Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1968, p. 1

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what council did ht j vol 1 09 no 1 3 acton ontapio wionisdav iuiy 31 iwab ami twulvn laji toll cnnls at a diorl meeting in the council eaemfcera tuesday night acton council- proclaimed mooday augnsf j u civic holiday authorised ptyrfumt- of 85785 16 insurance premiums to demys insurance agency authorised payment of fin ancial statement no 7 of iiisi accepted recommendation from no 1 committee that plan ning board budget ba increased by f 83632 to pay for unforeseen expense planning hoard was alao to bu advised a loosannexa- uon study was not considered aaaantlal and no provlalon waa made for fund accepted the recommenda- lion of planning board rejecting tho resonlng of the van gila proporty from ml to r2 the resolution carried with only councillor t tyler jr refrain ing from voting claiming a con flict of interest bur if jpw sijri rhimnts ov lakiviiw subdivision am ex poind lo a variety of construction this ynar latest of which is erection of homos along the uncompleted section of elmore drive housui are beinrj erected almost overnlcjhl at one end o hie street while dredging continues on the end nearest fairy lake stall photo pasted a resolution that no objection be ralaad to a 01 acre land separation on the boy vyee property authorised tho txike of dev onshire chapter of the iode to hold a tag day on the pall pair dates traffic safety work ahead for popular cons campbell accepted by raaohitlon the offer of a transfer of a portion of lot 133 from the rubin co to the town the lot hai a frontage of 4 feet on elmore drive and ita flankago on fairy lake it waa made available by fronting houses on lota 134 and 135 on elmore drive instead of euae- bath drlvo mayor duby ex plained the tranafar would give the town the two iota on elmore at the foot of the lake park board is anxious to have the land for boat lau ruining and doafciag it was feared people would use the and of tho street for that purpose if the area wasnt desig nated for it hucoimiii word that a mooting between beardmoro and co tho credit valliiyconaorvallon auth ority the town and the dredging company has been set for august t at 3 pm to discuss dredging in the lake the meeting will bu held in the community centre so it will be cloao to the dredging site was reminded tho omb hearing regarding annexing land from the twp of esquealng would be held on august id at 1030 am received a copy of a resolu tion from thu county of hilton resolving that requests from acton and bsquoaing concerning assumption of certain roads by the county be hold in anoyance for study during the forthcoming updating of thu 1964 county roads needs study and consideration be given lo including tho first line of e9ioslng from county road 12 to the southwest limits of acton in the request councillor bill wlulamshad und words to say about tho lm proved method of garbage col lection its olco to see those garbage cans alttlngup straight be said praising tho town sup erintendent ho also recom mended weeds by the glenlea plana be cut councillor charlie perry asked council to consider a new member on planning board to replace the lato alex near mr parry paid trlbutu to the late mr hears devotion suggesting it would be difficult to replace his experience discussed tiling the creek aloof tyler ave the mayor aid the town waa trying to pick up all the subsidies it could get on the job expenses of which will be shared with the rubin corp one man who has dose aaucfa work on the creak beauti fying has objected to the tluog mayor lea duby presided at the meeting which took leas than two hours with the reeve and councillor bob drlnkwalter ah- ant mr hlntoolalnwaahliaj- taa ttc and mr drinkwaltar oo vacation popular cons peter campbell moved today from acton to bur lington where be hasbeiinlrana- farred ho bocomoi traffic safety ooordlnator with tho burlington traffic unit beginning august 1 tomorrow he will bo replaced on august 10 by cons it wood who comes hare from downsvlaw he la presently on holidays cons and mrs wood and one young child are expected to movo to acton corp ray mason this week expressed his regrol at losing such an able and personable of ficer as cons campbell al though he has only been with the qpp for four years he is ex tremely capable and depondable he has boon especially inter- oaled in public rotations and en joyed speaking to groups horn he wrote oxcellont opp wookly reports for the free press which followed tho wouks statistics with advice and hints on a var iety of subjects his alslor followed him to acton when she marriod high school teacher ian megllllvray but theyve slnco moved to guelph ho will bu implementing and supervising safoty programs in brentford slmcoe walerdown burlington oakvllle milton and acton his area includes over 100 schools he will bu speaking to adult groups as well ai child run tho program includes rules of tho road llmur tho safoty elupliant displays with model cars defensive driving algiu and signal rocognltlon traffic court clinic hlcyclo roadoog freeway driving storv of tho laws caroor oppartunltlus child moloslatlon dangers of ox- ploslvos farm water firearms and bush safoly and school bus safoty a fow months ago ho marriod tho former euiaboth kir by of eden mills thoy moved from tliolr acton apartment thlswouk extra insights carry message of town growth insight acton is going far outside aetna with much favoralilo rem hon to last wunkn special industrial lnuiii oxtra ropluu aro going far and wide annul 400 uxtra payors wen printed for apodal distribution industrlus ruculvod uxtras for head offices customers and contacts mayor duby is taking extras for central ontario regional development corporation mem bers and for officials attending the ontario municipal conven tion in august copies will imi avallablu at the town officii for pnoplu lntorostod in suttllng intro or bringing now industry twocar accident only one in week only car accldont of tho wook in town occurrod july ii whuna car drlvun by rlnku dulkurwu- bur st backing out a drlvoway was in collision with a car driven by mrs bustrlcu colo r it i acton tho colo car rueulvud75 damage to tho front right