Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1968, p. 10

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b2 the acton free press wednesday august 14 1968 wide cpen undaif how do you feel about sunday radng atihe mohawk raceway on fie surface the request from r club to nessagaweye town ship couddl for a bylaw which will allow racing on sunday is no differ ent from e request for sunday bell games or a good movie on the seb- beth it is another indication of a mora open sunday which has gradually been finding acceptance through the pro vince is- this good arguments pro anal con could be bandied back and forth ilka a tennis ball those who appreciated the peace and quiet of the oldfashioned sunday whh overtones on the religious will frown on the open sunday very em phatically dthers who prefer the sab bath to be fust ilka any other day of the week will give unqualified ap proval to the idea we era living in a pluralistic so- slety with all shades of belief clamor ing for their own ideas to be accept ed it is no longer acceptable that one set of opinions or beliefs should be allowed to deprive another of rights to set their own standards of behaviour but when you come right down to it the idea of sunday being a day of rest and relaxation is taking a beating the person who would like to set sun day aside es a special day is under in creasing pressure to conform to the wideopen formula we believe that the person against wide open sundays should be able to retain the type of sunday they want without being subected to either so cial or economic pressures it is difficult to imagine that 6q or seventy years ago people fought for a sunday- for the working stiff which he today flosses away- tpy neglect or merely to stuff a few more dollars into his pocket we were glad to see that klassaga- weya council decided to let the electo rate make up their minds whether there should be sunday racing at mo hawk although by resolution they have clamped a temporary ban on it all religious scruples aside ratepayers should be free to reject or accept the idea we are all for increased relaxa tion and the freedom to enoy the amusements people like but we draw the line at making sunday another or dinary working day for the sake of profit or at the expense of people without the resources to withstand the pressure wvfe editorial page country uvino on a day when the clcldas hum in the tall trees and the dry summer winds bend tall roadside grasses makes the pulse slow down and the tempo of living come almost to a halt what better way to spend the day than in a screened verandah listening to the summer sounds and watching the sun lengthen shadows of tall maples guarding a sunny drive staff photo iifltu gtcken yajj menace a a a recent editorial in the toronto daily star regarding the broken glass menace which threatens barefoot people in parks and on sidewalks at taches much of the blame on nonre turnable bottles until three years ago the star ed itorial says all pop sold in ontario came in bottles for which the purchas er paid a few cents which he got back when he returned his bottles now the financial inducement is gone destroy ed by the bottlers new policy of non- returnable bottles the soft drink people argue t theyre supplying the new bottles be- cause the public wants it that way they find it inconvenient to store their bottles and take them back maybe so says the editorial but convenience is not sufficient reason to encourage people to heave their empty bottles away on the beaches parks and woods creating a public danger the city council of kitchener has launched a campaign to have the non returnable bottle banned and this august the association of ontario may ors and reeves tired of public comp laining plans to ask the province to outlaw them a broken pop bottle is as deadly as a knife blade for barefoot people especially when it is hidden from view underwater or in long grass however to attach the maor share of the blame on the bottlers is much like putting the cart before the horse lets face it some of the glass would bo there anyway thrown by careless or malicious people who couldn t care less about the effects their slovenliness will have on others they are the ones who should be penalized for slashed feet and painful injuries which on more than one occasion has threatened life meanwhllo until the public has de veloped a sense of responsibility in this matter and doesnt hesitate to let authorities know about bottle throw ers well have to go along with the ad vice the star dispenses the pop manufacturers should ei ther devisef an inexpensive container of non breakable material or else re turn to their former practico of refund able bottles so that the public has an incentive to return them instead of dis carding them in some place where they could cause injury there is no reason in the world why children should bo cut and slash ed by broken glass if it is possible for bottlers to devise a safer container at moderate cost sugar and spice by bill ley a couplo of experiences rocenlly have confirmed something i have long suspected people spond far too much time going to the doctor most doctors would probably agree my wife who could go 15 rounds with cassius clay and not breathe hard goes to the doctor about twice a month he says well youre certainly looking in fine fettle gives her a bottle of pills and sends her about nor buslnoss my oxporlonco with doctors has boon on two levels the social and tho professional socially you cant beat them they like a drink a good story good company pro fessionally well let mo tell