17 real estate private sale new 3 bedroom brick bun galow attached garage fred- crick st s phone 8532425 17al9 four only new brick homes treed lots garages 3 bedrooms extras priced at 20800 v 21500 22200 23500 asiowjis jl20qdown wanted jstirtgm for enquiring buyers tor tony n and couritry propcr- tics real estate salesman re quired experience preferred apply in confidence jack holmes real estate broker b4 church street east acton 8531650 located beside phone building i7nl9 19 legal notice to creditors and others in the estate of ambrose fawcett eaton deceaxmi all persons having claims against the estate df ambrose fawcett eaton laic of the town of acton in the county of halion retired lay minis ter deceased uho died on or aboirt the 8th day of august 1968 arc herdby notified to send in to the undersigned per sonal representative of the said deceased on or berorc the 15th day of december 1968 full par ticulars of their claims immediately after the said date the said personal repre sentative will distribute the as- scts of the said deceased hav ing remand only to the claims of which it shall then liuve not ice dated at hamilton this 31st day of october 1968 halton peel trust savings company 282 lakeshore road east oakville ontario executor by vance and vance their solicitors herein 19a21 the voters list act 1960 section 12 voters list 1968 town of acton county of halton notice is hereby ciyeniat i have complied with section of the voters list act i960 and that i have posted up at my office at acton on the thir- lyfirst day of october 1968 the list of all persons entitled to vole in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for in spection anil 1 hereby call upim all voters to take immediate pro ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law the last day for appeal being the fourteenth day of november 1968 dialed this thirtyiirsl day nf october 1968 j hurst clerk of the town of acton 18al9 form 4 section 12 clerks notice first posting of voters list 1mb municipality of township of esquesing county of halton notice is hereby given that i have complied with sec- lion 9 of the voters list act and that i have posted up at my office rr 1 georgetown on the 4th day of november 1968 the list of all persons en titled to vote in the municipal ity ill municipal ejections and continued nex column 19 legal thl such list remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters 10 take imme diate proceeding to have any errors or omission corrected according to law the last day of appeal being the 1 8th day of november 1968 dated this 4th day of novem ber 1968 k c lindsay clerk twp of esquesing 18b20 clerks notice of- first posting qf voters list1968 township of nassagaweya county of halton notice is hcroby jjivea that i have eojnplied yjilu section 9 tfie voters livt act and that i have povitd up at my office at r r 1 cnmpbellvillt on the 30ili ady of octobers 1963 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at mun icipal election and that such list remain there for inspect ion and i hereby call upon all vo ters to take immediate proceed ings to have any- omissions or errors corrected according to law the last day for appeal being the 1 3th day of november 1968 dated this 30th day of octo ber 1968 jc mcintvre clerk twp of nassagaweya ibl9 the corporation of the township of nassagaweya notice of nomination and polling 1 a take notice that the mjelinjis to nominate candidat es lor the halton county board ul education and the halton cuunty roman catholic separ ate school board shall be held on monday november 18 1968 from 730 pm until 830 pm at the following locations municipality lvtloiraddre burlington central high school 1433 baldwin street burlington oakville administration building 1225 trafalgar rd oakville georgetown high school gymnasium 70 guelph st georgetown millon martin street pub lic school 184 martin st mil- tun esquesing esqucsing com munity hall 9lewarttown nassagaweya acton nas sagaweya township hall camphellville b as the township of nas sagaweya and the town of ac- lup will be combined to elect one member to the halton county board of education the nomination meeting will be conducted by the township of nassagaweya and will be held at nassagaweya township hall camphellville c as the town of millon and the townships of esques- ing and nassagaweya will be combined to elect one member to tin halton county roman catholic soparatc school board the nomination meeting will he conducted ov the town ot milton and will be held at mar tin street public school 184 martin street milton id tlu meeting to nominate the members to the halton county board ot education to represent the separate school supporters within the county will he conducted by the town of burlington and will be held i central high school 1433 baldwin street burlington 2 polling it required shall be held in all municipalities in rhc county ot halton on mon- d rkvetnhci 2 nt between the hours ot 1000 am and 800 pm 19 legal j c mcistyre relurnine officer i9b28 20 auction sales for complete