Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1968, p. 13

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12 the acton fnta preaa wednesday october 23 1968 land separations point to growth the draft plan of itibdiviiion of randy comtruction co ltd on the seynuck property hu now been approved by the department of municipal affairs council learned tuesday evening final approval depends on conditions outlined to be carried out by the town and subdlvlder copiosof the agreement go to the town engineer transaction on the talc of land on churchill rd s from the town to cescort arid clviero lina now been closed the property it to be used for apartmegt buildings only with an eaiertienl reserved for a storm sewej line with town acccu building has begun no objection whi be made by- the town to lie application of g mckeown for neparatlon of part oflot 320 plan i0r the mayor and clerk will attend a committee of adjustment hearing on tuesday november s to explain councils position in two matters concerning the subdivision on mrs catherine browns land on churchill rd n council feels a buffer strip should be retained at the rear of the property to conform with the remaining 23 iota and there should be a setback at the front of the property regarding mrs mary seynuoks application council considers the separation shoiiid depend on the tying inuhe rear portion with the proposed subdivision on the renialning portion of the lots another hind matter the great percentage of 0 foot lots mki zones area where the minimum requirements are 60 foot frontage- had been discussed in coinmittoo and it was the consensus of opinion that an k i one should bocreated a revised subdivided agreement will be prepared incorporating changes recommended at a special meeting of no i committer with engineer ken hyde arid solicitor fred llelson fronimhe revision a draft agreement will be presented to monex construction for the proposed conferences and finally subdivision on churchill rd n hinton attacks wardens trip to california petition regional government with little debate and surprising unanimity llaltun county council moved tuesday to indicate a desire for regional government council petitioned the mliilsler of municipal affairs in proceed with jhe iraiiklllorho regional government in llie coiiiily an oakvillrkpoiikored revolution noted llie select commiuev studying the smith hermit on taxation haul ilidiculed a willingness toward regional government ivplllykeevo w- gillies emphasized it was not the intent of the resolution to go into hietltod boundaries or reprcsenlatioit i feel the coulity kliould kllntd up uml lie heard- on this niatter ii we indicate our willingness to go ulie ad we may get some actiou rather than more lalklli concluded reeve a day a sponsor of the motion observed ihul burlington had approved a resolution lo seek city stains and it wn till this ic not the ankwer he admitted oakvllle nulit well piks a similar resolution tuckday night reeve w coulter inqiilreu if this county resolution meant forming the county as it isin a jrcgioual government utidliepiily reeve- gillies noted the select committee kel out a procedure lor determining these things the select committee proposed local meetings within existing municipalities and the creation of u special brunch within the prime ministers office lo initiate such discussions meetings would then develop between municipalities followed by provincialmunicipal conferences and finally the implementation of regional government in a recorded vole the move was unanimously approved siherwood mrs george burt hosts oct institute meeting balunafad reeve ii hinton launched a lengthy attack on the countys action in sending warden william hunter to receive an award for the county film in palm springs california when county council met tuesday later in the meeting the warden presented him with a certificate from the information film producers association for the acton choraliers who earticlpaled in the musical ackground of the film hulton countythe man and the boy at the end or the meeting the acton reeve called for the county to continue its interest in film making and suggested the original film was a theme film which should be followed by one on county administration and later a historical film he called for the subject of films to be placed on the next agenda of the property committee so planning could begin for next year reeve hinton recalled that when county councillors were polled on sending the warden to the information film producers of america conference he hud opposed he likened the wardens attendance at the presentation of a professional award to sending u mayor when a local newspaper receives a professional award it just doesnt warrant the mayor going he emphasized he pointed out the film producer robert j meyer entered the film and received the award the people of acton dont appreciate this expenditure of money he concluded reeve w coulter pointed out the film was the result of many ideas and discussions by the hulton industrial committee over a period of two years its production was influenced by those discussions if it was good enough lo win an award it wus good enough to send a representative to receive the award he recalled a european tour a year or two ago and suggested he hadnt seen one benefit from that yet the reeve was referring to a european study tour on which the county sent reeve hinton and deputy reeve frank rogers from burlington reeve g curric suggested some of the expenses piled up on conventions arc staggering but the amount for tbewardens trip was under 400 he recalled mr meyer had called on the committee many times for assistance and direction deputy reeve w hoey noted he was the only other councillor to oppose the trip and lie did it because he didnt feel one day was sufficient to promote the county and it wus a professional conference he urged that discussion not be prolonged warden hunter displuyed a business card of a firm that plans to move to ontario and he noted he had picked it up on his trip to california there was no lobbying whatever for the trip he concluded noting he had opposed the european tour at the time it was supported by reeve hinton reeve hinton stressed his interest in films and claimed he had been instrumental in starting such interest at