beef judging weight guessing panel highlight twilight meet by h j stanlay uembers and friends of the haltonpeel beef producers association bald a twlllfht meet ing at tho farm of reford card- house ullton o thursday evenlnf july 25 everyone placed a class of shorthorn bulls with reasons by bill jackson bob merry pat patterson and bui sheard official reasons were given by emerson clarke manager of announce improvements in halton county jail ann commtino with tmmc otheks this bull wst chosen the bett of four shorthorn bull the competition wen st aberfeldy farms durlno the ywllile meeting of the haltonpeel beef producer meellna ult week here herdl- mn john mcklnnon owners mr and mrs reford gardhouso mp p jim snow end presi dent of tho association mol armstrong look on staff photo 2 tho acton froo press wednesday july 31 i9sn partly as a result ofthefrecent beating of a prisoner in halton county jail by his three coil- mates and probably also due to the- bad- reports turned i rr by grand juries the tounty all will undergo changes announced in the legislature at toronto recently was a slate of 10 changes including gover nor glen sydors selfrequested retirement in august lie will be on sick leate until then super vision of the jail by s depart ment of reform institutions in spector until a replacement as governor is found installation of heavy steel screening to allow use of the exercise ysrd without threat of escape hiring of a new chief to provide food for prison ers complete revision of tail regulations standing orders and administrative methods painting of the jails interior in brighter colors adjustment of shift schedules to make better use of available guards replacement of the wellcarved alabuke corri dor tables with new ones and ruvamplng of visiting limes and arrangements v beef feedlot tied up sows impress soil crop visitors halton 4h beef calf club by pete sweetman the third regular meeting of the halton 4h beef calf club was held at uerrybrook farms on july 10 the meeting was opened with the 4h pledge led by doug gardhoua trlsh sweetman introduced the host bob uerry and the club judged a class of shorthorn cows the official reasons were given by john wlumott doug gardhous and pete sweetman demonstrat ed proper beef showmanship with the help of bob uerry and club leaders jim uckay and john wlumott the club was divided into two groups juniors and seniors with jim uckay teaching a lesson on the digestive system of a cow jim jenkins discussed protein based rations and dally evalua tion with the seniors the club was reunited to choose a display committee for hilton fair the committee in cludes doug gardhouse dave jackson trlsh sweetman pete sweetman and elisabeth norrl ni ton halton 4h forage club by rosemary booth the regular meeting of the halloo 4h forage club wastuld with a different style a joint meeting with the haltoo4hcorn club and the acton 4h forage club was held at the farm of harvey nurse georgetown on the evening of july 23 our boat was introduced followed by an outline of what type of weed kill er the equipment required how it was planted and numerous questions were answered by ur nurse the members toured the 200 acres of corn which ur nurse owns and described the various varieties of corn he rows during the second part of the meeting the members judged a i class of hay and reasons were taken official placing were given by henry stanley to pre pare for seed judging this year the members were qulased on various weeds and forage plants ur harris weed inspector for burlington and doug currie weed inspector for halloa gave the members an idea of what the weed inspector does and the importance of controlling differ ent weeds the meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served by urs nurse car ulddle- brook on behalf of the three clubs thanked ur and urs nurse for their hospitality by henry j stanley agricultural roprosentatlvo on july 24 59 mombors of tho halton soil and crop im provement association visited wellington county ontholrannual bus trip the first call was to tho fsrm of c a lamont guolph to look over his beef feedlot where 300 to 500 steers are fed each yoar on corn silage hay- lag and barloy the next stop was at tho now 102cow froostall barn of lon mcanlnch guolph tho hol- stetns are kept in tho barn all yoar tho feed bank carrying com silage and haylage from two exchange juniors tour essex m by jltoi jenkins nineteen halton county junior farmers ventured to essex county last weekend to partici pate in the first part of an ex change visit after a short informal briefing and scrub ball game the halton guests wore introduced to hosts tor tho weekend a tour of the county began on saturday afternoon at the harrow research station of the canada department of agriculture re search is done here with vege tables orchard and hold crops an interesting experiment is being done with com hero trying lo find the reason for esrly planted corn outyteldlng tho later planted corn whether the yield increase ts due to the number of cobs site of cobs number of kernels site of ker nels another interesting experi ment with soybeans is to find tho rosson why direct fertili sation is not effective research along this uno- may go a long way in increasing the yields of soybuan crops in ontario at the essex county vege table producers coop tho halton visitors vtowed potatoes and cucumbers botngwashed graded and bagged rofrtgerated ware houses contained the first of tho sweet corn and carrot crops and the aforemontloned potatoesand cucumbers across tho road from the coop tho group had a brief tour of tho rainbow chem icals fertiliser plant the rest of the day was spent in point polee nstlonal park at a beach party and corn roast sundays actlvitiesalsoconslsted of a beach party in the after- 20 by 70 silos runs down the middle of the barn ventilation consists of air coming in wind ows along tho sides and moving out a continuous slot in the peak of the roof the highlight of the stop at john drudens swine fermper- us was the barn of t2 sows tied up in rows these sows remain tied up until they