Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1968, p. 1

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ht jvjcfow jsttt btt ninetyfourth year no is acton ontario wednesday october 9 1968 eighteen pages ten cents coulter not seeking reelection actum lion chief john grlefeneder dis cusses the new county board of education with interim school organization committee i s o c member doug lawless left and bruce edwards after a special lions club meeting monday to hear details of the new board both i s o c members are from bur lington members of council the clerkadmin istrator and school principals attended the meeting as guests of the lions staff photo lions guests informed on new county board of education composition and purpose of the new county board of education which takes office in the new year was described to acton lions club and guests by two burlington members of the interin school organization committee i s o c on monday night bruce edwards chairman of the burlington board of education and doug lawless assistant director of education for burlington outlined the organization administration and operation of the new board and fielded questions from members of council and school principals afterwards s oc committee the two representatives explained will make recommendations to the new county board which they can either implement or discard mr lawless reviewed the history of bui 44 for the meeting explaining there would be 20 members on the new county board 18 elected to represent the various municipalities in the township and two elected from the separate school board which is undergoing a similar reorganization acton explained mr lawless would share a representative on the new board with nassagaweya the township clerk since nassagaweya has a higher residentialfarm assessment would be responsible for calling and running the election to provide continuity remaining members of the present school boards will act as a standing committee until june 30 or at the pleasure of the new board all assets and liabilities of the present elementary and secondary school boards will become vested in the new county board arbitrators will be appointed to adjust all the assets and liabilities taxes will be raised by informing councils of the various municipalities of the amount to be raised tax bills will clearly indicate the money which must be raised for school purposes the new county board will be completely autonomous they will also assume responsibility for all retarded children schools after jan i the law also allows some provision for one or more municipalities to be detached from one division such as halton and added to another if it is geographically or financially more feasible effective jan 1971 mr edwards aided by an overhead projector outlined the present structure of schools in the county total enrolment for 85 schools is 45 222 with 2 072 teachers acton has i 024 may introduce new regulations hunting regulations from king township may be introduced in esquesing following the regular meeting of esquesing township council on monday night there would be no limit to the number of resident hunters but a maximum number of 200 nonresident licences issued bach non resident would be sponsored by two local farmers each farming so acres or more no farmer could sponsor more than two nonresident hunters k c lindsay interjected that council revenue from hunling licences in 1967 totalled si 728 however council felt that some regulations are necessary tor the protection ot local tanners who have complained of cattle being shot by careless hunters clerk del french has received no word as yet when licences will be issued this season he was instructed to write to the department tor specific details on the powers ol the council to regulate the numbers sold town wont sell annexed land councd decided to inform the rubin corporation the town was not interested at the present time in disposing of the townowned land recently annexed from esquesing township the company had made a request asking how they might approach the town with an offer to purchase the property councd felt the proper uses and zoning of the property which lies on the boundaries of fairview cemetery and off cobble hill road must be determined before any attempt is nude to dispose of it reeve bert illnton said the town might benefit more when the land is ready for sale by calling for tenders there is a crying need in acton for a high clan subdivision where they can build s40000 or 50 000 homes tor executivesa prestige development for men moving around said the reeve he felt the town should call the shots on the property instead of a subdivide r developing as they see fit 1 hoped tins is the way we would handle it said councdlor bob drinkwalter planning board has discussed it and their thinking is along these lines there is a need here for a careful study commented councillor earl masales relating a personal experience in another nearby community which confirmed his thinking that housing prices are steep ill around acton elementary students in two schools and 38 5 teachers milton surprisingly with only 54 more students than acton in four schools employed 54 teachers this said mr lawless to a question from m z bennett principal elmer smith in the later question and answer period was one imbalance which the new board would have to redress mr edwards emphasized that trustees on the new board could no longer be nut and bolt men their work would be largely administrative he said one of the difficult problems would be to get the new board members to forget geographical boundaries and paraclual sentiments and think of the countys school needs as one entity among