Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1968, p. 11

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1968 m t acton free press wednesday july 17 eu tfuirtrj ueul4 brighten attractive garden flower beds wellkept lawns and neat houses make acton a pleasant place to live during the summer months shady treelined streets take the real edge off the heat and humidity which we can expect for at least part of the summer the most barren part of town in the heat is the business section which lacks anything to alleviate scorching searing heat on concrete aspholf and bricks a fpw plbhts in bones or pehaps smll trees evert artificial erne could do something to relieve the ptqlnnois and add some enticement for shoppers perhaps the town fathers could set the example by planting some doc of o tlve greenery around buildings owned by the municipality a few ffowora here and there would not he owpontlve guolph for instnnco hrt brighten ed up ik downtown business vchon with huflo flower pdh they rtdd some- thing to keep the city attrrtrtivo nrd dlwourago wouldbe lllrhugs actok could well take a leal out of the ftoyal citys hook hattfiria page cme jem ic earth one writer in an ontario hydro publication bemoaning the garbage which litters the earth could not restrict his horizons he looked into space much at aseer would gale inlo-a-crys- tal ball and he saw more litter at last count 222 manmado satel lites were orbiting the earth another circled the moon this doesnt include the various rocket stages and pieces of space junk including an astronauts glove lost in a space stroll or lost angel harps how nice it will bo ho says to relax on the patio with a lolescopo and meditate on the heavenly parade of banana peels candy wrappers and empty beer bottles tho only advice wo can give this prophet of doom is como down to oarlh theros another litter down horc to pick up before wo start throwing darts at astronauts and angels know how much it costs to cloan up the thousands of tons of garbago motorists on vacation will loavc bohind them this year 700000 its you and me the toxpayor wholl bo paying it too ftomombor whon e summer drive in the country was a pleasure every year an increasing collection ol broken bottles cigarette piickiflos wrappers orange and banana peelings is well as a wide assortment of junk ir thrown out of car windows it doesnt blend with the countryside even tho squirrols turn up their noses most of tho people who contribute to this would qulkly pick up any dobris on their front lawns apparently they dont look on the countryside with tho same solfinterost it costs the ontario dopnrtmont of highways more than 55 a milo in lit- tor control alone to keep highways and socondary roads cloan during tho ma jor cloanup poriod the six months be tween may and ociobor thats moro than 3800 evory day ii is increasing loo it could cost a lot moro littering can offeel your own safoly as woll as thai of othors broken glass can moan blowouts loose papor can obscure vision you know the results ontario has some of the most boau- liful sconory in the world koop it that way dont risk a 50 fine for littering scrap uhf toawanti tho five year 50000 milo car war ranties may be a thing of tho past next year according to an article in tho cana dian automotive trade reports from the american car capital detroit indi cate 1969 model cars may have only a 24month 24000 mile coverage the industry alarmed at unexpected hoavy costs o warranty claims is blaming this partly but theres also an oar tuned into hints of us federal legislation calling for warranty standards diagnostic centres where electrical gadgets check cars accurately for de fects may have holped up warranty costs one man took his car into his local dealership just before the warran ty expired ho was armed with a check list he got from the centre parts and labor came to well over 200 the owner fully covered under warranty didnt have to pay a cont as we understand it that is what warranties are for if there are defects in manufacture car companies agree to pay tho shot for repairs the question immediately comes to mind have the car companies lost faith in the product that inducod thorn to put the 5 yoar 50000 mile warranty on them if so the public wont take long to loso faith in the product too for in many cases buyers have been inducod to buy new rather than used cars bo- cause of the warranty a car those days is no longer a luxury its a nocossity the company with the bost warran ty can expect to soil the most cars es pecially if he stands bohind it youre just a number now an advertisement of the department of national revenue says that if a social insurance number is not on your in come tax return wo moaning employ ees of the dopartment must sit down and find out who you are in other words full name marital status employment if any are not enough your sm for short numbor must be included its the law oven if you provo youve been around for a long long time at the same address f phctcj jjwj the paat the perfect rose needs nothing else it stands alone as a lovely symbol of summer duo to the warm woathor and frequent rains roses of all types and colors are in abundance in acton gar dens staff photo sugar and spice b y i i smiley an interesting and rather frlghtoning manifestation of the times is uic rapidly increasing popularity of- the concept of power among the millions of words with which we arc constantly bombarded by the mass modla that one pops up with alarming frequency theres nothing wrong with the word itself its not a dirty word we dont got alarmed whon wo think of such forms as power plant power boat power drill powor of attorney or hockeys powor play- we aront