auction service chris a schouten auctioneer sales of all types dig or small ill do them nil salts conducted anywhere tel area 4168782576 or local 8532943 rr 3 milton ont notice notice of the closing of the allowance for road between conces sions 2 and 3 in front of lot 5 township of esquesing notice of a proposed by- law no 278 for stopping up the allowance for road betwpen concessions 2 and 3 in front of lot is of the township of es qucting and for authorizing the conveyance of the portion so stopped up to the adjoining owners or owner and whereas council is desir ous of stopping up the allow ance for the above road and of conveying the portions so stop ped up to the adjoining owners or owner now therefore the council of the minicip- al corporation of the township of esotmstng fnacts as follows from and after tho passing of this bylaw the allowance for road described horcin shall be closed and stopped up and conveyed to tho adjoining ownors or owner description of part of road allowancebetween cons 2 and 3 in front of lot 15 twp of esquesing all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of es quesing inr the county of hal ton and province of ontario and being composed of part of the original road allowance between concessions 2 and 3 in front ol lot 15 in the said township uontaining by admeasurement 1664 acres be the same more or less and which said parcel ol land is more particularly described as follows premising that the south limit of the kings highway number 25 as shown on reg istered plan number 421 on tile in the registry office for the said county and crossing part of the west half of said lot 15 in said concession 3 has a bearing of north 77d22ls west astronomic and relating all bearings herein thercto- commencing at the point of intersection of the northeast limit of the said road allowance being also the southwest limit of the west half of said lot 15 n said concession 3 with a line drawn parallel to and 6600 feet in perpendicular distance meas ured northwesterly from the southeast limit of the west half of said lot 15 in said conces sion 3 said point of intersec tion being distant 6641 feet mo iv or less measured north westerly along the said north- cast limit of the said road al lowance from the south angle ol the west half of said lot 15 in said concession 3 thence north 44d4s3fr west along the said northeast iiniit of the said allowance 100839 teet more or less to its point of intersection with the soutliwest limit of the kings highway number 25 as shown on registered plan number 421 on file in the registry office lor the said county and cross ing pari il the west half of said lot 15 in said concession 3 thence northwesterly al ong the north westerly pro duction ol the said southwest limit ol the kings highway number 25 being along a curve to the right having a radius ot ii 5 92 ieet a chord distance ol 11762 feet more or less on a chord bearing ol north 5 05 34 west to the point of in tersect ion ot the said north westerly production of the said southwest limit with the north easterly production- of the line ol a fence running southwest erly thence south 3m5010 west along the said north east erh production of the line t the said fence 3710 feet more or less to the point of in tersection ol the line of the said umkv with the southwest limit ol the saul road allowance bei i in also the north east limit of ite east halt o said lot 15 in the aloresaid concession 2 thence south 44dl830 j east along the said souttvwest lkiiit ol the said road allow- i aikv 112t 40 ice i more or less to a point therein distant 6646 leet measutcd north westerly long the said southwest limit ol the said road allowance from rhe east angle of the cast half of said lot 15 in said conces sion 2 thence north 38d3420 east 3322 feet more or less to the point of intersection of the centre line of the said road allowance with the aforesaid line drawn parallel to and 6600 feet in perpendicular distance measured northwest erly from the aforesaid r continued next column 19 legal cast limit of the west half of said lot is in the aloresaid con cession 3 thencii north 38d4s30 east along the said parallel line 3321 feel more or less to the point of commencement taku notice that the muiv uipal council of the township of lisquesinp will take into con- ideration of the passing and if approved will pass at its meet ing to be held on tuesday nov ember lath 1968 at the hour of 730 oclock in the evening tit the municipal chamber of the- said township of esduos- ing a bylaw slopping up und selling the- above describe pro perty in the said township and ihe council will at that time and place hear m person or by hi counsel solicitor or agent any person avho churns that his land will he prejudicially affect- ell by the bylaw- and who ap plied to be heard bated at esquesing the 21st day of october ad 1968- k c lindsay ontario clerk of the township of esquesing iib20 the corporation of the tosvn of acton notice df nomination and polling i a take nolice that the meeiinus to nominate candid ates for the