Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1968, p. 10

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2 the acton free preti wednesday october 16 1968 gegiater icur cbjecthn thursday afternoon will be an important date for the future of acton the cnrs application to remove the agentoperator from their station in acton will he reviewed on that day by w i ruperti district inspector for the knilwuy transport commission he irt turn wil advise the commission- on the eitenr of the kiss and inconvenience tothe public jthit may result from the action prop- by the railway wllllhe case get a faiinrearing sonic people are concerned that it wont they think hie whole deal is railroaded and the best arguments against removing the agent and subsequent closing of the station will only be window dressing for a decision made beforehand fortunately there arc others who intend to present a strong case for keeping the railway station open theyve been gathering figures and asking questions about the service that now exists they believe the station will have an important bearing on the direction acton will take in the next few years theyll be asking for instance despite denials by the railroads wiry tie last annual report showed passenger service was a profitmaking operation theyll ask why the railroad advertise d nonexistent passenger service in acton if you arc concerned- about the future- of the town aud district and can possibly get away- vlty uot lie at he council chambers al 2 pm thursday to register your objection to removal of a service ym are entitled to scxra 4free jutts editorial pag stifle all kti cuh we cant help but be impressed with the enthusiasm and energy freshman mp rud whjting is putting into the job of representing this constituency in ottawa people of every political stripe need have no fear their needs and questions will not be looked after personally it would be difficult to list all the jobs people expect their m ps to do we feel sure 10 men working 10 hours a day seven days a week would have difficulty fulfilling all the requisites expected the work load could be tremendous although there must be times when he feels the pay is not commensurate with the time involved nor the hours he must spend away from his family mr whitings enthusiasm has not diminished one whit he publicly admits he loves every minute of it halton county is a diversified area ranging from the highly industrialized urban centres to the fertile farmlands surrounding them problems consequently will be just as diversified and complex if you follow his column each week in this newspaper youll notice our new mp is fully aware of the different problem and anxious to come up with answers ranging from the teenage drug problem in oakville to the closing of the nnr station in acton in fact he seems to be more concerned with the closing of the station here than some of our community leaders judging by his performance to date rud whiting is an able successor to dr harry harley with a style all his own tlrt a bitter fill the continuing plunge of births and birth rates in the face of canadas zooming marriage totals will throw many business forecasts into a cocked hat in the five years 196670 the moppet market may well decline by an annual average of 25000 as against an 81000 annual average increase in i0s670 and a 96000 annual jump between 195155 c tlus dramatic shift in population patterns however does not spell doomandgloom on the sales front in fact the financial post points ct cetera tralfic problems existed long before the automobile heres a quote from the london observer in 1803 while so many improvements arc in the making in our highways it might not be amiss to adopt some plan of making them passable in safety between the carelessness of drivers and the toibgood lookout ot robbers the chances at present are considerahlv against ones getting securely to the end of a journey out the trend toward more marriages and a visible desire for higher manandwife income suggest a number of very bright possibilities the demand for houses according to a dupont of canada study will rise sharply right through the i970s and 1980s the 2554 age group provides the best market for housing and the bumper crop of wartime babies is only beginning to enter this age group outlook for durable goods such as appliances and cars can also be expected to climb strongly a comment on poor communications i know you believe you understand what you think i said but i am not sure you realue that what you heard isnt what i meant heres a definition of an accident irom the ontario safely league an event frequently descended from a long hue ot advice not listened to pkctoa tfrem the paat is9 easter hues whon the loaves aro falling tho unusual blooming is al tho homo of dr a j buchanan 90 church street mrs bertha buchanan says sho put thorn in tho back garden aftor eastor but never oxpoetod them lo bloom again this yoar thoro are a lolal of sovon flowors on iho two plants porfuming autumn broezos staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley c04uareo to todays classrooms this was a bleak and drab one the pupils sit primly hands behind their backs for the photographer with prirv rlpulvv miwart t th hark identu fled in the group are bobby stewart melvin williams olive mowat joe swackhamer george anderson phyllis clark marguerite stewart roy brown george aonaw and alice johnston these days i have a rough idea how an old chorusgirl feels nostalgia regret and ycl certain pride that one day in the dim past you were up ihere under the footlights doing your wiggle your grind your hump or whatever with the best of tliem all this is because of a young fellow called alex hes a friend of son hugh hes in the armed forces and was recently transferred to a nearby base for some reason despite their obvious and many shortcomings he has taken to the smilcys and usually drops around on the weekend hes a pleasant and intelligent lad- and we enjoy his company lies rather lonely is a long way from home and