Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1968, p. 2

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th acton fn pre wadrwtday october 23 1 968 jacts rter theme although local industries never bothered to oppose removing the agent from the cnr station in acton there was a strong body ol opinion present to voice complaints about express and passenger service at the public meeting thursday afternoon w j rupert district inspector for the railway transport committee an old cnr man himself listened to a barrage ol accusations about shocking rotten ami f costly express service since it was shit led to guetplt and a charge that the railway treated acton passengers as sccoiul class citizens mr rupfcrt ami six railway representatives were also told m vety plafh talk tluit olo- meeting should hive bccii held before not aftev the phasing out of cnr operation in acton it act doubtful however ilespitu the antagonism of those representing the town and the business community to tlu cn r s action that there will he a favorable reaction to the meeting ihe chairman although he allowed ample opportunity for free discussion and yive all sides equal time was hardly sympathetic to the public view and his report will quite likely decide the fate of the station although the future ol acton could hang on he balance ol the decision mr ruperts report will not be made public his findings will go to the railway transport committee and they will make ihe tmal recommendation wed be remiss indeed it we didnt challenge the right ol the committee to keep this matter scire since it affects the future ot the town and its people we can imagine this sort ol thing happening in a communist state where the government made decision and the public be damned hut this is a crown corporation operating within a tree societyi one thing the meeting did clear up was that it is unite possible the station here was making a prolit when operations started phasing out i here have been coulvtless suggestions that the acton statioh was not a moneymaker one other mysterious matter however lias not been cleared up although the cnruomts to remove the agent herefliercvus no mention at the hearing olreijiovlitg the station a notice posted in the station clearly slates the railway was inakiijjipplication lor authority to close the ageiuy mul reimwe the station is tins a laux pas has the railway made a concession or is that another step in the phasing out ol operations here although well hardly be waiting breathless tor the result ol the hearing it was pleasing to see there were several acton people interested intensely in what outside influences had in mind lor them it was also heartening to see the interest ol high school students in the towns luture and a desire to participate in any decisions it was obvious iroin the complaints and suggestions advanced at the meeting that the railway is still an important lucet ol hie m acton it vas also obvious that acton people are more interested in acts than theories ol service sttt jjrtss editorial page comment its bscn unusual and grants mg to sec the public response to the- news that the bcardinorc whistle would stop blowing we cant recall when a subject has caused people not only to talk not onh to complain but to ai nulls plume or stgn a petition in this business ue olten see an issue come up of vital conccrn and yet a farreaching decision will mils cause a ripple or no reaction at allamong people vitally allcitcd a plea for life even da rclaliveh speakine rtiv world loses tlu entire population in children ol 1 medium sued i anidiin cits 1 liit s every da ot the week eer month of the ear fcven da 30 000 children du ot hunger and disease what can a dime dropped in an orange and black i ml i i bus on halloween night accomplish in tin tace ot such a niindshattering dails tragedv the child holdinc the i mil i 1 ins issue had a sentimental angle and mavbe that accounts lor it nobocu was lurious nobody was blaming nicotic our congratulations to all the people who ottered their opinion so pleisinth and our own personal thanks to norm hrauli and the heardinore board lor acquiescing our links with the past are tew enough lets keep the heardinore whistle blowing another century united villous childrens i unci will tell sou that one dune will pioviclc 0 gl isses ol milk anywhere m tlu woild small coin ironi mans people across the country on halloween night will undoubtedly keep that mcdiumsied city lull ot children who died sesterdic alive and well lodis ml cluldicii have a right to live labi sound i all children will also hac a chance tot a good education doiulion to i ml t i will speed that ideal aloiil i r pkctc fem