Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1968, p. 8

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r- g the acton frag praii wadnmday july 24 160 chf d faithful jerrtce tho biblical phraw wall dona good and faithful urvant could car talnly apply to etquatlng dark traatur- rk c llnduy who marked 25 yaar of tervlce to the townihlp recently however lla a bll early to tlarl piling plallludai on a man who li ailll very active in the admlnlitratlvo ldo of towmhlp affalrt mr llnday roots o doop into the lownihip- wlory ll wi pdlnjeil out at the tokllmdrilal dinner iha hd comet by liitnroil lit municipal affalrt naturally tlnco hl piw grsndfalhar wit deputy raovn of the townthlp of taquetinu in ihp v iwan founded tho family vimhlclpal jree didnt unci- ihere hit 0rridlihor w ucjobalnu reeve and in iuh4 warden of lh coun fy hit father following thu tradition waa a valuator lor the lownhlp in l37 although thate are certainly markt in any mans favor formor councillor ted harropt remarks on the suitability of k c for the dark treasurers post lion reflect the rotnect in which he is hold not only in the townthlp but far lieyond the iwrder hrst said mr hurrop it was abto lute honutly in all hit daallngt second was hit wjlllngnais to work third was lilt ability to gal along with people i wrf llkn to uiihwo more onb bin imfolllnu fourtaty two a know ledge of munlrlpnl nhjiirs which- can only mirth froi oti tarolce and a da uolidii to the olr v from n lowmlitp in which longnvl ly of piihltc tiirviruls the fule rather hail ihp eucepllnn k c llndtay tlnndt m a good exniiipki ol the quality of honu grown ttor k editorial psgs hurray jfor baseball theres been to much propaganda lately about the decline of baseball as a spectator sport and the rltti of action games in tho publics favor it is llmo someone tald a few kind wards in baseball s behalf as much as the writer can appracl ale the faslar action of tocter lacrosse hockey and basketball there is still something about tho gamo of baseball which lhasa spoils lack maybe its the curvo which hangs like a bio hook in the air before whiz zing by an amazed batter maybo it s the thrill of a stolen bate perhaps it is the excitement and drama in a double play how about a game where iho basos are loaded two out and a haavy slug gar up to bat it pits the pitcher student rioto universities placos whoro most people look for enlightenment and for ward thought iro plaguud by riots and troubles those days students protesting against tho os tablishment or administration of their respective schools have somotimos made shambles of the placos tearing down proporly which was built at groat sacrifice then rather than accept re sponsibihty for iho damage somo of them oponly preach they iro immune to laws which everyone olse must ob serve most people will forgive students pranks look tho other way whon they parade with protest placards and post ers its ill put of growing up it also shows students are aware of inequali lies and concerned about how they should be solved adults got fed up however whon the students forego legitimate forms of protest and go in for destructive vm dalism a meaningful protest does not need destruction we can understand this sort of ac lion if the students were trying to fo mem a revolution but in many cases complaints sound trivnl they hudly bolster the students case against n heavy slick of wood swung by muscled arms with lightning re flexes will he throw a drop a curve a slider a fast ball thu suspense is often breath taking have you ever seen a grand slam home run that s one with ihroo on base sometimes it will break a game up after innings of scoreless play ever balled iho umpire satisfying isnt ii one has to admit sometimes the games are dull rut so are somo la crosse football or hockey games and somotimos iho gamos are too long thai applies equally to othor sports baseball may lie in decline but it will make a comeback its loo great a game to remain standing still riots and troubles at the univorsitios have boon blamod on communism fas cism individualism and ust about ovory ism which exists but i think iho most ponotrating analysis of the troublos was that ascribed to the presidont of mom orial univorslly lord taylor he said there wore two