Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1968, p. 5

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fresh tracks by barbara mcintosh tales of a venturer up the bruce trail tho acton free press wednesday october 30 1 968 wiiicuis a wncir this hilldwcvi whcumnocenl children pliy witch for j night not to innocent adult may be pitying witch for keeps people have hcen talking about witches for centime many have held uboluic bchc in their upcriutural powers while other hjvc ljughod thorn off as superstitious hysteria ncvcrtljclciv the panic of witchburmng djy m the late sixteenth and wventeenth century i a fact of history witch cults arc said to have been j type oncgqtive religion that worshipped the devil upon enlerins the cult witthevwerc given a witchniark and lower witch helper this holpcr took the form of a normal pet like u black cit an owl or a raven so that no one would suspect the witch cults held special meetings called vibbotsand witches truvefted to these on horseback or by using an ointment supplied by the devil that enabled them to fly the idea of witches on broomsticks seems to be a product of modern folklore although il is suggested that they used broomsticks as hobby horses in some of their dances those who accept witchcraft claim that if you believe in ood then you must believe in miracles if the forces of good can change the course of nature why not the forces of evil yet whether you grant them superhuman powers r not it is impossible to deny that there were people who practiced and believed in witchcraft the village wisewoman or witch owed her position in society to iter ability o take certain poisonous drugs no doubt she had discovered some illusionary drugs by accident and truly believed tlul her trip was inspired by the devil it sounds logical in the light of the current lsi and pot fad the craft was usually confined to women jnd handed down from generation to generation the most enthusiastic were ugly because the position of power was a welcome substitute for a man many j secret potion died with the death of a witch who had jealously guarded her secret formula when the christian church came out against witchcraft the trade was forced underground yet it is believed that ihe ritual dances and spellhound formulae have been retained to this day witch cults still practicing a jypc of pagan devil worship have been uncovered throughout lurope many people still believe strongly that j superhuman power for evil is at work in the world and only reveals itself to a lew the average man on the street prefers to let on that he doesnt believe in all that foolishness yet he will risk his neck by detounng mu the traffic lane to avoid walking under a ladder and dash home tor a still up of toffee if a black eat crosses hiv path while the traditional witch wore black flowing gowns and could be spoiled in a crowd by the wart on her nose many behove that there are witches walking in our midst disguised as one of us they posrss special powers that enable them to read minds foretell the future and cast spells which is a witch only those who truly believe can tell especially on halloween by steven van i leel i ndjy morning when i woke up it was a very dull day and i said to myself itll clear up by tonight surely but unfortunately it didnt at s 00 p m everybody was ready to shove off but there was only one problem the leader wasnt there naturally kevin conray the leader of the newly acclaimed venturer group in acton handed us the excuse that he had to work lo fjfc minutes to five but fcuowtng hosun we tall htm that we knew llfiit he irid only worked lo live minutes to four and he had tjkvn an hour lo load 1m colfee thermos wilh i trewater which ire called itiilk we are very gratelul to ron lewis who was kind enough fo take us here and also pick us up when we had completed our journey at j quarter lo si we had reached our destination ihe entrance gale at terra cotta a point which is rujht beside the bruce trail ijy the way the bruce trad was the pulh we mosl diligently folk wed the entire lapse of out journev bosun made a checkv renurk saving ii badenpowell saw us now hed cry well back to the ifike we walked about 100 yards llong the tdid hen up a little hut steep hill al ihe lop boh orourke oite of the hikers already was whining about wuitmg to stop bui i donl blame h mi because he substituted he use ot a knjpsack with that ol his fathers world war i ammo bag which when full weighs a good sixty pound boor soul al this tune of he year the leave t cm the trees are pretty svcll played oul so the bush did not present a very colourful picture by this tune it was dark nid we still indnt found a place to bed down lor the night we were walking over the niigara lscarpinenl one of the rockiest jreas on the brute trail with one flashlight in the whole group miolv clipr- hatsklk somebody uv the dark intihered something about scouts aw supposed to be prepared hilt another voice remarked ore venturers not scouts around j i p til it was dark- and it slatted to dnvle making travel miserable no one said anv thing until john van der kooy yelled wheres bob and lo and behold he was nusshfg we waited about ten mi ii it r e s and hiawatha ouowke showed tip tarrying his ammo hag indian style over the head immmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmm mis marion juni h is iklii i iliiiiij i rtiuli for id urv ti lulnri lu nurnul and 14 miilc her lamilj lias jrimn up mil lool licr honor- degree al lla lnivirvily ot toronto in l2 in n studied for a ycir al sorbonne