Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1968, p. 15

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g the acton fret preu wednesday july 17 1968 w a farm home in erin township xn the third line bisk in the the eramosa river reflects a blue sky laced with fluffy clouds bright sunlight cattle browso on the thick green grass while stiff photo national farm safety week predicting 2200 deaths per year farming continues to rank the third most hazardous occupation in canada only nilnlnp and thu construction industry have hlrhor accid mt rates if the present tn nd continues one momhor out or every fourth farm family will iv involved in an accident tn tin next 12 months of the more than 100000 arcl- dunts yearly approxlmati ly 30- 000 will result in injury and 1201 in d alhs farm safety wllk is uliiip observed across canada inly 1 to a7 as a unit ti focus atti nt ion on tht many accident liarard found on tin farm and in tin rural commmltv thi national afutv i aril of canada and tin c anadlan hlpliua safutv con i 1 in sponsoring thl farm safety campaign siirr tf posltlti stlps tu takt u durinr this week as a start toward kafir living on tin farm and in tlu rural community homt neat orderu farm tiixist s art safer mort pltasant homt s havi a plact for t vtrvthlnc kuop lvi rvttilug in its plact utn n not tn use practice aft t whllt doing houstuork carlur or tin family during periods of relaxation and hnnu rt creation chick appllauct s tltctriral wiring powt r tools etc for dt ftcts look our hlating os teins clilmntys stousportablt heaters tn n duct in hatards clear out uutttr and nitibish that could taust alls and tn v uork up a honu irt tscapi plan take extra can to prott ct small chtldmi and tldtrh r r- sons j arm and homt hlmlcals chemicals are width ustdin agric i un t ht mtcal tuxist hold and drug prodtitts art otiud in evtry farm honu aluavs read labels n a as dirit d takt nect ssarv pn cautions in usagt ktep in original eontaimrs and stort in stiltablt plact s well be yond tht nach or acct ss of small children never transftr potentially harmful malt rials to unmarked food and drink contaiiu rs pois onous matt rials should be locked up dispose of tmpt contain rs and unustd rortloi s promptly fal us good planning re ducts the need to rush means mon work done with fter mishaps repair or replace broken unsafe ladders when a ladder la needed get one dont use makeshifts provide handrails and good light lnc for stairways and steps pick up tripping hazards from around house stairs porch yard walk ways outhulldlngs ckan mud grease snow ttc from boots before climbing lad ders or on machinery buildings tret s and other high places njnnul mmsuitvwttl uranmniuw iwttciptmts repair defertivl floors sldd- proof small rugs put up hand holds at bathtub rural hichvv count sy is a kty to traffic salt tv alwavs practlct basic nius o sad driving adjust spud tn road conditions obty all traffic signs re tsptclalh altrt at railroad crossings and unmarkt d rural lntt rstctions install and ust statbtlts bt t ar lul wht ntntt rlngroads from farm dnu ways it id exits signal wtll alu ad t ton turning into farm tntranct s or onto stc- ondary roads from highways lununt wt ds rugh crops trtt s and shrubs at farm ntranc and rural luit rst ctions so on can t t and tit st t n uhilt driung 1 arm machintln prop rtv maintain t tuipint ut ktip guards and salet devices lnplact stop machtnts htfore unclogging adjusting or servic ing keep children off and away from working machines have flrt extinguisher and first aid idt on tractors and other self- propelled machines avoid tractor upsets slow down whtn turning and on rough or muddy ground watch for hld- dtn hazards be cautions on slept s or near dltrhts whin pulling with chain or cablt hitch only to drawbar stt low kttp loads within tractors capability shift down on gradts equip tractors with overturn prottc- tlon protecllu frames or cruslirtslstant cabs check lighting and ust smv embkms or safer travel on the roads rfcreation takt safety seriously -tvtry- whtrt all tin timt bt careful around bodlts of wattr both largo and small ttach youngster how to swim obst rvt rules of boating safety saftguard farm ponds to prott ct small children handle and store pins and ammunition properly include saftty in farm vacation plans on camping trips and wtu n hunt ing or fishing drht saftlv to and from rtcn atlon place s take tliru to can be safety conscious bt alert to and aware o ordinare hazards of dally lift but also in pnpartd or the un xptctid atcidthts tost tlmt and mon- t sut ring and somttlmts lttbut the need not happen and can b prt vented tht individ lal has a re sponsibility to at t softly to avoid harm to himst if and others acton 4h calf