Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1968, p. 10

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gfl the acton fr pratt wednesday october 30 1968 editorial page os3i5a25kee55 time u fuhniha cut the frustrations of politicians tit the local level arc building into u tremendous pressure as the province still tries to contain the need for larger units of government the term regional government has gone largely undefined ami hus thus taken on in the minds of muny the feeling it is the ultimtitd unswer to a hoit of prohlems but tinu is running mit for the province to take stejw tt define regional government jiul invplement it onsonio logical basis that time- is running out is evident in several developments lulucalioii will be placed at- the county level at the beginning of 96 and all school boards and boards of education in llalton will be merged burlington council has approved an application to the ontario municipal hoard to obtain city status despite the advice it will cost i 0000 more to operate as a city rather than a town the municipal officials are opting for the city title oakville councillors hearing burlington was considering city status proposed an amalgamation of- oakville and burlington and designation of the whole area as a city burlington chose to go it alone peel county council has proposed to the province that legislation be adopted to form the regional municipality of peel municipal affairs minister darcy mckeough reportedly promised a reply to the brief within a month llalton county has a committee patterned after the peel group and including tie same expert as peel used to draft a somewhat similar ttroposul for this county the plunkett report on local government hus been duly interred despite tlit high hopes local legislators held loi i to provides the final word oil everyones interpretation of regional government the smith kepdrt on taxation has been received with it etldorsemtn of larger forms of local government and the select committee has reported on hut report it too called for early action on regional government noting particularly that people wemore ready for it that government action would indicate the only other outstanding report on the area seems to be of all things a report titled the metropolitan toronto and region transportation study its the report for which a group of officials set out to consider transportation and ended up setting several possible development patterns for a vast area of the province a special meeting on the study was held here recently municipalities have been given to the end of the year to comment on this report which would indicate little action on it may be evident before midlo time is running out though ctif tcm the heart perhaps the best comment on the recent budget in which a two percent increase in personal income tax was included is this eloquent and indignant letter from a small buiiricssman in a recent magazine dear editor i regret that the condition of my bank account has delayed payment of my subscription my shattered financial situation is due to the effect of federal laws provincial laws municipal laws county laws corporation laws liquor laws traffic laws bylaws outlaws and inlaws these laws compel me to pay excise taxes municipal taxes business taxes custom taxes sales taxes and federal and provincial income taxes in addition i am forced by the strong arm of the law to pay for a business licence dog licence hunting licence fishing licence and marriage licence for my own protection i carry life insurance hospital insurance liability insurance burglary insurance property insurance fire insurance rent insurance compensation insurance mortgage insurance accident insurance and old age insurance my business is so governed that i am regulated inspected disrespected suspected rejected dejected examined reexamined summoned and fined until i have no time left to devote to the business uclf 1 can tell you in all honesty sir that but for a miracle which has occurred i would not be in any position to forward the enclosed cheque the wolf that conies to so many doors these days has just had pups in my kitchen i sold them and you get the money yours etc what ctherj jay im inclined to wonder about the value to the county of the warden flying to palm springs california to receive an award for a county film the award was given by a group of filmmakers and could conceivably be received by the man who made the film i understand the county councillors were polled by telephone for their opinion on the junket with a majority voicing support i still doubt the necessity of such a jaunt jim dills in the canadian champion d phetoj jhm the jtajt thi brilliant colors of autumn havo faded in the november haze while na tures barvott of berries and fallen laaves await first snows in the quiet stillness staff photo sugar and spice by b i i ley mm a ttttmj mctum of sir harry bvirtaln follows up the two that appeared here last week in this one the crest that he presented from acton england to ac ton ontario is clearly shown it hang now on the town hall wall lust outside the council chamber free press editor h p moore is pictured with sir harry last month i wrote of my annual love affair with september it seemed to hit the spot fan mail doubled from two to four letters i even received a declaration of love from a lady who shall be nameless but october is another matter i think we canadians love it in a different way this most glorious niunth of the year its the month when we wake up come alive feel the blood coursing through our hardening arteries its a shattering experience for someone from another country to visit canada in october they are used to a change in the fall their leaves turn pallid browns and yellows but when they see a viita of woods and water on a golden canadian october day they are literally stricken breathless we say pretty aint it an irishman might say in awe dear god himself has dumped a rainbow all but the blue into your woods and the blue he has flung entirely into your