Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1968, p. 3

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opp report quietest week ever experienced knock on wood must surely be the most prevalent expression around the acton opp office this week as only three occur rence knock orfwood were re ported from july 7 to 14 1968 there is utile doubt that this is one of the quietest weeks we have ever experienced and there is no one here wishing to revert to busier times all roquosts for assistance were of a minor nature and were dealt with to the mutual satisfaction of the pollen and complainants but with the decreasaln gen eral duties kcilvltles came an increase in the amount of ii mo spent in jraflc patrols statis tics compiled during we 200 hours worked d 103 mllos pal- tolled by the si man local de tachment rofloct tho greater traffic umphaslk ten motorists received cita tions for violations of tho high- way traffic act while 18 other drivers were cutlonedwllh re spect to traffic infractions they had committed the one accident investigated this week occurred on saturday july 131068 noonewaslnkirod in the carhydro polo collision but the single car involved re ceived 180 damage magistrates court at milton saw a great increase in activity on july 8 and 20 acton con victions were among those rogl s- tered tho 13 highway traffic act and seven llquorconlrolact convictions brought fines and costs totalling 583 future opp busy during tho week of july v to 13 milton detachment of ontario provincial police investigated four complaints of theft four cases of wilful damage four other criminal code offenses one tndecont oxposuro ono as sault throo unfounded trospass- ing complaints located ono mis sing person and charged one person under tho liquor control act a total of 28248 property damage was done in eight ac cidents with stxporgonslnkirod two investigations under tho motor vehicle accident claims act rosulted in charges three insecure promises were discov ered and ono charge was laid under tho juvenile dounquent act dockets promise to be as large as the courts begin to clear tho informations laid during ourbusy spring months conservation week a woilt set aside each year to emphasize tho importance of preserving both plant and wildlife wascelebratod this past week from july 8 to 14 it would seem from here that it is a shame that it lsnucessary to highlight a phase of air llvosthat should be totally ai tomatlr every day i preservation of life and jlmb whether we speak of the plant or wild animator of wo he human animal should b of lb utmost lmportance to all mrongnout the world today demonstrations yre many against tho various wars lelng waged and on reflection it would seem that much of these onorgiuscould be well used in- waging a war against he carnage being com mitted on the highway or north america we do not presume tohe world- ly enough ppatk judgment on iho rlplit or wrongness of these battlus or on the persons who demonstrate for and against them but wo wondor how many of you reallso thai more people have beon killed on north ameri can highways in traffic accident than all iho north amorlcan men who died in tho two great wars in fact more have been killed on tin hlrhwayt since 1045 than died in tho two world wars moro are killed on thehlghwaysoachweok- ond than die oach week in iho prosently waged wars should we remain mute should they die without prolosf wo think not keep security ur si iv il ttu urn is ill i vv i hi uiv i 11 i f i t 1 mul t mi ii i 1 v t i 11 wiiuim t is m itnil si i i mm huttihi it hot i 1 t vi rl will i i i iquar in tin m iri 1 l v whi n m iimmi pn it i i i cabli hi rv u i i mil in 1 i a y r fit i mbit wiiidsor ifoimilsl til tui lull ketprtattun confirmeil i r v lord slmiu jtutil toruuli pioneer monument this old church in erin township onco it footed worthippur whoro now farm implements stared thick ilono walls proorvo the lonq caar hno famil iar to churchos of tho pion eers mid typicil of scots nrchiucturo tho only con- cpsmon to fciviolity was in thti cntrlncewoy noyv ovof- qrowti wijh long a whort pntft p inolfi tjora turvnci with if tie otontv llon crhip th copgro qitlon hiovocl owrtv apd llp church cpulcl no lowflor lavp up yvijh cq s to mis v moouniett io ml who pr jitonq of firm fith smff phojo the acton free presvv wodnoadoy july 1 7 1 96b 1 tent town to be born at august jamboree regular patrols