Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1968, p. 2

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tho acton free pren wednesday july 17 1968 helen luxton married in fergus rev beverley brlghtllng of toronto officiated at the wedding of his brother john edward ste wart brlghtllng and helen mar garet luton rev bruce peglar also officiated at the ceremony at st james anglican church fergus the church was decoratedwlth candelbn and white chrysanthe mums on the altar and baskets of yellow and whlto shasta daisies in the sanctuary mrs m i mcnlven offrgus was the organist tho bride is dauihtor of mrs wlhum gruer ltuion of fergus and the late rev mr ljutton who was rector ar st albans parish tor soveral years luiton kail is named in his memory t the bride has boon living in london ontario the brldo grdom is a son of mrs william h brlghtllng of toronto arel the ue mr brlghtungj he is on the staff of port credit secondary school r the brido wasglvenln marri age by her grandfather mr arthur j holbrook of guelph her floor length gown was of white silk organaa the bodice was hlghughted by a yoke effect of chantllly lacu forming a scal loped neckline her chapel train cascading at thu back was sil houetted with appliques of chantllly lace a french silk illusion flngurtlp veil was caught up by a detailed lacu headplocu touched with tiny seed pearls and crystals she carried a white prayer book adorned with yellow roses stephandtts and ivyj marian luxtoh of woodstock was maid of hdnor forhursistur junior brldasmaldwero marilyn uvlngstono 6f cobksvlllo a cousrn of tho bride and susan brlghtllng of toronto a nlotti of the bridegroom they worv similar floor length gowns of turquoise chiffon ovr taffota with tiiatchlnt rosoltu headdresses ttuiy carried cascade bouquots of yellow shasta dolslos col wallacu hoblltt of wash ington dc was bust man ushers were kennolh llrlghtllng and nelson dancy both of toronto a reception was hold in tho blliabuth room of tho royal hotel guulph tho brides mothor received wearing a pink lacu shoalh dress willi matching coat picture hat and a corsage of doep pink roses the grooms mother woro an aquamarine silk dress with while accessories and a corsage of pink roses for a motor trip through the drills isles thu brldo wore a rose suit willi matching flowered hat and matlvu orchid corsage on ihuir rehirnthoywlllruslde in mlsslssauga study martin luther 1calvin background of protestantism tho ladlus aid and wotnunb missionary meetings of nassa- gawoya presbyterian church wore hold on thursday july 4 at b 00 pm at tho homo of mrs grant campbell thu mooting of ladles aid opened with singing o for a closur walk with god followed by a rocltal of tho lords prayur tin inlmilus of iho last mooting woro road by jjvwm taxi i greenock wi hears on leather by g k mance mr and mrs donald reed celebrate 45th anniversary talk grenock womens institute met on the evening of july 0 at iho homo of mrs james mr- culloch acton sluleon memtors and five vlallars were present for an interesting mealing prepared by iho convenors of agriculture and canadian industry roll call answered b the mrs alfred winters convunor of the program introduce hor guest siwaker mr manco of whites tanner a local in dustry ho brought wllh him several beaullail pieces of finished lea thers which the bulk all ad mired ho also answiirnl aiostions on processing of membors was some place i leathors and different finishes have visited this summer and in use at his plant introduce tho guosl you brought with you to tho meotlng tonight jfttt jjrtss john mowat is spending his vacation at whltohorso yukon territory visiting with richard currie mastor scott uasales is homo again aftor several days stay in guolph genoral hospital mr jack frank church st is a patient in milton district hospital mr and mrs georgo barnos have left on a motor trip to now brunswick this weok mr and mrs it h elliott havo roturned from a vacation span in iho now england states and marlllmos provinces local orange lodge mombors who wont to stratford saturday for further colobrallons woro c k browne 98 and mrs browno mr and mrs joseph fullor alex near isapatlentlnguolph general hospital his many friends are hoping for an improvemont irj health for him alan odanbaeh rt cd former milton chlof technician has recently taken ovor as man ager of tho new laboratory and radiology department intho acton medical centra mrs a wlnlors thanked mr manco for his vory inlorastlnc talk personals mr and mrs r l davidson and mr and mrs robort mc- enory