in paris he fore roini lo oil pedagogues are p mrs marion reed lsd mind expansion worth the risk bv stephanie mernn 1 he truth is unpleasant but so is iso odorless and tasteless it is not hsicallv addicting and no human has been known to die lioni an overdose pushers and lollottcis ol the i s cult now benm to expound the aspects of a tup ss ith no hangosei he nest nutming then the stop so tai so good but i have onfip begun to examine the ding ihe worst is yet to come i vseigic acid diet lis lauudc is a compound trom 1 seigie jeid a chemical tound in the lungus which tonus on gum heads or albert hotniann a swiss chemist was the lust to experiment with the pouettul lulluciiuiise his lust trip was j ee id e n i a i the second deliberatels planned to explore the new realm ol iso snue then nuns experiments hase been made with each uicccssite finding scientists have become increasing concerned to them the most trighieuing aspect is that thev ate unable to trace what happens to the dtug when taken the minute amount needed tor a trip i uk 000 ot an ounce disappears harmlessly before its etleds have worn olt no one least ot all 1 so authorities and in that i do not mean users ot the drug is tullv aware ot the eerie powers 0t the niiiid cxpindei supervised dosages nave benefitted in anv mental patients true but esen then many tragic accidents have occurred lsd affects no two people in the same manner although it produces a number ot basic responses in general lsd removes inhibitions yet sexual impulscsare reduced i t gives sense of omnipotence one student was convinced that he could will a speeding car to stop he proceeded to step out in tionl of one to demonstrate t he nonexistent power the most wellknown ettect is probabk hallucinosis hallucinations caused bv iso have litcratls dtiven some users to iiisamtv out ot cscrv km patients admitted lo vw orks itelleaiie hospital toi treatment of panic during a bad trip l sumsc the oideal with the help o t the r a ii q u i 1 1 ing t hloipioniainc 7 he remaining s go oei the brink 1 hev b e c o m e p e r in a n e n t sc h i o phrenic or paranoic patients mans i st lakeis hud themselves propelled lioin a haleonv or j window bv an inesistablc urge to tls others tind unsurpassable heautv in a moit grotesque ohect oi a chord ot music while this experience mav he irulv mind expanding it is onlv one ot nunv more dangerous phasesiuamtested in a single tup user s bodv nuv seem to divide in ti two pjtts one watclung with detachment the destruction ot the other n interesting theological question what is this alter ego the soul is it possible to think thai the soul il n is that could be disunited from the hods and lemain ap ut ms slits nig i ml awesome is the power in 1 si hut there is so much vet to be lcuncd uhii will happen to chilelien born ot i sd users u ill it be a icpetitiou ot the trade th ilidouude bibies oi wtust i an we like lesponsibilttv hghik whit will happen to such 1s users themselves in three ive litieen sears soininv questions md so tew ailswcls i ndei the influence ol the drug one v oiing in in vs role we have found the pe ice which is htes nvei which mows into the se i ot i te tints so it s i quick unite to e tennis 1 pieter the concrete reaht ot llu present world no tnitter how unstable lite has a lot to otter will sou accept the nail ut let or run lot the nearest exit it s voui choice i think voung people are wonderful and the majority ol them will make tine upstanding ciliens states mrs m uion reed lter lo scats ot te miiiig she is still optimistic about people il i weien t i dont think i d st iv on the oh often uti get minor its groups that are haid to handle ind not willing to responsibility v e i s m a in te idler become now in their solid group ol t ike and i hi id veis e asilv cvnie il i he ones i ve se through th it ire ufs are a pteltv citizens mrs itccd sa s she ilw iv s looked lotw ud to being i teacher hei problem wis m deciding wh it to in not in because she enieied univeisits with standing in both i ingiuges and mathem lties i wis told alteiwaids thai i could have had a scholarship hut i d nevei heaid ul them it the ti me i got through bv vvoikmg in the summers and saving mrs reed has seen many changes in education in her years as a teacher and believes most of them arc for the better up until now she feels that the introduction of oral french and the improvement in freedom of choice for students will be of help to them however she has reservations about the current student power revolution and maintains that it must be approached with the greatest care lew students really understand what they wan even at ik a teenager needs guide lines js well as guidance they must have standards by which they tan live and conduct themselves and these standards have to be high student power without responsibility is useless and it must be kept within their capabilities school lakes up all my tune admits mrs reed and she doesnt go in for hobbies or outside interests other than her membership in the university womens club she watches television ii there is i tun thing on just to relax and alwivs dies to keep at least one good book going all the time in the vears when she wasnt leaching she was active in iirl iiudcs she served as a iloviiieial onimisstoncr and worked in the organization on both the provincial and national level she likes all kinds ol music with ihe exception of some modem dissonant sounds i ilw iv s think it must be because ol ms experience in former vears she expl mis in her south she plived the piano