Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1968, p. 3

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the acton free pre wednesday october 23 1968 fact rter tkeeriea although lociil industries never bothered to oppose removing the agent from the cnr station in acton there was 11 strong body ol opinion present to voice complaints about express and passenger service at the public meeting i hursday afternoon w i rupert district inspector for the railway transport cofnmlttpc an old cnk man himself listened to a barrage ol accusations about liockmk votten and costly express service since it was shilted to guclph and a charge that the railway treated acton passerigers as second class citizens mr rupert unci six railway representatives were also lold ni very plain talk that the meeting should hdvc been held before not after the phasing out of cnr operation in acton it is doubtful however despite the antagonism of those representing the town and the business community to the n r s action that there will be a favorable reaction to the meeting hie chairman although he allowed ample opportunity for tree discussion mil gave all sides equal time was hardly sympathetic to the public view and his report will quite likely decide the fate of the station although the future ol acton could hang on he balance ol t in decision mr ruperts report will not be nmdc public his findings will go to the railway transport committee and they will make the hnil recommendation wed be remiss indeed it we didnt challenge the right ol the committee to keep tins matter secret since it atlects the future ol the town and its people we can imagine this sort ol thing happening in a communist state where the government made decision and the public beydanined but this is a crown corporation operating within a tree society one- thing the meeting did clear up was that it is unite possible the station hece wjk nuking a prolit when operatiolis slatted phasing out ftttcre have been countless suggestions that the acton station was not a nioneyinaker one other mysterious matter however has not been cleared tip although the cnr wants to remove the agent here lbere was no mention at the hearing ot removing the station a notice posted in the station clearly states the railway was making application tor aiithonlylo close the agency and remove hie station is this a faux pas lias the railway made a concession or is that another step in the phasing out ol operations here although well hardly be waiting breathless lor the result ol the hearing it was pleasing to see there were several acton people interested intensely in what outside influences hail in mind tor them it was also heartening to see the interest ol high school students in the towns future and a desire to participate in any decisions it was obvious irom the complaints and suggestions advanced at the meeting that the railway is still an important lacet ot hie in acton it was also obvious that acton people are more interested in facts than theories ol service its been unusual and grihlymg to see the public response to the news that the beardniore whistle would stop blowing we cant recall when a subject has caused people not only to talk not only to complain but to actually phone or sign a petition in this business we olten see an issue come up ol vital concern and yet a farreaching decision will onlv cause a ripple or no leaction at allamong people vitally altected a plea frr lift every day relatively speaking the world loses the entire population in children ot a medium used canadian citv 1 hats every day ot the week ever month of the year every day 30000 children die ot hunger and disease what can u dime dropped in an orange and black unici i box on halloween night accomplish m the face ol such a inindsliit tenng daik tragedy the child holding the i nic 1 i editorial page 1 ins issue had a sentimental angle and maybe that accounts for it nobody was liirious nobody was blaming anyone our congratulations to all the people who ottered their opinion so pleasantly and our own personal thanks to norm hriuli and the beardniore hoard lor acquiescing our links with the past are tew enough i ets keep the beardniore whistle blowing another century tinted nations luldrens i mid will tell sou that one dime will provide ml glasses ot milk anywhere in the world a small com irom mam people across the country on halloween night will undoubtedly keep that mcdiunisiscd city lull ot children who died yesterday alive and well today ml children have a right to live mas ho someday all children will also have a ihaikc lor a good education don ition to unici i will speed