Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1968, p. 1

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tt jwtim jfrtt ttss ninetyfourth year no 1 7 acton ontario wednesday october 23 1968 twenty pngj ton cent cnr express service called shocking at meeting to discuss future of station six representatives of canadian national railway pund that actonlans are more impressed by facts than theorici when it come to railway service headed by h r giles superintendent of transportation for the london area railway officials were grilled lectured and admonished in a three hour session in the council chambers thursday presided over by w j rupert district inspector for the railway transport committee purpose of the meeting was to review the application of the cnr to remove the agentoperator at acton and advise the committee on the extent of the loss and inconvenience to the public it would entail opposing briefs were presented by paul nielsen for the chamber of commerce and development commission dill coats for rud whiting llallnn m p and marianne coles for the students at acton district high school who opposed closing facilities here by a large margin in a vote the previous day m p p george kerr appeared personally to apeak for increased railway service rather than removal jean marcoux a local manufacturer of plastics products deplored the service provided for his plant roy goodwin an acton merchant spoke both from a business and citizens role jessie coles and mrs howard dwyer managers of local mail order offices spoke of the poor service they were receiving from the express mayor les duby reeve bert hinton paul nielsen and other private citizens voiced their concern over removal of railway facilities from acton the chairman remarked on the lack of any opposition from acton industry which was to provide ammunition for town boosters during the meeting c of c head paul nielsen first to present his brief said the chamber had approached industries in acton with a questionnaire and all the industries declared they were not satisfied with the service they were getting from the railway those who answered the questionnaire considered it futile to protest ranee they were convinced the cnr would do what it liked anyway mr nielsen speaking for his own business scored the express delivery which often ran into weeks before the express was moved to guclph he said service had been prompt and satisfactory there were deliveries in acton saturday with overnight can operate life or la tons he morn frigs service we simpsons declared mr nielsen also foresaw the day when there would be intensified passenger servicepfsxibly o o tramsoperating out of acton mayor les duby said he was concerned with the overall effect removing the operator and closing the station would have on the community the ideal location of acton made it inconceivable that the service should he eliminated plastics manufacturer jean murcoux was more emphatic due to the poor service and inconvenience of delivery time his firm hat to buy a truck to deliver its own express don croft terminal manager from ciiielph interrupted mr marcouxs testimony to tell the chairman that the speaker was the operator at alton station until nov l mr morcoux immediately replied he was representing ontario plastics not the cnr and lets leave it that way rejecting the inference his words were sour grapes mr rupert repeatedly said it was no concern of the hearing to discuss express since the purpose was to discuss objections to removal of the agent then if we had a meeting on express you would say it was not the business of express quipped mr nielsen he also said there was a vast difference between the cnrj theories on way it works referring to an incident where he had to placate a groom who didnt have a suit to gel married in because of poortcrvie admittedly wearing two hats representing mp rud whiting ond as a private citizen with a student delega tionteacher bill coats said acton passengers on cnr trains were treated as second class citizens he spoke of his own experience ridilht ofd trains and his inability lo purchase commuter pickets when he wished to make use of the service railway representatives said the ruling on commuter tickets was not aimed al acton theic was a mileage leadline und acton was beyond it pasteilger sales representative harold sharpc insisted the railway certainly didnt intend to treat ac ion passengers as second class passengers there were several snorts it is incongruous that i town in the location nl act n shouldnt be netting increased service rather than cutting it up 8079fivo per cent halton population 168731 there are five per cent more people within the boundaries of halton county than there were al this time last year according to a report from county assessor robert ii reach while at the end of september in 1467 the county had a total of ii6s2 residents figures from a similar period in l6h showed 1 6971 1 people georgetown headed the growth race with a i per cent increase of 1 90s persons to a present population of 14s2k while milton remained most static with a mere s people or h4 per cent rising from 6 670 last year to q68s figure of 6726 other municipalities changes included acton increasing by 17 persons t os per cent from 442 to 4604 burlington jumping six per cent with 4294 people raising the 1967 total of 71781 to a 1968 population of 76 074 oakville gained 914 residents i 70 per cent and changed its welcome sign trom is2l8 to s6 s2 i squesing made the second biggest percentage gain idduig sou persons 7 10 per cent lor i total of 860s raised from lasl years 8 017 and nissagaweyi sliyed closest to the county iverige with a s it pet cent gun of i 17 people lo 1041 jliipul iliou irom 2 8 i 51 1 wis noted popiihtion figures lot milton deorgclown burlington mil oikville included nelsons in institutions off remarked