Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1968, p. 8

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call cf the wild although accident statistics com monly report the number of injuries and the amount of damage to vehicles theres another tragic wasto which re ceives little attention last year there wore 1434 accid ents reported which involved animals an 8 a perconl increase over 1966 probably tho maority of drivors have at some time in their driving ex perience olthor hit or swerved to avoid collision with an animal crossing tho road some drivers callously think nothing of it when the arilmal be it domestic or ywc is maimed or killed ofhdrsaro shken blaming thorn- solvos for accidents impossible- to avoid last year in ontario 458 doer rah into the paths of onjwmmg mblor ve hicles second most accidentprone group was cattle 437 df triom wore involved in accidents f according to the figures dogs wore luckier than you might expect only f 96 collided with motor vehicles this does not sound realistic however thoro must have boen many that went unreported mans best friend is the victim along highways andsidoroads often in places yjhore scant atlontion is focussod there wore also 196 ponios and horses 153 mooso 45 bears 22 pigs and one hippopotamus involved in ac cidents hippopotamus in ontario yes a hippo not a hippie escaped from a roadside 2oo near brockvllle and staged a shoving contest with a car result the car was damaged but neither hippo or driver was injured and of course summer carnage on the highways includes thousands of smaller animals like cats rabbits cobns skunks porcupines mice squirrels and chipmunks the wild animals must hot only ton- tend with survival of the fittest laws but with the ablomoblle as well theres elso danger for the occu- pants of veftvctes when they eolhov with animals nine lost tfelr lives five in one accident and 236 more wore injured nature has its way of compensat- ing for the loss with- rabbits- any way thoro are probably more rabbits oh thei sldoroads now than there hes been for years in spite of tho numbers killed there are plehty more to take their place tho figures dont tell the whole story either think of the number of animals killed on the roads never re ported as traffic increases so will the toll jfrte jjrtss editorial page 1 umwr nat king cole may be dead but he lives again every time they play tho record about thoso lazy hazy crazy days of summer thoro was something about his voice which fit the words and music so woll it could bo dead wintor and foolings synonymous with summer could come on there is something about the sum mer which slows down tho metabolism and brings foolings of carefree indol- onco most of us pack up our belong ings and head for somo shaded rotroat besido a lake or stream for at loast a few days yet i dont think id want summor weather tho year round i like tho change of seasons it doesnt givo anyone much opportunity to complain about the same kind of weather for months qn end and al though the autumn is my favonto timo of year if it is clear and sunny i like to see tho seasons chongo into winter the cold weather seems to stay a long time but eventually spring follows and tho momonos of blizzards fade as new hfo appears days lengthen and warmth roostabhshos itself then you realize it is summor again tho endless cycle takos the dullness our of tho weather people who live in tropcial countries dont get the same variety as a result their zest for life suffers now that summer is here however lets hope it stays awhile pkette frm the pam powltug guta ml 01 r lfeefr fjtif rjlw summer sports in acton many years ago show of interest the bowl ing greens and tennis courts have dis appeared but a few people still row or canoe on the pond the aquatic club on the south side of fairy lake was a popular place for years the largor pictures belong to charles lands- borough and herb ritchie the photo- oraph of the tennis players is from the album of the late miss bertie speight who is pictured in the centre miss bertha brown is on the left the other player is unidentified shady country roads make a plea sant summor afternoons drive as the surrounding area baskod in strong sun light during the month of july luxuri ous growth of crops prodded by the warm woalhor will koop farmers busy during tho month of august at harvest time staff photo salt and pepper by hartley coles since even bid bill smiley couldnt con vince the postlos ihoy should relax the strike enough to let his copy make iho weeks deadline i wasnt presumptuous enough to think i could do it the only alternative for this hugo loom ing space would be to write something witty myself the suggestion othors might like to do it met with a frosty staro and a hasty departure for othor parts it really isnt fair old smlleya got a wife and two idds ho can take apart and put together again before ho roaohos tho end of the column if i tried the same trick my old battle axe would react so quickly id never ptfss tho ond of tho first para graph tho only column id mako would bo the weekend accident statistics i dont ovon know any funny stories not tho printing kind anyway about tho only thing thats happened to mo in tho last six months was a visit to the dentist evon ho was boring i thought of all the funny people i know no reaction it looked hopeless uko old bui last week i was at that little place wits end thon it just came to mo you might uko to hear about tho family dog it hates being clipped it starts every winter out looking like an advertisement for scotuos spring comes