are ready to farrow when they are movod into a farrowing crate back fat probing of gilts was demonstrated this is a tool used to choose tho broedlng stock with low backfat following lunch dr stan young and bob fulkerson crop sclonce department university of guolph conducted a tour of tho new 900 acre demonstration farm run by the university just south of elora various experi ments in crop production were discussed noon at seacllf fo park in leam ington agriculture in essex county is radically different than in hal ton it is the most southerly county in canada having 3500 heat units the land can only be described as being a prairie flatness with vegetable crops corn besns and whuat being tho principle crops tho wheat harvest is half over in tho county although- thoy have had 10 inches of rainfall during tho month of july compared to one inch in this county it is hoped that the halton county junior farmers will be able to provide a tour as inter esting in this county for tho essex group canadian citizenship applications applications for canadian citizenship will be accepted every wednesday and friday from 930 am to 4 pm at quaent square building 24 queen street east brampton ontario application alto accepted monday through friday from 830 am to 430 pm at the court of canadian citizenship iso main street west hamilton ontario for information regarding documents required fees etc phone brampton 4511240 extension 12 any wednesday or friday recent complaints voiced- in the lsgislajure notes there was one lidless toilet for each cellr block during the day but at high prisoner had to utilise a bailn for his needs then replacu it ed in 3m beside the bed in a coll barely this country 7 wide enough for the hedwhh room to get out of it each morning the hasix is emptied down the toilet andwashed out in the sole sink which is also used for drinking water shav ing and washing minister of reform institutions alan grossman indicated recent ly the county jails now under provincial control will bo im proved as quickly as possible since heltons lockup will bo replaced before long by a re gional jail any major repairs to the building would ho imprac tical but certain improvements have been and wlu continue to be made scotsdale farms georgetown the combined weight of the four bulls was guessed with lloyd vlnley from peel coming closest followed by peter stem- mann hornby the 1987 grand champion bull at chicago weigh ed 1s65 lbs with dr mcanlnch health of animals branch tor- onto coming the closest with a guess of i0b0 lbs gall brown the champion bag- nlpeplayer who recently return ed from competitions in greajt britain entertained the audience dr mcanlnch discussed the- funcllons of hie heslth of anim als tlranch he slatudlhat tast year iso million livestock and ton of meat is confiscated at toronto international airport from passengers arriving from overseas this meat is des troyed in an attempt to prevent introduction of diseases into canada a panel discussion wss held on the future of the beef busi ness with henry stanley as mod erator and members hruco matbeson agricultural repres entative from tjufferln don mathesorii steer feeder from hulsburgh reford gardbonaei and dr mcanlnch bnicematn- eson stated that dufferln beef producers keeping the ontario farm account book in 1967 had an average loss of 436 as their labour increased don matbeson staled that in order to make money one must buy wisely feed the cattlo economically and sell wisely he felt that ontario can produce the beef cattle for the future if the price is right re fold gardhouse stated that the purebred breeder in future must produce tho quality of bulls de manded the the commercial pro ducer mo felt that there win continue io be a nted for good purebred stock even if cross- breedlng becomes reality slighter ptanlsscross each mpnlhcm carr family reufiion set for weekend the carr family rouhlon is being held sunday august 4 at carrswood rr1 dundas district committee member is mrs georgu hewer of rr1 moffat tho original carrs natives of lanarkshire scotland settled in nelson township hslton county- in 1820 or 1821 vacation money see hfc make this vacation a pleasant one aj havo your car chocked thoroughly by m aj factory trained technicians on the most b aj uptodato equipment available a m express service for all makes j s dial 8782355 5 e milton motor sales ltd 388 main st milton the home of guardian maintenance care jj dont let lack of money keep you from enjoying the vacation you nood and desorvo a trauoloan from household finance will pay ovory oyponso from luggage t lodging at hfc well toll you in advance what your travoloan will cost well lay it out in dollars and cants no hidden charges no extras no surprisos soo hfc now before you sign on the dotted line know what your loan will cost borrow up to 46000 take up to 60 months to repay axli sboul crtdit lift intutitnc on taint jr low qioup tt household fijian olorgcrowm 41 main street north telephona 8775221 heat is sllvwe oeperimaat sltnl afk about our ruining hours all iga st0iis ih vacation aims fiatuii 10w i0i0ht0 city micks awake 6 1 21 ttwsii iun tt green beans umtt fish i chips kamttt fish krisps imtamt ejautt m llsam tauh farmhouse pies 69 39 39 turkeys 39 ct w the vfe dairy case uiuiiie umadi ciadi h0zih ivischatio y0uhc 5 i 10 lv hium ml hurt m taut bikihil kum iiw mm hh bakery treats d0nuts2 49 cimiltl hhu 4i hi rum square umhftu j h mixed rolls 45e 45 sausage meat uvww4uu side bacon tltfll oil ucii bologna mill mil amnio u39c ats hia a cheese bar margarine 55 i69 i69 biscuits srssriii 3m peanuts 39 freshie 10s49 cookies 3is snacks kkir- ai49 peanut butterjank53 salad dressing u ft shoe polish 2 49 ii mi vtsnm hams i soft drinks vt 1 cisc of 2 to si it wjp bhlrl crmiuiitid sugar 73 cereal 3 1 hiumuhui r9b bammflesdd un it tuaui nstti nestle spraze m 67s wwn m own a pepsodeny 3 97 w u cluum htmtt hit grapes 25 freestone peaches 229 wurtmuce tlui v mi if itm imca a oranges 79 bradford celery 239 ittmu uhuh wlu bartlett pears 649 cnip tv pt01lu- o us- a cnjj nj i orada cuo bl carrots 3 lbs me