factors be hiid the trouble tho first is thai um vorsities have grown far loo big to bo ono of 20 000 30 000 or 40 000 studonls is to invite loss of individual ly lo invito mob loaders to take over ho suggests tho second factor i om afraid is one that we have also brought upon ourselves we have boon billon by the bug of permissiveness both in our homes and in our schools of course children must have freedom 16 embark upon adventure and experiment and to learn for themselves but they cannot and must not have it all their own way in this life we all have lo put up with things we do not like and a little bit of firm discipline in the home and in the school not only makes for a hap pier family and a happier school it is a far better preparation for univor sity and for real life aftor that amon pkete6 frw the pam thying his luck or qprn 1 1ml immhm til it htmi otto t oimtrvjttmn arttn pond ih ft lono fiilwmiiin flu iiim qhci lh r lpll 1 1 iii lllll iii li nllim t ihhii 1 11111 1 iii 1 i itoi 1 1 ii milium 1 lot imirtr sugar and spice during womd war i the intermedl ale red cross girls decorated this float for a parade the float was photo graphed on church st in front of the home of the late mils bertie speight who was standing si the rear right corner of the wagon riilii in ikilitp wrlttcni front u lltlln plm tint nuinl ol you know i vlull ii iinilii all hi iisjiiirlblly in imi miiiiiniir its lalluriwili iiul anil lltblh wlmri pinal jithl rii iivirliik from a llmmday wud- djiiff tho rurunmny took only about l tnlnuliik hut llmri wiiriithiipritllihliuirliu thoy worn had nnniirli hi liirrlfylue nr- dnal of luylllk my first tuw mill in iiirii yuarh riillinc iiiki mi urn way lollim luirih in t strange rlty ilowovur its tint hid prnllmlnarliih of a wedding thai make you arrive at wit i ml its lln pnstlitmlnirlo ono of ihnni ik kimiillnk on a stnnl txisldi mo watching as i pock away with tluiu two worndown old flngurs hes six yuan old precocious as they enmo and snmohndy elses grandson hos not watching hociusi im a daxxllng typist hos watching to make sure dial i rot this done so tint i can fulfill my obli gations to him in a burst or postwoddlng miphnrla i promised mark id tako him to the park to tho boach o the indlamviuagt lo tin old fort and a few other local hotspols llko all kids ho has the memory of an olophanl and the persistence of a penguin whatever thai moans ho arrlvod about ids usual bedtime so i thought i could stall him until tomorrow and ihon mayo gut him lo watch tulevlslon no dlcu ho demanded lo see tin park at he vory toast so i took him oh to sei the nark driving his grammys convert ible yes grandmothers drive convertible those days jutt as we arrlvod at tin park a hick ol a thunderstorm bust loos lightning groat rolling cracks of terror and rain ukt noahs ark mark was a uiik scar d in a delighted sort of wav i was frightened to death i couldnt find the windshield wipers and was flying blind mark said hey bill wi better scram aula here i couldnt havi agrnd moru i kept twisting knobs and pushing buttons trying to go the wipers working rie comment j e ich ye ir in th s provmct f ac adtnfs take j heavy toll o hur an i f and leave m their wakt hundred of per ions who sufer painful md often permanent inunes hon w a stew art said m noting farm safety wfrulc agriculture has btlome a dangerous industry because farmers havt ta itd to develop an attitude of respect for the machines while considerable pro press has been made in guards and safety devices tt still rema ns at the individual level to develop safe work habits and respecf for the mach nery that carelessly handled can result n death or dismemberment in this farm safety week t s a wist time to resolve to adopt safe work hab its this week and every week i y i pufihi il whuj hi iiitnl to ti tin lum in 1 1 nn nntmm liuiitjit 1 murk ull hoy yfjun iih ky lliutt un ki i ilmtf ttu uim ihul putt l hi loji flown j imkit ly faliitnii in k rjfut wuf ilttlifd willi ciruiiiinyn inlhi u wintllnv ftiu urul uh- nriritd portfjiulih u willi wi ol iioiih tjafitly us you tiuvi rjirmlwfd tin its now tomorrow and u ionrlii rain aiul miirk httsatikifd tin 711 llltlon will um i lull bin lilt llf into minlr vlllati f ok y iluvi twvu on tin floor an wo tak awoy hinvn