and goes and the resemblance to a bushy boar grows more remarkable oach day the problem is to sneak up on it un awares give it bath and remove somo of its long hair before it removes your arm or log its become a spring ritual for tho whole family to dehair this doghouse hlpplo and bring it to heol with scissors a pair of hockey gloves a scarf and about four pairs of hands wrestling 20 pounds of dog in the early days before all tho dog clip ping houses within a so mile radius got wise that it was the same cuto little scot- tie that upset them for a month every spring the pooch used to make an annual junket to one of them she come back drooping uko a uly without wator for a weok attendants aimed and fussed and advised giving the dog tranquluiers before making another trip there in view of this it was decided that tho same job could be done at home as at any expenslvo eup joint in fact wo could probably do it bettor that was back in i bc before cupping this pooch has got oars thai can hoar worms boring through the ground over on the next block site ukes to let them know of her acute hearing with a few shrtu barks you can imagine what its uko sneaking up on her with intent to wash and eup every hair on that dog must have its own radar set the first announcement that dog clipping days are her results in a retreat behind the furnace there her back to the wall seattle daros all and sundry to come and do battle that where we devised equipment for clipping dogs donning a pair of stuffed hockey gloves number one son creeps under the stack and makes a grab for dog if hes lucky 20 pounds of dog will come dragging out behind him nqxt job is to get tho scarf around tho jaws thats uko roping a stoor a miss and youll have a nip that loavos tho im pression of several little tooth in the arm thats whoro tho hockoy glovos como in handy again did you over try to tie a knot around a dogs jaw with hockoy glovos on its uko knitting socks with a baskol on each hand somehow after four pairs of hands havo subduod tho canines capers and scissors aro wloldod by an export molhorlnlaw the job begins and ends on a nolo of triumph scoltlo snarls and tromblos alternately bringing tho compassion of all iho participants one momont and a doslro to swat hor tho next whon tho job is finished she runs off tall botwoon hor logs bohlnd tho furnaeo again thoro she sulks for two or throo hours resisting all efforts to cajolo hor ait with hangdog looks and largo mourn ful oyos by this time she has the sympathy of overyono going for hor convinced us shes boon badly treated and will take all the compassion sho can get its lavished on hor in hugo doses uko hot sticky syrup instoad of the household pot taking tho tranquluzors it winds up that most of tho adults in the act are swallowing thorn with hugo gulps of water rouovod tho biannual ordeal is ovor for another six months scottlo moanwhilo hor coat growing back in glossy black has rosumed hor job of barking at tho worms burrowing ovor in the next block the acton free press phone b53 2010 busmesi and editorial office ruuiulrj in if jf publnhril rtcry uidnri4iy j i 4 u ik- m atuw clnijiso lumber id iru audi i lluiwu 1 liriulil in ikr cuna nj ousa adicnmng uin in mjurit subnnp- lum ruwbk n jjtirur moo in ciruui 700 in a mkinirit iihci iun ljnijj tingle copui i ok auiiwiiij j vvnd cuw ujii pott offu ivpjunmii otuuj adirrliting it nrplil an iru iiijlim i tut in ttu tni id iirtugrjphical rrnif ihil pntikwi u i st j terming tfut tit iupsril h ikr rtiimrnui hem l gtihtt with it4unjmt jiuittjfu fi ugrutuit will run b ihjrtiid im hui itu- tvauiur ul irw aiitwiimnumtlaai will he ruij fur t ttw ippltwhlf ral in th tcnl ij j ltpotr1fthu4l rmtr tiutrminj food tw wrtwv 41 uiun pu futitl of wrvtfn nut run tt wild 4jtmu1nf 11 rrwrvly an ulfr u ih nj nut hr nhdrtn si anv lime dttte rrttultuj 4mj tntubualgj c lu oivkj ii dill publittur unity cobi don kylr uhor copvrlgm iut d umipr 20 years ago taken from tho issue of the froe prosi of thursday august 5 1mb archlo mcdonald son of mr j d mc donald had a narrow escape from serious injury on monday whon he was knocked down by bull on the farm of tho fourth lino after knocking mr mcdonald down the bull lrarnplodhim on the chest with his fronl feet treated by dr w g c keiw oey it was found he had scapcd without any broken rlhsbul he is badly bruised a new ships lifeboat of unorthodox design is nearlrig completion jit an east england boatyard instead of the slandard- hull construction too koolof the- boat is hollow and almost identical in reverse mr and mrs a m mcpherspn spent the weebtnd swlth the lalters brother in detroit messrs david dills wilfred duval and ifartloy coles were at wasag ach and kirkland lake last week a card from rev father morgan thlj weok brought greetings from dublin ire land where the acton rector is visiting chourke on thursday july 29th 1948 to mr and mrs hugh ottourkc rr 1 acton at the nursing home guolph st acton a daughter margaret anne 50 years ago taken from tho issue of the free pross of thursday august 1 1918 hero is a code for motorists which if closely followed will save many douars annually in tire expenses keep ures properly inflated havo mud bolls cleaned out and repaired at once be careful in applying tubes keep front wheels in align ment use talc in tho casing but avoid using too much dont drive in car tracks examine clincher rims occasionally for irregularities and dust carry spare tubes in a bag be sure that nothing on the mach ine scrapes the ures as thoy rovolvo the acton free pross has boon estab- ushed