Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1968, p. 7

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maiden speech hits at cn continued jrom page i cent residential i can find no justifiable grounds to abolish railway service in this community i take strong exception to the cavalier methods used by the cnr prior to making formal application to the board of transport commissioners it was just over a year ago october 13 1967 tobebxactthattr r t vaughan vicepresident of the canadian national railway wrote to dr harry harley who at fltat rime was the federal member of parliament for maltori county advising him that the first stages of rmplemeritation of what the railway calls the master agency plan would be put into effect on 4th november of that year october 1968 in the acton town hall presided over by mr w j rupert district inspector for the railway transport committee and six representatives of the canadian national railways 1 will not go into the details of what took place at tint meeting sufficient for me to say that the railway officials were grilled admdmshed and lectured to by the people ip attendance mr ruptrt heard such descriptive adjectives as shocking rotten and- costly to describe the service the railway was giving the citizens of acion mr rrmert stated that ins report of tins meeting would not be made public but would go to the railway transport the first stage mr vaughan pointed out involved the taking committee away of certain work from the submit mr speaker station and placing it in the hands of the master agertcy irf guelph this included express freight and telegraph service the agent would remain on the premises but would not carry out any work as far as the public was concerned this was to be in the nature of an experimental period which would probably last until midjanuary or early february of this year the railway further stated that following this trial period the whole matter would be reviewed and looked at in the light of whether an application should be made to the canadian transport commission for approval to institute the master agency plan in this area apparently the matter was reviewed by the railway and a decision made in the light of its effect on railway operation alone no users of the railway were asked to give any facts or express their views as to the effect of this rcarrangement of service quite understandably the people of acton wanted their side of the story to be heard before the application reached the board of transport commissioners and the board agreed to hold a meeting this meeting was held on 17th that tins procedure is not democratic and i challenge the right of the committee to keep this matter secret since it affects the future of a town and its people i suggest mr speaker that this meeting should have been held long before the phasing out process began talking to many of the people who attended this meeting it is the unanimous opinion that the decision had been made by the cnr to go ahead with their application regardless and in spite of what transpired at this meeting their decision had in fact been reached before they came to acton in other words the public be damned i sincerely hope that this docs not reflect the attitude of the cnr in their activities throughout canada turning to the housing problem whiting made a strong plea for bringing the per unit cost of housing down by a considerable amount by standardizing building codes and construction standards as well as the use of new building materials we need more houses and we need more money in order to build these houses and we must find library report isabel watson richer than all his tribe by nicholas monsarrut is placed on the island of pluramjul off the south west loast of africj which has been a british protectorate for over a hundred years in 1956 this author told in the tribe that lost its head the terrible story of revolt in this island this novel now opens with celebrations of the islands indipeiidenu day he is a past master ut unfolding the rising of this young country and the pitlalls that come to such countries tlut become victims ol too much too soon he gives m a nusterly picture of high horn betrayed into squalid idilure as has been portrayed in other countries just as it has happened here in pharuniau isaac asimos out of our great science fiction writers ol today has coint up with ins first mystery novel a wlrilf ot death which is a compelling mystery in its problems and reality agnes sanlord s newest book the rising river really follows about the same people that we met and enjoyed in the second mrs vu it is j missionary teacher story and in it the author foretells the infiltration ol the communistic element that has certainly happened to i lima it is an interesting story explaining many of the mariners and ways of life inchuu tile guns in paradise by fted mcclement is the saga of the cruiser emdtn which played such a part in the naval part of world war i i14 1918 lru nicol has written a scar is born this was written alter his play like father like fun which was so successful m vancouver toronto and montreal was taken to new york under the title a minor adjustment it closed after only three performances now he writes of his misadventures on the great white way bruce sanders they caught these killerv has twelve cases of foinous murders and how these killers were caught in a new biography of dl fated french queen marie antoinette the autlior dorothy moulton mayer truces her life from her early years to her untimely and tragic death at the hands of revolutionists of that terrible time john selby has written an account of ill the chin wars from 18401900 called the paper dragon it describes britains relations with china in the nineteenth century the opium wars britains acquisition of hong kong the taiping rebellion lord elgins mission to china and the burning of the summer palace of the manchu rulers at peking for our young readers the story of man the earths surface and the seas inhabitants are in that new scries finding out about science east africa by c kerby gives a realistic account of last africa as il is today including their way ol living and historic background the author was a surveyor in this area and as such travelled extensively to many outoftheway places new sources of money he said i submit that the first step be the establishment of a national building code which would be basic in a revised program of housing developments and that any expenditure of nha funds be contingent upon the adherence to this code he asked mr whiting said the national research council could approve new building materials so that municipal officials could avoid taking tire responsibility of allowing new methods and new materials to be used a comprehensive national code would allow many companies to increase their research and construction of prefab houses which could fee sold in all provinces it would also enable tlicrti to deal with only one source the national research council to get their ricw ideas and innovations approved