antique i iniiiliite mid dishes etc complete list next week max storey auctioneer ml one male dog dr spayed female each jilditlpuil male dog 6r spayed female oiie female dog each additional female dog kennel license all adult dogs must be registered pure breds and kept in an enclosure s 3 00 600 600 boo 10 00 fees payable to the clerk or his assistant for such license after the wlh dav of june shall be as follows one male dog or spayed female i 6 00 each additional male dog or spayed female 12 00 one female dog 12 00 each additional female dog 1800 kennel license 2000 jf an owner has more than one dog each successive dog shall be deemed to be an additional dog regardless of sex 4 licenses will be procurable from ihe clerk or his assistant on or after the 1st day of march of each year and the license fee shall be paid to the clerk or his assistant on or before the 30th day of june save and except the year 1968 when the date shnll be the 30lh day or september 5 the license tag must be propcrlv fastened on the dog at all times other than when the dog is legally hunting auction sale friday rvfninc iuly 12th s albert street gbelph t omiiiencliig at 7 30 p m combination 1ildge and tree al w elimilc stove nulorhn- tic wailicr uiul dryif- plcce kitchen ciilfci colonial kitchen tables and clid tables 21 col onlal tv uuiicit phyfc drop le if tablet swivel ehalr bed ehesleilicld voulji lied book ljsl chest jil drawers cnliirilil hunk beds chest of drawers portable- tv cedar chest small pool table captains chair gun ruks scjhrtee record player pictures dislnjs tools 19s3 ionliac car and many other h ms too numerous to mention no reserve as everything must he sold since the proprietor has t iken up icstdcnce in ii c n rms cash with clerk not lesponslble- in case of accident iawkenci a mattews prop ow main clerk c ii tufitn auctioneer phone 8564246 bring out the flavor of all your 101 life monosodium glutamate 195 lb buy it by th pound save available at acton pharmacy 3 main si n acton 8531620 6 any contravention of this by law is punishable hv a fine of not more than iso 00 exclusive or costs upon every person who tf4 contravenes the by law and every such fine is recoverable under the summary convictions act 7 that nil former bylaws relating to the licensing of dogs is hereby repealed passed this 2nd day of july 1968 elmer mcklnnon clerk alex jackson reeve dog license may be purchased at the following places- smiths general store dalllnafad robertsons groceteria osprlnge clerks office municipal building hillsburgh for your convenience the clerks office will be open on wcdnes day evenings from 8 to 9 30 p m and saturday mornings from 10 to 1130 am until the 3rd of august you must purchase your dog license at the above places no one will call selling said license kennel license may be purchased at clerks office only for gas appliances sxtsbsv richardsons tv appliances 301 main st i milton tt64 jitiriittrrrrtrr sttttttttt tabllritt canadas finttt qualify red or tint strand tut bought rite u tsuuiti tul ll miuisllf uuitw cut rite tlkuilll ul ll istlllf lilauj at til mil it i ivsry earns sf tatlwll luf is a paisa al tallsa ritesm runic tm curad hctbgc s99c m ium m sl m of mumt short rib roast jqc lean iii will tiimhid ibnf w sicmt sritv liumuim fauns 63c mum tteflstl 4fc csv sffc start 289 btahs 239 napkins 245 un uni alt hum toilet tissue 31 i3aamhtee i0vu curn sunny h01h t it ii in i ii lie in 65189 cross cut rib roast t55c boneless shoulder l 55c lulns vacuum packed wieneh ss wirhswi hal cm1u ustttl lltf ntiu lajjjbll mttt ihf mutjbl a a tailerite cooked meats 4usi luncheon meat kam 2 89 tors a pies hasiaau mil ca ma s oiim 59c ctmcmsta 2s2 39c jbm tabes m tjrtm mht tl r m mlets 4 s i uw tasw i uial 4u teat sal icon n hi 1 1 oi oiouiid family tissue facial tissues ni pint tl ll ox 01 i it ac pig 01 ctitticc 400 tissue 3 1 towels 49 lasm tse iw maasa assesses au biscuits 51 corn sticks 65 feanuts 269

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