Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1968, p. 1

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its been dogoone hot this weak with lomporaluro in the 0s and the humidity wiy past iho discomfort mnrk tho wonlher- mn prodicts well jet some relief tomorrow stuff photo approve merger halton peel unit amalgamation of the hilton county health unit with pool health unit was endorsed by county council tuosday although there was no indication pool was interested reovo h illnlon acton warned that pool would resist any such amalgamation because it was currently preparing a special bill to the provincial loglslaturo calling for tho designation of peel as a region in itself reovo hlnton revlowed in detail tho programs being carried on in the wellington dufferln guolph unit and tho costs incurred before wo get loose with amalgamation wo should jiave a far more factual report than we have hero tho acton reovo com plained hoove w coulter nassagaweya pointed out the program imple mented in wellington had boon introduced undor the grant system which roqulrod the county to contribute 50 per cent tho new legislation roqulres tho county to pay 75 por cent unloss the unit is a regional ono roevo a lodwlth objecting to an amondmont that would direct the proposed merger back to the board of hoalth said tho board had already been studying tho morgor fortwoyoars and now wanted county council direction he strossed tho merger would save the county 150000 based on the present sarvlcos and tho provincial grants which would apply only if the units merged a recorded voto to deleto tho board of healths recommendation was supported only by reeve hlnton subsequently a motion was passed approving the merger of the two units and directing that dr m dymond minister of health be notified ullton representatives to county council agreed to withdraw a motion seeking county endorsement to setting the towns south umlt after annexation as the south limit of derry rd reeve r harris explained this would clarify policing respon sibility but several members of county council indicated there were other considerations since it was a county road and would require a connecting link agreoment and other legal matters to suggestions that a divided road as a boundary existed in other areas of tho county reeve harris pointed out a divided road would placo tho milton district hospital as an island outside the milton limits while actually being a part of the town at the suggestion of members the milton delogates agrood to defer action pending discussions with the county roads committee at its next meeting ht cim vol 109 no 11 acton ontawio wfdnisday july 17 19ab ptfess lourttmii payflfj ton cent postal strike will close tho atton postoffice will ho virtually flowd up he post offlc mploymk alonwlthrpjlo3 members across canada go on strike tomorrow thursday morning at 5 am postmaster gord said only the box lobby will ho loft open- for people to collect mail idneo almost all omployons hero aro union members the slrlko will involve 24000 workers across the country the postal union is asking for an in crease of 75 route an hour for a contract that will oxplrosoptom- hor 30 1060 the union rojoclod a concilia tion hoard report which recom mended improvod working con ditions but madi no mention of a wago incroase postal clerks start at 4185 por annum and roach a maximum of 5735 in five years union officials wore critical of wage rates quoted in tho dally newspapers which were top not overyono makes the top rates said one rural mall carriers kre nor union members and hoimo will report for work the isanii k usual postranlnvmckeownssw little work lid for them how- ever postiiiektftti arid postal officers ha verocilviid nnkirs not to handle malldurlng the strike if would lu a hopeless task any way tho customs officii will remain open inn treasury hoard negotiat ing wage rates with lliii postal union has reportedly said they will not hack down from an in flexible position until ihn union reducos its demands a strike was inevitable as tills newspaper wont to hod tho post office placed an em bargo on all classes of mall on tuosday at 5 pm communica tions minister erie klorsns said the embargo would go into effect on second third and fourth clasn mall at noon tuosday this would mean thorn will 1 no newspapers or magaxliux ac- eiiplftd ty tliu prtkt officii will plokiilh l iinmiit si tho acton loiil office postmaster mckeown doiikntkiiow imt said- tin has hiianijjimns nf outside pickets luiliurpinitiiil here in tin uvunt the postal strike is not settled by iwxt week free press uilwcrlliiirk msy pick up their copy of tliln iuwspapur at dills stationery store on mill si if lhi lrlki u wittleilmib- scrllsirswlll recolvy their lreli t press in llw iimibi iiisniuir word was received wudnuiulsy iiinriuriif frjinipiisl master lord mckewpn that rural route mall deliveries were cancelled after inday thursday lit view of hits word from the postal department rural itoulo milwrrllmrk to tho acton lree press may pick up their copies at dills stationery store esquesing honors quarter century of service kc lindsay clerk and treas urer of esquesing township was honored friday evening for 26 years of service when officials gathered for a dinner at tho caravan restaurant in milton former councillor e harrop paid tribute to mr lindsays years of service he suggested the clerktreasurer had throe main abilities for the position first was absolute honesty in all his dealings second was a will ingness to work and third an ability to get along with people reeve g currio presenting an engravod desk set revlowod the changes inthetownshlpdurlngtho last 25 years he recalled he was the only living member of tho council that had engaged mr lindsay 25 yoars ago longevity in public service is normal in esquesing township mr lindsay recalled lie was only the fifth treasurer the township has had in its 11b year history he was immediately preceded by norman thompson as treasurer who served only three years but george leslie the previous treasurer had served for 43 years from 1607 to 1040 