by security guards at kolso and rattlesnake point parks have cut down on vandalism thofts and drinking partlos but the ogtra patrols are costing the parks owners halton region conservation authority a lot of money that tho budget wont cover but the exocutivo decided to keep tho security guards on duty for nights and weokondi accidents on park ave the osborne car had 80 damage to the trunk and right rear while the joe vehicle was damaged in the front for an estimated 200 police said the osborne car was parkud second in line south bound on park when the joe car also southbound aitfered brakt failure and the cars smashed constable nick arion invest igated in montreal lampreys launch new attack on rainbows suds strike could finish wednesday thirsty bourdrlnkorsrocelved hope for the current hot spell oarly today wednesday when it was announced the strike could iv over and brewers retail stores open this week retail outlets in acton are dry now after wooks of brisk busi ness recent inspection of tho notta- wnsag river and adjacent 1am- proy sjiiwnlnp mream treated experimentally with laprlclde in 10c0 and 10g1 indicates a need for rotroalmont non as poss ible according to tho depart miint of lands and forests the conclusion is based on data collectod this year which shows a low ralnliow trout papu lation levol 21 percent of which hear lamprey marks a papi r by land and forests hlologki a ii bcrst and aa walnlo published by the fisheries n search hoard of canada rives the result nf a twoyear study of lamprey attar ks in southern georgian bay wati f- the findings show that of 26u adult rainbows sampled from the noltawasaga river during 19g1- 07 inclusive approximately vl porcent had ono or moro lamprey marks multiple scarring was found on 30 porconl of tho marked trout incldonco of markod fsh reached 17zporeontlntho spring of 19152 then declined to 13 per cent in the fall of the same year tills docllno was colncldonl with a reduction in tho lamproy popu lation following treatment the incidence of marked fish remained at a relatively low levol for four years ihon increased substantially as tho lamproy be gan to return during 19cg and 19c7 ask approval school addition a lolti r from the township public school hoard renuested esqueslnp council to sick ont ario municipal hoard approval for a proposed addition to plnc- view school cost of the six room addition is estimated at 411700 the department of education has al- roady approvi d tin project it was brought to councils attontlpn that ropayment of do- hentures made in 19g8 would bo lookod alter by the new county board of education a meeting between public school board representatlvesand council will likely he held before approval is given on august 17 3500 residents will move into a huge 1000 tent town at the kelso conservation area near milton for a provin cial hoy scout jamboree planning has been underway for two years servlcosprovlded include medical sanitation post office telephone shops and a tent supermarket from which ro- sldonls will procure daily needs v lectrlcal power will bo distrib uted via a halfmile specially installed hue tfilrfyflvu thou sand gallons of water will flow dally through a throumiuarter mile water line lo ijiiunch the thirst of working and playing scout n who will be unjoylng an mxporlojfco in brothoriiood ior one wuiik scouts and lead- aid ontario inventors under theoutarlodevulupiueiit corporations program to aid inventors m new cases dealing with new products or lechijijuet were dealt with in 1007 inven tions ranged from a coin sorting machine and new type of fibre mlass imat to automobile safuty devices and agricultural equip ment 4h group forms new fall fair committees by i oi mcnawi the halton 4h i rslycur ni- seyayrjilre calf club in i ji the farm of allan hrownrldpe on tuesday july i at 1100 pm bruce plcki rinf op m d tin meitiufr with tin lh ill dp followed by tin si rr lary re port it was decided that limit pick rinp rosemary booth and carol and hae swackham ruould form the display rominltti for milton fair lh in inl rs hi ii judged a class f i v ar old hoist in cows with a f u in uiljers plvlng p as- oms on tin ir placlups lohiidun- ford thank d tin hrounrldp sfor pruvldiup tins i lass which gavi tin rs practin lor the ounty 1 iv stock luilplng coin- p titlun f int in ml r liai swackliamer thank ii mr mcnabli fur hosting tin si i ond part of tin in ting