b2 acton free press wednesday november 20 1968 7mhakip plahhihg ejjehta bsqucsing council took 1 forward step when they jppointed 1 planning board at their first meeting in november growth in the township tins year has exceeded expectations and it is time development was planned and orderly otherwise generations to come could inherit a imslwnash collection of houses arms and industries with no discernible pattern imagine the contusion 1 the township developed along strict economic or utilitarian linos it could rule ohit recreation areas where residents can relax and enjoy the beauties of the township industry could locate in a patchwork pattern business could locate willy nilly cs farm areas could be inundated with housing subdivisions planning will not create a utopia but it can map out a scheme lor utilizing the land in the township to the best advantike much ol the ho nils success will depend ol course on the appointed members council seems to liave nude a wise cholcivor its- lirst hoard although llieit method of determining the length il term by drawing names out ol sctitl is unuue iertiaps the tact lsiucsing ratepayers should be made lully aware ol is that lie new planning hoard has no actual aiillionty ii can only make recommendations i he ultimate decisions will still he willi the elccled membiis ol the township council l 4firrr jrtss editorial page ihcmpcuer w ucrtd heed have you ever stood in a long line or ucuc irom which only a selected number ol persons was admitted at specilied intervals many ol us had that experience at i vpo v7 as we waited lor entry to particularly popular exhibits like those ol the czechs and british it was natural to icel inistrated when you saw persons with special passes or entry permits gaming admission ahead ol those who had waited so long in the lineup in the light ol the speedy and expeditious admission into canada of thousands ol czech refugees following the recent crisis in their homeland a similar leelmg ol frustration perhaps even of desperation must afflict many other relugees who have been seeking entry to this country through the regular channels governing admission no one would deny the czechs right to special compassionate treatment in view of their dire and immediate need nonetheless similar compassion should play a larger part in considering the plight ol the main homeless and longstanding relugees who are seeking admission to this country can we be assured that they will be given equal consideration the point sstem now used in evaluating immigrants assesses the applicants age- education and occupational training his trade or professional qualifications and weighs these against canadas need tor workeis in pirtniil11 licldsln 1 word selection is closely related to the absorption capacity ol this country hut isnt this method ol selection loaded in lavor ol national sellinterest rather than compassion how serious was i h e governments dcclualion in the white paper l ot that immigration policy would be modilicd to permit more refugees into canada 011 compassionate grounds how does one measure compassion in terms ol the worlds dire needs or in terms primarily ol canadas sell interest surelv our countrys vast wealth anil vast potential juslily putting more emphasis not upon manpower to lit our economic needs hut upon the worlds need lor greater compassion toward all the underprivileged seeking a haven m canada og the cug some ligures drawn to my attention recently indicate i ranee must be a pretty healthy spot i here 2 i per cent of the total population is 5 years of age and over compared with canadas 7 o per cent or the united states 0 at the bottom of the scale isxhana with 2 percent closer to home the comparable figure lor llallon is 4 per cent compared with ictoria countys i to i 2 pkttea frw the paat jrr vnrnir jim jennings a camara club enlhusi tst catches soma of the mora familiar parts of rural lifo wilh his lens thel perhaps most of us miss in todays hurty burly the clean sound of the plow rullinrj ihrouflh th loam moist nnnd by autumn mint or tin whin nf the circular saw uttinfl wood yh saw it siltmit now sugar and spice 1 1 s m 1 i y dont worry i ilo mil have 1 pi in loi mniiis h11i im itll 1 wmii j i i w ill writing an almanac of t lie 1111 a 1 i hi 1 nikt penple share my yannino was n important industry in acton many var ago two pictures abovw war incorporated into two old stereophcon viswt i he television of years ago almost certain lliit most people snai view ol november it is 1 real hummel it may he heiulilul in adelaide australia willi bikinihahes on he heaches ami the sun helling down hut 111 the true north strong and tree its as sail as the wreck ol a once hcuotilu woman with uollimg left hut good honeslrucluie anil great liluk hags under the eyes it is suitably introduced by halloween that night when the instruments ol darkness have llieu fling and people put 11or blades in apples and caustics in candies it is a lime when night comes early and surly and we draw opr shades and creep into the darkness ol our souls and contemplate with horror the five months ahead no wonder suy i awkes and the other guys in on the deal tried to blow up the lnghsh king and parliament on nov sth loos 111 the tamous dunpowdcr ilot hut it was probably so ruddy dank that they couldnt keep their powder dry no wonder world war i ended on november 1 1 iii 1 veil those tough and stubborn lighters the germans couldnt lace going through ihe resl of another nasly november hs a month ot soaring luel bills last years rubbers vanished into thin air