the points listed by mr ldwards as necessary criteria for the new board integration in theory and fact with all staff and services burlington has had a successful program for the past two years communicationall the way down the line flexibihtyto provide for expansion as population grows and additional services and programs are required accessibilityadvantages of centralization can be weighed against the disadvantages representation- ample opportunity tor all areas of thought to allowance for people ol the community to participate uniformity certain practices can be cnlorccd all over the county but others ought to be preserved as a matter of local decision personal leadership increasing difficult problem of exerting personal leadership by all levels of the board s otficials must be met by personal contact and immediate accessibility mr edwards al firmed i s o p had no authority but must set up the groundwork tor the new board with firm recommend ations deputy reeve rrank oakes was assured the number of people it takes to run the new board would not create a lot of high priced positions citizens were not aware ot mr lawless said the statt would be approximately the same sue as it is now but an entirely new grant structure would take place jan 1 reeve bert llinton referring to the chart showing the break down of authority in the board said he could see if the county board operates efficiently there would be a substantial reduction m top brass and it would pick up in the lower echelons mr lawless said although the same number of people would operate the education system special services will require increased personnel mayor les duby was assured centralization for special courses was another matter s o c was working on and they hoped to achieve uniformity in courses continued m pose 5 reeve w j coulter told members of nassogaweya township council monday he would not be seeking reelection in the december voting he cited an expansion of his business the desire for further education and the need for more time with his family as reasons for his dedisiori after eiglff years on the council not tp seek reelection mr coulter served a term as deputy reeve two as councillor and five js reeve during which he was elected warden of the county in 1967 and served on most courtly committees in his statement to council the reeve noted the work load of council is increasing and the township was deserving of officials who could fulfil its demands he observed that his senior partner in business was nearing retirement and his own absence on township and county business would place an unfair burden on ins junior partner the rtcve noted too iie was beginning an extension course on business administration at mcmaster unci this would be a further demand on his time during he regular meeting members of council approve a bylaw setting the dutc for the nomination meeting as november 18 nominations will be received between 7 10 and fl 30 with the election scheduled for december 2 the dates will comcide with those established throughout the ountyfor the election of representatives to the county board of education a letter from the minister of education noted nassagaweya s objection to sharing a county board representative between acton and the township the letter suggested this could not be altered since the legislation determining representation was continued on paoe 5 expect work on new rink to be started within month set nomination election dates municipal nominations and election dates were set by acton councd at their tuesday evening meeting for the offices of mayor reeve council hydro commission nominations will be held at the robert little school auditorium monday november 18 at 7 30 pm election day wdl be monday december 2 from 1 0 a m to 8 p m four polling places will handle the voting election day no 1 wdl be located at acton y m c a with alice waldie as deputy returning officer no 2 will be located at the b p service station on queen st with mae dumarsli as d r o no 3 will be located at luxton hall st albans with laura dittrich as d r o 3 no 4 will be located in knox presbyterian church with annie anderson as d r o nominations for the new county school board member will be held in nassagaweya municipal offices monday november 18 but voting for the member will be in the regular polling places on a separate ballot washer motor burns out friday afternoon acton fire fighters were called to the home of tony van mancn on no 24 highway near ospringe they discovered the washing machine motor had burned out filling the house with smoke the firefighters checked to make sure no fire had spread by rev a h mckcnzic now we break the news so many have awaited eagerly last wednesday evening the executive of the acton curling club unanimously concurred in a decision to proceed with all haste consistent with our financial resources to construct the new curling rink on the site on churchill road n the sketch by the architects and engineers of the proposed building appears above loose pooches these are dog days in acton loose pooches according to councdlor bob drinkwalter are causing countless pbone calls to him and he asked councd to consider asking the dog control unit to exercise more control whereabouts asked the reeve poplar ave and the cemetery is where the calls are coming from said the mayor dogs are creating havoc at the cemetery the mayor was also critical of golfers who use the cemetery grounds for a golf course and demanded a stop to the practice members of the building committee headed by ted tyler sr have been moving quickly to procure quotations from contractors for the footings and foundations based on recentlyacquired plans for same