the part sal hatty mhttakm of acton eng land visited acion in the 1930s and presented to the village the copv ol the acton england crest that hangs now in the town hall in the group picture taken at moorecrofl the ivome ot mr and mrs h p aaoore are left to right back rbvu amos mason hartley ham son john b kennedy dr nelson tronr row r m macdonald h t moore sir harrv bnrtain mrs g a dills i the picture at the right are mrs moore mrs g a dills sir harry and h p moore sir harry was enter tained bv live town fathers and free press editor mr moore when he made the presentation i 1 or impressionistic view ol inlornallonsl plowing match was taken from the air by pork wood photographic don hills i siripnil liiiilstiitiiiirrarvlriik hordns olprnpli iinc purkml i urs riiilribuln i itui gnoipntrii pntlimi don hills photo sugar and spice by bill smiley ivery so often i gel niysell into sucli a hind that a lani lilatlc ami a lull ul iml water seem llie onlylinnoiablc way nut hie siilc reason i am slill with yon is hut either my wile lus jusl ruined my last blade shaving her lege nr everybody in the house has just liul 1 lialli anil iheics no hot water lell im in one nt these now hind that is not liilh i nsl nl all the slovaks jie alter me in a recent coliiinn alioiil tile f cells i used not inadvertently the phrase those lousy slovjks six ol my i j slovakiaii readers look exception leading ii out ol context as people always do when they want to take exception no less u person than i oms jorek secretary ol hie slovak llenehl society read my article by chance hy chance my toot it was obviously sent to inm by some lousy oech he wrote a letter to the editor which ends with ihe intriguing cxpicssion whoever is going to seed a lute will find hmisell in a hatred another letter to the editor signed by si slovak veterans suggested that i was not only ignorant hut a member ot some nni sic organization well id rather he lousy than both ignorant and a nai i am ignorant was lousy when i was a i ow and have not heen nor ever expect to be a nai unouslv this letter too contains the expression ii you arc going to seed a iia1i vou will find yoursell in a lulled i ollusion what well good slovaks and youi ladies i apologize ii our educational system was any good youd have known what i meant the original said here you are a good honest bohemian czech alter world war i sou lie thrown in with those lousy slovaks and told vou are now a vcehoslovakiau let s change that make it lead ilere vein aie a liood honest sleivak alter i lie idea ol lilin censorship is under lire more olten than its lack but no less a person than raymond massey says he lavorstit and that he cant even tell the plots ot some modern lilnis without blushing mushes nuiv keep souk ol the public away ironi the theatre and it is likelv that boredom will set in and the tuneral will come soon alter i lie 1nnted word world war i you are lliinwn in with those lousy llolieiiiiaus ami tnlil you are now a echo slovakiaii and thats alioiil what ihey hunk ol each oilier divide and coniuer i always say hut now ill have the cells at lei me ihe next llalkan war may lie louglil light lieie in anidi willi yours liuly slap in the middle hie only way out ihal i can see is to liny two lickels in llie next hall sponsored hy the slovak henelil soeiciy hill even llie vision ol slavering slovaks and choking czechs seeking my blood doesnt bother me nearly as much as the next oideal ju my ciinenl hind id rallier lace km ol them hare handed 111 in go iii rough willi il i have to make a speech tollie womens institute i would rathe walk barefoot over a glowing lied ot red hot go go girls than make the speech however its my own fault i lieu secretary wrote me lasl june asking me to speak i ignored ihe teller hoping it would go away or that id die i hen came the mail stnke ihouglit i was sate not so i ally septeinhei she wrote again sharply reminding me still i stalled but no use ii wasnt my sense ol honor that made inc accept it was the tact that the secretarys daughter was in my home form i very day she sal and looked at me with huge reproachlul eyes i mally i broke and blurted all right maisha all right lell your mom ill do h she heamed her leach hadnt lei her down what in the holy old icdcycd world does one say to a gioup ol lust class women who have already heard a speaker on every possible topic well i have my opening paiagraph ready it goes like this ihe womens institute should be wiped out willi lire and sword if necessary speaking as a man i would like to see every hiancli smashed all lecoids put to the flames and any executive members who unghi he caught sent to aiudas lundia to spend the lest eil their