you just aftor the war the modlcal profes sion told mo i had tuberculosis thero was a shadow on my chest xray they pumped out my stomach and poked among the horrors oxhumod thoy vamplredblood pketcj from the paat the acton free press phone 853 2010 butineu and ed orial office liukwj n litis nj publ thd wrvuslahliy 1 w u ki m 41 m on olio kk nh ul th auoil uuiu ul liruuiion ik tut4 inj ottkj4 4utfiiinn ii un rv4ul subwna- ima iujhw jn s400 n ciiujj itoo in all uuiliu uikr iim imij unu vuavt ilk 4ulkuiifvj 4 snund cu ui i kui oiil tkiullmttl u ju 4jril ua it ftud qq llw unjilkmi ik1 in llw rtni uf tnuatafilufal cnut ilul pufikin ui llw njimuinj j ic unwj bt ik ritunfhu iww idftikfr with iviuuulil jiioum in u4iulu will not im kiiysl 1 1 bui k kun ul llw njvitiwmwnt uill b nid lur al in amlubi iu in lb cnrnl ul ltmitiinhuil tu auunn food u wmklr 1 a wrua ntt nuuj ur wtkct no nui b ukl 4diu n t nwrulv an offr lu tall nj nut tw uhdinmn 1 tnv llnw ban hinibn 41 ma hi e us 04 u a oik ruuiumt tiarilty colrt dumayaw mut cortkj l j st acton utmts gathered to watch the workmen lay the pilings for the radial una across fairy lake in 1913 a picture was taken of them as they apparently paid more attention to their hair dos than to the progress of the una they are tentatively identified as miss bartle speight her mother mrs c c speight and mrs a t brown the radial line opened in 1917 the early version of go transit between toronto and guelph out of my arm thoy sucked marrow out of my breastbone every so often a specialist in reading xrays would show me the shadow on my lung there were about 464 shadows on the xray id nod intelligently though ill swear it was a differont one overy time i still think they got a flyspeck on the original xray but i bear them no grudge this used to happen to me during the war wed be flying formation on a mission heads swivelling wildly to watch for ger man fighters suddenly id spot whole gaggle of the foe and holler over the radio enemy aircraft above 10 oclock after a frantic silence in which overy- one else swept the sky with his eyes a sardonic voice would announce smileys got oil specks on his windscreen again so i forgave the docs in 12 months they couldnt prove at least to my satisfaction that i had tb but they neodod tho prac tice and i bore no 111wtll about eight years later i had a very soro back could hardly straighten up i wont to a specialist he took 20 worth of xrays and a ten dollar feo polcod mo pain fully and on the second visit informed me that i had a severe irritation of tho lum bar region i was pretty scarodandaslced him what it involved to put it in lay mans language he pontificated you have a sore back couplo of yoars later i hobblod into an other doctors office my kneo was acting up a german feldwobel had trlod to idck the kneecap off one day in 1944 and every so often it went on the fritz the doc twisted it until i screamed told me it was very painful and sent me to a specialist he took xrays wronchod it until i wa bathed in sweat and told me i had a bad knee and should be careful with it recently i went to the veterans hospital for my regular chest checkup the doc couldnt find tho scar on my xray and had to ask me which lung it had been i didnt know the other day i went to an eye special ist i can see fine but my wife thought i should go i havent had my eyes checked slnco another eye specialist is years ago prescribed the glasses i wear for reading well this young fellow the other day who can give you an appointment within four months of the time you call told me i dldnt need glasses said the ones i had were as useful as window panes he didnt realise id had them renewed at about 25 a rattle four or five times since the orig inal prescription whenever id broken them or lost them well im going to fool him im going to go right on wearing them if only to hide the bags under my eyes doctoral its not that im prejudiced some of my heat friends are doctors but how would you like your sister to marry on of them rffreje rcss back i s sue 3 20 years ago 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday august 19 1948 claude gamacne one tt three inmates of the ontario reformatory who oscaped on tuesday was apprehended in acton about 130 on wednesday morning by constable grant allan gamache was seen loitering on mill st opposite the free press pfgee by con stable allan he was questioned when taken to the town hall and locked up for the night he was identified by guard from the re formatory the following morning and re turned to guelph dr and mr f g oakes caroline peggy frances and george are spending a holiday at sault ste maria mr and mrs harvey mccutcheon and children of london spent their holidays with mr and mrs f j mccutcheon ana family the canadian national exhibition will cater to the young idea again this year when the famous dance bands of gene krupa and tommy dorsey appear at the coliseum these exponents of modern dance rythm are the leaders of their res pective groups miss eleanor ross successfully com pleted her fifth form examinations in tor onto and hopes to enter training at the sick childrens hospital in september babble rumley has returned home from a twl week canoeing trip in muskok and hallburion 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free preu of thursday august 18 1918 a united states navy collier ha succeed ed in pumping fuel oil through a hose to a battleship while both vessels were running at a speed of sixteen miles an hour the new york evening journal says that prohibition means more drunkenness and those that are really and sincerely