Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1968, p. 7

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19 legal 19 legal 19 legal 19 legal 20 auction sales xf notice of application to the ontario municipal board by the corporation of the town of acton for approval of a bylaw to regulate land use passed pursuant to section 30 of the planning acf take notice that the council of the corporation of the town of acton intends ie apply to the ontario munlcl- pal board pursuant to the provisions of section 30 of the planning act for approval of bylaw 1416 parted on the 28th day of may 1968 to amend bylaw 1358 a copy of the bylaw furnished herewith any person interestocj may within fourteen i4days after the date erf this nqtlce send by registered mall or deliver to the clerk or he town of acfon notice bf his objection to approval of the said bylaw together with i a stateivtent oflhe grounds of uh objection the ontario municipal board may apdrove of the said bylaw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any obetlonlo the bylaw will be considered notice of any hearing thai may be held will bo given only to persons who have filed art objection the last dale for filing abjections will be july 19 1968 6ated ot ihe town of acton this 5th day of july 168 j mcgeachie clerkadmlnlstrator town of acton the corporation of the town of acton bylaw number 1416 a bylaw to amend bylaw no 1358 whereas it is deemed expedient to amend certain sec- lions of bylaw no 1358 relating to the regulation and use of land and the character and use of buildings and structures within the town of acton now therefore the council of the corporation of the town of acton enacts as follows section i this bylaw shi 11 be known as a bylaw amend ing bylaw no 1358 for the corporation of the town of acton section 2 schedule a to bylaw no 1358 shall be de leted and schedule a to this bylaw shall be inserted in its place and stead on a scale of 300 feet lo one inch together with quotations and references thereon section 3 section 2j8 is amended by adding thereto the following the maximum percentage floor area used in home occupation shall not exceed 25 percent of the floor area of the dwelling so that section shall read home occupation shall mean any uie customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by inhabitants thereof which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling purpose and does not change the character thereof or have any exterior evidence of such secondary use the maximum percentage floor area used in home occupation shall not exceed 25 per cent of the floor area of the dwelling there shall be no display no aiock in trade no commodity sold upon the premises no person employed except such as it necessary for housekeeping purposes it shall include the office of a dentist physician chiropractor or chiropodist but a clinic a hospital a barber shop a beauty parlor o tea room nnd an animal hospital shall not be deemed home occupations section 4 section 5 7 a is amended by deleting there from the words into any required front or rear yard so that the section reads chimney breasts main caves belt courses sills or cornices not projecting more than twenty four 24 inches section 5 section 522 is added as follows- no person shall use nor change the type of use or any land building or structure in whole or in part unless a certificate of occupancy is obtained from the zoning administrator authorizing such use or change of use section 6 section 6 11 is amended by adding thereto after the word chiropodist as a home occupation so that the section rcadt a detached onefamily dwelling the office of a doctor dentist chiropractor or chiropodist iv a home occupation a public park and uses accessory to the foregoing slction 7 section 6 3 1 i amended by adding thereto as a permuted um after the word house a home occupa tion and after the word 2onc except a community hall and refreshment pavillion so that the section reads all uses permitted in the r2 zone and the following uses a duplex dwelling u verm detached dwclhng a boarding or lodging hoiibe a home occupation a private club and uses acccsory lo the foregoing all uses in ol zone ex cept the community hall and refreshment pavillton sub ject to the requirements thereof section seton 6 4 1 i amended by adding thereto after the words apartment dwelling a home occupation and idcietingihcrcfrom religious institution a public hoapital a tiomc for the aged so that the section reads all uses permitted inthc iu zone except detached one family dwellings subject to the r3 zone requirements and the folfowinguses a doubjc duplex dwelling an rapartment dwelling a home occupation anduses aoces- sory td the foregoing i section 9 section 6 5 is amended by adding as note 6 to the- schedule of residential 7onc requirements the following nute 6 for the office of a doctor dentist a chiropractor chiropodist or home occupation sucn use shall be conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by the inhabitants ihercor which use it clearly inci- dental and secondary to the use of the dwelling purpose occupying not mure than twenty five 25 percent or the total loor area and docs not change- the chnractce there of nor have any exterior evidences of such secondary use save and except as follows a doctor dentist chiroprac tor or chiropodist mav erect a sign so long as the same docs not exceed a surface area of two square feet and so long as the same is attached lo the face of the building section 10 section 7 4 74 i and 74 2 are added as fol- lows 7 