Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 4, 1968, p. 10

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9 th acton free press wednesday september 4 1968 anawt tc hutch ctm theres a general realization in the united states that the control of dutch elm disease is less expensive than the neglect says an article in the financial post this is the view of burke stannard a scientist with the defence research board ottawa the scourge of dutch elm has left thousands of once beautiful elm trees standing stark and bereft of all life in this part of the province it isnt confined to ontarid dutch elm disease has spread all over eastern canada although some attempts have been made to control the disease most municipalities in canada have 1 been throwing up their hands- in despair when ded is mentioned visions of the tost of removing the large trees has been enough to cause infectious headaches around council tables this need not be so says mr stannard canadians he suggests would be well advised to consider the experience of two us cities urbana illinois and evanston illinois in urbana no one did anything when dutch elm arrived in evanston action was taken ded hit urbana in 1954 and within six years reached a peak by the end of 1968 this city of 100000 residents had less than 5 percent of its elms left one estimate of removal cost puts the total bill at two million evanston stannard says decided to fight the disease and was able to keep tree losses to less than one per cent a year evanstons total costs reduced tb the same 100000 unit of population for comparison ran at a rate of 100000 per year and they kept 95 per cent of their trees while urbana lost 95 per cent of theirs in addition urbana had to face the cost effort and inconvenience of replacement stannard goes on to say that evanston controlled ded by spraying all elms once a year with a 1 1 per cett j solution of ddt inspecting all trees regularly for evidence of the disease removing trees on city property within a week of proof of infection and by giving owners 1 0day s notice to cut down their infected elms jtttt fts editorial page 7ij matter c judgment none of us goes through a day without making judgments always there are many things to be considered evaluated and decided upon judgment is essentially the choosing of one thing in preference to another this exercise of choice is the crown of human intelligence the more decisions a person is forced to make the more he becomes aware of the vital importance of that kingpin of liberty his freedom to choose peoples lives turn on small hinges people make many decisions some of seemingly little consequence but the total of these decisions determines the happiness or misery of their lives of all paths a person can take at any given moment in business or personal life there is a best path and to find it and walk in it is the one thing needful when people err it is often because of their faulty choice between alternatives they may emphasize bigger rather than better the quantity rather than the quality they may choose an immediate pleasure at the expense of a future benefit of greater importance though they may have all other perfections if they lack discrimination in making choices they will be of no great consequence in the world wisdom in making a judgment is narrowed by ignorance habit obsession or prejudice it is broadened by knowledge openmindedness and meditation to attain these one must step a little aside out of the noisy pushing crowd and take a prospect of all that is relevant to the matter that demands decision the word contemplation does not mean dreamy impractical to go to a quiet place to think things over before arriving at a judgment divests the mind of old wornout thoughts and energizes it by giving new freshness to ones outlook in this private fourth dimension we find an opportunity to understand things to weigh interests to estimate effects good judgment in public affairs is particularly needed in these days for the first time in our history we have to share political action with people abroad who have a bewildering array of levels of knowledge and civilization at the same time we ourselves are undergoing a technological revolution at home no people in history ever had to cope with changing life on so many fronts at one time there is a price to pay for our benefits and for our freedom we need to develop a better understanding of the device of democracy than we have had in the past of its obligations responsibilities and duties wc must realize that there is a great variety of possible choices in dealing with people and events and have in mind the potential significance of an error m judgment information is the fuel behind all reasoning to live at random in the hurlyburly of business or pleasure without ever reflecting upon the past or upon what is happening in the minds of people is to have no clear knowledge of the sort we need for decisionmaking a person who lives in this state will have chaos in his emotions and confusion in his judgments pfotte frw the paat about itlf young man bom acton enjoyed camping at yne breezes in the picture at the left are john l moore andy obrien arlof dills and it saw 4 stes victor coleman on the right ere ern est black arlof dills end john i moore mr moore w killed during world war i i i consider the lilies of the field how they grow they toil not neither do they spin solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like ono of these staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley every year about this time i have an affair whether my wife likes it or not i fall in love and let the chips fall where they may i have my september affair in movies and novels that title means that a man or woman falls in love in the fall of his or her life it has a sweet nostalgic note with a touch of sadness in it but ive had a september affair since i was a sprout every year i fall in love with the month of september and it is sweet and nostalgic and a little sad and aclungly beautiful as a tyke it meant coming home from two months of wild free running about at the cottage one of a big family we were sunburned and bramblescratched and just