m p p cilrgc kerr when iw chairman askcd for his observations ive never iked the setvice here said mr kerr inn im well aw ire of the compluints he lurcsaw the r nlwiys hearing having a psychological effect i lu i i national transport itioii system wis going to discontinue its like saying lo the clticns of acton they are iuii progressive- anil giving thciu a sccilnd hand service mr ken cnniiiiiicd i cant uniginc i more suitable pi nc to est iblish a satellite town than acton said the halton west m p p i verylhing is being done lo eueourigc growth iwiy from congested lie is ii the town wis title lo siy i commuter service wis ivulihle people would move here to enoy i mu ill town mil city continue to work in the bill hoey runs for reeves seat deputyreeve of notiagaweya william a n hoey announced this week he wdl be seeking election as reeve of the township in the december elections the door to the number one seat on the township council was opened two weeks ago when reeve william coulter announced he would not seek y rank of lieutenant reelect ion mr coulter scm on the retired list announcement came after eight from the royal canadian navy dr b d young from the deputyreeves seat and he was acclaimed to the some position the following year for a two year term mr hoey came to nassagaweya from oakville in 1957 ofter he retired from 25 years of service at proctor and gamble in hamdton he holds years of service on councd mr hoey made his first bid in tounship politics in december ot 1964 when he was defeated by mr coulter in their race for the reeves seat in december lts he ousted he served in world war ii as a torpedo officer he is presently occupied on his sheep farm near moffat to date no opponents have announced their intentions to contest the seat out of the furore into the furrow mun icipal cloction campaign was loft behind sat urday when mayor los duby competed in the mayors class at the international plowing match les wasn t a front runner in plow ing the ingersoll mayor placed first and the fergus mayor second from a field of 20 staff photo whistle tradition carries on pharnwtist bill yundt takes over newtons store october 2 1 1 6h ml tmi saw of ntadttton sharon ellerby prepare to pull rha mam valve on the beardmore whistle and end the weeks alienee sharon a grade eight student at m z bennett school collected 245 name from her classmates for e petition in support of the whittle beardmores have bowed to public demand and the community alarm clock is in operation again staff photo the editor the acton free press acton ont dear sir the reaction of your paper and many ol the citiens of acton to our announcement that we had decided to stop blowing the tannery whittle after more than i century was surprising to say the least we actually felt it no longer served any uselul purpose and that perhaps we were intruding on the privacy ol many individuals ou quote in your open message two men as saying modern plants do not blow whistles and a main street merchant who commented that he eouldn t care less these were exactly the thoughts on whieh we based our decision but should we ignore the calls from the mothers who warn their children to start jot home with the first whistle to avoid the heavy traftic the pensioners who set their watches by the whistle the 245 students irom m z bennett school who agree with sharon hllerby that without tradition this would be a dull world the little 1 year old boy who knows when to expect his lather home and the mothers who said they regulate their day by the friendly whistle we appreciate the countless calls we received irom friends and strangersperhaps this is what makes the difference between a small town and a big city it seems that traditions are still meaningful to young and old and in a world where startling changes are taking place this is a hopeful sign on wednesday morning the whistle will blow again and as long as this is the wish of the people of acton it will continue to sound its signal yours truly n j bratda president general manager beardmore co ltd a large mill st store changed hands this week and pharmacist bill yundt is taking over the location and stoek of newtons ecnl to si store new name is dollar daddy jure mr yundt will continue to operate aclon pharmacy but expects that his original store at the mill main corner will develop a more professional look many of his smaller items are being gradually moved over to his new store such as hair products toothpaste baby clothes stockings many non drug items the lormer stock remains there and he 11 continue to sell clothing loys games and small household hems and gilts c lunges in stoek will come about gradually the siore which has been operated by mr newton lor the two accidents in district town and district drivers were involved in two accidents in the district thursday mdton opp records show a car driven by michael davis of 88 churchill road received s380 damage in a onecar accident on the sixth lme at highway 7 and cars driven by vema g stephens of r r 2 and andrew george dye of 336 pearl st collided on highway 7 at suvercreek curve the same day causing 1 10 total damage past 10 years will eventually be completely renovated some new shelving is in already mrs rosemary cook is manager iif the new stoic with mrs dot mellor as clerk in acton pharmacy shelf space acquired wilt be used for more effective display and the introduction of a larger veterinary line but mr yundl points out many items will be duplicated in both his stores prices marked down in the discount section ol the new store will be similarly marked down in the pharmacy mr newton is retiring he and his wile will continue to live in acton quiet week for detachment police records show several lost and found bikes and lost wallets during the past days theft of license plates from a motor cycle saturday noon was also reported