Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1968, p. 2

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2 the act free prats wednesday july 31 1968 six week honeymoon trip in europe fohows wedding mr and mrs gtonn j ac greer ware married jury 8 tbe bride is the former alias vanja gyueahammar daughter of mr and wrs stave gjrllen- bammar dowiunrlewontarioeotl u a recent graduate of tbe ontario collets of art tbe bridegroom la the son of mr and mr milton greer burlington and grandson of mrs ftank day rocfcwood and u graduated from the onlvershy of toronto whom be received bis ba sc degree in industrial engineering tbe couple have left for a at weeks honeymoon in europe strike theft three breakins among complaints during the week of july zl to 27 officers of milton detach ment ontario provincial police investlmtnd om thud complaint three reported breakins three disturbances and one liquor in vestigation resulting in one per son being charged under the uquoi control act cplk king man reports a tots of 12 accidents wore investigated including one fatal accident in which a person riding on the runningboard of a truck fell off and was run over by the same vehicle four injury acci dents resulting in ive persons being injured and sovun property damage accidents with property damage totalling 3740 causes of accidents were dangerous driving careless driving failed to signal and inexporlonco of driver there ware flvo charges uld as a result of ihoso ac cidents douglas humphries brown says long distance phone calls are up between 10 and 15 per cent she has four extra operators in each day to handle the increase on some days packages sent by bus have doubled in number but len adsms explains that with some plants closed down for holidays and many people away tho amount of deliveries would normally be down thus tbe mmberof extra pack ages doesnt result in too much of s burden for the bus driveric police work has not been much hampered by the strike accord ing to corp bay mason by special temporary arrange ment many of thplr reports and document are nbw delivered personally s generally those charged wth certain minor traflic infractions can plead guilty and send imflr through the mall since this isnt possible the person jf ab- aent is assumed guilty in court thus theres notmuch difference in this respect there was no remarkable increase ih attend ance at court this week as a hired result of the strike one outoftown businessman drove to acton one night last week to collect a siaeable cheque owing him to pay hlsemployeus minor irritations hocomo in creasingly common for in stance an actonlan flying to europe today doosnl know if her rolatlvos got hor lottor tell ing her time of arrival a strange heesness for almost three docados doug lesllo of 1006 dorry road east near hornby has boon working around boos what occurred at his homo saturday howovor was a first as far as ho is conconud mr losllo left his truck loaded with empty boo hlvos silting in tho yard whllo ho wont to deliver water for hornby gardon party during his ahsonco a flight of boos ostimatod at around 10000 flow ovor noticed tho truck and ostabushed it as tholr new homo its iho first tlmo ive nvor soon strange bous enter tho hives said mr losllo ho plans to put his now flock to work making honey in tho back yard eye miltons nearby source village sources contaminated by bob burtt for most people today fresh clean water and its 1001 dally uses are paid for when the bill comes in but other than that it is used without a thought about where it comes from or ovor running out of ii tho situation howevor it somewhat different in the milton heights and peru area west of milton whore 70 pur cunt of tho water supply is unfit for human consumption unless treated tho probtonvphas grown in tho last two years bit for some of tho area residents it goos back a long lime mrs may arpa who lives on iho town lino in ullton heights told the free press her well waspouutsdwhen she moved mere t years ago mrs arpa along with several residents in iho area have boon compelled to buy water thoy pay 7 per thousand gallons and store it in tho well and a cistern near the well wo reallio it will bo expoim slve but im willing to pay so we can have water like everyone else tho first thing i want to do is to put an indoor washroom in she said without tho water available thoy have had to make do with an outdoor toilet and spongy baths water has to bt bollod before it is used although hor family has never been sick from the water mrs arpas doctor has advised her to boil thi water for anything she plans to eat or drink becaust of hor ulcers we cant even havi a decent cup of tea or coffee she said mrs arpa said tlu water look ed okay whllt it boiled but whin the ingredients uen added tho heavy unu contmt tvearru evi dent in the case of a li wt would just havt to stand back and let it go sni said wt wouldnt have any choice mrs arpa has to do laundry twlci a week and each time it means a trip to the laundromat in town about three of tht bonus in tbe district had their water rated al but others wert rated tar below that some neighbors who have good water supply it for two or three neighboring homes but others are unable to do this some have none at all others have it but cannot use it according to dr l m stew art assistant medical officer of health for helton county the problem is a result of increas ing population dr stewart w plained the land in the troubled area has poor absorption quali ties and as more and moro people built houses moro and more offluont was pumped into tho soil finally with tho added burden on tho soil it bocomos tlrod and causes a seepage into wells making wator unfit for consump tion although his wator supply is still drinkable mr sosnoski said there wore odors from his woll after a heavy rain dr stewart said tapping tho