twiwr ttid arrnwi wlion art wi poliif i in lanf om rtmi abnot i vi ry fourth mtm yon know ivi mtrrntly u u tnikny forward to my randclilldn n for a f w yuan von thnnph my own iddr an nt marrind yot now im tnrliinliif to won- diit c an i ropi tin yn so blau i took mark into tin wild placn tliatv tin orm r of our rar- don win r then f a hiy hairy hujji of jnnn kind yon run alinot i t lotf in tin n i forcud our way through tin jnnli into tin brn t imart of tin wild plac mark said i dont w wliati so wild about this win n an wt tqltif totln indian villari well im polnp to fix that kid as oon as i finish this column wtri pomp to th niddv indian villapt and th blasti d old fort in the ponrinp rain and wi n folnc to tromp around until htll m v r want to in or tin phrasf indian villap arin in his mtirt lift itll probably ix tin nd of tm hut no sixyearold punk is poinp to pusli mi around wtrt pomp to s all th si puts wt rt potnp to cllmt and walk and start untll its popplt i yid i dont can if h rlts xhaustld im txliaustd and wi liavi nt vi n start d yt t and if hi start- to cry and wonts to po homt ill probably buv him an in crtani roiu any kid who knows what tht word scram means in this dav and apt cant bt all tad the acton free press m u i i fi 1 t i con im itlui cut ivj- luiiif tuilur i h g lt a 1 ui 4tfrr 20 years ago lakuii roiu tlin luwin tlm i re irirn if lliiirnily inly it 1mh work in ttni rtmlmil on thu iww ilxihlu utiru tailldlug on liu ultu of iheiildftrugoiy lluuilrii no llml lihiaiilu inky iw i uny iimi tkuw oitkrtiiru iumi luoutlt i lie nlori on ihu wuul miiui will l iwiitplim liy irrollii kwm ery hloro liui hkkl aid will im onun itlixl tiy i new iiilrll lo ai loiil liluliuiuii ihu lion aiilj jtiiu ltw tilwrr a fuiiiilor tlm itiihlxmxiifty n1ui4 al hi hoiiil t ml anij ijutr iiiin hl- eft h i i in nif luiutty july iwh jilimnant ijliriiwn wni uuil tiy ml and k tilttil wlinil wu wiv t iillx uwti iliijl1 lrl rtiinu to u jnuikllhiilii tin iiuw lilow roundly llilbwik and i in tuwunt kihlitloii toaliuiu likikitttry la ui- uiiiiii lo itil lnliiiiklliii 1 1 ill fuul two aiiblrallk will l 10wkl liuii it bleil hi rki lo ktikdk ut ml mm w i liuvsl ikuy biuj yyoiuut havu lniii holldkylni mikt llklk mr kiul mrn ikiilnw mikht and dhiiikh of loroiilo mhinl tin wii luiiul with mi huimif lohn mikhl wiioboiul ylullorb ut the lioinu of w i lib 11 wum mr mul mid iklini mlllir mi kiul mil ilkrly i ornnlif mul mikiul mil il i il llkll wluilikiii itovy iturbtrn fhjiiilb tin iifuh tiriwl in liliilory mkiilt kiul llfiu in hrliitliik up i kiln i aui tlclil nut of tin fuuiiliiu ouli ynui fiiiiiiyluiiu fiiiiithiinkii lu ikl- uikk with 1 noi i rrol kiwi fiu klrbwuul ir niivt itwii will lu mi aucubl llli ilun will tu nn ibkui of tin i rn iruhb mml wmik 50 years ago ikknh irfim tin ifjuit ol tin i p iribk itt ihiirwlay inly lit ft you know what h tuitkiib to imvi k t u an aiul hrlidil aulo y ndar iiolnjub i lolinuonb krtujii lomovi r 7jc loliiibjib kkdlklor f i mi hi iii air llti auto lulw muiid m it w i in holiur tin road tin llpliiiir ii holdii nfcilonalliodyljri sblnc r ikrk iluiii kc authijualiira li w 4 tit i ord motor and imarlim motor oil hv h r kllon r rfl w i lu wur who wi nl ovorkjkb au inadnr of tin 1uii halt hand lb now tnkitiliiu a ijicii land in kiltiul wondi rland ihnktri hoiuiyrnooii a wilni i plmur wllti c oubtanri and a two part f liarlli imiilli i ouu dy iuculi v ijlneinan it 0 ltd jiu ur in nviiry fj v trim thurnk iicnuoriiy liny omfort aflou voti ra llbt lor tin ynar wkbpobt- nil iiy li rk marklnnon on saturday ilavi you buiin lu rry pliklnir i oia of puofili havi tan n lnlpl i lo nrodun tin sf dayb tin nn uihnrs of artouc clllmns hand an riijiiugti d to unit in iiihi hall runt monday vonlnir with instnitni nfcandtnus- ir tin futuri of tin land will in -onud- ind n f moiri si rnlaryin aair r ifrct jrtss tbinity church thi i mti i chi htll ol canada mini tw ha fiiiju h iumli ii a hd lm cl r ol mluic o ii i i mi ii i hi 11 m a ill ij 75 years ago lakiui in in ihu ui id iho 1- ru lr it iliurwuv inly ll ihul youn woiiiuii kiul til in aru ulroimly d- vlkid kkkliikl uikkliui krrkimftiiiibnlk in yoto hli iii ku luirvkiilu or hlrnd hulpufaluioil any kl jul with nniiiloyiikiul kifuulb kial now tui limy nn n m