Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1968, p. 16

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ospringe q6 the acton free press wednesday october 9 1968 ebenezer home and school sponsors meet the teacher program by mn d g robertson over 70 parents were present at the recent meeting of the otprjnge home and school association when meet the teacher gave all an opportunity to become better acquainted an interestinf discourse was presented on nongraded classes by a visiting speaker refreshments were served by the mothers and a fnehdly chat enjo- ed trends were shocked and s ddehed to learn of tlie tragic cciden that claimed tlie life of mrs jarnei brydoin acton who was a former resident ol this i- mmumty her parents the ate mr and mrs j akilt farmed on the second line above jjie village where aleck stewart now live alter her marriage they lived on the brydon farm on the i list line later moving to acton man former neighbors and friends called at the tunerjl home to pav their respects jeffrey lilev sou ol mr mrs william islev sva able to leave the hospital on sunday and return to his home tollossuig a weeks stay jeflrev received injuries when a passenger in a car driven bv ivun vteeler which failed to negotiate a turn in the road friends of bob bruce are glad to know he is now home following a lengthy stay in hospital resulting from an accident in the silo when he came in contact with an auger which badly gashed his leg it is hoped he will soon be able to attend classes at mcmaster university where he had enrolled mr k kloosters condition is torhewhat improved but is still causing concern he is a patient at guelph hospital receiving treatment for asthma and a heart condition kenny eldest son of mr and mrs murray mckilnck lias been admitted to the sick cluldrens hospital toronto where he is to undergo surgery for a leg condition mr and mrs clifford pratt ottawa mr and mrs alvin mccutcheon guelph and mrs william sanders erin visited with up m jackson congratulations to vernon gregson and steven taylor from tlie local school and their teammates of the hillsburgh squirts softball team who wor the tricounty softball championship arid went on tc win the western ontario championship the team was presented with their trophy on friday evening mrs b archibald president and mrs s fuller secretarytreasurer of the local womens institute were guests at the ioth anniversary tea ot the mimosa branch held saturday afternoon at the school visitors at the home of mr and mrs murray mckitrick included mr and mrs ernest mckilnck diane brewner grand valley mr and mrs ralph barber and andy i rm mrs george b grundy and nancy mr and mrs keg drier stratford mrs llcmiler ol guelph visited with i g and mrs robertson on sunday the combined communion service of bums church 1 nil and knox presbyterian i lunches was held at the local cmuh on sunday morning with a lirge turnout ol members kev llcrhison was in charge assisted by tle session ircini both churches k congratulations lo jlr and mrs tony van manou on the arrival of i daughter at sf josephs hospital on seplciilber- 0 coiitratiilatiofis lo mis u llhs and daughters mrs win milfon mrs iv milton and donna m ic who were sueccsslul exhibitors at alton i air i iremen weie called lo the home it tonv vin mnun on the 24 highway at ihe i irsl line on 1 riday on arrival they found d ihe motor on the washing machine had binned out tilling ihe house with smoke daniige was slight and ihe firemen were able lo return to aclon alter checking lor fire mrs i archibald president welcomed nine members and one visitor to her home lor the monthly meeting ol ihe womens institute with mrs g allien at the piano the opening ode was sung and the mary stewart collect repeated mrs l tidier read ihe jlrd psalm this was the grandmothers meeting and the roll call was answered by bring something which belonged lo your grandmother articles ol jewellery a bible table cloths samplers scaives tailing crocheting and a cook book were exhibited mrs s i uller read lie correspondence and finanu il statement it was agreed lo send 10 cents per member lo the c nw i and a donation lo the muscular dystrophy fund no interest was shown in the leadership training course hats foryou the secretary lbtked- to write a letter to john rool m p protesting proposed laves on childrens clothing food and churches award tenders atesqueshtg district page bud snow graduates shabby clothes dirty dishes theyre blessings ucw told lenders were received for a new snow plow rind road construction on the i iglith line a i the regular meeting ol 1 suuesiilg 1 ownslup council lasl monday night the truck snow plow wild wo wjv buv and sander was ivuirdcd lo mitloii truck i u i e r n a i i ii n a i on ihe lecuuvimendalioii of the department of highways representative the bid wa s i ouo0s llilloil iriick was the second highest ol the lour tenders suhnutlcd but il was the only truck which met all of the steciticatinns i will truck sales milton was the i highest lender with 21 ml 00 thompson motors lord acton al si0h40 4i and masson motors g mc georgetown at sijsioiih were lower bids but neither was up lo specifications the contract for road instruction on the i ighth line lsquesing was awarded to armstrong brothers 4rampton wllh a bid of s4iw7 10 llie rdccitlnn recommended by the department of highways over kings paving al si7jk 20 was based on ihe lower price and previous experience with the company the construction is lo he finished in 10 working days 1 he company has iwo weeks grace between ihe time of approval and the actual starl ol construction which will mean completion of the road by the middle of november with the purchase of ihe new snow truck council decided lo advertise for one lather than lie usual two 