lives making moiious and resolutions and phoney 1 skimo caivings and not asking people to speakto them on second thought inavtie id belter take on the entire zcchslovak population ot anada and get it ovei with quickly the agon free press phone b53 2010 buitrn nd editorial 0ic fsmmvlfj in 117 iul pufcillhavj viry ui tiiliy i v wim v a ism oftufiu lavchr of iw auwl i bciiu sj cinuulum tlu ofvua ud ousa uvinn rl om raoutu lulun i pjwblr tr jtu moo ui cavaaai tm ill t 4junisvt ulhar llavn f ir 1 uau bapim uh aulkuvmj wimd cut aiwj kmi omilat waarinwni 0 vjsniuaj i akiyu o hi- sunjiisun itui itw twrn ul viffrifjaiiril tltw lljt pulltun ui iks 4jtniua4 iau4 qc kupwml b vkt ftn turn uajflwr tbuk rslkkw lkt4ju tin u4jlaiuh uui mot w thawtwtl leu lull lau asli of la jswnimjuabj ttoi im pauj ick iwlfli raw la ik sbi uj i marjju4j tfu 44hrtunjj aato ot wm wrunj pwi toad w hniw us am br vau ajsaniuaj t tuntjiy ott4 iti wtl nd nu k itkjw l urn iimu wu avtuhit wbl l j ot lul tbitj 1 otua pubutlktr haulity coit tvui kyaw 20 years ago lukcn fiom ihe issue nl llie i lee frees i huiuluy october m lih smi utlciiilixl ii unlet y dinner in ihe hulled chinch monday evening krv ilckeihlg spoke to the luiue crowd a prokiiim wus preseuleil alter llie dinner two deer weie killed hy innloiuls ehiiing llie pad week on s highway between acton ami milton ihe aliniuu luive a ciokklng oil the highway helow sivysldr ihe ciicjsses wcie cent in ellilllhllpu- llletlllllloll mr ul mrs iimii ook it it aillui aie imppy iii uliuimince llie ainvitl ol i hjhelli jean u sislei hu hilly lui slliidav october i at ihe nlirmug home duel ah si llie lust hakes ol mniw may well be a leniinilei any nl jluu d v to aliei dnvni itabils aeiuinil when liaveuuills were diy winners ul lakeside itilll hndgi and euchie weduesilay eveiiiiig in the y weie mrs i eatlieiland mis lllow w i llcilly w lalhiil mrs d m itll in vis s norlonmrs marks a i ryer ihu hoiue ol mrs a i niiklin mi llowei ave hil been sold in hen uaclihu iiiiii mis 1 ionle has puichau d llie sicoul lionic puue leeenlly oci npuil liy mis lennie oiyileu slreil hghl willage has heen icdueiil aiiuiil iii pei i iiil during die nun nl powei sluiitage 50 years ago taken iimu the issue ot hie i in ircss iliuisilayoci 11 imh at hie last meeting ol i upiesing cuiincil the lax collectors lur hie year were appointed as billows waid no i knliert joyce no 2 henry may no henry wilson no m i turner no s s ii i uidsay no joseph maiclimenl a very succesvlul sale was held lor ihe executors ol hie laic john dickeiisou i lainosa on luesday ol last week ihe attendance was large and ihe bidding was husk one horse brought s2 1 i oil a grade steer call went to the hid ol ii king dai dtielph lor s17s mixed gram brought si 10 per cwl ihe total amount ol hie sale was shs00 it j kerr ol acton was the auctioneer ihe hnck work ol the new shoe lactory is aboul completed and contractor mackenzie is getting the mot ol ihe hig stiucture placed miss ilia mclheisop was home iiuiji rmorfti over sunday mr irarles a d matthews came up from lorniilo on saturday to aiteud the fuiicrul ol hie late i red ii storey mrs william small and master doidon and miss marguerite ol kilhndc visited at the home ol mrs alice mellieison itowci ave this week al the art museum the sign hands olf was conspicuously displayed hetore the statue ol venus de milo a small child looked from the sign to the statue anybody could see thai she said dryly 75 years ago lukcn horn tlu- kim ol the i ice irov liitnstiiv iiiihi m h ivopti in liking intliin siiiiiinor now w huiklinl muiumi j pri nil lui it jill it dlltllstt t il iinul vullty itn i htliy iiinsl ijiii onihhtuisi hit sliwiitluwn i iiiiu iy ul wiich mr i ii nu mm k in iniilf is lummy out linr ivi iitul liilliir now f a tu u ti iifklni in niyitiwry1 iiniltitook ii i mi hu milton ihi- lifll ltsl wmk tliiniik in t nit iliifiath i tok ill wu uiulii in iiilliih 1 1 liquor mil will ot piimislimuoi liii so i ay ocv slouys liniu iy i in it ilown lur i lew uy wliiti ihiiii iittsi in titiiujf itijiii illtouflllmll iii hi w llullllillpl uiv i i siihiii ol kowooil milm i in in mi ilioli il dliiiiili mi umliv iiioiniii iiki ui v a i irwin tn jin iviiniik luy wwc holli i iioyii lv lilt lifll l ohm j ttlllll nil t nl mow muiy hnplil i yi o dun liow inuiy oil lnikv utow pair liow ininy invtly liirtn intc iwiy into tin loinii mil mm in h ii hu inrtllnl itlnhtril llifir c tovilinr u loini allir 1 it wlionri ol midden ilha in tlnnuii willi t onvuuliiis mri mi ki iifn in i linn il iy t vt tunj7 iptnn l i m nit im hi in ihiii ippoinli il lo in tliiitt ill ik silvllhil army in o 100 years ago i iim ii tioin lilt i lit ol i iil kuiiiiii