Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1968, p. 11

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rqxrts from our readers write tha acton free pren wednoidoy october 30 1968 j3 i hajton mp cxtavra a now ihul purliumcnl hug hccn in utisliiii lor scvorul weeks my life m your member of purliiimciit iiuk settled into u more definite pattern many people linvc uxked me uboul my uitlvihct unit how i ipend my days in purliument in view of lire intcrci1 being uliown in this uspeu ol my work i would like to devote tills column tivwhut might be culled a ltiy m the life of p member of purliument my week begin tin monday morning when i iiriie til 6 30 n hi in order lo tutcli the uirport jltnoikinc ul i lie queen liljibelh motel iii oukville ul m 00 u ni my flight leuvtiti toronto internution airport ul 20 und urrlven jit ottuwu ul 1010 u in by 1 1 00 i uiiiln my office which is hunted in thu weil block where my secrelury his i ho mail iumw und i then dltlulc for u couple ol hours in recent weeks i liuvc hud many yliitori from llullon cull on me in fotluwu i or uxiunple lull week i liud u group ol iiiiu mexlcun ittiidenls villi me ihiy were purl ol the i xperimenl in interiiulionul i ivlnit mid were guests ol oukville residents 1 lie indents itemed lo enjoy their visit to cliliudlls cupilul another duy i hud 1 2 manlier of llie ludlev auxiliary of llie oukville i egion who were in ottuwu unending u legion convention luit week u group of 10 leuchers from the llowurd wriggleiworlh public school in georgetown were louring ottuwu und culled on tue iii uddltlon to group there ure individual who come to olluwu itol lo nee the house ol commons hut lo discuss petionul business wllh me mid i um ulwuys pleased when i urn uhle lo be of ussmiuiicc in hits regard one of he things winch hu umued me moil during my iliorl period ol tune in olluwu is the tremendous resources ol llie federal overnnionl in moil cases i um uhle lo he ol uiiistunce by relerring u constituent to the proper government authority after lunch i iludy the builness ol the mouse lor ihul duy no thai ut 2 10 when the house of commons convenes i um prepared lor the items lo be d inclined when llie house adjourns lor dinner ul tllllp in i return lo my at tier to sign tellers receive messages wiiicii curne lit during the ullcruoori und reid llie ufterniuin inuil tollowing this u group ol members gii oil tiigelhcr lo hav dinner in either the purllumeiiluiy tteslauriutl or the purllaiiienlury culclenu llie house situ ugum ut h 110 und rises ul 10 00 eucji nighl except wednesduy mid i riiiuywlieii ii rises ul 00 after the evening session iii the house i return to my oflice and phone home lo see how my wile anne mid llie children ure making oul and receive uny messages which have been led willi anne regarding various mullets consliliienls have culled her about in most cases i iry lo cull buck ihul evening und gencrully speaking my duy ends on parhumeiil hilt around 1 1 to or midnight litis is the pattern i lollow on most days except when there ure commiltce meetings or various uncus meetings the national i iborul caucus meets once u week on wednesday morning and i think h might be interesting to discuss how the cuiiciis luncttons in a luiure column in addition there ure meetings of llie ontario caucus ami various oilier meetings us hie occasion arises now ihul i have been u p p o i n i e d i o i w o committees uiboi manpower und immigration und regional development purl ol my time during hie duy and indeed on many evenings will be taken up in al lending meetings ol the committees in uddilion ol sttt i press bethel chbistian reformed church minister re p brouwer b a b d acton ontario church notices sunday novrmber ird 1968 10 00 i m liilish service 1110 am siindnv school 111 pm altci tinting dutch und english service siitiiklii bible classes 10 12 um everyone welcome maple avenue baptist church 81 muple ave georgetown pjstoi res robert c lohnes churchill community church chun hill roul north minister mi rolwit c w llvde ba phone gsulm suvday november 3rd 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the ssholc limits to intend church a in sunday school all ages 1 1 ml a m morning service 7h pm esening evungol 7 4 p m wednesdus praver meeting georgetoisn 877665 evanoel pentecostal tabernacle p a o c 11 churchill road res s m thoman pastor 85j2715 sunday november 3rd 1968 1 1 00 am moiniug worship and sundas school all are welcome at the church on the hill the church oe st alban the martyr anglican cornel willoss st and st albans drue res h j dawson ba b th 1968 sunday november 3rd trimlv xxi 100 am hols einliinsi to 10 am church school and nursery 10 10 a m holv eucharist midsscek holv communion at 10 a m wednesday november 6 everyone is most welcome nursery arrange ments uill tic available for young motbers sunday november 3rd 1968 10 00 am sunday school 1 1 00 a m monung worship 7 00 pm esangelistic service tuesday 8 p hi prayer service and bible study thursday 8pm christ ambassadors psalm 107 8 oh that men would piaiss tile lord lor his goodness for his wonderful works to the children of men coming november 10 dedication at tuvs educational unit and back home sundav uilh two former pastors