100horsepowci graders for snow removal llus winter they will take their chances of hiring another grader during the winter should il he needed tenders will be called for in the near future mothers ask esquesing for protection at crossing esquesing council briefs at ihe regular meeting of fciquesing township council monday night ihe following bylaws were passed with everyone present present the reeve and c leik are instructed to sign an agreement with the department ot highways tor a study ot loads and bridges in the township the reeve and l leik are instructed lo sign an agreement with w m montgomeiy lor the straightening ot the credit river through the halton couiuv conservation authority to request an estimated 4000 additional expenses lor repair of roads in the township under new business mr grant mills from the ontario water resources commission has agreed to talk to the council about ihe water problem in milton heights the proposed meeting time is lo be the afternoon of oct 24 five answers have been received by the township clerk for positions on the proposed planning board a special meeting of council with the prospective members is to be held next week euchres arc to starl in november with ihe proceeds of ihe first one lo be given to macdonald institute lxpansion tund mrs g aitken gave a one minute c d m m cut on cilienslup and lducation miss doris fines reminded all to gel their farm histories completed for the tweedsmurr hook mrs v milton convened an interesting program mrs s fuller had a contest guessing contents of jars- ingredients grandmother used tor baking mrs g ailkcn and miss doris fines being the winners mrs milton read several items pertaining to grandmothers mrs i fisher measured the grandmothers waists and mrs c stores had the smallest lunch was served hv mrs g grundv and mrs 0 winter courtesies were extended miss tines two mothers presented lsqucsing council with a petition on monday night demanding a guard or automatic lights for the school crossing on llwy 7 al norval the petition was signed by 44 families whose children attend ihe norval school mrs gordon brown and mrs joan carter stated that they had approached esquesing school board and were told that the board had no money for ihe project she said a letter was to have been sent to the township explaining the situation cleric del trench had no record of arty letter in other words it was a good way of gelling rid of you commented willrid leslie council agreed that it was a matter for lire school board slated councillor pat patterson il looks ridiculous for us to do school board work however heres a case where the board is on the way out and they couldnt care less after a brief discussion it was agreed to contact the school board first and then approach the department of highways the council is not directly responsible for roads in thai area bob lawson suggested they might stand a better chance if they requested the lights at ihe town line intersection where there is a traffic problem as well as the children crossing for school heating baby food qulcklyyou can heat different kinds at the same time by using a two or three cup egg poacher when food is warm lift it from tray and feed baby directly from the cups ff halton cooperative medical care pays plan all surgical operational k doctoea call paid from ftral visit confinements tt anaesthetists services xray also major medic 30 day walling period individual or employee group may enrol at any time of the year revised rates monthly mail single monthly 11322 couple monthly ujj family payable quarterly or yearly i bv halton coop medical services 143 uojn si uhlan pleas sand me ialenaatlm he obligation haw address 011 7it7ij j public notice a hearing for all interested persons regarding the proposed closing of the c n r station in acton will be held thursday october 17th at 2 pm in acton council chambers j t hurst clerfcadmlniitrafor a i n im s i ii r ii 1 i supi nnuiuli nl himi snow received ins ohliii luiiiixjii for ltiinmt- inn ol m ontario mi lnids a vst n ml inn innifsi it mtmil iy niilil niolinj nl i ksmn rnwiislup onnul reeve dmrjil 4 ucru mulrllu present itiijn lothwin flu refill ir inisnuss msiori iliiiklllmfl nil 111 tout si mi snow ictluutl lln i ynn jn uli sniiuilllllf ill i nl 1 1 provided ionniil will lisicti to you when ymi it luk hie iirtifil rlc involves thut years ol ititjv it lit imvirsitv or diulpli mil hilly iiiiiiks mr snow lot ins position is roul siipermlenditil esquesing to the polls december 2 i siicsint lowuship elections will he held i wn wi i ks i iln ih id in picvious yc us to in leccnl iroviuii il legist ition during mondiy nijhl s council imcliiijr bylaw m rk scl noinin itions lor nov ik 7 ii k 10 and elections olc 10 i in k pin all jiosls including kecve deputy luevc imncillors md member ol ihe llillon oiinly school ho mis will he inr a two ye ir term k c s id e u i s vo i i n g for representatives on the sep irate school hoard may do so tl the same polling si itions ices for conducting pools have been set as lollows deputy returning olficcn s20 poll lerks s17 accomniod ilion sl a poll several changes have to he- made in the locilion ol pulling stations due lo i change ol residence of sonic troni last year ily mis h mel can another i hencer anniversary the lwlli his passed into history with lis opportunity for old friendships to he renewed a childrens story from lr 1 1 illni in ihe illuming speaker hid i messige for all ihe good docloi was liking a trip on a tram and a little boy whose parents were in a different section of the train was silling with him as the different train and customs men cuine around to isk the child for his eicdeiitials ihe lids answer was always the siiiuc my father up i iii id is looking after everything among