woinu 1n ilnnonk to iiu ifcov will iiiio ynu in ykif ntln yu iktriimyii inky tw pajd o maco hnl tli fluuikl bltiitjin l i wkkiik will mil in rilli liming wli ii you ilnru lollnwlu i aiujihalub from fiallliutfad hliul pabbuil mwv uiilram ii nuanilnallou i illuulikiii ukniif hiiiuuii akidn stililill i hi mi wiii kinlmkliaka klnp- tkjjl i in irkiufl riiukkvuhliik llynt fat mi- mliii iiikdn llilrliin iiiiiij ill i i inlmiluk iii k tun from ainn lo iiitlph mr ukihu miirbiikkllinrnit- 1iiiiiih for tlm irm li ol k ikw rbllii on l4tk avumif mlbb mkljln ii milllllwb lb bjuilutllui lur linlldkv kl liikilfor1 mlbb lit its ifirdxi liifclnr lift ikbl w ik for hlifco to vlhh tlm worldb i k i r i ii loidllii li a of aurork hlirt v luuil hkb li ii kiiolnliii l i in ififcl id hirrli il- liklkli itiblltiilii kl a bklary ol tliwi a iraiip who had tuibn hoi off a iraln at limm ilviiri b luikr hro tvilln plaind hla lurk a robb tim ira k luforn an onrouilnj train and wab dufapllktud 100 years ago fkkui from r 11 ibuuu if ihu kiikdlan hamiilon milton inly i i id 18 mr ifowi and tlm otlu r 1unual dulnitalbk in vi ruiiiriuil hoiim having rualibd hall- fan ikbt wi ik aa tin i zval likikulur ii novk soila will muni on ihu uli irw and niikliib a ltr uiakflly favoraub lo dlbniiilon of tin union wu will prouamy boin lu inforinud wliat blbfia will lib lakbti lo oribiiniiuatif jtiifmkl and wiial tin vaftub lln klb a tin anllb amount lo uti mr i um in your laat auit tbbut tliat komi tuiufry hrbadmalbr la making aiuilia iniulry aluul tlw prlu of tlm aril in i might answer hla qubatlofl ly aaklnc 11 1 aiimliur via why liaa lirbkd bold all ai in inn r at ik ami a pr tf in fll and only tmnii 10 unla in mlllonv i aiivwbr partly on arrjom of a lbtturarileui aiul partly luraiikk thu lakurs of call havu not tuibii fools unoukii lo nil oiia anothars uiroala ly aalllne hjnta at i and ooulmlf oiilb pur loaf aa ttw hamiilon lalwrahava tuinn aimm for lluv lafct al inonlha i fb rnnntlou luadlmz liakura in hamilton who liavii not ald a loaf uodfat m unla and artlll havi aa largu a run of bialnbaa aa hi r tofom and why liifauiw thulr oial- onmrs can dupund on gulling from hum rufcularly a good arllclu and four pounda wulgtit in thu ijargaln i would 11 ku lo mu your rorruaoiidiiiit rorninnnru opbratlona in n wlurv tluri la only 125 loavia uaad dally and anil at 12 and omhalf ima church notices j prhsvtirian church in canada ksox clllrtllr acton iv ai liiwll mikiiia ha hi minittr mi i a lldii in ha oiini l jod lioir miltr s1xih sf aso comhimu si mmi k si rvicf s is knjx ikishyiikias clltkfh icillur klv andrt a ii mktnic s i si iay jl i y 2ih jth ij i ii t vi t bi sri if rril tin t n ir j lii a fny i j 4lt sli ll rl i n inn iy lnjtld church thi church of st alban the martyr anglican v i iu s and st albun t dnvc i ii j i on b a b th acton baftit church founded 1w2 i i if 1 v si irji y uirimijii 144 iii an fliooi h5h615 19ft8 si mh ii i 1 i i vii ii ii i u turist bthct christian reformed church i li ku p ur uvtr isa uv act i or tjrio i 4 si mly ii i y 2- i im i i iircl s i jnd adult v si sday iii y 2th 1968 li hi i lrl sh strwlt 1 i j j sunda shxi 2 w p ni a tin am dutch and f rj t 1 1 s r- service saturday bible clasti 10 12 am everyone utlcomc ii t cla 1 i 00 a ru m rn rv worship i i f stn t ji 7 30 vrsjizt meeting araj liiolc slud 7nursda u p it ch ir practice he that hath tht sjr haih life and hi that hath not tin son of god hath not life i john 5 12 manj avenue raimritt church hi maple ave georgetown pjiiii rev kobert c lohatt evangel pentecostal tabbtnacu paot 33 church i road ku s m tnornan pabtor 8532715 1968 si dy jl1y 2th lulto ajli sunja sukjui h u0 am murning worship 00 pm evanyeltic service timdav p m praer service ind bible study thursday ipm chnit ainbasiadort i julin 5 4 for wluaoivir ii born ut cod uvirxuinith tin uorld and thu is the victory that overcumeth tije uorid even our taith slday jlly 20th 1swi here is our sincere invitation to live whole family lo attend church 45 a rn sunday school all age 1 1 00 a in morning service 7 00 pan evening evangel 7 45 pjn wednesday prayer meeting ac ton 853195 georgetown 1776665 thia i an invitation lo attend th church of yoor choie on sunday

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