rev f pomer and rev k reid as guest speakers 10 a m 3 15 pan und 7 pan trinity united church minister the res gordon b turner ba director of music dr george elliott ma phd bd nesbytcrian church in canada knox church acton andrew h mckcruie b a minister mr e a hansen ba organist and chair master rev bd sunday november 3rd 1968 9 45 a m church school for ages 3 to 15 vears 9 45 am ministers church member ship class for teenajert 1100 am laymens service participants dr a j buchanan c l kirkrvess m m cotes w c mccann ti mrs e a hansen sermon bvc l kirkness on lifes highest priorities babies and toddlers cared for during service 8 jo pm adult study group at mr and mtv h swallows 186 tyler avenue everyone most welcome sunday november ird 198 10 oil am worship service tlume spelling out our lives as christians 1100 am talk bask adults in dialogue on the sermon and related subject sundy school 10 00 am nursers to grade 4 1 1 00 am grades 5 to 8 we welcome you and ysmr family to take part in the lite and worship of trinity all most welcome acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tides ave phone 8531615 sunday november 3rd 1968 9 4s am church school and adult bible class 1 1 00 am morning worship the wonder of the cross no evening service monday november 4 8 pjn mission circle wednesday 745pm prayer and bible study friday 700 pm bhf in the cross of christ i glory towering oer the rocks of time course there will he a c ousideruble uliioilnl ol lollow up work required us u result of business discussed lit these coimiiiitie meetings i lirmly belli ve ihul u member ol parliament should spend 1 every duy lit his seal in the house ol coinirioui while llie house is in session und that he should only miss u silting when there ure more urgent and firessiug iiiveriimeur mutters lo le attended lo so lur i have been in attendance every day since parliament opened und i will continue to attend us regrilarly unless i lieheve i can be more useful vlscwfu re on ji given iicuision in i ruluys i leave olluwu on the 5 p m flight und urrlve in loronto ul 7 0s and home in oukville uboul koo or x 10 i inlay evening is usually spent til tending a social luncliiiii willi my wile anne in he riding or visiting constituents who wish lo consult willi me on various multeis of concern on sulurduy morning i spend u few hours in my olfice meeting people wlio liuvc asked lot appointments in addition i meet with a number ol people who ure currying oul various reseurch projects anil generally doing some work lor me in the riding i attempt to visit us many people in the riding us i possibly can on u saturday und to include some social functions so ihul i can tuke my wife along with me sunday morning my lumily und i attend st aulans church where we liuvc been members lor u number of yeurs i make every effort lo keep the remainder ol the duy free lo cnpiy my lumily bill i have very quickly discovered that u politician has very lew free or idle moments i hope this little rundown ol my activities gives you some idea of what your member ol purliument docs bofli down in i kl i dom ihivil i 1 the i dllor acton i ice press acton outturn oeirsir with lelircilce lo the letter 111 lust weeks paper ill which mr a hoist crilicies mr nell andersons review ol the high school supplement i would like lo register supor ol ic same review llie issues raised were upproiichiii in a very realistic manner soiue ol llie demands nude by the student union wire rather jurleluieil to siy the leh1 especially those demanding american wilhdiiiwil irimi ull foreign bases civil disarmament and availability ol free hirlh control supplies ii the student union is really neutral us they prpless lis be ihcy would nol only demand thai llie iis a wiihdiaws irom all loreigu buses but also llrat the communisls withdraw lo williui their respective hinders and slop iiifillruting into tree eoiintriei e g viel nam ll also seems eoiiliulnlory that they advocate the taking uway ol our liberty to possess firearms when iliey claim lo be fighting lor greater ireedoul i hen comes the demand loi lief birlhcontrol inlormatioii and supplies i honestly cannot iiiidcislaiiil why out lav doll us should he shnt lo tinaucc the shocking immorality ihat is sweeping the coiintiy today it is oltawu during the week und back in the ruling on the weekends my schedule loi next weekend includes attending the wardens dinner in honor ol reeve hunter of dcorgetown and i have been asked to prescnl a irophy ul the 1 illle college howl and the little drey cup sponsored by the oakville kinsmen and kinetic club my wile anne bus been usked to help sclecl i illle miss drey cup i would like lo congrutulale the county of llullon lor then very hue displuy at the international plowing mulch i enjoyed my visit there and talking with reprcscntutivcs ol the county i hud the opportunity in view the tilm entitled llullon county the muii und the roy this hint won one of the iwo highest awards for u promotional production presented annually by the information i ilm producers ol america this is an uwutd of considerable merit und us the film was instigated by the llalton county industrial commission ihcy are lo he sincerely commended for the advice and help they gave llie