dont lpt kids in tho cir dislroct you dr v inq ho to in i full t n t oh f vo hit t i ernve lti ly it ou holdy dentin it in a distracted driver in inittentive dr ver ind r show th it iniftintx dnv nq i the i i c in e of ire dents in ell age groups i ont ir o it ii it 260 de iths were i d f itti nt v eir v nq and n ore than i cio t efe niure d canadian citizenship applications applications for canadian citizenship will be accepted every wednesday and friday from 9 30am to 4 p m at queens square building 24 queen street east brampton ontario applications also accepted monday through friday from 8 30 a m to 4 30 p m at the court of canadian citizenship 150 main street west hamilton ontario for information regarding documents requirfdv tees etc phone brampton 4511240 fcxtension 12 any wednesday or fripay that make the meal from lovell bros modern meat market maple leaf cryovae sp cottage rolls 59 maple leaf sliced side bacon lean shoulder roast beef 69 prime rib boneless roast beef 99 lb lb ib ground chuck 69 lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton daily delivery fkona 8533340 lug stct of oitucmtlon anothar pavilion will fuaturu youth and ilia iilsuro the hrothurhood of man cuntro will allow the seoul to uiptoru hi a faith and providu an opportunity for him to mix willi bdino of canadas in- lorustlnk olhnk rlllzuna yoiitli and ilia music will lu a rual awlnittng cnriwr v a lilehllujil of tin jauilxmtti will tw youth and hlh wulii alivto approach to inbtrthtt lioyti thny will im ahlit to yt- ploru thirtr many intrnts and j conciirns youth and ills vn- hlllons villi fualjiru vrvatlons of thu futuru youlli and flln driatnn will diipdt ionwtirlll- or from acros canatla frum uachpruvfiicu iho unllud statou and wniiu carlwktaii cotintrlns will havu an opportunity fuar- llclpato in voutllik hldlu fluid sporls homiluti toirs duiniin- stratuui wulur sportu aikliifany othur boyciinlrud acllvllluk tho janilioriif will lu npim to vullori from i 00 pm to 910 pm daily southern fried chicken tub serves 8 lo 1 0 persons 525 box 14 pieces buni honey 390 box of 9 pieces 250 individual dinner plus trimminqs 135 light snack 2 pieces french fnys 80e fishburger 65 cheeseburger 40 and 50e hamburgers 35e and 45e fish and chips 50c french fries 25e onion rings 25e sandwiches made to order hours open monday la thundiy 8am la 9 p m friday and saturday s a m lo 13 midnight closed all day sundays deliveries 50c extra bp snack bar 8532114 bell lines by l g denby your telephone manager ah our new lon dlulunte rule rtiliicllnnit ufiit inlo tffiu luwt uttk i ihoulil i inljihl uut my coluilui ihla ninnlli lo ex pin in the vtirloiu lime hmidn mul nit en the ridiilllitnu urt pirt tif mir lonllnulnu pniyrum lo provide you will tin lent pobullile ktrvki ul lliv inueiil uulbtt out tilths iiliveul lonu dututuc rtducllonu ure hatd on the principle or tilt lultr hit hour ihi lulltr hit bur tftin and for htll c uiudi limtonurh miiklnu cullu he tuitn inv luo pnlnth in our onlurio onthtc i ahrudor and virlliulul tcrrllorkh ttrvln urti thin ure rtal hirnlnu hiiiuin mm v mii il pin in 1 1 r n 1 hi is it l a 1 1 uis i iil- lu n 1 ah t i hi mi lo i it inn ilk i in i i u in ii his c ild l il x ji in id p in it t mi tin hi in t i i iu ii w mi i 10 i id i id iiiiimik i i ivw i uv mi iii i iii iirij in i i t n i i v i lh iiiv 1 in i 1 in ill u i id oil lu i mi imhi i u i i i 1 h ii i i in hi uk pt i in r tl in i i lh ii i ui in hi 1 ti l ii ii kl i ll i uk iv 11 ii llll il iv p iii i h v i u ill i i 111 1 1 jill ih h ii mi i ill i rom ihnt lo linn in thi pjut i vl riiphultd yoii aihoiil mir lnnlh c tiling tlmi plun ulikli uiiouh you 10 inlnulib of louvirmullon lor i hi prke of five 12 inlnuleu for thi prki of bin uiul ko on tin miv low- ruttu apply to thh plan uhkh novt takib iffnt at 10 p in hutuad of h p in omlav throoyh saturday and of lourn- u day sum i ih u n h i t ii i i h ii ii i i i h i pl m ih lim v h n 1 1 n i i l iii i u in i n mhi t il i i i lh ih il lh i n nail f station to station initial i uinutcs 1 vf t am mm t i t i u irhufl t 1 l i wt qh tt ur ill ii 1 t r ur tlw 8 pm 1 1 1 1 11 v ci ll -f- f f 4 b pu 10fu lff li j 1 i 4 j 4 afltr 0 mjte it 1 i 1 j cw u- taw it i la ill t 1 1 1 1 i aler mi k m jn nt t am hoh ll 1 tiult plan culvfu l alfd calls c nlv a 1 holfi 1 1 1 1 t 1 wg0 co less y 1 1 11 1 qm scll

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