mud and wel leaves tracked onto the clean kitchen floor a month ot putting on snow tires a day too late storm windows a week too late and studying for exams a month too late its a gray month this in canada is symbolized by grey cup day isnt that appropriate it couldnt have been a lord hrown or hlue or green or any ol those distinguished names who donated our football cup it had to be a lord grey oh i suppose lor the lunatic- trmge ot our population november has its merits 4ttwidt httej new ideas cannot be administered successfully by men with old ideas for the first essential ol doing a job well is the wish to see the job done at all franklin d roosevelt when theres an accident on highway 401 it is usually pretty serious but when the minister ol transport announced plans to increase the speed limit on 400 and 401 it was interesting to note the accident experience the accident rate is actually lower on four lane divided highways these roads have a rate oh i o accidents per million miles of vehicle travel compared with s s per million miles on all other types ol roads in the province on november 15 as signs on the 560 miles ol limited access highways are changed the speed limit for passenger cars and motorcycles will be 70 miles per hour its dee 1 hunting month when one can go mil and muddle around in the marshes lor mo i he only comment i have heie is that ihe deer popiilaliou is iiicieasing lliiuks to the incredible ineptitude ot most hunleis people like skinny wyonch ihe deei are safer from hunters thin the church is irom taxcollectors and its a grand month lor those other nuts the runhnwtrotit lisliermen i cant think of anything on those honeshaking moist laden november mornings up to your navel in icewater more conducive to a long happy life 1 ull of arthritis neuritis bursitis and plain old rheumatism november has a certain grim charm for llic misanthrope the guy who wants everybody to be as mean as he is i or oiice lie knows everybody is as glum as he which makes him glumly happy or happily glum its a month when every normal canadian gets a rotten cold which hangs on with varying degrees of misery until ihe 24th of may its the month when c hristmas advertising reaches a zenith of stupidity its a month when your kids quit university when your roof springs a leak when your furnace decides it is worn uut when your old hackache stunned by summers sun starts to ache back when your cars fall tuneup turns into a major overhaul its a month when all your bestlaid plans ol september turn aft agley and you realize you arc running on three cylinders instead of the usual five its a month this year when you had to lick a sixcent stamp for the first time in your hie and your poor old yank friends had to choose not snow white but one of the seven dwarfs i would say november is for the birds rut even the birds have enough brains to head south in october where does that espiession bird brain come from i hate november the acton free press phone 8533010 business nd editorial office w tbillou si aulum oiuno k4mkr of ik auj 1 kunu of ortuuim ikf cwna uj ourn4 adiartmnj rm am rvquni sutwcri ituji tutabl- m jtnc sim cajuiu th in all kiiuairlrt oikir t4 cjudj uau coyu 10 4uifcofud scoj cum heal tmi otfu vpiituwtu ottu 4jttitia tcctpud oa itw luajtiiufl iki in iw vni of tvoofapkiffj tio thjji plmium ol ih adirtimj iu of mud b ih troiuoui iuh toajatiktr wlik ruaabw llkmifuf lot mttutum txlll mi w iturrj id but ik fcauju of ika fcjtvn i tatil w bjuj icw ft fcf tit ol uoortkukl tfw jwriu w utn a nmf put gaarli o wnlm nu w w uld adtfiuf u tawnly offer lo wll j miv k utlkilu at wtv llnu btfu rrfcuti aj ix km ii irf c lu- 0u ii otll ruktuwr uutuv gtlf turn hyaw cuthntki iwt w 20 years ago lllkill trout ihe uku ol the i lee iicks lluusday niivcnihei js imh ihe luigenl ulleiiduuee yet lealiired the annual paienu nigltl at at ton iuhhc school lal ihiiisday loilioiiow night i nomination niuln i very tillen hai 1 dale 11 ihe hiwn ii ill mi and mik ioiilon itiignvaltlson ale huipy to aniiniiiret hie butli ot a sou moy vhi noveinhei j i huly live passtiigeis 111 a ttray ctiieh bus hail an ulnanig eseaie bom thalh i nil ly when the velixle wus in a lie iilun rolhsion with a llevmi in- crt 1111 liuek at lwy mid i deu mills mail i lie diivers ol both vehicles and seven passengers sustained niilies i rom oefolui to i ibeie was a tree chejl x lay held in acton lor all ciliens ihe suivey was mule possibli lluoiiih ihe sile ol lutsliuas seals hockey is teaily lo get undeiway for anolhei siayou and the dilleieiil leauis ue now 111 a stale ol prep nation millou is mil evrpeiled lo have any lee llus year as they aie in the uudsl ol extensive if novations which will iin hide the installation ol 1rlm1ctil lee 50 years ago lakeu irom llic issue of ihe i lee 1iess lluusilav november i j 1 i xliacls troin letters received 111 the jiiaileimislei geneials ollice allotinvfit hiauch aiiii got no hook luining and i am willing lor inllainiualiou lie was deducted into the military siirlace when you took my husband you look the best man i had as i need ins assistance to keep me inclosed aimg to my condition which i havent walked 111 i mouths from a biokeu leg which is no 7i your relationship lo him answer i am still his believed wile ilcase send me a wifes form ii i dont get some money soon i will have lo lead an immortal hie until sides ol our parents are old and jwior you have changed my little hoy lo a salt and pepper by hartley colei back issues girl will make any dlllcrciicor i mn hl wile and bin only ulr mr lieslcr flunk who