a couple of jumps ahead of the gopher or the groundhog socially what a thrill to be home flip a lightswitch lull a toilet in the big old house with the high ceilings and cool rooms after eight weeks of grubbing it and then the magic of modern living rediscovered it was out into the streets to find the kids and race around in the glorious september evenings playing run sheep run and redhght and hide and seek mothers called but nobody came it was the first fascination with the september affair our mothers seemed to sense it and let us have a last fling before life became serious and autumn dimmed tlie lamps as j teenagers working five hundred miles from home m september i had my affair there was j churning yearning to get back to school friends football and the interrupted romance with the browneyed girl it almost hurt physically as a youth there wjs the headmen and tension ol going olf to college a big word in september a strange and frightening place a small town boy in a big puddle new people new manners new everything a september atfair and al college first year there was the wrenching atlair with a south american wench sylvu wc met by chance and it was wrenching because she had to go back to rio in four weeks and i was really gone and i knew id never sec her again and we wandered in the soft september dusk hands clutched and my heart turned over ui its grave then came the war years and there were a few memorable septembers one on lie niagara penuisulu with the grapes and peaches lush and the thrill of knowing i had passed elementary flying school and could put the wlute flash of a pilot ui my cup one in england hot and hazy and languorous after a cold wet summer and ihe weekend leave in london twenty years old and a pretty girl on your arm and death lurking in the wings and erring not too fast it went one in normandy and jump to lille and jump to antwerp and life every day on a tenuous whitehot wire and the beautiful weather and the terrible daily disappearance of paddy and mac and taffy and dingle bell and nick and freddy and that long hot september of 1 945 home ahve unreal really unreal the family the places the peace the boredom and then the sdly young people back at the university but the september affair with the trees and the cool blue sky and the long dark hair and yet another pair of brown eyes browner than ever and the next september marriage to the browneyes and a wonderful week at ihe old cottage in quebec with this strange woman canoeing and swimming and me teaching her how to cook and shes just as strange today 22 years later and just as browneyed and a lot of septembers since golden and blue with the last breath of summer in the green trees and the first kiss of fall in the cool nights and the magic that makes me fall for the npc charms of that ripe old lady of the year september oozing with plentitude gorged with the fruits of summer yet wakening with a sigh to the brisk bustness ahead i have a bad crush on the lady the acton free press phone 853 2010 bunnell and ed tonal office i u j j ii 4i j pub rj nrrv uiiilfuhljy ji m m k on 4 i uc iitwi ul h cj i uuuac i i uij on the cvvsa nj uus4 a- i i g iir uti 114 ufl imbtnr t n pjwtiu 4j 4 moo n cjjujj itfjjj n j hi iht ihn 414 ttntfl- cupsea ilk auih it j a sr mj ltit ujii foil of i n ix p j inu oi ji ajit t 1 if it 4jcpud on ilu xijuji tli j 1 n irn xnl id i pufrjphksl hu ihji kii k 1 ihi 4wlicrtn rtf tjmttl oc upuj m itu n i it n loftfihcr uiih kim jh 4 i xinr i 1 grume uill not tm tuij 1 1 r hi h tij w e ol ih jvtnumnt uill tv uj i 1 1 in ppli ibl rl in ih ctiiii j j ipt4 imr jtrtn ng fuotu of un r j 4 wi nx pr r yiult ilr tttc rnit 1 hr t i ajmi 4 1 rwrl in ojr it wll jil iiw tw ihdi4n el n i mc dule ruul4j aaji fuuujtlmjj co ui iwj 0 mil publither luriuy coki don tutler hjiittr lupwijjhi l7 4j ujrutjcr sttt pttx back issues 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday september 9 1948 the following pupil i of miss lynds stewart atcm lrsm were successful in examinations of the royal conservatory of music of toronto grade iii pianohonors beverly hyde eileen frank grade v piano honors donna mcmillan christina limb lila ranney grade iii harmonyhonors shirley mcnalley pass albert tost grade iv historyfirst class honors kenneth harrison honors daphne keelan albert tost pass shirley mcnally multicolored gladioli decorated st josephs church acjon on saturday september 4th for the marriage of ihiiley marcella duval daughter of mr and mrs wilfred duval acton to kino joseph braids son of mr and mrs s braids acton rev v j morgan officiated at the double ring ceremony mr and mrs earl van normart and mr and mrs normin mceachem spent the weekend at wangs beach about 70 of all the lobster canned in canada goes to the united states leaving 30 for domestic consumption canada is said to be the only country in the lobstercanning business normal yearly pack is around 60000 cases 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday september s 1918 what was it the rich man called for in hell demanded the frantically excited temperance lecturer was it whiskey no was it rum no it was water water clear cold sparkling water from tome brook or mountain stream now brother what does that show and the mild person in the crowd remarked it shows where all you teetotal fellows go to on monday evening as mr robert lasby was driving a rink of bowlers home from kitchener a motor coming toward them ran head on into his car mr lasby had driven to the side of the road nearly into the ditch and he driver of the other car appeared to lose control both cars were badly damaged sam j staulter the fithman had the misfortune to have three ribi broken on monday when his horse ran away and the wheel of his delivery rig passed over him mr john walters has told hit brick house and two lots on park avenue to mr ambrose mccann for 2200 mr mccann gets possession this month mr william k near of detroit mich arrived in town on monday mrs near and childrn returned home with him john h walker has donned khaki at london camp and it now a member of the lit depot battalion there jack is thirtynine yean of age pte emest barr was home from niagara camp over the weekend