jftl th acton free press wednesday october 1 1968 were being akcrt changed objections to the proposed closing of the acton cnr station will be heard at a public hearing in the council chambers here thursday october 1 7 outcome of the hearing could seriously affect the future of acton there has been a tendency on the part of some citiens to poohpooh the suggestion that closing the station here will haveiny bearing oir lie own or its residents they point out few people use the railways services nrtwi the era of the railway is pasf they claim wt think this is a shortsighted view v it is line lew use the railways services now compared to i few years ago why iew of the former services exist the cnr has gradually withdrawn passenger service only two trams stop here each day- one each way if those trains dont tit into ymr schedule you are forced to look for some other means of transportation i x press some businessmen claim the service front ciuelph is better but they are few others have aid publicly that the service is now so poor they were forced to use other means of transport freight the once prosperous freight business here has dissipated hut there is still enough to warrant a full time man at the station the cnr proposes to run the a top aided ccin lisoiicsing township council has a reputation of being astute and when it was proposed to that group recently that they go into the water business to serve milton heights and milton brick they were not quick to accept or reject the proposal the very valid suggestion was presented to the township councillors as offering an opportunity for the townships major industry to expand there was some concern that the proposed tapping of the milton well at kelso would not offer enougln of a supply to accommodate this move development of an independent source it was suggested would provide a supply unrestricted by another municipality theres more than digging a hole of course to going into the water business township councillors are whole business from a master agency in guelph which the railway has been doing since last november in the case of freight and express passengers liavc still been able to board trains here when they stopped there has been a concentrated effort to supply good service from the master agency because the railway has to have a case to present to the canadian transport hoard imagine what could happen if- the railway wins- its case to close he station the time is cominjt when highways will beconie so congested some alternate route of travel is almost a necessity- thar service will not be available here if tjte station is closed you can kiss the fo trains goodhy as welllftlte station is gone you caiublt the service will never extend this far this seems to be the answer the railway has tr the future vlose stations before the passengers arrive its true of course the cnr must run an operation that pays lor itself in the most economical way possible hut as a publicly owned company they are also obliged to supply taxpayers with service you pay the same kind of taxes to subsidize the operation as the city dweller otherwise we are being shortchanged editorial page undoubtedly aware of such problems as precedent which could affect other villages in the municipalitys boundaries the township is a i s o undoubtedly aware of the problems which develop if a number of acres is suddenly put on the market for housing bsqucsing has a tough policy op this but the provision of water in an area can often weaken the defenses it is essential that those present residents in the milton heights area have water supplies that are not polluted it is clear that all supplies are not polluted but the problem is one which must be resolved if the availability of water however becomes a spur to further residential development the townships economy will suffer through mounting demands for schools and other urban services pkvtta frw the paat ai w n two photographs of acton band this week join the series of old pictures which have been running in this place in the paper since the beginning of centennial year in the top picture the band lines up in front of the post office on mill st between willow and john the picture was taken before world war one this predecessor of the old post office might be called the old old post office it was followed about 1913 by the brick building at the mill- willow corner now apartments in the bottom picture taken a decade or so later sre front row harold swackham- er archie kerr cam currie amos mason the leader jack alger charles landsborough unknown unknown middle row roy johnson george mason ray agnew unknown joe mc- geachie rudolph spielvogel alex mann normwilds george smith back row jim smith george agnew un known george simpson arlof dills charlie maion klrby williams carney byrno the last rose of summer shods i tear for days when tho sun shonn warm ly on its petals and the dnw sparklod liko a diadnm on loavos in iho inrly morning mist soon frost will leave a path ol destruction ovor fnrlilo gardons whilo autumn ushors in iho stillnoss of wintor staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley young people however fine their ethical standards have a knack of gelling themselves and innocent bystanders into some unholy messes herewith a couple of examples our neighbors hoy ian is a good lad hes clean honest polite and lawabiding hes about as normal a young fellow as youd meet likes girls plays football and works hard at everything except school he and his gang are mad about motors motorbikes and can occupy much or their waking time ian had a honda then a volks and this summer bought a convertible for 60 it runs last week his group was out cruising around looking at used cars they had no money to buy one just looking and they came across a deal no redblooded carlover could resist it was a hearse a huge black i9s0 cadillac hearse it hadnt been stripped down into a vegetable truck or something of the sort it was a genuine rcadyforwork hearse complete with purple upholstery and every detail right down to a crucifix think of the history in that black behemoths years of service think of all the good souls who had their first and last ride in a cadillac in that