for fortythree years of which time the prosent editor mr h p mooro has boon at he helm for forty years up to a few wooks ago when a linotype was in stalled the paper was always set by hand and was a model of mechanical neatness any person who hasnt boenborryplcldng please put up your hand tho acton ball club played a return game with tho brampton nine in that town on saturday similar to the game hore acton came on strong in tho last few in nings and won with a score of 76 a metal finder has been invented that can be attached to any side or ond of a camera to onablo a photographer to take a picture much as ho would sight a gun a complete steam fire onglne that is mountod on two wheels and light enough to bo handled by two men has boon invented in england for suburban and prlvato use trinity church the united church of canada minister- rev gordon b turner ba b d director of music organist mr george elliott ma phd back issues 75 years ago taken from the issue of the freo press erf thursday august 3 1893 guolph july 27 about a month ago w c reld a wolltodo lumber dealer in fergus appeared before tho police magis trate charged with offering to biy counter feit money from an american he was sent up for trtill and balled out judge chedwlck ihls afternoon gave judgement fining roid 500 and costs james walker a farmer was run ovor and killed while sleeping on a railroad track near bracelirldgo sunday an exchange ays all persons uke favorablenotkes in their jocal newspaper take this warning if you have frequent hoadmchos dlkiineu and fainting spells accompanied by ehfws cramps corns bunions chlllblalns epilepsy and jaundice it is a sign you are not woll but are liable to die at any moment pay your subscrip tion a year in advance and thus make your self solid for a good obituary notice frod smith now sports a splendid new pneumatic wheel he is quite a rider and will give somo of tho older eycusts moro than they can manage shortly mrs r s hall of toronto junction and mrs craig of brampton were guests of mrs john speight this week 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton july 30 ibm an adjourned meeting of the most active and influential merchants of halton took placo at wallaeos hotel on monday last to receive the reports of the various committees appointed to report on the sliver question mayor smith in the chair f barclay of georgetown acting as sec retary acton georgetown kilbride and cummlnsvllle seemod to be unanimous in resolving to enforce the discount in milton only one merchant was reported as willing to continue silveratpar oak- villo was not heard from moved by james mcguffln esq and seconded by j holun- rake esq and unanimously resolved that this meeting having received the reports of tho committees appointed to canvass the county in reference to the silver move ment agree to take silver after the 1st of august only at the rate mentioned in the agreement adopted at the last meeting the sltyatlon in the ultle province of kpvasals becoming every hour more alarming loud threats of rebellion and of annexation to the neighboring republic aro uttered by the poople and find ex pression in the public prints so alarming has become the condition of things there that sir john a macdonald sir g e cartlor and medougall have gone to that provlnco on a special mission of peace the ministry under the leadership of the gontlomon are answerable for much of the discontent now prevalant in nova scotia church notices prisbvtfrian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckcnzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master an inferiority complex would bo a blessing if only the right poople had it a noiso abatement help would be warmer water so bathers wouldnt scream the moment thoy hit it bridge is ust the game for people who wear glasses and like to play sitting down sixth season combined summer services in trinity united church preacher rev gordon b turner sunday august 4th 1968 1000 am divine worship next sunday august 4th services begin in trinity united church thi church c st a1ran thi martyr anglican corner willow st and st albana drive rev h j dawson ba b th acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidcy ave phone 8531615 sunday august 4th 1968 trinity viii 10 00 am matins rev robert foster ithcb christian reformid church minister rev p brouwer bjl bd acton ontario sunday august 4th 1968 10 00 a m english service 11 10 am sunday school 2 jo pan alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 sa everyone welcome tvanou ftntccostal taihnacu paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday august 4th 198 9 45 am church school and adult bibe class 1100 am morning worship no evening service wednesday 7 30 prayer meeting and bible study thursday 8pm choir practice he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of god hath not life 1 john 5 12 mapi avinui baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnes sunday august 4th 198 1000 a jii sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tuesday ii pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambauadon 1 john 5 4 for whosoever is bom of god overoometh the world and this u the victory that overoometh the world oven our faith sunday august 4th 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 9 45 am sunday school all ago 11 00 am morning service 7 00 pm evening evangel 745 pan wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8t7665 this is an invitation to th church of your choloa on sunday-

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