tliit ideal alone j phctc from the paat sw habtv wuttain of acton eng land visited acton in the l30s and presented to the village the copy of the acton england crest that hangs- now in the town hall in the group picture taken at moorecrofr the home of mr and mr h p moore are left to right back rbw amos mason hartley harri son john r kennedy dr nelson front row r m macdonald h p moore sir harry bnllain mrs g a dills in the picture at the right are mrs moore mrs g a dills sir harry and m p moore sir harry was enter tained by the town fathers and free press editor mr moore when he made the presentation impressionistic view ot international plowing latch was taknn from the air by karl wood photoflrflphor don hills stnpd tmili temporary slrints konlns of peopln and parked far lontrlhulo to llm onulric pntlnrn don hills pholo sugar and spice by bill s m i i iveiy so olleii i gel mysell into such a hind that u razoi blade and a tub ol lull water seem hie only hiinoiahle way nut hie sole reiison i am still with you is lliil either my wile has jusl ruined my last blade shaving her legs in eveiyhody in the house has just had a hath and iheies no hot water lei i im in one ot these now hind lliit is not hilli i list ol all the slovaks aie alter me in a recent column about the czechs i used not inadveilently the phrase those lousy slovaks six ol my i slovakian readers look exception leading it mil ol context as people always do when they want to take exception no less a person than i mils dnrck secretary ol the slovak heuefil society read my article hy diancc lly chance my foot ll was obviously sent lo him by some lousy cell he wrolea letter to the editor which ends wilh die intriguing expression whoever is going lo seed a hale will find himself in a hatred anothei letter to the editor signed tiy sis slovak veterans suggested that i was ml only kinokant but a member of sonic nazi sic organization well id rather he lousy than holh ignoiaut and a nazi i am ignorant was lousy when i was a io w and have not been nor ever expect to he a nai cimously tins letter too contains the expression if you are going to seed a had you will find yourself in a hatted collusion what well good slovaks and your ladies i apologize 11 our cducit ninil system was any good youd have known what i meant the original said here you aie a good honest bohemian czech alter world war i you ate thrown in willi those lousy slovaks and told vou are now a czcchoslovakiai lets ihiugc that make it read here you are a good honesi slovak alter i he idea ol lilnt censorship is under tire more olten than its lack but no less a person than raymond massey says he lavors it and that he cant even tell the plots ol some modern hints without blushing blushes may keep some ol the public away irom the theatre and it is likely that boredom will set in and the tuneral will come soon alter the printed word world war i you aie thtowii in with those lousy bohemians and lold you aie now a czccho slovakian and thats about what ihey llimk ol each oilier divide and eouiiiei i always say dill now ill have ihe czechs altei me i he next haitian wai may he loiighl ughl here in canada with yours liuly slap in the middle hie only way mil that i can see is to buy two tickets to ihe nexl bull sponsored by ihe slovak henclil society hut even the vision ol slavenng slovaks and choking czechs seeking my hlnod doesnt bother me nearly as much as ihe next oideal in my current hind id rather luce km ot tlilin haichandcd than go through with il i i i it i have lo make a speech lollie womens institute i would ralhci wulk biiefoot over a glowing lied ol red hoi go go girls than make the speech llowevei its my own fault i llm secretary wrote me tasl june asking me lo speak i ignored the letter hoping it would go away or thai id die i hell came the mail strike i hoiivhl i was safe not so i ally sepleuiher she wrote again sharply reminding me still i stalled hut no use ll wasnt my sense of honor thai made me accept it was the tact that ihe secretarys daughter was in my home form i very day she sal and looked at me with huge icproachfiil eyes i in illy i broke and minted all light maisha all right i ell youi mom ill do it she beamed her leach hadul let hei down what m the holy old redeyed world does one say to a group of firstclass women who have already heard a speaker on every possible topic well i have my opening piragraph ready it goes like this i he womens institute should he wived out with fire and sword if necessary speaking as a man 1 would like to see every hrancti smashed all tcuiids put lo ihe flames and any executive members who might he caught