4 commercial general holding zone ci h 741 permitted uses a church a home occupation an existing dwelling and uses accessory to the foregoing 7 4 2 zone requirements the provisions of section 511 5 13 and 515 shall apply and the repair rebuilding or maintaihancc of an existing dwelling except that the bulk size lot coverage of all existing dwellings shall not be increased nor the existing front side or rear yards reduced from that which exists on the date of the passing of this bylaw section ii section 9 11 is amended by adding thereto as a permitted use a vegetable garden and an accessory building so that the section reads a park a playground a playing field a flower garden a vegetable garden a community hall an open or closed swimming pool a bowling green a tennis court an accessory building and a refreshment pavilion or booth and facilities accessory to any of the foregoing uses section 12 section 10 10 i and 102 shall be deleted section 13 9 i conflict with other bylaws in the event of conflict between this bylaw and any general or special bv law this bylaw shall prevail 9 2 validity should any section or part of a section of this bylaw be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in valid the same shall not effect the provisions of this bylaw as a vvhole or any part thereof other than the part so declared lo be invalid 9 3 effective dale- no part of this by law shall come into rorce without the approval of the ontario municipal board but subject o such approval this bv law shall take effect from the passing thereof read a first and second time this 28th day of may 1968 l a duby mayor j mcgeachie clerk read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of mav 1968 l a duby mayor j mcgeachie clerk 19a2 clearing auction sale of b nice country home modern and antique furniture 20 auction sales at milton heights on the town line approx 3 miles west of the town of milton for the estate of the late mrs walter nelson saturday july zoth at i p m x rurnitore dining room iuitc with extension tabic buf fet nnd chairs 3 piece chester field suite reiiphojitered just recently bedrdom suite with mattress 2 drcsbers i wijh mirror 4 bed with mattress in real nice shape becjroomr drckscr with round mirror muc dio colch flavver tftbfe and ma gazine rack combination i matching end tables plsss top coflee able llovver tables day bed 2 table lamps cogswell chair flooi lamps chrome klt chen set with 4churs wcstinghouse floor model ra dio 2 folding chairs odd chairs mantel clock bookcase and books hall mirror medi cine cabinet card table gar bage can bird cage with stand electric kitchen clock small cupboard kitchen cup boards lawn chairs desk table 2 leather covered armchairs in real nice condition quantity of odd antique chairs 61 pairs of salt and pepper shakers collec tor s items 2 bedspreads num ber of drapes and curtains wl ckcr rocking chair pictures and frames 9 x 10 oriental rug with underlay crokmolc game race car game electric train set silvertone record plaver with some records pressure cooker electric trypan wash set with water can some silver ware scatter rugs some old crocks vases glasses and the regular kitchen utensils appliances 4 burner heat wave electric stove very nice shape wcstinghouse refri gerator electric heater gener al electric mantel radio up right electric hair dryer elec tro lux vacuum cleaner with attachments admiral tv set 21 had new picture tube rcc- cntlv bellwood washing mach inc garden tools garden hose wood planes steel rub ber tired wheelbarrow wood lathe band saw and the rcgu lar small garden tools and many more articles too numer ous to be mentioned property on the prop erty is erected a 7room frame home in pleasant surround ings and nicely landscaped on ly i mile from kelso conser vation area house has 2 bed rooms upstairs 1 bedroom downstairs living room dining room kitchen bathroom and a nice sun porch preview of house and property wednesday evening julv 13 any time after 7 pm and alter ii am day of sale property being sold subject to a reserve bid with i0o down pavment dav of sale to be paid cash or certified cheque and the balance within 30 days after day of sale property will oe sold at 4 p m terms on household con tents are cash dav of sale everything to be sold for es tate must be settled executors and auctioneer not responsible for accidents dav of sale chris a schouten auctioneer 8782576 jim langedvk clerk 20bll shop your newspaper ads and koep the savings in your own poclcetboolc for complete auction service chris a schouten auctionefr sales of all types big or mil ill ill do them all sites conducted anvwherc tel area 4168782576 or local 8532943 r r 3 milton ont evening auction sale of antique kodsehold fumltube i out of the home ol duit alexander what is now known as icclso conservation area sale lc tie held nl tile milton fair grounds in the agricultural hall wrdnestfay evenltig july 24lh at 630 pm chesterfield with mulching chau 3pucc chesterlicld in excellent condition odd old chqirs leather covered rocking chair kitchen cabinet pine sideboard nice ihine writing desk and bookcase combinit ion china cabinet moor lamp 2 matching armchairs office desk in ical nice shape very old kitchen miiror bedroom dresser verv nice i bedroom dressei with tilting mirror 2 beds with springs and mattress es brass bed and mattress and dresser with mirror wall shelf crokinole board pine cupboard some 1847 ro gers silverware several books ncluding webster s dictionary in very line shape farm econ omy lncyclopedia of agricul ture hon alex