club meet at s g bennetts tht fourth nutting of the acton 4h calf club was held on monday july 8 at the arm of s g benin ti tht meeting was calltd to ordvr bv tin president ktlth attktn cathy lasbv nod the minutts of the last meeting mr bennett provided a class of marling bulls or ridging reasons were given by each of the members or selection cathy 1asby gavt a talk on what i think the 4h pledge means to me she had given this in a competition at the 4h fun night in june mr jenkins took the st nlor members into the barn to con clude lessons for the night ur russtl murray was in charge af the juniors norma leslie on behalf of the cram forag and 4h calf clubs calltd ongt orgt mcphailtomakr a prt sentation of a smoker tray to assistant leader ilussel mur ray who ws married recently mr murray thanked them or re me mhenng him the president closed the me ting peter lynch thanked mr and mrs bennett or their hospitalitv the hostess served soft drinks and doughnuts to the memtiers and friends this is a mettlnp all members look forward to attending each year leah leslie 24 hour towing service tires and batteries service and repairs gasoline and oil richs bp service on hwy 7 at sih li of quoting renny and dick voskamp 8532940 hazards of rural life today machinery should be locked beef producers hold meeting tiy it j stanley by jim jenkins the following is a parablt it is fiction hut in every day rural lift similar cases are too com mon john x wti up early this morn ing ho finished his chores in record ttmu had his breakfast and was ready lo start in he melds at 8 30 the reason for such hurry wll john had 15 acres of bay ready tohale as soon as tl would and another eight acres lo cut iwfore then he hoped lo have all of the crop ire uie barn by i- rlday t vtmlng and the family could loavi on saturday for their twice post poned trip to thu last coast john had tin night acre down in no time and at 11 00 atn he jumped onto theliigdius- ul which was attaihtd lo the lialer fohn turret d hie key nothing on close examination of the machine in nntici d that the 12 volt tealtory was goiie and tht rt was no slin of itanywhorf ik fate was n rtaln ii had liet u stolen during thi iifpht tht opp was calltd and the fnllmyljier observations and con clusions wt re madi j he tract or was hi artlle road j00yard 4h leadership week to be held in guelph heavy rains help lawns by h i stanli y lawns art much bttttr than normal for this season of year because of the frequent rains howt vcr tht rath has also in creased the number of weeds in lawns because these wttds are still growing rapidly it isposs- lblt to control them with z4d and either mecoprop or feno- prop 24d alone will control dandelions plantain and lambs quarters hut tin other herlcides are required to control wttds such as crttplng charllt and chlclcwttd as the wtalhtr gtts warmtr and drier tht htighl of culling your lawn should tit gradually increased to tht two inch level many brown unsightly lawns are a direct result of clipping too low this permits the sun to shine on the roots and causes the grass to dry out now is an excellent time to apply a second application ol fertilizer 101010 can ht used at tht ratt o 10 lbs ptr 1000 sq ft a grten wt dfn lawn adds grtatly to the apptaranct o your homt do not hit your brakes gra el hoads if voure driving in a country road and suddenly conn to thi tnd of the pavement or hit a patch of rough gravel or a wash oard dont apply the brake sudd n braking mav caist your car to ishtail or svurv tht he st thing is to h t up on the accelerator allowing the engine to slou thi car and concentrate on your steering hit above all dont hit those brakt s by jim jenkins mr ralph l cudlnon pres ident of thu canadian council on 4h clubs will lie ont of the pn sis at tht 4h uadirslilp week annual banquet which will be held july 18 gt the university of guelph mr cudmon is general manager of tractor and equipment dpi rations ford mo tor company of canada oakvlllt all bit two of the counties and districts in ontario will in re presented at the 4h leadership week program which will lie prosentod july 15 lo inly 19 the 52 boysattendlngtheprogramart all between 1c and 20 years old the program is dtslgnedtoln- crcase the leadership abllllitsof the hoys and to givt them an opportunity to receive guidance from exports in various proft s- sions in a careers symposium everythuig from tours of most of the agricultural departments of the ontario agricultural col lege to instructions on how lo barbecue a steak will lie covtrtd tn the program delegates will be interviewed during the week to select those whowlll represent ontario in various national and international 4h activities these include the national 4h conference the 19g9 