likes a homecooked meal i dont blame inm theres nothing duller than an officers mess on a weekend hut what really bucks me up is that the kid is learning to ily he hopes lo wind up on helicopters flying with the navy hut m the meantime he has lo learn lo fly a conventional aircraft and this is where i begin to leel like the old chorusgirl aforementioned theres vers little ditteieuce in the procedure he must undeigo and that which i underwent 25 years ago i bask in ins awe as i hel oil the yarns hue untrue or just slightly embellished ol my flyingtraining days oh im piopeilv scornlul no we werent given much instruction betore going solo it was do or die survival ol ihe littest ot course we didnt have radiocompass and ground-to- ir control and all that jass we had lo he natural pilots yep sou had lo get out ol a tight spot with qukk wits and sheer nerve and so on i curdle his blood a bit es we had to fly in every thing rain snow log lost a tot ot student pilots twelve killed on my course alone the brave and the luckv got through and ol course most ol them were killed on operations hut im also vers helplul when i uuiked over his procedures i lound they were basically the same as mine you had to gel the ruddy thing started you had to taxi it lo takeolf point without hitting a gas truck or a mechanic you had lo get it off the ground somehow without breaking it and voir had to get it back onto the ground somehow without breaking it same thing today i havent bothered telling bun thai out of a class of 63 i stood 55th in ground school 48th in flying there didnt seem any point after all i did get my wings and i dropped as many bombs into plowed fields and shot as many canon shells into clouds al the next fellow hut i have been helping him out with some of the hard bits lies having a bit of trouble with his landings flounces ive briefed him carefully on whal lo do when you bounce 2k feet while making a landing turn off all switches pul your arms over your eyes aud wait lor the second bounce he didnt seem to think this was scientific enough theyre all so scientific these young fellows so i gave him irom personal experience the ultimate advice on smooth landings just attach a 1 000poimd bomb lo one wing ready to go off if you bounce and youll land like a feather i gave him a lot more good tips from the personal experience point ol view spins lor instance told him how sickening they are and how easy it is to spin into the ground told him how lo gel out of a spin to the lelt for example hard lelt rudder slick full hack aud swallow hard reflecting later 1 wondered if il wasnt hard right rudder and sticlwlorward oh well hell find out shilling like experience as an expert ive explained to him how you recover control tm takeolf when you are headed lor the control lower instead of the end of the runway cut the motor put on your brakes and pray with all this extra help he should pass this crucial lest hes coming along nicely except tor that glared look he gets in his e es alter a couple ot hours ol my stories i pul il down lo nerves or too much dinner i wonder the acton free press phone 8532010 butinttit nd editorial ohtca ruunjrj in 117 nd bubjittod wvry writ nil it i w iiiua si aiium orutio usttktor of ito auji burvw ol ciruuiw tto cwn ad ouwa 4dfiiiinj rht o rtqutu ubxn l hi fuwhif ir jvtat mm ta ouudj tw ifl 11 luunjiw ullml ivl cajuuu uaau cob4m loi auikunmd itxuftd cuti uul ui otftca dvfuiinwni otiiue adttmiuftj u wuaud ito tutvjiiton i kit in ito rxtnl ol nihvyi phlctl ituf itui puiiiua ol ihf suit trtt 144 pn oc iuuj bs ito toiwuut tum 1 nay i hi f uvtia trjiuivabu aiiouam or uftuiuf mill aol to thifftrj ftf but ilw tulmu at ito ttfevntummj saill to bju lot al ito ipplt rtu la ito tnttii uf j ittvjrakcl mv tdtirmimg taait or tfiak l uruj pne good or urvtftm mu nut to told 4jtrliuitjj u hmfttty a ohv to wll and nuv to wukdiftm i av imu bwt rsblto uj thin ui gv ua dtitd h twit pwuuw thrtwy colt do kjnfcw cjfli it av r back issues msbbbsosipj 20 years ago taken from the luiie of the i ret- 1icvi thurulay october 21 imh tint real frost of the fall in this diilrlcl came on sunday nlghl and u reminder that winter is juil around the comer the leavei arc xtartlng lo full from the trees commercial equipment will he purchased for actrm jhgh sthmil i wu decided al a meeting of the north hallon district high school board this week jjd thursday i rlday and saturday saw aclrui town hall crowded with enthusiastic liuiliences when fun for you was presented ly the ys m with u local cast of over ho iome appearing on the program were hob parker dill kuddick jo mcl1sif foreman ijiwrence george oooiialiue kino bralda ben kuchlin tom atkinson and charlie kirkness larin woodlols arc to be fenced it was decided at halton county council t uesday kay lvcrdell was chosen president of acton junior iauncrs at their recent meeting other officers were iyfe somervillc belly llrilton jean harris llda llritlon ken allan charles kticher gordon leslie ralph thompson molly culls shirley thompson and barbara turner kerwin mclhaii was chairman doctors make the biggest incomes in canada according to a report of the depl of national revenue their average was 74mi per year with lawyers ranking second with f52k and architects third with s52k irom there on all classes were below 4000 a year 75 years ago taken from the issue of the lrce press october 10 ih03 there was a very joyful gathering at the home of mr robert johnston lrin the occasion being the celebration of the marriage of miss mary to mr william iambic a prosperous young farmer on the next lot rev alexander scratch the pastor of the young couple performed the ceremony in the presence of a large company of friends the wedding repast was thoroughly enjoyed the bridal gifts were numerous and much admired mrs george lleswick who had been in poor health for the past year or more calmly breathed her last her husband and friends left nu means untried with which to revive her but to no avail her trouble arose from the insidious ravages of