fonder while tho other vehicle was not damaged cons unico knsslir invest igated full xray service at clinic eliminates trips to hospitals new xray kmhmmtmt in the acton aaadleal centra elimin ates the trip to guelph hospital for services staff photo acton radiology patlonts no longer havo to travel outside of town for truatmunt tin medical building has recently installod a full radiology department in us upper floor the now faclutlos include a waiting lounge tho most up-to- date xray oqulpmont and devel oping facilities that unable the technician to finish negatives almost immediately it offers virtually tho same services as a hospital ajan odenbach rt ca formerly the chief technician in milton hospital has taken over as general manager of the de partment he will handle all the routine fractures and bone dam age work in addition two radiology spec ialists have been invited to com mute to acton one day a week from toronto dr robert bulck and dr desmln walker will treat special eases and make reports if needed on cases handled by mr odenbach the new department is s big step forward for the clinic since it began offering the ser vice two waeka ago traffic has been heavy and local doctors are entbualasuc about the convenient service they can now offer acton patients plan church cemetery hill a reiiiiosl for a variance it tifoaday nights i mini rt meeting revnatod thu new aplistourhftld- lug co i id plan in lull hi a new hordr on tint cittuetary hlllon itiji audrxui property mayor lei duby sduiltttd riuill wan concerned siknji the loctlnii lu front of thu lumetery hut a resolution carried apprnv- ing the varlkiit s 4 cnr asks permission to close station m application for aullmruy to close thu tguiicy and rumnvu hut acton cni slatlmi has houn madu in tho canadian 7 rauaport cntuiiilbslrui a nnllro pnslod at thu ill st i mi liai rvualud thu cn it uollfloil twith this luiwapatwr and cnnncllthuy would lui making aiillialliw snwi lo rlosu thu aitwi station lark in may i hi t whun rnunrll uuiurod by lultur thu lraniinrt com- niluidon ropliud no appllratlon had iuiiiii rorulvud linilitloji was rlfu locally that tho railway was playing pol itics waiting thu ruuills of thu fudural iihirtlnn tmforu insldng ihu mull mnvii olhurs llirugtil hut cn it had a rhangu f huart i he not in is dalud july 17 a public huarlnv will hu lie id in alton buforu s final durlslon is madu a local fact finding coinmltliiu hut iuiiiii wnrklng to gathor uvlduncu opposing the closiiro dry run of ihn linohl yullow si- do flrsl prifl in an iipcmriiiiq cotary draw hns rolir ian tod prall it thu wlinel wutchlriq llw trui at john andersens home are dick weatheratl won lowls gary dawkins and mr anderson staff plmlo proposed c1h rezoning explained at council water tests report safe inafmictoru of hallofi county health unit have reported thu wulur in airy laki is safo for swimming various tents have boon taki n this suinuiur and all reported uillsfsclory repair siding to beardmores closed for s yesr to railway traffic thu siding at beardmoro and co is bolng repaired uds wuok trains will resume running on tho sldliiy wlion workmen finish tho job because of the monday holi day esquoslng council is holding its regular council mooting next tuusday a delegation of ratepayers wai assurud that thu proposal ru- swuiig of apprrulmaluly uoprop- urllus from itl lo c 111 would not affect residential value si tues day nights inuoling of council george harrap mac symou and bun itachlln ajpobriid l- foro council and wore later join ed by mr and mrs a orr lo ask reasons for the rimngu mayor lus duliy explained the new c1h designation was a com mercial holding aros tho pos sibility oslblud he told tho dele gation that some day their propurtlos would ho nuudod for additional downtown comtnerclal arua wo are taking tti ps to day to present unduslratjlu areas in ihu future lu said councillor charlie iurry a planning board member said tla changus wen made on tin- advice of ilu canadian plaiuijng association the delegation asluvd juos- tlons atoul procedure shouldthuy wlsli to oppose tho roionlng mr harrap was assured residents wlslius would tjo respected if it was contemplated changing to ci tho mayor explained prox imity of tho properties to the downtown business ares made tin m tin victims of tin change but hi assured the delegation the residential value of the prop orty would hot bu affected clerkadministrator j mc- cuachlo slti told ihu rstepsyeru any proposed chingu liy council must he atiprovud ty the ontario municipal board wlial effect will this lis ve on iho resalu of properly asked councillor g uckamiv its hsrd to say answered llu mayor councillor mckenzlo said all of council was not in favor of the rhangu i was against it huraubo ii took privileges away from some jo homos he re minded council mr harrap told council lie had secured signatures on a petition of nearly all the people in til arua affected opposing the rhang in soiling he wauled to know councils reaction if a slore wished to locate beside a fine residential properly i he mayor assured mr har rap any change would have to ba a ins or commercial develop ment before it could hu consid ered there will be a further hear ing with tlu omii regarding thu proposed amendments effects postal strike becoming more acute more effects sro being fult tlds wuek as a result of the twoweek old postal strike phono calls telegrams arid special delivery sro being in creasingly utilised lo replace postal service billing ordering delivering and rotelpi of incoming clwiuea sro all held up in business offices laims esnno be filed or payments made the strike has slowed ip office procedure considerably a representative from one com pany said on the other hand some plants closed right up for holidays and avoided the complications some what canadian national and canad ian pacific telecommunications report a wl per cent increase in business chief bell operator uiss oritlrsjed on page vl7zzttrl dtefj4t wihaaaaaaaav 3 w crvi no it bnt the hanging gardens of babylon ifs e new bed for the silt being dredged out of fairy lake at the foot of elmore drive the dredge worlung munity centre on the north arm of he lake ctsmmsoaol

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