onjoyod a trip to manllou- un island and elliott lake during tho wook mr and mrs don lindsay and danghtors spent holidays al saublo beach mr and mrs joe van schalm of nykurk holland arc vjsltlnp for iho next ihroo wooks with mr and mrs john van dor brink main st n tholr first visit to canada iho vanschalms hopo to visit many places of lnlorost in ontario including algonquin park joo van schalm is a nophow of john van dor brinks and this is a return visit tho van dor brinks stayed with the van schalms last yoar on their visit to holland albert ford is in guolpli hos pital whoro ho undorwont air- gory this weok auction sale tho board of managers and ladles aid of nassagawoya prosbytorlan church halton- vlllo recently hold a successful auction sale max storey was auctlonourand j c mclntyrt acted as clerk both are former mombors ol tho church entertain rhythm band at mrs jim bradshaws by mrs eulo reed the rhythm band of the golden age club was graciously onler- talned by their pianist mrs jim bradshaw and her husband at tholr attractive homo at 9 cameron st on sunday after noon tho congenial group enjoyed a aoclafenat and pleasant fellow ship with a background of re corded music lovely colleen de bruyn tho bradshaws oldest granddaughter playid several old favorite songs on her accordion urs a wyllo recited a number of amusing poems in the afaady yard a boun ml meal was served of roi t turkey various delicious salads and relishes followed by ice cream and cako father morgan ovokod tht blessing before dispersing mr david son expressed in a feu well- choson words tin gratitude of tho band tor tho delightful after noon of king hospitality plant were mado for tho an nual picnic for tho mombors and tholr famltlos to bo hold hilt yoar at iho picnic gounds of mr and mrs william mcdonald rr acton on sunday august 1 1 at oiu oclock an oxucullvo meeting is to ho hold al hie homo of mrs g wallace on tuosday ovunlnf august 6 a delicious treat of straw- borrlos and short cako was ser ved by tho lunch commlttoo and hostoss and onjoyod by all mrs j thompson courlosy convonor thanked iho hostosi for hor kind hospitality and use of hor homo policemen friends fete staff sergeant follow milton opp offlcors guosts from neighboring police departmonts and frlunds hold a farowoll party in honor of staff sgt c j jack parkinson at boyno community contro south of milton friday ovonlng on behalf of his coworkers and frlonds const jim hodson presented a wallot and an on- gravod desk namoplato to the popular hoad of tin milton do- tachmont staff sgt parkinson was rocontly promotod from sorgoant and transferred on the wookond to iho kitchonor opp detachment he lutd boon connected with tho milton opp detachment for tho past five yoars first as a corporal and then as sgt and commanding officer for the past 15 months 300 at annual l0f picnic nearly 300 hundrod people at tended iho annual picnic of court 1159 tho independent ordur of forostors at hqrnby park juno 30 features of tho day included rides on garnot howdens an tique fire truck and j ans- combos ponies races conducted by bubbles uie clown from hamilton re sulted in each of tho children receiving a prize pop and ice cream was subsequently distrib uted free winners of the draws included l ustor who netted a chaise lounge mrs joyct diamond re ceiving a lawn chair and cathy boughton who won the bicycle offered in tho childrens draw tho day ended with a buffet supper sorted by mrs jack montgomery and mrsandv king robert r hamilton oftomttkist i i 16 mountainviaw road s ttwi mr and mrsv donald reed tldoy ave celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary re cently at tho homo of tholr son garnot rood rr3 proton station wllh an open house galhorlng mr and mrs kjod navu a family of four ihroo sons and a daughlor comprising stewart acton flora mrs blaln ed- mondson burlington garnot victoria corners and don wing- ham ontario mrs fred baimon and mrs grant bells poured tea for 100 guosts during iho afternoon from a lace covoredtahlo centred by a decorated annlvorsary cako mado by tho roods daughtor flora mrs blaln edmondson and decoratod by mrs gllbort mcconnoll tho setting of tulle flanked by sprigs of flowers tall lighted candles and floral arrangements featured sapphlro colors in keeping with tho 45th annlvorsary don and elsie hondry roed woro unltod in marriage at monlollh on june 20 1023 they lived in the northorn districts of ontario until 1049 when tlioy moved from south porcupine to settlo on iho farm now occupied by their son garnot and family tho