inttr-pro- vlnclal 4h exchange tht 19g0 amtrlcah youth foundation 1 1 ad rslup training camp the 198 chicago 111 congress and tin ljr9 washington lh con fer net doug gartlliousi 16 son of mr and mrs rtfnrd dardliouse of rr milton will he p pn si ntlug llaltnn county at the conft rt net doug hascompli led 17 4h clubs and this yt ar lit is a in nils r of tin llaltoh 4h bi f calf club and a mi nilu r of tin llaltnn lh const nation club and tin halton lh sheep club he also hi id executive positions in the prt vlous clubs and is a noted 4h ludgt and uvt stock showman lit was named tin champion lite f show man in halton county in 1907 miss 1 ols llunli r id daugh ter of mr and mrs aun rt hun ter of rr 1 burlington is one of two lh girls in ontario lulng lnle rvie wed at gin lph for tin lh awards 1 ols has also completed 17 4h clubs finishing 1st lu ftvt this year slit is pn sldt nl of the halton lh slit t p club and met pn sldt nl of the halton 4h holsleln calf club she is also a noli d lh live stock and sied judge and a champion 4h dairy calf show man in 19g7 i ols was pri- sident of the pali rtnn junior institute and is still very active in junior farnu rs from ihe house the thelt prob ably occurred tietweiiii the hourr of 10 00 pm and 5 00 am the make of the battery was rucordt d hut there was noothor identifica tion n ii it was also noli d that a set of socket wrunihts were missing from tht traclor i- rout iht se clues tin pnllct had to nuke an investigation then wa a slim chance thai he lot tery and loots rouldtm found lull it liny win found how i nuld foii sc prove un y wrjili lohns financial lossws as follows stolen lulti ry 1000 ruptacumi nl lhrheryi100sol- un wrt in u s o0 r jlaceim ui wrt iuiii s j0oo 1 otal losse w000 this 1st might not have i x- islttl if lohil likd mqvi d hi inarhliieryti a less vniltu rable placi un hlstarm the night lie- fore it would havi lake u utile lilt it would havt savi d money plus lie three hours he lost during the investigation and lu finding a n plact until ball ry tin opp officer rt com- mendi d thai fohn put a dab of paint on tin new liatti ry and re tain a sample of tht paint in hi workshop this will vrv as id ntlflcallon if a liatti ry is found the sainuproctduri could in followed with lilt wrenches or john could havt his aim stamp d on tin m as wi said thlslsaflctidous story un it has happi m d and is going in contlnui to happtn a long as tractors and machinery art it ft lu placts win re may aro an open invitation to tin ft and vandalism haiti rles are only anexample gasnllui v belts tools and ntln r hi ins of value may dis appear as more leisure time in conn s avallabh wanton des truction of prlvatt property and vandalism which can only lie dt scrltm d as pointless is hecom- 1 ui mort appan nl then can in no sun curt for iht se losv s inn ketplng items in the areas close lo tin arm home ill ssuadi s st v ral of air low ovt rlu ad mi r- chanls and childish unsitki rs these ins i s can lie insured against and a armt r should at hast look into this insurance if he does not aln ady carry it iml prevention is always better than the run the i elllallou lluuf im provement association will held their twilight meeting this year in halton county on thursday inly z5 at 7 jo pm beef pro ducers and friends will meet at thu al rfeldy taring of mr reford gartllknisi on the fouth hut hist north of milton tnllowlng a tour of the fluids and buildings here will in classes to fcnlge wi ithils of uiet- mals to i stltaatti anil a spet rh 1 dr norinah mianlinli a v it riliarlaii willi tic canada dt parhueut of agriculture a panel discussion will iheiibehuld on the fieef industry followed hy musical selection liy call brown wtioliai won many awards mr flaying hit lagplpes in onlarln nova scotia and scol land a i f luiih will conclude the t veiling i vtiryene interested in iho bti f cattlt lndustry is cordially invlli d arthur a johnson od optometrist opan bvry wednesday and saturday 34 mill si atton bs33s30 jiakemeto discount centre 136 main st 853 1190 supplier for draperies tiies wallpapers glidden paints pre finished plywoods free delivery open sat to 5 30 p m 8531190 acton the great widetrack drive ison poai qt pant nn sport coupw one of the joys of widetracking in a pontiac is that it doesnt cost any more than ordinary driving and with 24 pontiac models you can choose your own style of widetracking if youre settling for less than pontiacs exclusive widetrack ride and its standard 250 cuin six or 327 cuin v8 stop settling start widetrackingthe drive s on see your pontiac dealer widetrack pontiac pete sae your locol oulhoiued pontiac dctur masson motors 3s1 queen st east limited acton onf

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