long sombre body i dont think the boys pondered much on these things but they were hooked theyd have the coolest transportation in town and a cadillac but what did it was the price one hundred dollars ian the only one with any money in the bank wrote a cheque on the spot the others were to come in on shares when they raised the money i dont blame them if id seen il first id have bought it as a second car for my wife it would certainly be a conversation piece and thats exactly what it turned out to the acton free press phone 8532010 butinats and editorial office fouaarj la lls ud pu wry wjmuu9 i 9 wilkh si fell oaino fatuaatr of u uji bufvuj uf circuulua ikf csuna ud osvna adirruimj run oa mum suawrta- lua rukafclr m adtaacr 1400 u cudj 7m m all uuiim oikrr iua cuuiu uw mnm ik aulkiwu skojld cum huil kuvl offtf rbpjmkwni oluua unium it offala w 4 iki tumdiiiom irui in ik vaal or lyao4fakkl rrcor ikl puiu of ik aditrliuaj nyir oc- tuawd in ikr rroamu ium ukjalkjr wlla numlbl lkmjv for uamluni will bal w trurft la kui ika fciuiw ot ik liirtlllwmal mill kt fuij for ol m iliiisif nu la uw nam or uaoorojuwal arror 04141 toaai of iinmi ihroaj trie moot or arrvkt u adxrllua m aunty la offer m ull luauh uiiurowa l uv luu mm rsk whfl ftaauuaf oa laj ou a 0iiu isiwubr m do lyow coafcrfcjlii itat adv miiitaar he when lau drove up and parked it in the driveway and ins parents lound out what hed done there was some conversation all right lie was told in no uncertain terms that lie had made a grave error that hed taken on a stiff proposition and that this was not a motorhike hill a hearse of a different color ilul the damage was done the menacing black hearse had been seen in the driveway the phone began to ring the neighbors started taking up a collection for dowers the potato man who call regularly with produce tapped timidly at the back door hat on his breast tears in his eyes and said brokenly i didnt know whether i should call today when youve had a sadness in the family ian was told to get that hearse out of sight he let one of the other lads take it home the lattcrs mother told ium not to fiark it within a block of their house eople chased him away when lie tried to park in front of their homes and so it went the rounds of the boys and their parents it is now hidden behind the cottage of one of the families involved deep in the woods but the boys undaunted by ghostly or gruesome associations are planning some fine parties and fishing trips in il next summer when the heat is off the second incident occurred at our school this week these days teachers are trying all sorts of novel methods to make learning come alive some work some dont one of our young history teachers had carefully planned a mock trial he arranged for one of his students a girl with a beginners driving license to steal his car take it to the students parking lot and try to drive it out of there at noon which is verboten she was to be apprehended in the felony by a detective the viceprincipal questioned then turned over to her classmates for trial all went well she got the car started the teacher had it pointed in the right direction then all hell broke loose she had trouble with the handbrake or the clutch or something took a leap forward and staved in the side of the teachers car on the bumper of another one parked there net results history teacher has a j 1 00 body repair bill looming one hysterical teenager felt worse than if she had stolen a car but it was a good idea tfctej there are a thousand ways to keep from growing oldpoor driving is the most popular why is smoking considered an undesirable practice for athletes participating in strenuous activities the answer is that a good deal of medical evidence indicates that smoking n harmful to health increased heart rate nervous tension and irritation of the throat and lungs are effects which may well prevent an individual from attaining the level of physical fitness he is striving to reach 20 years ago luken liotn the umic ol the tree irckn i hiirvlay october 7 imh fall iulrs are over there is jmt lliankiigivliig uud hie plowing mulcliet to divert ullenhon lioin the clirlituiaa shopping preparations rehearsals are underway lor lim for you local talent show sponsored by llie ys mens club thursday and iriday ol ium week at the town hall i he proceeds iroui tills production go to the aclou swimming iool campaign a hay stack lire near the buildings tin victoria ave gave acton llrigade a sunday morning call it wils soon extinguished when a couple of hues of hose were laid fhiiiillii pumper if hie old iraditiihi holds true hiat winter does not come until the swamps are liil we can aullcipuu a long autumn with a lol more wet weather jhunweluive been having the wealhrjr was the deciding factor with atlon fair on saturday and perhaps the allernoon was the most unsuitable for ouloldoors ol any this past two months it didnt ram hut it was cold and dull a fire ihoiil eight oclock last night destroyed a storage shed at the rear of the acton creuineiy and lor a lew minutes threatened a section of the business district of the town 50 years ago laken irom the issue ol the free iress thursday october 10 i0ih canada may follow the lead of the hulled stales ill prohibiting the use of hard coal before december i ihe strong probability is that canada will have a soniewhal serious shortage of hard coal for the coming winter for life two months of october and november every home should so lar as possible confine heating materials lo wood soft coal oil or electricity thus saving the hard coal for the severer months ol midwinter so far no cases of spanish induena which is sweeping the country have been reported in acton neighboring towns and cities however seem lo be overrun with this disease that is causing so many deaths and seems to beyond the contol of all medical skill when in a certain stage georgetown and burlington have a large number of cases and several deaths in these places have resulted from the epidemic among those from acton who attended georgetown fair we noticed or john lawson and family messrs j r livingstone l worden george hlholt will ross george somerville prank holmes mrs e s gamble and mlisei irene snyder