roods rlitlrotl from aillvo life in tho fall of louand moved to acton whoro hioy occupy an apartment al tho hoini of tlmli son stewart ami family besides iho adults present at tho open housi 11 itraiuli hlldruu woro also present numerous cards and gifts won received from tin family mlpliluir and frlonds tho froo press joins in cnn- frratulatlfu tin roupli mrs rood is tlu capahli ni ws re porter for hit actoncioldmi a club mr aiu mr d mrs itotmrls and approved a leltur wah read from mins shir ley drodpe tin re wuk a dlnninsion con cerning a wuildlug to uf eaten d fur nil inly il and the same i einiiiliiee an prevlounly named was ihiwui riiimliitliig of mrs hold in on mrs arglll and mrs henderson a price was wit for civirliig wul tying inlllu iho 1illei lien was taken anddudwat- efl by mrs huiidiiriioii ijie ijuiuii oiir loved nuiiilnlori ini sf hnu d this th utlng ihi womens muiilruiaiv u l ly waswhalroil by mrs norru who read a pium and prayer mrs arglll read he iuiuunin mrs norrlf niiinrliiiljrul mlun klili lavi v had given tilti- ii v airnpiuiiii nf her invirallmi to i niiiu as giimif maker for tile ijlkllk offering lileellilg in oi lot i 1 lie provident gave a report on tin in in hi gathering of lie hruiiqitftn presliyti rial when mr mnhn of loronlo- kjtoki of tin gruul tiinids of tin tmiojile in fnliuu ihu roll call win aniwirid by u verig con taining the word drain i hi offi rljig was dedlsted by mrs kennedy i hi topi for the group was taken by mrs i dredge mrs hidii aft r iliurglng jury is tin n any qui sllon yen would ilk to ask in fori oiislderlug tho vldonci hirer a onpli of iif would liki lo know if tin defendant twtlod the mall om or two hours and how did in ki op the yeusl out inaiiu r v s lolinny what is it lolinny 1 dont wjnl to scan you miss louts nit my fat hi r sold that if i dont pi t l tti r grades semi oiv s dm for a uckln i hi preacher was di llvi ring his si ruion and 11 was a highly sucrtvsfiil out hi had just r ad tin last ii m at tin lioltom of tin mxt to last pagi whtn in dls- covi ri d lliat in had lost tho last page tht last lint lit rtad had been so adam said to evt lit can fully searched for tho lost pagi and repeated so adam said to lvt thun forgottlng that tht am plifying systtm would carry tho hartst whlspir to oil last now hi mutlorod to hlmstlf good hiavtns hurt stems lo in i loaf missing j uhr and mrs it snider and was lakun from proverbs 22 thin chapter was road ruspon- sivuly led by mrs dredge soldiers of christ arise and put your armour on was sung and mrs roberts led in prayur mrs uhr told of the lak- groiiiid of protuataiitlsm which gnus hark to thu time of martin uillier and how hu was oxrom- miiiiicaiud if popu ixio y he translated ihu nihlo from ltln to german and maintained that the lllblu was the ooly authority this slarlud the eventual break down hulwuun church and state mrs snldur then told of the life of lotin alvtn and his inter est in iho dnrtrlnok of reform atio some jof his doctrines are included in the wustmluktur confession of faith aflor singing a hymn faith o our 1athors tin nuetlng closed mrshendursonascour- tuy convener thanked the host ess and each om who helped in ihu program and turn h was served evan oagaulle cant fix da weather moorgard house paint stays bright longer colors that are really sunfast resists blistering dries in 30 minutes soapy water cleans tools jtt uouas wgs omiabasbsbm0av other latex hoijse paint from benjamin a moored 1150 sal gordon gal hardware guaranteed products ami service fbom imperial sso 0il ltd fuiinacn and uovtl oili glemol gfltolinn diesel w m motor oik to ultimatic fuonacfs uo down piiymint 10 ywrtrif to pny powfp humldinrri jerry skirrow 8532340 vsn miiron jroxy b7b 327j show yimt sun thru yhura 8pm fri st 7 9 pm sl mstineo 2 d w thurs fri sat juiv 181920 stay away joe color clvis priblcy quiet racket heavenly puss cirtoen sun mon tues wed july 21225334 house of a thousand dolls adult vinccnt pricc coloi million eyes of sumuru adult frankie avaion color thurs fri sat julv lbltyl rough night in jericho adult dean martin jean simmons color hot diggety dog cartoon train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times o for information phono tho local cn pasconnor solos office cm canadian nationav braeside farms milton fresh pitted sugar added ready for freezing montmorency cherries available in 22lb and 30lb pails where to find us phone 8782665 upper base line steelos 40i braeside farms mo n st wost ma n st milton 25 10-

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