spooked whon we think of montal power or physical power or spirit ual power the word morely denotes strength bui in the way it is usod so often those days it has more sinister connotations it has undertones of hatred and senseless rebellion ii suggests smashing somebody or something wc have boon carefully acclimatized we have accepted because of timidity or indifference the ideas of air power and union power and political powor and lobby powor and now we have black power and stud- ont powor both of thorn with builtin pro- vacations to violence and brutality the only one that seems fairly harmless is flower power but even this is associated with drugs sexual promiscuity and anarchy its fairly obvious that i cant turn this pernicious tide of power by writing a col umn about it but all you readers might remember once in a while that every new power group chisels away at your personal freedom as an individual and also at the ideals of peace and brotherhood for the world now after that little sermon im going to reverse my stand and come out strong for another power group its not a new one but its so feeble that it needs artifi cial respiration and intravenous feeding im talking about parent power this used to be one of the biggest power groups in socloty as we old squares well recall your parents told you to do some thing and in most cases you did it if you didnt vou suffered the consequences these ranged from being sent to bod without supper to a good licking if your old mancaught you smoking at a tender age hed whale the tar out of you if you came in too late from a dance even though you were a young lady of 17 you might gel a lusty application of the hair brush to the lower posterior if you got a strapping at school you didnt mention it at home because youd likely get another one there if you flunked because you didnt work you were invited to get out and get a job this was parent power maybe it sounds sadistic in this permissive age but it wasnt parents loved their children then too and tried to direct them toward their own good many a clout on the ear or whack on the tail i got and deserved every one of them and loved my parents deeply today parent power is on the verge of extinction unless we can figure out some thing new in a hurry oh we still have a certain authority when theyre little after all a six-year- old probably wont threaten to run away and become a hippy if he gets a smack on the bum but donl count on it the kids have us on the run and they know it threaten a teenager with even something as harmless as cutting the al lowance or nonuse of the car and you get a threat right back that he or she will leave home we donl want them to and ruin their lives so we knuckle under kids have boon running away from home for centuries but they usually ran off to sea or off to the city to get a job thoy didnt run away to yorkvllle or vancouver to become toenage pickings for tho pimps and pushers whos for parent power and how do we got it back corporation pond reflected the aiure sky tva a faworit haunt for flahawman swimmers skaters and loafers hera it la with the old storey glove co building reflected in its limpid waters sometimes called hendersons pond the large body of water was located bahind the dill printing plant and bower ave this picture wat token from the robert little school grounds the acton free press phone 853 2010 buimess and editorial 0ce l msa jrul kuijtj n i- jnl pumh j w miii si n on j au11 uuliiu i lil- own aju-ttim- uu on lufl luuhl- i jjurk uw m limai 1700 in ill ivuunlrut uttwr fun cttudj unjlr cupwa ilk 4uihuriaj j wtuatl clit vui puo ohu iv oujwj jui i it j pied on ih luimj t ll mmwim ilt in iiujullut itfjttuvhi oituwair i of viflljiui tmll nut m tmrnj ur tuft law tuluw ul ttw jtwiuunuml vfctu aw butj ftaf 41 ttu mlku l tinl j niuituptik jl inn jiltrr1itin sjiuidt iu j i a miimy fiikc tftuialt iw vrnuct mut i tw utu adtviuxii nurvh an ujirr ui iall and nut b- uithdfji t jnv hmr duu sutlltf wi assuaiuaaf cat ual hmu ulu isikuaiwr havtuv coim dun irdtr v 20 years ago taken from the issue ol the free preaa of thursday july 15 im8 a new drug which has proved effective against sleeping sickness in cattle hasbeen announced in britain field teats aro ok- pectod to prove that this dnig known as mmi gives immunity for least six months it is hoped thai its usarnayopaq up lha vast fdrtlle areas in east africa bo far denied while farmers by the pre valence of the tkotsflyvarrir of slvepj lair sickness work started this week on i he rtw addl- hon it acton higtr school knd the conlract- otshave the incavallorts made and cement fooungs laid forthe new classroom vafter eight years of resnavcn litfheusa- of groundnut fibres intliii mioufactire of cloth a factory hasbeenopidlnficolland the- fibre u blended with wool and ii produces cloth called ardll mr ind mrs ken mcklnnon mrs et porryman- and georglna spent pleasant weekend at hracebhdge and llaysvllle mr peirryman who has been- building a lodge on ijske of hays returned home with them mr and mrs don ryder are holidaying al wasaga beach mr and mrs 0 a dills and david dills spent the weekend in toronto 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday july ib 1018 heres to the man who labors and does it with a song he stimulates hlsnclghhors and helps tho world along when bontamln frankllnand other amer icans were planning the capture of canada their propaganda literature was printed in montroal by a man named floury mesplal an old country frenchman who had been induced by franklin to cross over to amer ica and engage in printing first in phila delphia and then in montreal the litera ture was intended to induce the french canadians to side with