salt and 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday september 7 1893 government detective greer has been arranging for the trial of jennie wonch the alleged murderess of her child and her grandmother near collingwood while the evidence against her is strong it is generally believed that the young woman will be discharged on the around of insanity and remanded to jail for commitment to an asylum an old frame building on ihe property formerly owned by the late alex menabb was destroyed by fire about 4 aon thursday morning if the bicyclists keep on bending ove as they do and the laws of evolution and heredity sjtl in their appointed work it will not be many generations before the sporting man vill have nothing to do but put a pneumatic tire on himself dr and mrs j e payne of richland iowa are visiting at the home of her parents mr and mrs wh storey summer has slid out of the world as quietly and unceremoniously as if saying goodbye caused never a heartache or a pang and the lovely lingering evenings and warm tints of the afterglow have become a memory which shivers at the thought that it will toon be time to get out the family snow shovel and poke up the furnace twentyone medals have been awarded to canada for her fisheries exhibit at the worlds fair 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion september 5 1868 in the last official gazette we find the following patents granted to citizen of this county james nichol of the township of nelson in the county of halton mill wright a new and useful machine or apparatus for cleaning the boilers of steam engines dated ottawa may 1868 jacob lawrence of the village of palermo in the county of halton machinist a certain new and usefifl improvement in the cutter bars of reaping and mowing machines dated ottawa 10 july 1868 jacob peart of the township of nelson in the county of halton yeoman a new and useful application to the land wheel of mans patent plough holder dated ottawa 1st april 1868 wiluam stephenson of the village of knatchbull in the county of halton blacksmith a new and useful wrought iron plough ihare dated ottawa 11th may 1868 george james baker of the town of oakville in the county of halton livery stable keeper a new and improved washing machine dated ottawa 5th june 1868 a mrs flint sold a hens egg in chatham the other day which was eight and onehalf inches by seven and onequarter inches and weighed four and onehalf pounds mrs flint heretelf weight 337 and onehalf pounds what a country this it pepper by hartley coles after a couple of weeks of frenzied travel through the bruce peninsula a few quiet days at home and then more frenzied touring new york state it 1 good to be back at the old stand again travel is indeed broadening especially on the posterior which translated into ordinary language usually comes out seat there is however one drawbacktoo many places to go and not enough time to see them properly highlight of the trip in my book was a visit to the united states military academy at west point where we happened along at the propitious time to tee a military display by 4000 cadets high humor point was a loud burp at the radio city music hall in new york city whde the orchestra rested between phrases of offenbachs orpheus in the underworld vacation is something you look forward to each year if for nothing else than to break the monotony of the everyday grind then you can come back to work with your mind clear put your nose back on the grindstone with the knowledge you have cleared away the cobwebs and made room for more although the decision wasnt unanimous it was decided at out house that a trip to the bruce peninsula would be worthwhile this year this idea was reinforced by the kind lend of a book about the bruce from joe bray whos a sort of one man chamber of commerce for the peninsula where he was bom and raised it hid tome fascinating information about what u a little known part of ontario and exerted a real pull on the imagination i persuaded the better half to read it and the was equally excited at teeing the rugged cliffs and tandy beachetuntil the came to the chapter on rattlesnakes rattlesnakes yes it teems tome of the massissauaa rattler left over from the reptile age continue to make their home in the twampier places of the peninsula the book assured us the creature were relatively harmless until they bit you but this failed to allay my better halfs suspicions that one of the little fellows would sneak up on us some dark night and take a little nip it took a little more persuading but we finally started out on the first leg of the trip stopping at owen sound for lunch while wewere there we thought we might as well do a bit of browsing through the stores- as luck would have it one of the first places we stopped had a large snake on display its lifeless jaws were wide open ana a large sign with bold lettert asked have you got your rattlesnake venom kit yefor words to that effect you can imagine the electrifying effect this would have on someone who cant stand the tight of a dew worm let alone 1 full blown rattler nevertheless we pushed bravely on and would you believe it we never even taw a garter snake let alone a massatuuga the bruce is lust as scenic and interesting as its advertising declares towns like wuuton lions head and tobermory are picturesque and preserve a unique character of their own we took a side trip to the cape croker indian reservation and were impressed by the efforts of the ojibways to pull themselves up by their own bootstrap in spite of being shunted out on a cape which mikes no pretensions at being good agricultural land at tobermory we were delighted by the ort atmosphere and the nigged harbor oying with the idea of taking the ferry acrott to minltoulin we met mrs marlon reed of the high school staff and mrs smith both of whom teemed to be really enjoying the- relaxed atmosphere of the pott they were taking the ferry trip across to the island along with many more vacationers many of them from the us speaking of the united state well have a few more word to lay about a trip to the great republic to the south next weak

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