and sang in choirs and was able to eiio live opera and wtnphonv concerts while she was studying in i rariee mrs reed takes great pride in her lamilv hist or v her grandfather settled in orvjl in imis and operated the old hour saw and woollen mill she now lives u the old family home put it which was built in in20 fred a hoffman optometrist st georges sq guelph ont telephone 1242071 avis rentacar and truck rental phone 8775323 special weekend rates free delivery milton travel service 14 martin st miiton s7s9211 for christmas and midmarch holidays air 0 rah bus and cruisf reservations and hotel accommodations we ar soaking up hh make rautrvarioni now bofor if too late i rentacar reservations arranged through our service i mally wc found a place lo took our overdue uinpcr and ilvo a ptjee to hed down after the supper wjs completed the teuk well would you believe a very kiiuii piece of c i i pljvtii on slicks i wj the first to sleep because i sjw no need standing nut in the cold getting wet all night it mined md in the morning lo lop it all off it snovvi d making il impossible to start firei so hosun decided lo move il until we found a dry spol tocook breakfast yhc main dish was chocolatecovered porridge sniol liercd in lemonade powder a delicacy arranged by cjef boy ardee himself tne ron wjiics rcjnjrkod constantly that this urticc trail wjs not the same as the bruce truil in glasgow mainly because he couldnt find any icprccliauris dont worry annul hmi lie hasnt ever been out of llallon county al 10 00 am after breakfast was cleaned up sam schonnop remarked that his 10 hour deodorant had just worn off but lor some unknown reason ho didnt have lo tell us we walked quickly through the credit i orks m my opinion ihe mosl beautiful pari of the hike until we cjnie lo a place- called cataract after lunch we wandered over to the river here we were confronted with a spectacular sight the river was cascading over a cliff dropping some 100 feci to the bottom and past through an ancient flume at an old mill which we investigated all except bob who look this opportunity to rest ins bones leaving cataract we passed through a field of young bullocks which to some of us were very friendly again we had to wait until ihe bullocks decided lo leave the base of the tree enabling bob and ron to gel down finally we reached highway 24 just east of the no 4 junction we walked a bit along the highway to thee nearest house where bosun phoned his wife to tell her to phone ron lewis to come and pick us up later bosun found oul on the phone thai his wife was very disturbed because she couldnt get the car started hut little did she know that before bosun left he made a point of taking the distributor cap with him well on the whole the hike was a great success wc had lots of fun got a hllle bit irostbitlen hut found out a lot about this aiea and most of all we now have something lo tell oiii girlfriend on the phone when she calls by the way bosun that includes vou too pennies that count mralige things cm happen on halloween by dropping a few pennies into an orange and black piper ho brought directly lo your dilor by a special bosheirer in a i unity suit you could help to protect children in india froiyi malaria stop ihe spread of blindness in north africa or set up a school m south america in fact you could he lendiiigyour support lomy one of 447 projects m i 20 countries w for a number ot years 1 he united m ilions childrens i und has used halloween trickorlroiters to remind us that millions of the wotlde children are ill led poorly clothed slid unschooled they ask you lo do yotlr share lo hejp j unicii will ippreciile jiur spire pennies and the special bobearer will appreciate a spitestick of gum or a piece of fudge forlncetforl s in addition to c irr nig i ink i i boes on halloween night several public school classes have been organizing special projects to boost the fund in robert i itlle school tlnr week there is a fun museum an ainnseniciil park a count the jelly bean contests and a number ol bakesales the lolloping letter comes from miss braidas class in robert 1 itlle stone school oct lfk dear sir room jo grade lour had i hike s lie october 2h monday we made s70 00 and we are going lo give it to u n i c i h we had a cake draw a comic sale and we sold hooks we did not need and we sold cookies candy and pieces ol i ike and thats how room 205 made s7 00 yours truly susui gunlher bforw you sign on tnm dotted unm know tvtutt your loan will eostl at household finance you got tho factsand figures before you borrow the cost of your loan is spelled out clearly and simply in dollars and cents no oxtras no hidden charges no surprises lator on evory year more than 2vi million people come to hfc for money holp when you need a loan borrow with confidence from household finance where you know in advance what your loan will cost borrow up to 5000 take up to 60 months to repay aik about credit life insurancr on loans it low group raltt household hnaw georgetown 41 main street north telephone 8775221 to silvr dprlnl sls hi about uur rutitn hours oftte dills stationery store 56 mill st acton 8532030 3jmj a mimfiir sm jniiy ltiiintrx let ul aiilst you with your plans for that all important wedding day c0ue in and ste our couptxtt suction or invitjti0xs jnsovsccuents inmmuals acutsomm it fir jt siuct yur wuig iaviuuoiu nnomwsftmetth ud hnntria witli unpbu ubsjum u u quutjr ud tuataam of torn we also have hbs0nauzed weddinc napkins uatche9 and cakk boxes

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