mackenzie his life and times 1892 24 wcst inghouse electric stove 4 burn er wood stove very nice shape chrome kitchen suite 6 chairs modern was new last car some meat platters and the regular kitchen utensils blankets and some linen pow er lawn mower garden hose- and manv small articles not mentioned some of these it ems have been collected for ov er three generations terms are cash day of sale- no reserve for everything must be moved out of the house before they can make further plans or renovations regarding the museum hall directors and auctioneer not responsible for accidents time of sale chris a schouten auctioneer 878 2576 jim langcdyk clerk 20b 11 the acton free press wednesday july 17 196b 7 auction sale of tractor implements furniture antiques etc for i a stokes at his farm situated at lot 14 cone 3 burlington 7518 the guelph line 2 miles south of campbellvrillc on saturday july 20 at 12 noon rhc following tractor implements toid jubilee tractor 3 ph good condition dearborn disc plow 2 disc 3 p h m r double disc 3 p h ihc tractor man ure spreader gotwl as icw2 sec tion drig ctlltivilor steel land roller set of itarfows 4 sec tlons ac 2 furrow plow dear born mower 6 ft cut 3 p h 1 h c side rike- heivy 2 whcdl trailer with 14 r rack mh binder 7 rt cut miscelllajnbus e gar den tractor cultivator ond disc- grain auger cutting box- set of platronri scales 1 lad ders colonv house 10 x 12 2 electric brooders drinking fountains slccl water trough 200 gal oil tank 100 gal gas ttnk and pump blacksmiths anvil table saw and motor small tools etc antioues hall tree sing er sewing machine 1885 tol let set 7 pieces huffet with mirror 2 rocking chairs 2 wash stands silver butter dish and sugar bowl coffee percolator j mmtel clocks 3 coal oil 1 amfts punted base spool bed rioor lump 01 ning room table dniu 111 phvce coffee table guv lop cloth es horse 2 beds with bookcase lieadborrds culler crock nnd churn- chaff bkket several chairs several crcks etc old o ik rocker combination desk and ilookeisi- htfrniturjj coffield washing machine chesterfield and 2 chairs dining room suite extension table jaekulfe bdf let i chairs and buffet i arm chair mason jst risch piano enlarging 6 camera picture frames dishes odd chairs tables dishes eje hay about 2w bales of hav mostlv l96kcrop order of sale rurniture and antiques at 12 noon followed by miscellaneous implements etc cash with clerk dav of sale owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents everything is to be removed bv july 30 as farm is sold max storey auctioneer rockwood phone 8569755 20b3 20 auction sales clearing auction sale tor j g gibson and the estate ol the late j carney to be held saturday july 20lh at 1 pm dundas street east across irom leyion tun onl consisting ot household art icles i 10horsc ouibn ird mot or excellent condllion a bit of everv thing ktn clapprrtom auctioneer 0h3 phone lnn 833 9796 clearing auction sale tor elizabeth ramm 7228 9th line hornby or oak ville hall mile north ol dcrrv rd ij miles south of sleelcs ave monday july 22 at 6 p m household turnisii 1ngs apartment mc piano in excellent condiliun combin ation lull and record player trench provincial chesterlicld suite 9 piece dining room suite tea wagon coppcrtone freezer 22 cubic fool coldspot like- new kitchen furniture bedroom furniture quantity of brass and copper ware glassware and lin ens and articles loo numerous to mention ford dexier tractor diesel 3 ph plovy and mower terms cash on dav of sale owner is moving to florida owner or auctioneers will not be responsible for anv accidents on day of sale walter and donald reinhart auctioneers 20b ii alregis auction sale al 07 mmi st nurili gcariic town monday july 22ml at 6 w p in for mk percy cleave conmmm ol 24 cmltii el iltiic shut apii intent size re fnutiiitor 2 putt ilustcrrtui tit il 1 1 tihlc thin i t ilnnet 9 x 12 axminsiti nip 7 x 9 heine nip 8 x 10 sisil nil 1 piece vv limit bnliimtm suite tilth vin it i v ilnul iik ssi r ualmit bell tint mit t rt ss honkuise rmntel tlotk jiiimaphone picture frame set of old encyc lopedia uilker tliatr sealers 9 extension 1 id tier fireplace jjialt tongs andrnicket slveral iirden tools dishes etc uc tie these articles are in good shape nnd should make an en lovable evening for all oiajier and auctioneer not res ponsilile for ictulents on prcm ists day tf ale ai rred r spence auctioneer evaluator 20b3 the cheapest insurance is careful driving avis rentacar and truck rental phone 8775323 special weekend rates free delivery w visit out i mfon vienna goulash huette daily and schnitzel house at closed mondays halton country inn rooms banquets conventions private parties km reservations wtitoi open to the public fight ojf mam a fight in front ol uw rellibli taxi ohice on sunday july m at 1245 pm was the only in cident ruportud by police this wcclc threu man weru involved constable bruce maearttmr lnvc suifatcd charges may be laid against two youths wo dance in the earn everv saturday wti ol hfehwav 3s on 5 suwoad north n sixth una al nttunwv keys made while you wait hintons 5c1 store c redwhite canada dry canned pop g ale or wink case of 24 1 89 anna maria 48oz tins assorted fruit drinks 389 salad delicious summer drink s mix 2 i 25c maple leaf save 30c pienie ivilb tins pork shoulders 129 canada grade a 5 to 10lb average turkeys 39 swift premium fully cooked smoked picnic 59 schneiders famous red hots skinless wieners 55 schneiders mild seasoned staler sausage 59 tasty juicy california lemons 6 39c

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