nearby town wator main from glen edon lake to milton would be the most feasible solution tho milton lino bypassos those homos by only a few yards and this would bo considerably cheap er than sotting up tholr own municipal supply ho said thl only other alternative would be to dig doopor wells dr stewart said this could solve tho problem in some cases but it could cause tho residents to go to considerable oxpenst and lab or with noguarantei of a solution mllrbn was approached about two years ago for water and at that tlmo council felt it necess ary to know tho outcomi of tho annexation hearing miltons ability to service tlu increased area was a factor in the annexa tion discussions approximately 107 homes and about 400 puopli are affecti d by the poor water and thon is no cheap or simpu solution of ficials from nassagawiya and esquelng townships and dele gatus affected by pollution mot last monday and decided to ap proach uilion for water wat r bills would dl about 650 ptr month which is tho rate for milton residents it would cost another 200 or 300 fo pip watir off tho main line into the individual homos if tlu affected areas hooked on to the ullton line it would cost an estimated 200000 which would mean repayment to owrc at seven per cent over 20 years and a total of 377000 jack sosnoski a resident of milton heights said he and aev oral other local men would form a commute to investigate the problem mr sosnoski said he was look- lag for a long range solution to the problem ho indicated his committee would ask both nassa- gaweya and esqueslng councils for financial help he favored miltons water rather than digging a doopor wu or building their own system about 00 per conl of tho people affected ii vo in esquosing while the remainder live in nassaga- woya nessagaweya reeve wil liam coulter said he folt the onus should not ol put on milton if thoy have onough wator to supply us that would be fine but thoy have problems of tholr own he roforrod to miltons need for wator to supply the in creased aroa since annoxatlon was granlod in tho moantlme tho dopart- mont of hoalth has put a halt to any furlhor dovolopmont of that area until water is available robert r hamilton optometrist 1 16 mountamview road s georgetown engineers recommend accept low tender sewage disposal plant ja t rus a jtcc jjrcss local news ltems a council has received a recom mendation from the engineers that they accept the low tender for the addition to the wator pol lution control plant sewage plant i f duffel and g henry of r y anderson associates re ported to a committee mooting jul a detailed compari son of the fair tenders submitted were both realistic and compet itive they ranged from a low of 6725m toe high of 770z away above ihi original co- estimates the engineers listed five eon- trihutiii factors tor an increase of 48 per cent in cost of the addition thoy reminded council tender cridits of 27580 could tw exerrlnd if it was felt rw c- ussary hut advised against it it would just be a rase of put ting off thi ln vltablo said tht clerkadmlnlstrator approval from tht cmhc and cahlnet approval have been nrnlwd for the project jki1 on the original cost buf if roust be realbmttti d with hlw figures ttyn will hi another laywhllo- approvalls awaited thf ontario municipal hoard approved tbe mvlstd rlgues orf july z3 total cost of the project is estimated knw al 75l000 i ow tender was submitted by clarion construction major increase during 68 opp our reporting period of luly 21 to 27 iocs has onru again produced a week of relative calm only seven occurroncoi wire nolod al iho acton oppdotarh- monl throt of those involved the location of buunoipromisoj insecure at night whih two others concornod liquor soluirui which resulted in 4 liquor control act charges bolnp laid and throe persons holnf lodged al iho halton county jail at mil ton traffic patrols of 730 miles accumulated during iho 102 hour workod saw 3 motor vehicle accidents investigated all accidents wore of a minor nature resulting in only 21000 to the six vehicles involved however sin other drlvors who commuted violations that could readily hive resulted in accidents received summons to milton traffic court in addition 11 motorist wore lssupdwarnings ropardlnp offcncls thoy had commuted it seems often of late we have notod weeks of little activity from a police stand point in iho town of acton bearing this in mind we went to our 10c7 and 10gb flics in compare the statistics compiled it was with much surprise and oven groator alarm wo surveyed the results of our search in oach and every category of law enforcement maintained by hits department a major increase has boon experienced during iocs deportable crime occurrences for iho year 10g8 to this point have alroady outnumbered allef 1907 flftyslx motor vohlcle ac cidents havo boon investigated so far this yoar whllo the fifty- sixth accident of 10c7 occurred on september 10 the number of injuries incurred and the amount of property damage done in those accidents has increased at a similar rate liquor soliuros in 19g7 aver aged slightly loss than 25 per month but 10gb has seen an avorage of over throo con con fiscations nor month thus far in order to combat this dramatic rise in our occurrence rate wo have boon forced to reassess our enforcement pro gram results of this reassess ment readily demonstrate tho only possible solution to thf problem criminal i iquor and traffic rliarci laid as will as convictions n pisti n d have in crease d by a minimum of 10 per cent and in some instances by as much as 35 per cent it is not our wish to apply a slrinpi nt onforcomi nl policy but wo havo no oilii r rocourso in our ffnrts to curtail noedlosi loss injury and damagi as well as wanton dlsn card for laws meant for the good of tho people we realise that most criminal and liquor offences arc colil- the