writ eled with typhoid lever while on u huilneu trip tluoimli munltoha tor mer w ii morey uud sona u couple ol month ur nrrlvcd home lul week he l gruduully regaining iii iikiml stietiglh uud vigor mi alherl llrown son ol mr and mr i1l llrown kiii sunday with i1i1 parents pivious lo leaving mondm nioining with the hell lelcplione ctv for topi lilt acllng kedve llrndersoii made lili bow to the oiiuly joiuieil at lit seiiion in milton on luesday 75 years ago i ikcii irom ahe issue ol llic i ree press i hiirsday november 2 ihii lloiiselioldets keep your sidewalk free ol snow ml i henderson m i will aieoinpiny a delegation to the capiljl next m lay lo i ty hetore the authorities the neiessily or a sutlable swing bridge over ihe llurlugiou ciiiul to repluce ihe ferry luitl lost in a leieul storm 100 years ago liken irom the issue of i lie canadian haiiipiiin milton november l ihdk llalloners who failed lo sjiend a nicht in scotland with mr kennedy on ihursday evening last missed a great treat although ihe roads were very had owing lo the recent rums ihe town hall wan well idled by ihe townfolk and others from u distance mr kennedy of whom we had lormed greut expectations did not disappoint us or any of hit large audience he has a powerful voice which he can modulate to express the different feelings and emotions arising from his songs ills iiuiiii r of relating anecdotes illuslrulive of scoiiish hie is inimitable and his delineation of character from the drunken piper lo the old maid it capital mist kennedy presided at the piano and played well we are happy lo learn that mi kennedy will probably re vitit milton next i ehroary when we promise him a huniper house ii you are one of the nocturnal types that likes the late late late or late latelate show on tv perhaps youll have a little sympathy for this owleyed writer i like those late dawnbreaking dickers on the magic box wrenched away from reality fascinated by the bluish glow of hunphrcy uogart peter sellers and beauties like marlcne i enrich is an experience i enjoy especially after the clock strikes twelve it goes back to an inherited desire for scclusionor a bad case of insomnia at the cinderella hour for me the best tv programs arc those after the 1 1 oclock news it is also the most convenient time since the newspaper business often requires late night hours getting up in the morning is the bind after hollywood stars have fascinated me for a couple of hours in a world of dreams the crackle of reality is often hard lo face an observant better half lo the marriage vows also swears that i miss more than half the picture anywaysound asleep i react to these suggestions with indignant denials theres an uneasy feeling nevertheless that she may be partly right what happened for instance the other night when humphrey uogart sailed with his north atlantic convoy from halifax to murmansk i saw them ie3ve halifax and reach murmansk out of halifax the ship looked like part of formidable armada it limped into the russian port full of holes half a crew and humph talking out of one side of his mouth there obviously must have been a portion of the film where i turned my head or headed for the ice box to whomp up a cheese and onion sandwich washed down with a glass of milk and two kingsued indigestion pdls furnished by a sympathetic coworker then there was the night that inveterate late nighl thriller key largo was on ihe tube thats the one where old humph uogart his gul friend lauren bacall and liardtalking ldward g robinson all end up in a hotel in the florida keys and take it over i know how it all started and how the plot ended up bul ihe pail ui the middle is kuida fuzzy my wife testing my awareness of whats going on asked howd you like the part about halfway through where the python comes out of the i vergladet swallows ihe sleek hacall babe and is killed by i dward g robinson with his safely razor my fust reaction was numbed disbelief hut i nodded my head anyway and replied one of the best parts her look changed from quizzical delight to one of unsmiling sarcasm i knew you never saw half that picture slaying up half the night thats a wall disney story you could have knocked me over with a feather guess maybe i do miss the odd reel or two hut what do i do now im hooked maybe ill write a letter to my favorite tv station asking them lo show the middle part of their shows first and alternate the start and the finish so i can get the stones straight smuggling is an old and honorable profession but a free press staffer witnessed a most unusual case in toronto recently when he visited his son in the sick childrens hospital heading for the elevator after the visit they spied another couple heading the same way carrying a large green plastic garbage bag the two couples ended up on the same elevator pushed the down button and ascended on the way down they noticed something inside the garbage bag was moving the father started to empty the contents it turned out to be their five yearold son pop patted junior on the head and said nice lo see your sister agarri eh in a thick accent the boy smiled while the father and mother discussed how easy it was to smuggle the son in despite hospital age limits for visitors you never know whats going to come out of those new plastic garbage bags do you slips in the type a toronto newspaper story on the quebec liquor ttrike comments major montreal hotels report they have no shortages of most type of liquor silt scotch rye cognac nun and vodka are still available although it b not always possible to order by brand name