linnpioii millon ot loin i ihnh i iil loy il pi opk ol mojiim il in etcuiuy 1 hfonl ililiu ul id i mip ly in iiilii lily loslinit t hi 000 on iil funiuil dial il ii h sirilik ioivl lxpiiwion lo llir loyally wihlii i xi i in lln in nl ol ill c nullum whili wr iljoitl tliil moriliril wiiilii riiii lln it pn mililiun ol htf mijcsly mil lutiiii lln t irluiin nl hiiiliiings in ihij mil wi mippnlil ii be luinldi with i cm mi m mil annex ilion i llius tiboui lo publilly kiiiovl lln siimi nndur whitli il ililii we mi ol llit opinion tlul her majlity would he in hli iltmad il the moiily win ikvokd to oinc clurilahlc or hentvokut purpol mil kditilinn il to il jiillii who would tlur he moic honond ind jyfililully rcuilinheied hy iol who wtn r lipn nl of oil bounty i han hy 1 iijoiil uionuiiiliil 111 ihe lily of m011irc1l wl ml jul lo kmi tlul an cllort is inm iti idhil to do mjiriclluny in milton for jht ttih ol the hlurvuik uinirjiiln ol ihe ued uivci sctllcniliil scvumi ulmllernen have mioksilij thtju xivls in he nutlcr md toiihiknu is lxpksslil llul jiuple nutcnil loi m lxlliilhi lohclm could lastly he ohtuincd itui this 1 niercly j mjjython which nuy or nuy nol he adopted is nuy he ic olvcd upon at j yultuiy ol ill inkilsicd lo lake place at jfi tally dilt acton has done her pari iiohly would it nol he well that other local 1 lie ueli is jakvilk f icorclown and ol iil r place should do hkcwi a salt and pepper by ha m loy coles when i get sick and tired nl the viet nam wai rising laxes ihe color liar in the us and other discouraging news in the daily press i sometimes turn lo the advice columns lor a lew laughs it never fails to give mc a lilt makes me rcahc my troubles are niirnseule compared to the heavy hurdens which alllict uthers i or instance the other day a lady wrote in to say she was sick and tired of reading letters from wives complaining aboul husbands snoring she said her husband was one of the best snurcrs shes ever heard i ach niglit she goes down on her knees with thanks that a champion snorer is in her bed ibis npsnorer wakes his wile up with a symphony ot sound she lies cmiclly watches nun get badly needed rest and drain out the sound which had been accumulating all day somc wives she reports tie then husbands jaws shut with men uyluns tu stop the noise others strap bicycle hums to their head tins makes her mad let cm go she urges dood advice wish m better halt would take it all i get is a good dig ui the ribs in llie middle of the night 1 usually wake up and ask wazia madder house burning down or did you get a new spear tuday dear you wcie snunng she returis indignantly i never heard anything i answer innocently besides 1 never more thats good for a deep tluoatraspuig laugh any uight ot the week makes mc shiver the iruli have an expression someones walking over youi grave its appropriate well after youve been wakened up several times heat way you start to gel a sneaking suspicion that perhaps there is sometlung lo the old girls stories after all maybe you aie sneaking jn the odd snore every other fortnight or so maybe v lj scrooec did ins sleeplessness lo an undigested morsel ul sucl pudding or an undone irk chop it that s the case it means cloiri away with the bctwiocd snack which buoys you up tor a whole night ol sleeping id rather put up with the dig in the ribs and the sarcasm ii i dun i eat i cant sleep ii 1 eat ilicre s a chance the odd snort wdl e cape but i sleep besides snoring has always laselnated me 1 had an older friend who could fall asleep at the mere mention ol dorng bulldozing or any utliet kind ol doing i envied hun no matter where he was he could relax close his eyes eipen lus mouth and snoic we used to delight in wakuiy hun up we devised variuus lorms of delicate torture such as releasing lies in his yawning mouth dropping watel in or letting go with a loud ell near his car he had an even temperament hed smile yawn stretch and take a playlul cuff at his tormentors then lean back and resume sleeping some of the best literature ui the i nglisli language- has been written about sleep bill shakespeare expressed his thoughts eloquently lliey gained wide leilown i hkc those ot su fhuip sidney although they nuy be obscure he said t omc sleep o sleep the ecrtaui knot ot peace the baiting pla et wit the balm or woe the poor nuns wealth the prisoners release th mdiflcrent judge between the hcsjli and the low snoring all the great writers ignored it or relcrrcd to it in vulgar verse so i hunk ill take a clack at it tie snoring nun h wile doth opine sounds much like null herdi ot swuve all ot us we do agree the poor nun needs a tonsillectomy

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