and it is confidently anticipated that the work will be underway within a month this means that barring lengthy delays between the principal contractors who will be involved in the erection of the structure and equipping if for curling the completed facility should be completed in february or march 1969 the executive also decided last week to keep the fee for curling in the 19681969 season at exactly the same figure as last year in the belief that this rockbottom price will encourage many wouldbecurl ers to take up the game this fee which covers social privileges as well as curling is as follows 30 for the first adult member of a household and s20 for each additional adult member in other words 50 only for a man and his wife the fee for junior curlers up to age 21 remains at 7 already the membership committee has a list of 40 persons most of whom have never curled before who have indicated their wish to curl this season this list will undoubtedly lengthen as members of this committee continued on paa 5 pass by- laws beardmore whistle last toot friday for generations acton townspeople havent really needed clocks they had the tannery whistle the post office clock and the angelus now with changing times beardmore officials have decided the whistle will sound no more beardmore president and general manager norman braida in announcing the decision admits he wonders if they arc doing the right thing hed be interested to hear reactions to the decision or write a letter or phone the free press il you have an opinion or comment last day for the whistle to sound the time is set for this friday october 1 1 at 5 p m although changing work week hours or summertime changed the whistle times sometime its standard hours arc at five minutes to eight and sam five minutes to 1 2 and 1 2 noon five minutes to i and 1 p m five to 5 and 5 oclock the whistle will still sound in the event of emergencies such as fire or accident at the plant then it is sounded in a scries of whistles in code for instance a series of four blasts would mean a fire at the industrial centre beardmores has its own fire brigade the decision to stop the whistle is considered in line with modernizing when it began before the turn of the century people werent wakened by clock radios or alarms many of the workmen had no watches through the years the helpful whistle became a town tradition in the neighborhood the sound wakens and warns plenty of people who are not tannery employees children are warned to come home when the tannery whistles the old post office clock whose melodious chime had the ring ot tradition about it no longer keeps the sleepless company in the night it stopped sounding when the budding was converted to apartments st josephs church maintains a more recentlyinstituted tradition the sounding of the angelus at 7 a m 12 noon and 6 pm but one by one most traditions teem to pass away this one lasted over 100 years but tannery officials are quite willing to change their decisionif theres enougli public reaction please let us leave your comments how about a preserve the tannery whistle campaign at the egular meeting of acton council tuesday night six by laws were read the required number of times and passed unanimous approval to issue a debenture for public school purposes for 387000 passed for additions at the m z bennett and robert little schools another bylaw to authonze and regulate the erection and maintenance of a cable tv service in acton passed without opposition the company will erect a tower in acton the reeve pointed out the bylaw was useless unless agreements with the company were signed bylaws to establish the office and binding duties of the clerkadministrator and to appoint joe hurst to the post passed but not without some discussion municipal nominations and elections were also set up by bylaw and the clerk-adtmn- istrator told council voting for the new county school board member acton wdl share with nassagaweya will take place at the regular polling places in town on a separate ballot a supplementary bylaw to raise money for complete piping of the water course in lakeview passed with the deputyreeve and councillor tyler opposed the clerk was advised the only way to get necessary ontario municipal board approval for the project was to approach the board personally and explain the situation in order to collect a subsidy on the work it is necessary to pass a supplemental by law a further resolution authorized a delegation to make application to the o m b to discuss the project with them with the same two opposed ninktythul ykar old mrs n tovell from the elliott in guelph was among those who jammed the acton baptist church last wed nesday to hear missionary rev james rudd right speak mr rudd is a former paster at acton baptist church present pastor rev stanley gammon is on the left staff photof halton county film wins cindy award halton countys recently produced film has won a cindy award it was learned this week unit warden william hunter is flying to palm springs california for the presentation banquet saturday evening the film has been selected to receive one of the two highest awards for a promotion film offered by the information film producers of america inc the event takes place during the organizations three day conference at the el mirador hotel at palm springs california halton countythe man and the boy was produced under the direction of the county industrial committee during a two year period and was completed early this year it has been seen by local groups and in schools and will be featured in the countys display at the international plowing match later this month 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