water but the vast mad artists palette thrown across the country is only part of the october scene and mood theres a quickening of the spirit that infects everyone fall fairs those stubborn relics of a pioneer day add their special flavor parades and pumpkin pies hot dogs and horse races and the warm yellow wine of a canadian october day are unforgettable hunters go into their special trance in this month they crouch in duck blinds they crawl through fences they curse their misses and sometimes their missuses who cant see the point of it all golfers go goofy in october desperately trying to get in the last few rounds losing balls by the dozen among the fallen leaves and praying for one more good weekend sailing enthusiasts snatch every chance to get out in that perfect weather the month so often provides nice breeze warm sun water so blue it makes your heart leap and so cold it makes your hands ache oft the cuflf first there was a bit in one magazine that a scientist at lethbridge alta discovered certain varieties of seed grow better if you point them north and faster then in another magazine two days later researchers at kansas state university had found white meat is juicier if you cook a turkey upsidedown finally a manitoba crop report full of bad weather waterlogged fields immature crops frost damage sprouting in the swath and rotting but it ended with the sentence wild roses were in bloom in the ditch two miles east of cross september i somehow the world is alright ont federation of agriculture bulletin october is ecstasy for i lie sport fun world scries pro hockey and football at its height he can sit staring at the machine until he neurs senility and has to be spoonfed great month for the student he has got through that muddle of september and can now settle down to the serious business of falling in love falling behind in his work and falling into deep water in that order and then theres the burning of the leaves a ritual which should he on the canadian coat of arms theres a tremendous satisfaction in scooping up a bushel basket of dry leaves piling them on the fire on a dusky october eve and seeing the orange and yellow flames spear skyward scaring the telephone wires every year i feel a pang of pity for the apartmentdweller with no leaves to burn hes like a kid who never gets a firecracker of his own to set off on the 24th of may and when does the citydweller ever get the sheer human satisfaction of seeing a sprightly northwest breeze pick all the leaves off his lawn and deposit them accurately on the lawn of his neighbor who hates leaves and is always trying to keep his lawn raked and the thrill of the apple crops the soft little fruits of september the peaches and pears that go rotten so quickly are gone and you drive through the orchard country trees drooping with red and you pick up a bushel of spies and you bite and the juice spurts right over your shoulder food for the gods provided their teeth are not falsies and theres just enough sadness as october nears its end and days shorten and trees bare and gloomy november puts his clammy nose over your shoulder to heighten all the joys of this most remarkable month and make it something that is distinctly canadian and distinctly you the acton free press phone 8533010 butni and ednvil oh tern ftuuhud ui tn tad at a lulu tl ry itim ri in i h wuim si uto oium utmbtr j iw audit kunuu uf cvcuulta ill- cwm4 uj owma adtifttuaf tiut um wium lulkcrt tuia atu fltuc uto tm catu tli m til tuumimt uiktr t caaad ub ca4 itv auihonttd tad cum uau ktu omtc wmlwi cniu 4dirtuiaj m tmttaiaj a h iimuitlkmi llui t lh vl uf viirttmfj imw iku puritan of ilw tdtcntuaj firt ox- uani b ik w ium iaiik- wttli nmujubw alkmeju far ufmtufv will eul fc ihirttfj to but ikt ut of uu iittffllnmni will w d tar l mm aafllttibu tat let tht nt of itaarkttl amor advrt4iafl afnili or wfwt i itnimf ptia oad or wtvun hit hoi w told adttiifuf t hunty m ohm u ull mj nuv w miihjfutt a uv tuu ntf ftut uj yuhfchtj c uj daihl ft drib pmbutbr mahim cab vm a4 war coptntu lj sttt press back i s sue 8 20 years ago 75 years agp tukon from the issue of ihe free press thursday november 4 imh more hydro shortage urul no improvement in sight so be prepared for more cuts appurently no one knows how bad the hydro meu rcuhy l the united church was reopened this week with an imprrxlve service after extensive reiiovatlonk ilierc uu new choir arrangement for dealing and a chancel effect to the front of the sanctuary the curling rink wullsive to be mads ufo uilhe youngsters of the town will he utile to enjoy skating their the llapllsl actons olitesf church celebrated its i0ilh anniverury on sunday with hev flank patch of flamillnn us guest xpeaker there was alio special miiiic which was much enjoyed television sets are coining on the market and the price range it between 700 und shim hut they ure not essential to living in these purtk yet isiiiesings new cnniinuiuly centre was officially opened this week at stewurllnwn it will contain ihe municipal olfices council chamber und assembly hall to hold a lot of the social gathering in the township 50 years ago luken from the issue of the free press lliursday november 7 imh in addition to ihe prizes referred to lust week as won at georgetown fair by jordan luwsnn son of chief lawuin he won mr fred j ilurhers specials for best map of the county of llalton and best map of north america when it is known that jordan dues his drawing with his left hand ihe right having been incapacitated through infantile paralysis the credit to this bright young draftsman is all the greater the campaign for ihe victory loan started off particularly well in acton district ihe km per cent honor banner was won by the acton tunning company and lleardmorc und company the first day ilruden at milton on saturday october 2d to mr and mrs j a li ilruden hamster twin children a son and a daughter salt and pepper by hartley cola taken from ihe issue of the free press thursday november 2 ih93 when isuiuesing council met in the council