it would mean art immediate decrease in the cost of new houses in canada the adoption of the national building code is one positive ntep which would receive considerable public approval and would further emphasize the governments sincere desire to nolve the housing problem by taking positive action taking oakville as an example the halton m p said consider that a detached house costs approximately 528500 in oakville which is 25 miles from downtown toronto in order to buy one of these houses the purchaser must have a down payment of 1 0 000 and cam an income of over 8 000 per year to qualify for an nha mortgage however the average family income in oakville is 6235 the highest in canada only 15 of canadians make over s8000 per year simple mathematics will show us that very few people have si 0000 cash financial institutions apply the rule that the applicant cannot ifford more than 27 of his income for mortgage interest principal and taxes a man earning s5000a year can therefore afford si 10 per month towards his house payments if he were fortunate enough to live in an area where taxes arc s300 per year or s25 per month he could afford 85 per month to pay interest and principal at 8v per cent on a 25 year mortgage of 10 000 if he saved 10 per cent of his gross income for five years he could have 52500 for a down payment and the total price he could then afford for a home would be 12500 this poses the question mr speaker how many families earning 55000 can afford to save 10 per cent per year and where can you buy a house in an urban or semi urban area for 12500 a nun earning 5000 must pay considerably more than 27 per cent of his income for shelter if he is to live by canadian standards he must pay a proportionately high rent for an apartment or town house or wherever they will take children or he is driven to buying a more expensive house on a re sale basis by taking a second mortgage with the likelihood of spending 45 or 50 per cent of his income for shelter high mortgage payments and rents arc a major cause of family breakdown because they take milk from the babys mouth shoes from his feet deprive lum of proper care and frequently the loving care of his mother the acton free press wednesday november 13 1 96b gloria brownb loci solomn tribute to john week at 80 years old after 12 years crossing guard on hwy 7 mr bruco was presontod with a black loafhor wallet and kov case and a signed lettor of thanks from tho sfudont body staff photo who often has to work in order to pay the rent or mortgage the problem as far as housing is concerned is how to provide for or accommodate the people in the lower income brackets these problems must be solved by government action which must lie critical of obsolete methods of land assembly construction financing and subsidizing a broad and enlightened attack on the problem is required but the government must not wait until all contingencies arc considered the time to act is now i personally regret that action did not begin with this budget with a land speculation tax on the resale of undeveloped prime land such a tax would be a deterrent to persons who buy and sell land without contributing to the development of the country i look forward to the results of the housing task torcc under the leadership of the minister of transport now studying the problem across canada as soon as the housing task force was announced a group of halton citizens prepared a brief which was presented to the task force in september some of my remarks today are taken from that brief mr whiting concluded reduced toll california highway engineers cut grooves in a 900foot section of the santa ana freeway and sharply reduced the number of traffic accidents serrating roughens the pavement just enough to prevent the skimming effect that often causes auto tires to skid the ontario safety league says that 12 months before the grooves were cut 52 accidents occurred at the test point the toll was reduced to eight in the year following the treatment the cost of the work totalled si 837 stay on top with books vouno canadas hook wilk young canada book wak will bo olbrald from coast fa canst front november 13th to tho 31nd by setllhb aside this special weak each yar librarians havo an opportunity to infer barents and toucher ef tho wonderful world of books for beys and girls ye celebrate young cana das book week a compa ny of talented young actors will present a performance ef aladdin and the magic lamp in five different cen tres throughout the oouth cinyral rioional li brary syflm this ared- y uctlon is a rock version ef a lm ne ef the most popular kfai sterles from arabian jv nights and features atad- din as hl uenll at lb allowing utatlsa sillton ontario bciiooi cob mis utt cauditouhjm ontario street south tel no 7bs301 wfdbhlir novaiabfr so tm b m i wnmiinmri mrm llar daddy weekend specials thursday friday saturday listerine reg 1 39 mouth wash 93c anacin tablets tutl 1 35 now 99 pkrj ef i2s 7- cloths 57t by the carton cigarettes 419 429 king six 3 reg 13 lor 35c m0dess special 29 savings up to 50 on clearout merchandise save save save 15o off all mens and ladies clothing qptfid pakrikwatang mibrchamt nassagaweya township nominations for reeve deputy reeve and three councillors for the munic ipality of nassagaweya and one representative for the hal ton county board of education from acton and nassagaweya for the years 1969 and 1970 monday november 18 1968 at the township hall brookville nominations 7 30 8 30 p m in the event of e poll being demanded the balloting will be held on monday dec 3 1948 at the following places polls open at ten oclock in the forenoon and close at eight oclock in the afternoon list of polling places for polling subdivision no i lets no 1 to 10 inclu sive in concessions i 3 3 polling location resi dence of beverly ilia campbellville ont charles king duo for polling subdivision no 3 lots no 1 to 10 inclu sive in concessions 4 5 6 7 polling location v residence of robert elliot campbellville ont roy wood d r o for polling subdivision no 3 lois 11 to 31 inclusive across the whole township polling location brook- vllle hall t kennedy d r o for polling subdivision no 4 lots 33 to 28 inclusive and lots 30 31 33 concessions 5 6 7 and lots 30 31 33 east half concession 4 polling location residence of duncan moffat art diamond d r o for polling subdivision no 5 lets 30 31 33 in con cessions 1 3 and 3 and the west half of concession 4 polling location residence of hugh macpherton mrs helen macpharson d r o nassagaweya november 6 1968 j c melntyre clark the tax collector will bo in the township hall one hour prior to the hour of nominations to issue tax certificates for quality style value oph malted gtanayr 0sms in machinewashable pure wool what could be more sophisti cated than this burton to trw neck cardigan with collar mock pocket haps three quarter lenoth sleeves end continental band and cults it ismadeof pure wool english botany is machine washable glorious new fall shades to 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