there were no major incidents or accidents reported this week new thurth work has begun on the apostolic church to be budt at the corner of main st s and ransom the foundation was poured monday c i verylhing is there to cilublhdi a service- mr kerr told the meeting and h makes keiisc to lake maximum benefit from them von cant look at this in u sterile economic sense alone he maintained hie railway ih owned by the people and lliera are many lines now existing on subsidies 1 xtru cost to maintain facilities ijerc would tie h danced by the extra distance trucks travel duplicating miles already tiavullvd by train s mr lilts said he understood citiens of aelou would he apprehensive ii ii was the railways intent to make acton a second class municipality hut that wan not the intent he traced the implementation of muster plan igeucies uul said it woild sooli ciwer the entive country often stunting down service in places with much larger populations iii in actiliis he mentioned lieilluii and kingston as examples low in revenue irom actiuvll magnified across the country would be serious cnnttnueii tm vtiq 3 hunting restrictions set in esquesing township t he number of nou resident hunters in i squesing township has been oflicially limited to 200 following a special meeting of council last week t he move came after oiincil received numerous complaints from farmers in the area of hunters invading private property and injuring livestock i he new by law reads as follows i there shall he no limit on the number of resident hunting licenses issued my bona fide resident of the township may obtain a resident hunting license by paying the fee prescribed by the department of lands und i orcsls from time lo tunc 2 the ti u m b e r of lion resident hunting licenses issued shall he limited to 200 per year and no nou resident shall lie issued a license until he has produced a letter from each of two resident farmers each with al least so acres either owned or rented in the township of i squesing and the fee for each non resident license shall he that prescribed by the department of lands and i uresis from tune to time t any by law or parts of a by law which ure inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed the by law goes into effect immediately producers honor legion choraliers a large goldsealed hand lettered document was produced at acton council meeting tuesday evening to break the routine of regular business reeve hinton had been given the certificate at county council that afternoon and its on its way lo the acton legion choraliers warden hunter had accepted the certificate in palm springs california at the industrial film producers association when halton countys new industrial film received an award there was one certificate for the singers one for oakville band and one for burlington band all in appreciation for their cooperation the acton choir sang part of the background music for the prize winning halfhour production mr hinton asked the towns other county council representative dr oakes to present it to the choraliers and suggested the mayor might come along loo mr duby promptly accepted as an honorary member of the choraliers thatll be a pleasure despite the fact there are no assessment appeals in acton the county court of revision will come to acton to sit in the council chambers thursday october 31 at 10 a m the clerk had told the county assessor there was no need to hold the court of revision here but scrutiny of the act shows nt necessary county assessor beach asked how much the days non work would cost said the members of the court would likely be paid at a half day rate here 20 each they will simply accept and sign the towns assessment roll inquiries showed even if the roll were taken to mdton the cost would be the lame we want you lo know an attempt to save money was made said reeve hinton philosophically georgetown cable tvs agreement will go back to another committee meeting the company has requested cluuiging the time limit on their agreement for 60 days to a year theycvstdl require a license and an agreement lo use hydro poles councillor bob dnnkwalter chairman of the planning board protested the decision that no replacement be named to fill the vacancy on the planning board the decision had been made at a committee meeting to defer the appointment until the end of the year when further appointments to the tame board might be necessary the condition in which monex construction hid left the drainage installation on cobblelull rd had produced a complaint to the company via the clerk asking that the area be cleaned up in a week answering reeve llmtons critical questions on the drainage problem there mr dnnkwalter explained the drain that appears sunken will be at the right level when grading is done and that monex is billed for the work done by the town problem areas will be corrected as they develop mr hinton continued his questions and declared the system of drainage there wont work mayor duby cut off the subject with an outburst to the reeve i very night we are confronted with your deliberate attempts to belittle someones efforts were getting tired of it rev loewens request for town water was not accepted he sought a supply of town water for the proposed kingdom hall building on the old lome school property the request would have necessitated the extension of the six inch water mam for several hundred feel a special meeting with the ontario municipal board representatives was held october 2 1 to discuss the expenditure for the proposed tyler ave storm sewer project mayor duby ctmltiiiud on pao jj jim uavwu finished thy threemile senior cross coun try race with a fast 1417 lima it was the best tirw of the day dyrino the cwossa cross country championships in guelph last thursday mora on sports page staff photo

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