those illending ihe evening service was mrs i a ste rf r onk for whoie husbands family ihe scllleilinil t lliookville whs ii lined mr mil mrs howard ulhloid the liftci a sister of mrs it mclean weie present ui the morning mrs j j odorni in enjoyed a hying visit from her sister and hrotherui law mr and mrs icrry i oukes from surrey i ngland i hey divided their tunc between odormans and other relatives in ielawawa they were much impressed willutheir trip lo ni igara i alls mi md mrs uill i arly accornpinicd the mel nerys on a visit lo ihe iete ortlcibs al newmarket on sunday worldwide ommiiinori sunday was observed with three y o ii ng people of the congregation joining ihe church in ill churches throughout the world the unifying force is hnsl those who have been received into the church arc part ol the body of christ all people who believe in the established order from i orinthians chapter 12 first were the apostles those who compamed with jesus and second those who witnessed the resurrection there are those who arc born teachers third hut not least conic the helpers they sec what needs to he done and do it next sunday is ihe special thanksgiving service the conveners for ihe october iicw meeting were mrs darby and mrs david munroe nineteen members and one visitor answered the rollcall with u verse containing the word joy mr i inlcy read ihe scriptures about the len lepers of whom only one returned lo give thanks and led in prayer mrs i arly mid mrs mcleiu accompanied by mrs j kilchiug sung my sivmurs i ove among oilier thanksgiving readings wis one espccuilly tlioiittht protokpig one are you i hankfillj i or the slams on your fingers from preparing vegetables for wornoiil slioes in your hoitfc fir shabby clothes flic letters yoiiijwc the utility hills the soiled i miidry ihe dirty dishes they are all blessings add them to your hsl- mrs monroes talk on i hanksgivihg was must inspiring things for which lo he thankful hrislian holms i very cluld needs he prayers of both pircnls dont nag im your arms iround a child and tell him you love hiyh a hnde and groom were on a boat trip the bride complained lo a white haired old inly because her new husband didnt slick hy her side all ihe tune the old lidy asked her if he hid ever hciten her or run around with other women the bride sayd no the old lady s nil my husband did all these things if i knew where he wis buried id gather his hones in my apron he thankful for a healthy body i orintliians i ach individual is the cumulation of the ages some indulge themselves today without thought of tomorrow in hard places our strength and health come from tod people have different ideis in their hope of heaven a pi ice of no more pain worry work one womans idea was to have all the cooking utensils and ingredients imaginable and go on a binge of biking none of us will he disappointed we should he ashamed lo die until we have accomplished something won some victory for humanity mrs darby had the closing prayer an opportunity lo hear dr lotta hilchmonova on in oct canada savings i ktli in the t i a lutlding cntrmtc off quebec st guelph wis mentioned i lie latest unit iriin service ominittee fjlin j lie primming harveit will he shown sever j 1 i hencer luv joined the irtsltyteri in i idles for their i ii ink offering nucling the spc iker wis miss beverly i ljrkc i mission iry from nigeria c onditinns ire so grim in that wirtom country we can only priy building permits fofof 332450 f veiny three building pcfipils were issuiil in i siuesmg hiwilsjup for hie month of september lot ilhng vl2c0 lnil revenue tor permit fees was s i 1 the jarfrit expenditure is for jlillcresi hinted lrimli lo be hmll on ihe fifth lot of the seventh concession at in eslimiled s i 2s 000 other permits iik lulled seven resiliences ughl idihlions four new workshops or businesses mil two pool constructions robert r hamilton optofjjeijist i i a mounminvieyapoid s georgetown 873071 plan now to have a good time at woodbmdge fair woodbmdge ont saturday october 12 nnd monday october 14 31 big days haturtuy titj horse htiew hmf atllc wruum hotm hlinw itslihlia jivtra hwlne 4 11 llry sir club llumeu kselng hrttlni prlvtlrcra monday junior horse fib poultry pony and kara iftaem batting- nrlvljrrra ifmvy and utht llonn dairy cattle rhup childrens admlasloa m- uumi chance on bicycle sad translator radio midway both days there are probably as many good reasons for buying canada savings bonds as there are canadians there arc the hopes plans and ambitions you have for yourself and your familv there is the desire which all ol us share to play a pjrt in building the future of our country the simple safe profitable vjy lo help realize these goals is lo buy canada savings bonds they offer an excellent return the average yield to maturity is 6 75 a year there are fourteen annual inleresi coupons sshich begin at 5 75 and rise to 7 00 lor each of the last nine years theie can be cashed each year as they become due better still if you choose to keep these coupons uncashed you can earn interest on your interest take full advantage of this option and when your bonds mature your total interest earnings plus your original insestment svil amount lo s250 for each sioo insemed they are e villa ue lo every one canada savings bonds are available to every canadian resident in amounts from 50 up to 50000 for cash or on instalments wherever you work dank or invest adults children businesses and institutions all may bus them they are install cask you can cash them any time at any bank in canada at their full face value plus earned interest few investments are so profitable none builds more surely for the future buy into canada today buy canada savings bonds it pays

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