the county after viewing films in washington the cindy award was presented to mr meyer and he was definitely opposed to the wardens attendance he also defended the european study tour a vote approved the committee action on sending the warden with reeve hinton and deputyreeve hoey opposed esquesing council briefs during the regular meeting of esquesing council last monday night the following business was discussed a letter was received from the esquesing township school board regarding a petition submitted by norval mothers demanding a school crossing on hwy 7 tor children attending the norval school the mothers had appeared before council at the previous meeting to state their problem the letter stated that the board felt concern for the children but held no responsibility for the other pedestrians who would use the crossing or the speed limit for traffic through the town for that reason they felt that council should cooperate with them in approaching the department of highways a letter is to be sent to the government immediately council authorized die clerktreasurer to petition the minister of municipal affairs to designate esquesing as a planning area once this has been done a planning board con be established council met with prospective members hut week but no definite action was taken esquesing has total outstanding taxes of 2435562 a motion was passed to turn over tux arrears to the township solicitor for collection purposes a letter was received from chinguacousy township council suggesting the closing off of a portion of roud on lot 21 ut the top end of terru cotta councd reserved judgment until members could examine the road in question a bylaw was read a second time for the stopping up of part of an allowance for roads between the 2nd and 3rd line in front of lot 15 and for conveying the some to the adjoining owners notice for the closing will be published for one week during which time council will hear any objections esquesing will be hiring another man to operate a snow plow beginning on or about dec is robert little elects council robert little school lias a new student council elected to office were bonnie bristow president jim mcnabb vicepresident ann toth secretary and ian strange treasurer by mrs h scott silvcrwood womens institute met at mrs george hurts lor their october meeting on thursday evening sixteen members unswered the roll cull reports on full activities were given and plans for future projects were made mrs burl gave a report on meeting of district directors this wus cunadiun industries and miss more was convener she gave an interesting reading on origin and subsequent growth of the paper mills especially in georgetown a social half hour over a cup of tea closed the meeting mr and mrs clare wilson spent a weekend al gamchridge enjoying the fall colours recently mrs w u norton attended the mulhallliiisemun wedding in mount forest on saturday october 1 2 mr george henderson is u patient in st josephs llospitul toronto at the present the good wishes of the community go to george for a speedy recovery exactly m rain fell over silvcrwood thursday evening cable tv for mihon georgetown cable television company received the green light for taking cubic television to miltonhut not before milton council had a recorded vole on the issue a resolution giving the company permission to establish and operute the system subject to satisfactory agreements with town council and milton hydro was approved 53 on a recorded vote requested by cr charles fay i seconded the motion but ill vote aguinst it because i dont feel we should have a firm digging up our streets fay said deputy reeve ron hums who brought in the motion said the firm probably wont have to dig up any streets but if it does it will pay the full cost the company plans to use existing hydro facilities lor the system mr harris suid the company will invest ubout 30000 in the system and council should not discourage any business from investing that kind of money in the town acton council briefs councillor g w mckcnie put on his school principal hat to point out theres only one microphone at the robert little auditorium which will be on the platform on nomination night enquiries will he made to locate a second one for use by questioners from the floor a large crowd is expected with dog control problems not solved ycl the dog control officer will be asked to attend a committee meeting to report g prevett ofthe town work stuff was authorized to attend the owrc fifth intermediate sewage workers operators course december 2 to 6 the proclamation of the ending of daylight saving time on oct 27 was approved the notice appears in the free press today a card of thanks wus read from former clerkadministrator jack mcgeachie and mrs mcgeuchie for gilts received hulton county assessors association wrote expressing thunks for hospituhty of the town at their last meeting here next urban board meeting is oct 30 in georgetown reeve hinton objected to an account lo llintons 5c to si store appearing in the regular accounts the amount 145 was for keys id sooner they went somewhere else for them he said saying he would feel the same ubout uny other member of council doing business with the town speakers address ladies groups on problems in communist china lly mrs richard shnrllll sr mr and mrs griflln jones of sildliuiy visited mr and mrs 1iuiik smith the past week ilk- two unit meetings of the iicw were held on tuesday october 15 the alleruooii ttmup held their meeting ui the home of mrs donald mclean mrs ilealey was in thechalrller devotional topic- began with llie quety how can i show my gratelulncks for nil thai god has given sevcrul items of business were discussed llie destination of llio used clothing the fall bazaar the treasurers report thfc topic was s on china and was given by mrs r shortlll the evening group met al the home of mrs n sinclair mrs sinclair was in tiro chair mil i shortlll look the devotion mrs k johnson gave the topic and u member of the hulton i icw executive was jirekiinl al lire meeting both speakers tor the iwliineetlngsiulks on china stressed the importance ol j wide awake awareness of wfialk going on in that vast ciiunlry ol 700 million people one quarter of the- whole- worlds population a communist country from which all christian