producer in presenting tins informative view ol our county knox church baptisms the following children were bapticd by the rev andrew ii mckenic at knox presbyterian church last sunday during divine service victoria mildied daughter of mr and mrs william r conn 77 bower ave oavid oirk son of mr and mrs dirk jansen r r 1 acton jenmter lyn daughter of mr and mrs stuart a mcdonald 17k longfield road and sean son of mr and mrs james mcveigh m nelson outt pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 wtr si north oalt telephone illtsm acta precmst cmterete fifpfrtr manufacturers of septic tanks all sism 36 well yiu and lu cuhwrk is and ib skwwafc slabs pigsbf pfcon 8531529 my opinion thai il we tluow our morals out ol the window our prlnilphs an not lon in lollowing llie allium nl laisid by mr lluisl i iil communistic tendencies are not pieseilt in the student union is llimsy he siys thai ihcy are diliuilily not conumiiusls oi siim communists heciusc they are lithling lot more freedom nut coiiiiiiuiusiii siippiusses all peisonlil lieedom i suggest ilia mi lluisl lead his woild lustoiy legaidiug the coiruiiiuisl itvniilioil in llie ussr iiiim 7 it is made veiy clear in oi ilive lusloiy tint these peoples weie fightmg foi i ul room a peoples gtweriiniiiit i would like to point out thai in thisi coiintiy almost all the ciliens priler ivmoci icy over coiiinuiiiism iiuirdless ol the freedoms lu lillei yslcni ollcis flic iiilionol all fomis ol uuhiority ami government reminds me ol llie type ol fieedoni enoyeil by the vcople dining the i lenih revolution ol 17 a eoiinliy without government anil without uiilhoiilv would lie wide open lo lake ovei hv suhveisive ilenn ills ii an ida is to niu un a lountis etioyuii the esliein or other woild powers il needs government and ullthoilty lo protect the individual lights ol the people and also ol the counliy as u whole unity makes shetlkth and 111 i all ilias case strength makes fieedoni vossihlc we 1 an idiins young und old lend to hunk ol lieedom us a light i el us also leiiicmhcr lhil ll is n great pnvileiie ii we waul lo keep it we h ive lo speak up loi il a tew weeks ago i spoke wilh i yechoslovuki in whi had jled lus country allei the recent russian occupation he sud most aiiaduus and aniciuuis do iinkdii how lucky ilioy aie to hrve te it lieedom ivlssenl is one ol om rights as hie student union lias mide iiute eh ir ii we do mil speak up agunsl any itiliuiutiuctil ol oui rights iht subversive rlemeiils in llie counliy ein rlllhlly use the old siying silence is consent llie lime loi icgislciinu our obieelioiis lo the lalse lieedoin demanded by the students lliiiou is now doni waii i in 111 ii is kio i all i van aitagon r it i acton young pcs draft brief on elections john kobarls onlurlo cioveiniiitiii has lluowii their doois wide 0hii lo young pioicsslve i onseivulives mid the hallon oikiniiilloii is taking adviulage ol it llie pioviuiial uoviinniiiil lias a policy whiih allows the ylf s lepriseiilalioii lv brief or by illicit lepiusenlation t he local group is pieplllillg inlets mil changes in the laws governing elecltoiw and tumor lonsuiiiptiou in ontario llie brlels will lie presented lo the coiiurvullve caucus recent elections found llrllce maikiiinon of oukville piesldeill peler llllllea of tieorgelown vice piesideul llrllce veiuibles us treiuilietf ielei sliinmun ol hornby us secieluiy mid doun mi arthlli us uudiloi llie ycunohl gioup ilua a tiicmliciship ol i plus seveiul wdple showing liilereal hill nol yel niiinheis tamjji uav m tftts kvav ato a bowl for pleasorel tim rowl for health the entire family vs can bowl together r i 1 w go bowling acton bowling lanes 10 main st n mrtmum bpac ss30i70 rr halloween trick or treat i s thursday october 31 just liko magic your halloween party is a bewitching tuccoii with our favors canoiis sirviiitis dicorations costumes maki up kits wlfs raisi taci s masks unit inmiy nthnr spooky tpticifllt shop now and chooslf ntom our larob siliction s our tn aiuahmanl of halloween bulk candy hallowoiin giirni jnllv llomn hnrvosl mih kisvrni ioaiiuta in shnll ale fllto rconoiny prkod pnckin of unorjod choroulo llnrs hubblii gum sucknrt potnto chipi priced from 25c to 99c pug hintons 5c to 1 store the star thil olvt you bhr chelc iuhr outllly a lower frlw a b supermarket 9 mill st grade a 3lbs and up acton 8530075 fresh chickens 39 chic in a basket m 45 schneiders mb pkg del monte 4boz tint save 17c hnfaplf0anh ineaarugiukhtuit drink 3 2 si schneiders mb pkg sizzler red hots 55c i sausages 57c black diamond oi rhefl save 3tv cheese slices 389 prices effective oct 30 31 nov 1 2 dh mont 14os yin sava 39 peas 4 5 69c ayimer 14z tihi java 34 bartlett pears 4 s 1 shwiufa luumii es h jelly powders 12 2 1 nabob 1 baa tav 9ot coffee 75c carnation 16ax tina java 17c bvaoiatat milk 6 si fresh produce daily usa na i slu 34a lettuce 239 mdntoih out na 1 apples 5149 htmz 32- jaf lava st orada a maditun eggs 53 bread butter pickles 2 89c way bwyos 134s tku uv ilk corned beef 55c boylf midway 4y tia tor tt sani flush 49c sunuftf i mm taw is 5a margarine 4 s 1 camhblt 10ai tiaa tuv lit os0up 8sl frozen food blnra fy lfri ha rench otusm beans 51

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