robert little auditor ium is being painted just a year ago ov rybooy was talking about lxpo th nl public holiday monday august 5 civic holiday i no grade 13 uxam results to watch for lhs year nuw white hoes have been painted on town street lately there have been many fav orable comments on last weeks special issue of the free press sror kcopurs said friday and turday were qulot many people are away police are stjll escorting to work each day a member ofthc postal staff who does not belong- to the union mfttfd by a minority but do you realize thai traffic in fractions an commuted by a majority and wholhor the otfenci tie criminal liquor or traffic it is an offence an of- fenci against tho laws formulated by your roprosentatlvo in go ornmi nl non lenient pollcli s notd not oxlst your coonorallon with law enforcement aponcles and compliance with all legislation would lie a more than adequate replacement the gardeners who worked so hard in the spring are enjoy ing the fruits of the labors now and the vegetables the guelph branch of the canadian save tho children fund has set up a relief hind for bta- fran refugees there are three fullyequipped save the children medical teams already in nig eria although many meetings are cancelled this week because so many people are away halton mutual fire insurance company held their regular session tues day in the town hall plans are being made and entries sought for guelpha an nual painting on the green id be hold the middle of august georgetown is moose foils glqhgltown qophy moose falls may- w hashing onthe picture liir as early as septetribor the series originally lo have beonjlo shows has been extended lo 17 ihpws two of which are set ih georgetown the shows producer last year chose gebrtitlownlo bo moos 1 alls durdns horrto town in the fall exterior scene for the episode a time for hymns and llrandywine wi re filmed on knox presbyterian church lawn chtfrch st mill st and along main st buslposs section decently the durgins camera crew actors makeup and sound people plus carpenters have revisijed tho town to film scenes for another instalment entitled tho night nothing happened those were shot on iho sacred heart properly on guelph st and downtown a tlmo for hymns and llrandywine deals with a political lug- ofwar involving iho towns wol and dries whllo tho night nothing happened centres around an allotted ufo slghliiw gordon plnsent plays iho title role in iho popular series which was dropped by iho cdc last year bit bolngrolnlroducod in a one hour format such other woll known canadian actors as paul kllgman hud knapp eric unite alloen set too ed mrnamara jack tvera john clayton ioo uydon will appear in ihe scones filmed here mr i owe said georgetown will conllnuo to be used whonever a script call for footage of uurglns homo town alexander near was farmer township councillor musician a wellknown nassagaweya farmer alexander noar died in guelph general hospital on luly ib mr and mrs noar had re tired from the farm to g3 lake ave acton some years ago and she survives him mr noar was very active for many yoars in municipal life ho vtr on nassagawoya town ship council for yoars and whllo he was reeve also served on county council he wasa member of tho county trei commission and iho county fonco com mission and was chairman of each at one tlmo ho was a momhor of tho orig inal county court of revision until last fall whllo he lived in nassagawoya lie was a member of the town ship planning board and also of the county planning association he had boon on both boards since their inception when he first came to acton ho was a member of acton plan- nine board he beloiujod to acton agrl- ultural society and was a mem ber of walker lodge a talented violinist he played for years in orchestras for dances throughout the country side son of the late thomas noar nd margaret sinclair both from erin township he was born in nassagawoya township where ho lived most of hlsllfe he married the former evelyn v mc laughlin also surviving is one hrolhor william m near of kitchener a slstor mary prodocoasod him funeral service was hold at the rumloyshoomakor funeral homo on saturday july 20 con ducted by tho iov a h mc- kenxlo pallbearers were wal ker lodge momborsdougmason mansoll nollls cal mclntyro bob wlnton horb ritchie and lorne youngblut interment was in fair view cemetery a masonic service was held at the funeral homo the provibus evening rpxit theatre t- 878 3272 show times sun thru thura 8 pm fri sat 7 4 ptn sal matinm 2 dm wed thum ml sat sun mon toes july 31 to auo 6 guess whos coming to dinner color kathryn hepburn spencer tracy tom thumbs brother cartoon wed thurs eri sat aug 78910 country boy color randy boone sheb woolly swingin summer colsr raquel welch dills stationery store 56 mill st acton 8532030 ijk4fn a irtr mr c 2fmtnp shi iafti let us assist you willi your v plans for tliat nil important wedding day coke in and see oik collllttk suction of ihv1tat10s jnn0urceveti infosuais acctssosleb ytwi fy op tilt fir urtf j satkel your wtuiug wvintum atuujuortweoi uj ttamatu with complete coafukflce u to quality uai eofcrttttji of form wc aiso have pes0naij2ed uedding nations hatches and cake boxes electrical modernization surest way to improve on home improvements x if you re planning improvements around your home the best place to start ts with your house hold wiring electrical modernization can help you enjoy modern lighting add extra appliances and have all the outlets you ii evornoed with never a blown fuse electrical modernization will probably cost less than you may think and the hydro finance plan can help make it possible call a qualified electrical contractor for more information or ask your hydro liv bottar isctrically i acton hydro electric commission 43 auc street phone 8533410

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