missionaries lell lr years ago 35th anniversary party total surprise for freemans mr and mrs frank iteeman who have lived at cedar laike farm 5th line erin for the past 3 5 years were taken by complete surprise last sunday afternoon amid a bevy of looting horns 35 relatives from both sides of the family arrived at the farm to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary mr and mis freeman were the first couple to be married in churchill united church on ocl 14 l33 rev g i stephenson performed the marriage ted freeman only son of the couple acted as master of ceremonies mrs bert robertson pinned a corsage of pink sweetheart roses onvier sister and a while carnation on her brotherinlaw on behalf of the relatives duughtcrinluw mrs shirley freeman organized the buffet lunch arranged around a bouquet of roses grown by mrs ward graff on the dining room table the lunch was highlighted hy a special anniversary cuke in the form of an open bible decorated in pastel pink yellow and green on while it was the nicest cake ive ever seen exclaimed mrs freeman following an address by the llower girl of 35 years ago mrs anna t onnely nee graff mrs tom gordon sister of the bride and mrs a skeoch sister of the groom presented the couple with a large original ml painting both frank and luciiidu expressed their complete surprise and thanked relatives for the joyous occasion guests from stroud victoria harbour toronto lindsay scarborough kitchener georgetown port credit acton and rockwood recalled many humorous stories surrounding the occasion 35 years ago also country which buys from curruda each year riiuny million bushels if wlieallire of the world the iii dainty dishes met in the community centre sulurduy morning ii featured salmon loaf made hy kulhy flench and kurcri shortlll also chicken salad served by sheila juriilcsoh and julie ickerl a four day meal plan and churl was also inudd mr and mrs tom given jrelurned from a mouse hunting excvirkion last week balliuufud people were kliocked at the utjws ol hie tragic death ol mr jumes price who wasslruck hyu car last week mauy from here attended erin jfutr lust week several hide hoys were seen leaving llie grounds with large watermelon almost- loo- lug to handle miss beatrice hills celebrated her h7lh birthday on monday ocl 21 hy having a quilting bee- al her home on the farm on which her great grandmother and grandfather settled in ik2i fin the spring in a log cabin in the hush here also mr and mrs henry hills and two daughters muriel and helena have their home this furm has always been in the hilts name euch lime directly descended we congratulate miss hills on her k7lh birthday and on her splendid possession of all her faculties many quilts have been turned out with her quilting assistance and anyone having u quilt made by bullinafad ladies may be sure many of the tiny stitches were sewn by her nimble fingers a pleasant sensation was felt by us all at sunday service lo see all the members of mrs john snows family sons daughters and grandchildren all attending church together many acquaintances were renewed following the service they went to the community centre where a family dinner was enjoyod autumn leaves turning scarlet and gold summers last roses gently unfold origin of halloween halloween nowadays is an evmiing of fun lor llie little met of dressing up in costumes going lo parties begging goodies dnorlodior and collecting for uniciu bill halloween once was a liltre of terror mid lire ciisluilies children wear on halloween night relied lliat iajoff time the druids tin order of priests in ancient gaul and britain believed that on ilallowesii gliosis spirits fairies witches and elves carne oul to harm people ihey thought the cat was sacred and believed that cats once hud been human beings bill were changed us u punishment for evil deeds from these druidic beliefs come the presentday use of witches gliosis and cuts in halloween festivities the druids hud an autumn festival called samhain pronounced saii win or summers end it was an occasion for feasting on all the foods which had been grown during the summer and for this reason the custom of using- leaves pumpkins and cornstalks as halloween decorations also comes from the druids the roman catholic church named nov i as all saints day and llie evening before it was called halloween which means hallowed or holy evening the christian feast day and the old pagan customs were combined into the halloween festival have you renewed your free press subscription local news items bonfires haze the skies these evenings saving your small change for unicef boxes legion poppy day is saturday november this year some halloween parties are being planned in the district muy from this area attended the plowing match just over 50 shopping days till christmas robert little school students are underway in their annual fall projectwiling christmas cards and wrappings to raise money for the school apparently there were huge tralfit jams when the ne burlington mull opened last week there were many hikers on the bruce truil over the weekend judging by groups of cars parked at various entry points miss isabel cowie formerly of acton has been named the secretarytreasurer of wellington countys unicef committee charming doll clothes nude by mrs glenn banks are on display in simpsons window theyre part of the scout and guide mothers draw prize and come complete with u baby doll to wear them keep informed by keeping your acton free press coining every week if your subscription is about to expire fill in the con venient coupon below and mail it today that way yr5u wont miss a single copy of this leading weekly chock full of reports on county and community activities news of the farm front special centennial and feature reports personal columns of com ment and reports from district communities youll want to keep posted too on the advertised bargains offered by local merch ants and the hundreds of items for sale each week in the classified advertising section dont delay keep the free pren coming your way mail today the acton free wess 59 wulow si acton oflf please send me the free press for enclosed find pt for i months clu4u cask honey ottifr nw subunplion rtentwal name 13 months 4- address 6 month 330

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