opposed to drunkenness and to excessive drinking of whiskey should be the honest and open opponents of mistaken prohibition and its mistaken friends the question may arise to some as to where the supply of catgut used in the making of strings for violins and tennis rackets comes from it does not come from cats as the name would imply but from sheep the intestines of sheep are used as well as every other part of the animal for a purpose while catherine jones the little daught er of rev r e jones was bathing in corporation pond last wednesday aha lost her footing and fell forward on her face into the water laird mcdonald son of customs officer mcdonald plunged in after her with his clothes on he promptly rescued the frightened little lassie rev and mrs jones appreclatu very fully lairds courage and presence of mind thoy fine motorists 10 and costs at oakvlue for driving or standing their ears on the wrong side of the street taken from the issue of the free press of thursday august 17 1893 a man living in kentucky believing he had power over reptiles caught a number of rattlesnakes confined them in a bos and began exercising ms supposed power over them he tied them in knots hung uiem about ids neck suspended them by their tails drew them aoross his face and did other mugs with them which made hu neighbors hair stand on end to ette but one day an old serpent of great venom struck his tangs in the man hand the bitten man treated the matter coolly and said he would get drunk for safety sake heltevlng that when he became sober he would be beyond all harm from the snakes venom but whiskey had no power to save hlrr his hand and arm swelled frightfully though drunk he writhed and groaned in agony and in a jew hours died annual rifle matches of the 20th lome rifles will be held at georgetown range tomorrow mr thos c moore has the foundation nearly ready for his new brick house on lake avenue messrs w h storey t son are putting in electric light in the canada glove works messrs j a murray and brother are excavating the foundation for their new terra cotta brick house on mill street mr w smith has decided to retire from business and will during the next month dispose of her stock of groceries and crockery at cost 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton august 13 ism mrs wlnalows soothing syrup for child ren teething greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums reducing all inflammation will allay all pain and spasmodic action and is sure to regulate the bowels depend upon it mothers it will give rest to yourselves and relief and health to your infanta the sliver movement in milton has come to an untimely end and we are now in the same position a before any rate of dis count was adopted for a few days nearly every businessman in milton had placard posted up conspldously that discount would be charged according to the rate demanded in other places but one or two refused to sign the agreement and those who had signed began gradually to take down their placards and receive the silver at par a fresh demand waa marie on the printer and in a few day placards were inserted in every store telling purchasers that large silver to any amount and small to the ex tent of fifty cents would be taken at par and four per cent premium allowed for bills so far as we can learn from our exchanges milton is the only town where the imposition of the discount has proved a failure and we think this failure is mainly attributable to the fact that a suf ficient trial was not given so that the working of the scheme might bust be fully tested jrtc press trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bd director of music organist mr george elliott ma ph d church notices presryterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew ii mckenzie ba b d minister vlr e a hansen ba org mist and choir master sixth season combined summer services in trinity united church preacher rev gordon b turner sumday august 18th 1948 10 00 am divine worship the church op st auan thi martyr anglican corner willov st and st alban s drive riv h j dawson ba bth acton baptist church founded 1842 pisior rev stanley gjmmon rts 144 tidev ave phone 8531615 sunday august 18th tnnily x 10 00 am holv eucharist 1968 tyhn christian reformed church minister rev p brouwer ba bd acton ontario sunday august 18th 1968 10 00 am english service 11 10 am sunday school 2 jo pm alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 am everyone welcome evanoel mnt ecostal yamrnacu pa o c 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday august 18th 1968 9 45 am church school and adult bible class 1100 am morning worship mr brings cnchion guelph mo evening strvicl wtdnisday 7 30 prayer meeting and bible study thursday 8pm choir practice he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of god hath not life 1 john 5 12 mahe avenue haptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohncs sunday august 18th 1961 1000 ajn sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pin evangelistic service tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassador 1 john 5 4 for whosoever is born of god overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith sunday august 18th 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 9 45 a m vsunday school all ages 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 p m evening evangel 7 45 p m wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776605 this is an invitation to attend the church of your choice on sunday l

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