halton county hoard of education and the halton county roman catholic separate school board shall be held on monday november is 1968 irom 730 pm until 830 pm at the following loc ations municipality locntlonaddrwa burlington central high school 1433 baldwin street burlington oakville administration building 1225 trafalgar rd oakville georgetown high school gymnasium 70 guelph street georgetown millon martin street pub lic school 184 martin street milton esquesing esquesing com munity hall slcwarltown nassagaweya acton nas sagaweya township hall camphellville b as the township of nas sagaweya and the town of ac- ion will be combined to elect one member to the halton county board of education the nomination meeting will be conducted by the township of nassagaweya and will be held at nassagaweya township holl campbellvillc c as the town of millon and ihe townships of esques ing and nassagaweya will be combined to elect one mem ber lo ihe halion county ro man catholic separate school board the nomination- meet ing will be conducted by the town ol millon and will be held at marlin street public school 184 martin st milton d the meeting to nominate the members lo the halion county board of education to represent ihe separate school supporters within the county will be conducted by the town ol burlington and will be held at central high school 1433 baldwin street burlington 2 polling if required shall be held in all municipalities in the countv of halton on monday december 2 1968 between the hours of 1000 am and 800 pm 20 auction sales antique auction at stamlkv park in erin on saturday november at i pm 200 lola early canadian several old tables pine oak and cherry oval harvest and others good selection of old chairs captains cane wick er chicken coop etc several duncan imiyfe items large sel ection of beautiful oil lamp and others lite glasswirc in cludes criilhcrry amethyst sa- lin caruivitf milk etc many other old interesting collectors iienis such as rs prussia dresden wdgcwood limoges etc a good selection terms cash heated pavilion and refresh ment booth max storey auctioneer 20l19 rockwood ospringe the acton free pren wednesday november 6 1968 baled hay set ablaze on halloween night hy mrs d g robertson mr and mrs cyler wheeler specdsidc mr and mrs w wheeler traverse city michigan mr and mrs wgray guelph mr anil mrs george cruickshank hilltburgh visited with mrs m jackson mr and mis murray mckitrick mrs g biltonahd miss nancy grundy attended the funeral of the formers cousih mrs ross irvine at grand valley mr and mrs mckitrick also attended the funeral of another cousin james bryan at alliston halloween passed off rather quietly in the village the usual little folks made their rounds for treats but behaved very well towards midnight a stack of baled hay- in a field or ihe highway below mr ii r howards home was set ablaze thus depriving four ponies of their winter feed w business a professional dirkiort leis play bridge by bill coats architect donald e skinner barch mraic i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 2743428 funeral director phone 8530350nitrht or day bruce e shoemaker ugt appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur street acton ontario phone 8534720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton dr leonard embrack denial surgeon suite no 3 hlnton bldg 17a mill st e acton ont for appointments phone 8531300 j t hurst returning officer i8a20 20 auction s are you planning an auction sale call jim tiny hopkins licence auctioneer phone milton 8782657 20b27 clearing auction sale for charles thomson at the lann lot 2 con j w giritrixa twp 4 mile ot arthur on wedvesday november 13 at 1 pm l head of cattle including 80 hereford slack calves 2 sows bred i and 6 chunks 1500 bal es ha 3000 bales straw 30 ton heavy mixed grain 20 pullets mf diesel 35 tractor and new idea loader new ford tractor baler mower rake el evator and complete line of im plements und miscellaneous terms cash day of sale no reserve farm sold owner or auctioneer not res ponsible for accidents max storey auctioneer 20ws rockwood ont donald j armstrong dc chiropractor x ray 448 woolwich street phon guelph 8a7tl brian v mcpherson bsc dc chiropractor xray 3 elgin si n at mill mon ii wed 630 lo 1030 pm saturday 10 am 4 pm for appoiniment phone 8530601 during above office hours a28tf is4jiscl rrri the mutual life ivm iani cvupsv or anapi robert s hart agent 341 orville road acton bus 4164513460 res 51m531527 dental chiropractic i have often wondered if there is such a thing as a goddess of bridge when two bridge players make the most horrible sequence of bids is there someone who makes the cards lie just riglit so the contract will make here is a hand bid and played by two of our better players at the acton bridge club south dealt and north south were vulnerable nokt11 svolil 1iai0k75 doj4 cakj 8 5 west sk6 3 11kj d5 3 2 cq10 9 7 3 hast s1098 1106 4 3 d1097 c64 2 trump the opponents cooperated by each having three spades declarer niffed a club and the ace of trump took care of the