sent to anadas tiindla to spend the rest of their lives making motions and resolutions and phoney i skimn carvings and not asking people lo speak to litem on sccyrid thought maybe id belter take on ihe entire zeclislovau population ot c anada and gel it over with quickly the acton free press phone 853 2010 butinvtt nd editorial otttcm l umism l aulu osuavw hfit- tkf haw tuji survw uf ctnuulu ik cwha mj omt4 ajttitj mm ruin ufc uiwruj smiij cuu lauil isii offtt wstfumni otist adtntu4 14 f m lw tujiium llul t itw mm ol tvefhthf htfaj erruf hum pufitu uf ika fcttarttuaj tjjwat mt iutltl um ilw itnuklui iim usulm ttuk pmfeauavw ilmau liar ihmiiih mh mo mt tlurfd lof but ik tuuw ml uw 7 wtil w u lor w hm hhinvli tu la i4 i ui fm4ui twm ijmiami mtmt w wri ai ttvnmf mhm kstald mt twt u4 w wu tttu m rinhr 1 w wu j hi mmkavatbtl j a luu mm minn uj j c ust du tki vuumjmf cofanthi htt 20 years ago i liken lionl the lulu ol ihe i ivc iress ililliidiiyoilolnr jh lmh sim iilliiided a luikcy dliinri in ihe hulled lillreh monday fveiiing uev imckerlug smike to ihe large crowd a iprogiiini wui presented aller llii two deer wei killed hy luoloruls during ihe pusl week oil is lllgliway lietweeu acton and milton ihe anliiials have a rousing m iii highway helow speytade- hie caicasses weif sent to cliiintuhle uitlilututiih mr ami mrs lleib conk it k ailul me liapoy lo iiiinoiime the at rival ol i habelh jemi a siser tin hilly on sunday oclhher i al ihe nulling llnnie iiielnhsi ilie lusl lllikes ol snow may well he a leiiiindei any ol llise days lo allei driving liahlts acijillitd when piiveineiits were dry winners al lakeside lotll budge and eucliie widuesilay evening in ihe y were mis lealheilhiid mis blow w i lleally w iui10i mis milelliu mrs s niulnn mis marks a i ryer ihe home ol mis a i nieklln on llower ave has luen sold lo hen uielilin and mrs i ioole has puiehaud ihe seemd home more iiienlly occupied hy mis jennie diydeu slieel hghl wallage has been reduced about iii per lent diiiuir ihe liiiierit power dioilage back issues 75 years ago taken from ihe issue n the i un irrn i huisdiyoe lolier ji ihii ivople an talking luihiin siiuniirr now w llenislieil see mod u prize on ills lentil il roiilsleis al mod valley on i litluy agiinsl iglil liidipeliliiii hie sltwarlliwii ijniiiuy ill wllieli ml i ii nnklui is niiiiuiii is idriiliikpiil fine gloves and lillui now a man lesnhiik m nnssiigiiweyii liudeilook lo ring ihe miltiln lire lull last week diiiiugan ilileilliniiinrl anil nke h wis iiuilii ihe iiiiiiiiiiii of hiior ibid will be punished lor his so djjj inke sloieys i hiiiiiy is slim dnwfi for a few days while sli mi pipes are hxirig filled lliioiiglinil iii new huildiug kevi i j s1i111 i itockwood jiinicliiif ni the milhodisl ihiiiejl on siuidiy uioriiiug mil rev a i liwm li ihe evenuim ihey wire holh eiioyed hy ihe larye eoneiealiniis present how many liiiyln ryi s go ilini how many soil ilueks uiow pale how ninny lovely foruis lade away into the louih and none eau lell ihe i nisi lliil hhghleil then loveliness ol i01111 allii a few hours of sudden illness h emiiing with loiiviiuiiiiih mis mclsiagiii died i liuisilay eveiuiig apt nil ii ee ol main inlei has heen aipniniid in hie c iiiik o mm salvallou army in n 50 years ago 10 v a laken iiiiiii ihe issue ol ihe lieu 1iess iliuisilayocl ii ihh al the lasl meeting ol i sipiesuig council the lux olleclois for the yeal wete appointed as follows ward no i rnlierl joyce no ilrniy may no 1 henry wilson no l m i liunerno s s ii lindsayno h joseph muiliuiiciii a very successful sale was held fin ihe executors ol the late john dilkeusoii i lamosa on luesduy of lasl week i lie alleiiilinee was large and the hidding was busk one horse hiouglil 1jii 111 a guile steei calf went in ihe hid ol ii king a iiielph for si7s mixed giain hroiighl si 10 pel cwl ihe total amount of the sale was shs00 it j ken ol acton was ihe auctioneer ihe huck work of the new shoe factory is about completed and contracloi mackenzie is gelling ihe mot of the lug structure pluced miss i lla mclhcrsofi was hoiic liotn tnuiihh aver stluday mr charles a i matthews caine up from loioiilo on saturday lo attend the funeral ol ihe laic i red ii storey mrs william small and master lordoii and miss margiienle ol kilbride visited al the home of mis alice mclhcisou lluwei ave tins week al the ail museum ihe sign hands oil was conspicuously displayed before the statue of venus de mil a small child looked from the sign to ihe statue anybody could see lhal she said dryly laken limn ihe issue of lln- auadian haiiipiiiu milloudi lolier ihih ihe loyal ru opk ol mouiri al are erecting a