mr lindsays roots are deep in esquesing history and his in terest in municipal affairs is quite natural his groat grand father was the first deputy roeve of tho township at its founding in 1b40 prior to that he had served on the school commission his grandfather was reeve of the township and in 1084 was warden ofhallon his fathor was a valu ator for esquesing in 1027 and 1028 and from those days mr lindsay rocalls the township paid about 25 par cent of the county rate tho major chango in ihn town ship that mr lindsay seos is the growing urbanisation twonly- flvo years ago it was all farms and i knew 00 per cent of tho peoplo today i doubt if i know nine por cont of tho residents ho reflected from tho co farms that wore onco located on tho seventh lino thore aro dofinltoly not more than 20 being actively farmed by full time farmors now tho course of esquoilng ad ministration has boon smooth oh there have boon minor dif ferences of opinion among coun cils but in- 25 yoars there has novor boon any serious differ ences of opinion on council he recalled mr lindsay was a farmer for over 30 yoars before joining the township administration on a full time basis he began his work with esquesing in 1943 as treas urer prior to that he had served as a livestock valuator for nearly 15 years in 1043 the treasurers position was a part time lob in 1940 mr lindsay assisted as sessor art benton with tho first formal reassessment of the township in its history in 1053 he bocamo acting clerk succeed ing in bennett in early 1954 roast overdone sunday acton firefighters responded to two tire calls this week first was a grass tire at the fuchs farm on the fourth line esquesing around 6 pm friday afternoon sunday at 2 pm tho brigade was called to the thatcher res ldencu in warren grove neigh bors noticed smoke coming from the house and turnedlnthe alarm residents apparently left a roast cooking on an automatic timer and it failed to turn off at the proper time the roast was overdone the house filled with smoke but the heat damage was confined to the stove half the doctors lu great brit ain have stopped smoking cigar ettes and doctors lu great brit ain are the only adasble group in which the incident of ling cancer baa bhu reduced y3r tl a deep breath and then under looming to swim isnt oasy but with the help ol red cross instructor louise mcelroy beginners get six weekt to practice in the park wading pool asparl of the summer playground program staff photo honor w j beatty on his retirement markino 25 years of tervlce at clerk and treaiurer to esquesing township officials fri day evening presented k c lindsay with a desk set suitably engraved former councillor edwin harrop paid tribute to mr lindsays service noting the fact that he had served for 25 years was a compliment to him reeve george currie at right presented the desk set on behalf of the township and officials staff photo ovor 100 mombors of tho boardmoro staff and iholr hus bands and wives attondud a re tirement party in the acton music centre thursday evening june 27 on tho occasion of mr w j boattys rotlromunt from tho company a cocktail hour was followed by a dinner and dancing r l evolan presenlod mr beatty with a leather bound book containing letters from close as sociates in tho trade congrat ulating him and offering their best wishes other presentations on behalf of the staff were made by h e rupport and f l racoy judy duby presented mrs beatty with rod carnations n j braids introduced out- oftown visitors front quebec montreal and toronto special guests were mr and mrs g ii dickson and mr and mrs wf mclean mr dickson is exe cutive vlcoproddent of canada packers limited toronto and chairman of the board of beard- more and co limited mr mclean is president of canada would drop per diem pay roeve h hlnton acton gave notice to membersofhaltoncou- nty council tuesday he wlu pro pose that couniyappolnted mem bers to various organisations not be paid p allowance the reovo suggested the ob jective of getting the best men on boards is often negated by putting a prfce tag on their ser vice the county currently appoints members to the various hosp ital baordx industrial committee sheridan college and others the reeve noted the matter was being studied by a county commi ttee but he felt action should be taken on the matter and he was outunlnfhlsyiewa packers limited toronto also in attendance were mr and mrs s g bennett who were celebrating thulr woddlng an niversary mrs bennett was presenlod with a bouquot of pink roses by mr realty earlier in tlie weuk mr beatty received gifts from the machine shop staff of the company and also from the foremens as sociation on june 21 ho was honorod at a dinner given at the mohawk inn on hand at tho dinner were 30 officials re presenting all tho major tanners in canada they had earlier presented him with leather gifts mr beatty continues to be a mombor of the board of directors of boardmoro and co constable campbell transferred opp constable poter camp bell is being transferred from the acton to tho burlington detach ment as of the first of august he will take on the dutlos of traffic safety coordlnator in the burlington traffic unit constable campbell lias been in acton for the past three years he and his wife lis have taken an apartment irrburltngtonr police report two minor accidents two minor accidents ware re ported by actonappthlsweek saturday july 13 a ear driv en by wlllard john halladay 33 queen st sustained 150 dam age to the right raar when it failed to negotiate the curve at yonge and queen sis the vehicle was southbound on yonge police said and knock ed over a speed umlt sign when it mounted the curb constable peter campbell its vostlgatod vehicles driven by helen 0 borne 173 perth st and michael stan joe 211 mill st e collid ed tuesday evening at 905 pm rconfinufd oh pagt 3 wi remember a few months aoo the snow lay thick on the ground the eir was frosty and we were looking forward to an early spring perhaps this winter scene will help cool you off staff photo ii immuu

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