the invading amer ican forces against tho british the scheme failed but the journal started by benjamin franklin through mosplat became the montreal gazette repairs havo been made to tho park fonco at the west end of knox ave why not provide a second entrance to the park al that convenient point it would make a shorter drive for many going to park or lake avcnuos and would popularize driving in the park the attention of tho council is dlroctod to the matter while cleaning one of tho big plato glass windows in conway ti mcleans store on monday morning the top of the cleaning brush came off and struck tho glass it was fractured from top to bottom a pot of real shamrock from ireland is blooming in tho window of the residence of the misses graham mill st it was sent to mrs orr bower avenue from hor former homo in coleralno ireland missgrahams skillful treatment has brought it out into profuslve bloom jrce jjress the church of st alban the martyr anglican curncr willow si and si albans drive rev h j dawson ba bth suvday july 21s 196b triniiv vi 1001 iiil matlinx la riickt mr leslie duby bcthel christian ricormid church minister rev p brouwer ba bd actun ontario si day july 21 si 1968 10 00 a in linelisli service 11 10 am sunday sclinei 230 pm alternating dutch and english serice saturday bible classes 10 12 am everyone welcome evangil pentfcostal tabfrnacu pa oc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pasiur 8532715 sunday july 2isi 1968 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm fvanurlisiic service tuesday ti pm prayer service and biblcjiiudy thursday 8 pm christ ambassadors i john 5 4 fur whosoever is born ol god ovcrcomeih the world and this is the victory lhai overcome the uoriu even jur faith trinity church the united chuhch of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bd director of music organist mr george elliott ma phd back issues 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday july 20 1893 in the four provinces ontario ouebue nova scotia and new brunswick the in crease of population in the twenty years 1b1i180i was 255 per cent according to a recenl census bulletin the increase of insanity has beon- 344 per cqnf the chief ijneraase has jbaen ih ontariq sod- this s accounted forto some ukteotby thind-j- slrawe class of immlgtanls dumpd uppn the province on friday afternoon a sod of mr john mcklnnon nassagaweya with bis sister wa drlyfnic tp tow with iload of oats when the holt cameout of the clevis tho tongue dropped and the horses sprang for- ward both parlies jumped from the wigon and alighted on the ground without any injury- after ashort run the tongue if the wagon broke and- the horses rail into i farmers fence and stopped one- of t ho horses was slightly injured say mistur said a little city girl who was visiting in the- country as she watched tho cattle enjoying their cud do you havo to my gum for all them cows lo chew willie smyiho aged 0 years burned ills foot badly on monday by slopping on a stove cover which had just been removed from the stove the acton free press celobralodllsloth birthday last thursday for is years it has boon under tho management of mr h p mooro tho freo press is one of the most carefully edllod and neatly prlnt- od papers on our exchange list and wo oktond to it our bost wishes for its future prosperity orangovllto advertiser 100 years ago takon from the issue of tho canadian champion milton july 1c 1808 ropuos to correspondents midnight reporter wo cannot insert your communication as its publication will do no good it does not tend to tho edifica tion of tho public however much il may to tholr amusement besldos you dojtot give your name although tho main facts of your loiter may bo correct we think you are mistaken about tho boots as we have since seen the gontloman with thorn and no harm was really dono to the field mr polrlo enciso offlco was invited by a person connoctod with tho connosfoga distillery to go down at night and take a bath in tho mash tub after thsy had done so it being fpilto dark tho porson loft mr petrle and went into another room while away a third party struck petrie a violent blow with a club inflicting a serious wound a scuffle onsuod and mr 1otrlo managed to get ids assailant by tho board and ho in turn got potrlos finger in his mouth hearing some persons crossing the bridge ho crlod murder when his com panion of the bath with a brolhor rushed in and let the cowardly follow escape mr petrio has written to tho govornmont about it it looks liko a conspiracy church notices acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev slanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 8531615 sunday july 2lsi 1968 945 am church school and adult bible class 1100 am morning worship no evening service wednesday 7 30 prayer meeting and bible sludy thursday 8 pm choir practice he that hath the son hath life and he thai hath not the son of god hath not lite 1 john 5 12 mapie avenue baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohncs sunday july 2st 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole lamily to attend church 945 am sunday school all ages 1 1 00 am morning service 700 p m evening evangel 745 p m wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 877665 this is an invitation to attend the church of your choloa on sunday presbyterian church in canada knox chuhch acton rev andrew if mckcnzie b a bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sixth season combined summer services in knox presbyterian church preacher rev andrew h mcktntle sunday july 21st 1968 1000 aam divine worship sermon tiusnic finishing the race

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