olla ii armstrong and llattie lindsay salt and b ac k i 8 8 u e s 75 years ago laken irom the issue of ihe irce iress ihursday october 5 ikm ihe revised version breathes there u man with soul so dead who never to himself had said i will my local paper take bolh for myself and familys sake ii such there be lei linn rcprul have the paper to ium cnt ami if hell spend a happy winter he in uilvancr wjlf payllio prnilcr lasl hiiirsday evening the usual prayer meeting lu the methodist chinch took ihe form of a service with old hyinnsof the church nearly every cialr ill the school room was occupieil the choir was present and also ihe sunday school orchestra a selection hi gruiul ofdhyiiuis so poruljr a feneration ago wjis sung some- of lliem leing engaged u with miimjjl fervor an interesting evenlm the proceedings of the evening was a preseiitariouto mr f i mill ihe leader of the choir and miss inlln- i- speight the organist following the addresses ihfcy wete presented willi a beautifully carved and finished oak escritoire wllh chair to match to each anolhernew house is m the course of erection on lake avhiue choice groceries crockery and glassware at i ii hardings aclon 100 years ago the great success of the loronlo inhibition is in no way belter exemplified than in ihe vast receipts ol the weal western railway which were during the fair week f k1fih4 this was the largest sum ever received tor one weeks traffic number ol passengers last week was stitxk of whom 41112 were visitors to ihe fair and all conveyed without the slightest accident on saturday last we had the pleasure of a call from or burgess hook formerly a pupil of the milton grammar school but now of detroit i he doctor was on his way to lurope where he proposes to spend about a year in selecting materials for the museum of a medical college to he commenced in detroit dr book although but twenlyfive years of age has secureua leading position in his profession and has been selected by the medical men of ins city lo perform this very responsible commission he will probably accept a professorship in the new institution when lie returns it will give his numerous friends in trafalgar as much pleasure to hear of his success as it does his former preceptor lo chronicle ii our friend of the brampton review is getting rather fast and some of his friends will do ium a kuulness if they place him in a straightjacket until reason reiumei her sway for a sinking sample of his rashness see mr logues letter in another column pepper by hartley cole police in this country and the united states are taking a beating at the hands of the press and other media for alleged brutality victims in what usually is some form of social protest have been beaten by night sticks set on by dogs and sometimes dispersed by tear gas and the new gas mace in some cities law enforcement officers use fire hoses to spray yippies and hippies with streams of water although it is an effective method the yips and the hips object more to taking a bath than to being routed weve got few flower people around here police dont have to form cordons lo protect political figures occasionally though we do experience some gang trouble this summer for instance some young tousleheads from georgetown and their counterparts from aclon staged a long war il progressed from my father can beat up your old man to well beat the tar out of you guys what the fellas were really saying waslts hot im bored- lets start some trouble so they did one night during the summer recess they chose a dance in the community centre designed for teenyboppers lo start a rumble a rumble if you are not up on the subject is another word for the old fashioned donnybrook wuh overtones on the real rough stuff bicycle chains and lire irons etc back in ihe pioneer era the village constable if there was one used lo have ihe same trouble with whisky cheap boots big tempers fierce and the fiddler knocking out a tune that had every foot stomping the boys sometimes went from feeling their oats to bashing the tar out of one another the village peace officer who on top of duties usually kepi weeds down cut the park grass dug the graves in the cemetery acted as peacemaker in domestic squabbles caught runaway horses built sidewalks kept the errant on the straight and narrow usually reacted to the scene with indifference most of the participants allowed up looking shamefaced the next day with a loose tooth or a mousy eye in lieu of medals for bravery on jhis particular rumble ihe police were called to the community centre they broke the festivities up told ihe young lions to go home and do their knitting in return ihey got a lot of sauce the next week ihe two gangs decided a return engagement would be in order we happened to be parked at a local eating establishment when the clan began to gather we counted 13 cars most of them crammed full of youths from our neighbors to the east meanwhile the op p had got wind of possible trouble brewing it wasnt long until the fuzz showed uplwo cruisers and three constables poor odds against 13 cars two of ihe officers got out of the cruisers and strolled into the midst of the assembly after a few quiet words which we were unable to calch since we were out of earshot the assembly dissolved cars started lo move away back home nope they merely drove across ihe road and reassembled on a service station parking lot with this kind of provocation youd expect the police would do a slow burn they probably would have liked lo aim a few well placed kicks al a few demeres but they showed no anger displaying a forbearance which could only have come from long training and experience ihe officers merely repeated ihe get moving boys bit and searched some of the more vituperative for jungle juice the convoy wasnt long in heading back home the calm assertiveness of the police broke up for awhile anyway an accident where someone quite possibly could luve been seriously hurt you cant help comparing episodes tike this to ihe explosive situations in places where the use of uncalled for force has precipitated nasty and brutal retaliation tolerance and efficiency prevented what could have been an incident where youths might have ended up behind bars