cancer the remains were interred in the cemetery al ballinafad she was born in nova scotia in ih26 salt and 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday october 24 1918 mr alex donald who purchased the william brown farm on main street several years ago has now told the property to mr d mclvor of winnipeg the price paid was 720 mr donald will sell rys stock and implriiienls on november 22 the youhg peoples guild of krjox cluirch have just issued a neat folder with programme of topics covering the period from october to may next many interesting tiihjects will be discussed the officers ofthe guild are president mrs iruesl itarr vicepresident miss daisy tolster secretary alex mann treasurer george agnftw organist miss marguerite 5iyrnoli assistant miss jean mcleod mr donald robertson milton u countychairman for tht y ian campaign in halton judge fliott vice chairman and major j a gairdncr oakville county organiser these officers visited acton last jriday councillor llarher has moved ins garage and ham from llie rear to the front of his lot on mill street next saturday night slop your clock for an hour aud resume standard time wonderland theatre losing owing to the influenc we regret the disappointment to our patrons and will reopen with the finest films available as toon as llie hoard of health deems il desirable 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion oct 15 ihfih on friday morning last we proceeded to oakville where the fall show of the township of trafalgar was held this year the next season it will be in palermo we found thai this exhibition which is by all odds the best township show in halton was not a whit behind former years either in the attendance of visitors the number of entries the quality of articles exhibited or in llie admirable management of the society there was a tempting display of 30 entries in five pound butter specimens 15 entries of firkin and one gentleman showed 30 varieties of apples although the competition was so keen that he was not adjudged one prise last week an accident occurred at crccns mill near kilbride by which a hoy about id years of age attending a circular saw losl three fingers of one of his hands t lyon who has laugh i with such success al hornby is about to remove to illy the county of huron where he will continue teaching pepper by hartley col knglands a great place for wierd happenings maybe you read a recent report from ole bhglily about the wife who blew up her husband in such a novel way it was mentioned in the public health report now it is one thing to make the newspapers with a blow up but to get mentioned in the public health report thats like getting mentioned in dispatches it seems this particular wife was doing some painting she decided a good thing to wash the paint brushes out with would be gasoline afterwards she poured the petrol down the toilet hubby an unsuspecting type came home from a lough day at the factory uttered a cherry hello and headed for the water closet inside he lit a cigarette to help nature along lnthroned in his own castle- the preserve of every lnglishmanhe contentedly drew a few puffs and threw the end of the fag into the toilet bowl the blast blew him into llie air like a capsule from cape canaveral ii was the quickest dethronement in bnglands long history the stricken smoker was carried off on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance lnroute he told bis tale to the ambulance men who listened sympathetically but had trouble keeping heir faces straight they started lo giggle one of them was so carried away with mirth he dropped his end of the stretcher the husband toppled offand broke his arm adding insult to injury arthur james chief public health inspector of bletchley included the story in his annual report the article does not say so but there was probably an admonition to wives who intended to blow up their husbands to do it in a more conventional way with dynamite ur nitro but above all to stay away from the plumbing the poor bloke who was the butt of all the story sorry i dont know how he made out i presume he recovered buy ill bet lie had a neurosis that any amount of trips to the bathroom will never cure speaking of wives who would like to see their husbands raise higher in the world they have counterparts whod like to see hubby more handy around the house recently a brotherinlaw of mine whos in the middle of building a new house had a birthday his wife presented him with a new hammer and a bench saw appropriate everyone said nodding then- heads at the wifes sagacity a few days later on the eve of thanksgiving- 1 had a birthday my belter half eager to bask in the adulation accorded her sister rushed to the stores by buy me an appropriate gift gift wrapped it was presented with a flourish on the natal day and the whole family crowded around to see my reaction well what kind of reaction did they expect from an electric knife there it was fairly gleaming in llie box sharp and ready alter countless feasts where tradition had decreed the head ol the house will carve the roast or the fowl and accompanying growls at dull knives and tough meat they were calling my bluff now they said well find out whether its the meat or you a pox on them but that was better than what happened to another friend of mine who had a birthday recently his wife gave him a four pound fruit cake then she got mad when all the other women at the party rushed up to plant a kiss on him because he looked so sweet who wouldnt look sweet after eating a four pound fruit cake after some deliberation i have come to the conclusion however that my friend who got the fruit cake and myself are better off tlian the brotherinlaw who received the tools after all ill only be called to perform widi the knife on special occasions once youve- eaten a fruit cake theres not much more you can do in the way of a performance but a hammer and an electric bench saw have possibilities that could go on for a lifetime

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