chambers at isuueslng there was a big hal of claims for sheep killed amounting to m from mrs robert starred alfred owens j c cook wni iloare christopher cook wm shorluj a i mclean thos anderson robert mchnery john fccles undjohii fvuns messrs newton and sonsof llrilohome have not definitely decided nn ihe rebuilding of the woollen factory which was burned down it is very doubtful if liiiehouse will ever again hear the hum of this important industry georgetown capitalists are very uiixlous to secure the enterprise for that town successful in passing their examinations al lome school were alice hrown mlria gamble muggle harnei ricllard levins joseph lynd mabel alexander luie mullonald luxle gamble jennie cameron ada alexander james mcdonald annie nellie llfown clinton swackhamer ada townsend 100 years ago taken fromlhe issue of the canadian champion milton october 20 ihnh the grecian bend is being introduced into the wilds of lrlii one young lady previously supposed to he sensible has adopted it a number of gentlemen in milton the day after the county show were practising the grecian bend or a bend of some kind at least in wellington square on monday night some sacrilegious rascals broke into the- temperance i lull und broke open the sunday school library desk scattering the books around ihe hall and carrying off a small book containing jjie voluntary contributions of the scholars they then went to the presbyterian church broke into the vestry and carried off some towels from thence they proceeded to the roman catholic church but it is not fully known what they look from it it is not fully known the amount of their depredations as it was not discovered until wednesday to see yourself as others see you can be a lesson in humility as well as being enlightening take the community we live in it hasnt had the explosive expansion of towns closer to toronto nor have we stood still growth has been steady and it seems the town now stands on the threshold of large development people here are waiting to see whether acton is going to be like some of its neighborsa dreary succession of subdivisions and shopping centres or a well planned balanced community two nearby daily newspapers took a keen look at acton last week one was impressed by the audacity of the residents of the town who werent afraid to tackle the giant cnr operation with one hand and protest the decision to stop blowing the beardmore and co whistle with the other the second ran an article by a former resident saying the old town really hasnt changed much despite a few new homes now for we pseudosophisticates in the great urbanized industrial dormitories of southern ontario says the first mentioned editorial the sources of hometown actons civic concern may be pretty corny stuff a tram station a factory whistle small potatoes to we big city folk with our complex complicated and confounding problems however the paper points out hasnt society for most of we little people become loo complex complicated and confounding it goes on to make a case for getting rid of some of the big city complexes by paying more attention to the simple things of life although it doesnt say so it could have added as practiced by the simple people the materialistic societythe affluent societyisnt a very happy society the editorial continues one of the reasons is that far too few of us are t along time for the simple things of life and even the simple protests how does that make you feel like youre some sort of anachronism left over from the ice age take heart the writer is patting you on the back it may be mickey mouse stuff and hohum stuff but it helps to give life meaning and existing a purpose its great for community spirit and community identity he maintains a few of the fellows who fight the traffic each day from the city or the lakesliore and find peace at night in our borders must be wondering about that sophisticated stuff theyll probably be asking how life differs in a town like acton from cities like oakville or guelph the electric lights have been here for quite a few years we even got indoor plumbing we arent such terrible hicks as you fellers in your ultraexpensive megalopolistic environment might think a few of the local blades have traded their pintos in for mustangswith wheels some of the folks has got telyvision a few has even got colored tubes affluence some of the yokels has enuff left over from their pay packet each week to put some of it in the bank some of their kids has got two pair of socks since they started wearing shoes some of these go past grammar school through high school and even on to university according to the article written by a former resident the town till retains ihe charm of an easy pace there hasnt been much in the way of change taint right i passed at least a dozen people last friday afternoon i didnt know couldnt have happened 10 years ago the old towns bursting at the seams don believe me try and find a place to live im afraid in spite of what superficial observers say or write that we arent much different that our city cousins we are just as harried we worry about whether the train stops or not because sometimes we are in a hurry to go somewhere and wed like to be able to hop aboard we like the five oclock whrtle because we havent go time to consult our watches have to hurry so we can tit around the cracker barrel at the general store and swap stories we even got two jolly boxes over on the east end some folks call them government dairies its true we dont worry none over big problems like the city fellu that archer in front of the toronto city hall for instance looks more like a whales tooth to tome of us others call it great art big problem glad we havent got it nearest we came to a puzzler like that was when the dredges pulled a big log out of fairy lake last year some folks tiid it looked like the loch nets monster other said it looked more like a waterlogged log you tee were not much different from our city cousins

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