opponents trump all declarers remaining spades were good the heart ace took the last trick if you end up in a poo contract assume the opponents arc split in the only way to let you make your bid sometimes if the goddess of bridge is around they are last weeks winners at the acton bridge club were first ivan harris and bill coats second jackie nolan and jack coats third bev patullo and bob dickson fourth sam sinclair and mrs j coals optometrists arthur a johnson od optometrist wednesday and saturday 930 am to 300 pm phone 8532520 54 mill st e acton careless driving charge dismissed conviction of ii ii ilinton on hatge of careless driving was ished by judge james d sutherland in wellington county court friday afternoon mr ilinton appealed his conviction and fine of s25 on aug 27 in connection with a rearend collision on highway 7 aug 7 this year the other car had been required to stop when a municipal machine blocked framosj township concession four where it was working while the car was waiting to turn riglit the collision occurred on one stem of a long sturn abraham acker qc claimed his client was almost stopped when the collision occurred so mr k kjooster returned to his home following a six weeks stay in hospital and is now convalescing mr george cooke has had a fine two car garage erected behind his cottage on ihe highway the fourth meeting of the 441 club girls was held at the home of mrs d mihofi with 10 member and two leaders present urenda bruce opened ihe meeting with the 4h pledge roll call- places ihe feather slilch could be used was answered by all donna milton read the minutes of ihe previous meeting tbename selected for the club was ospringe enibrold- crellesv uses of thefeatherslilch were discussed by mrs r ellis pictures erf pillows and oilier articles which could be used at a free choice article were shown mrs d milton demonslraled the lazy daisy slilch and ihe chain slilch the balance of the meeting was spent practising ihe new stitches mrs barbara fhswelling home economist was a guesl when members of ihe local 4h club entertained the coninixhv and greenock clubs at the school brenda bruce welcomed all and introduced mrs flewelling who showed slides and alto some wallhangings donna millon expressed thanks to the guest speaker and mrs l laing on behalf of ihe guests thanked ihe local club and leaders for the informative and interesting evening south saoj7542 119 2 dak 8 6 cvoid the bidding south west north east 1 s pan 2 ii p 3s pais 4c p 4 d pom 4 nt p 5 11 pan 6d pt- 6 s pan 7 d all pats opening icad7 of clubs souths hand is not strong enough to open a demand bid as used by most players in north america any one using intermediate two bids on opening two clubs forcing lo three of a major could use such a demand bid on tlus hand its low in high cards but high in playing strength the rest of ihe bidding is perhaps a natural consequence of the cards held but south should respect norths decision to play at six diamonds if you dont trust your partner you arc in trouble but what goddess of bridge was sitting on souths shoulders before winning the club lead declarer took stock if the club finesse won declarer could take three clubs one heart one spade and seven diamonds on a cross ruff but thats only twelve tricks not enough for the grand slam if spades were divided four two one ruff would establish the suit if the king were with the doubleton however declarer decided to iry for a ruffing finesse this is a reverse of the usual finesse for a ruffing finesse declarer wants the king over the queen the opening lead was won in dummy and a heart discarded from declarers hand the trump queen was taken and a low trump led to declarers king now the spade queen was led west ducked smoothly but declarer had made up his mind he pitched a club now the spade ace was cashed and low spade ruffed with dummys lust excessive speed was not indicated in registering the conviction magistrate ii k llowitt had termed it not a serious breach of the iita had he heard evidence submitted at the appeal he would likely have dismissed the charge counsel suggested crown attorney richard chaloncr admitted there was doubt whether a turn signal had been given his honor commented there were so many doubts i believe it was an error of judgment not a quasicriminal act lie was unable lo understand why the other car sal on die highway for 10 seconds wailing to turn nl lid cor wymdham macoonwill sts amoijtinlhhhhhni why gfafty humidify mast canadian ijoibm and of- iimi art toe dry in 111 wlatar months the cool air haldi llllli msltlor immwlliuiy it will el ihlf rselitur what ever h cn frens fnrauur run and too an uhuuii amount sf laaoyuvf katie el ectricity u tba llral wanuf thai year rtsu b m dry ita ubm to humidify ilcctrorjome humidairis way put ur wiui cun unrluint eontuuuu av monav on ful and dcr bllu mtl ybur fumluim auaia nd nmu hmova unplmiant odara cen tra tk humidity in your ham malltr etuniull and 0aamteauy wiut an kiactroham hural- tfalr tbooh gluts ruced rmoii 4495 coil wyndham macdomnill sts