lironi slalue of her map ly in their cily liilui 110 001 mi ihe giniind lhal ii is disiiahli in uivi ixpiislnn lo the loyally which exists in tin iiimiis of all alladlalis wlnli we icinci lhal montreal which ulhil ihe ii iiii senlalimi of her majesty and liiiinl liie i irhiiiieni hulldiiigt in ihtl and was supposed lo he tainted with iiiiiiiiil ami annexation is thus about 10 piihhcly iiiiiovl ihe sliina under which 11 leslid we an- ol ihe opinion ihut her majesty would he heiirr pleased if ihe money wen devolid to vuue charitahlti or henevoli ul purpose and dedicating ii to the uueen who would thus he more honored and gratefully remembered hy those who wen- reciiiinls ol the bounty than hy a inonze uiiimimenl in the city ol montreal we are jrlnl to learn thai an elforl is being made in do soiuilhing in milton for ilia relief of lie ulurving emigraiilt if the bed kiver sellleincul several geiillemeu have interesled themselves in the mutter anil conlidi nee is expiessid thai ample material lor an excellent concert could easily he obtained hut this is merely a suggestion which may or may not be adopted as may be nuilvcd upon at a meeting of ill interested lo lake place jt an early dile acton has dune her part nolily would il not lie well thai oilier localities iieh ioakvdll i orgelowu and other jilaecs should do hki wi e t salt and pepper by hartley coles when i get sick and lired ol the viet nam war rising taxes the color bar in the iis and oilier discouraging news in the daily press i sometimes turn to ihe advice columns foi a few laughs it never fads lo give me a lift makes me realize my troubles arc miniscule compared to the heavy burdens winch altlict others for instance the othei day a lady wrote in lo say she was sick and tired of readme letters from wives complaining about husbands snoring she old has husband was one of ihe best snorers dies ever heard i ach night she goes down on her knees with thanks that a champion snorer is in her bed this npsnorcr wakes his wife up with a symphony of sound she lies quietly watches him gel badly needed rest and drain out the sound which had been accumulating all day some wives she icporls lie their husbands jaws shut with lieu nyluns to stop the noise others strap bicycle horns lo their head this makes her mad let em go she urges good advice wish my better half would take it all i get is a good dig in the ribs in ihe middle of the nigln i usually wake up and ask wasza madder house burning down or did you get a new speir today dear you were snoring she retorts indignantly i never heard anything i answei innocently besides i never snore thats good for a dp throatraspuig laugh any night of ihe week makes me shiver the irish have an expresiton someones walking over your giive its appropriate well after youve been wakened up several times that way you start to get a sneaking suspicion that perhaps there is something to the old girls stones after all maybe you are sneaking in the odd snore every other fortnight or so maytle you can trace it like ole scroou1 did ins sleeplessness lo an undigested morsel ol suet pudding or an undone pork chop it tfiats the case it means doing away with the beforebed snack winch buoys you up for a whole night of sleeping id rather put up wilh the dig in the ribs and the sarcasm if i dont eat i cant sleep if 1 eat theres a chance the odd snort wdl cscarie but i sleep besides snoring lias always fasciruted me 1 had an older friend wfio coidd fall asleep at the mere mention of dozing bulldozing or any other kind of dozing i envied him no matter where he was he could relax close fin eyes open his mouth and snore we used to delight in waking him up we devised various forms of delicate torture such as releasing flics in his yawning mouth dropping water in or letting go with a loud yell near his ear he had an even temperament hed smile yawn stretch and take a playful cuff al his tormentors then lean back and resume sleeping some of the best literature in the english language has been written about sleep bill slukespeaie expressed his thoughts eloquently they gained wide renown i like those of sir phdip sidney although they imy be obscure he said come sleep o sleep the certain knot of peace the baitingplace of wi die balm of woe the poor nuns wealth the prisoners release th indifferent judge between the high and the low snoring all the great writers ignored it or leferred to it in vulgar verve so i think ill take a crack at it the snoring man hjs wile doth opine sounds much like many herds ol swuu all of us we do agree the pool nun needs a tonsillectomy

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