Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1968, p. 1

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mayor foresees acton town of 10 iiii 1 he 1 ili lrv awkcil mjyor lu duby to imlinlo hi yvj lull jiui nunc up with u kvw pfidicltom on llie futun of acton kiddy lit lor uiiolhcr two yui urin wliitlt will likely cml up in uitiil torni of kfcjmul ytwtrimu nl tlil nuynr dipped inio ins fund ol knoukdia jlxml rtiional utvtiijntkiil ami inunitipjl alljir during the intc rvica to ummrml i picture ol liou in ciiviiionul tlil worl o iouiilii und hit direction the mun uill t ikt ovir tit term tm still very much convinced acton will not grow over the 1 0000 population mark mayor i cs duby predictcj to the i rcc press lie saw a town of about 7so0 in the near future with all the vciviha hut neither the noise and contusion ol a lare city i o n 1 1 n uc j r e v i d e n 1 1 a i expansion will steadily mcie iw the population hut the town has still got laud within its borders tor development he fore any annexation ol adjoining lownship land ts attempled it makes sense th it the seynuck vyse and pirl ol the brown arm properties within llie town he developed lirsthe explained some expulsion may he heller tell over until we have a hroader assessment h ise which way will the town grow i as and north he predicted industrnlly acton is belter olf than most towns hut we could do with three or font m ill industries which employ feinau help the mayor answered a query iheie are many women looking tor work in acton hul theres nothing here lot them im not unduly concerned about ihe induslnal p irk silting there he sud we have several equines each year trom companies wanting to locate there but none h ive been cicptahic the mayor said l he town can allord to he selective about the industry which locales here and must think ahoul whit can be handled industries wilh objectionable odors and other c of c head looks into crystal ball whats in the fuurc fur acton the question was alio asked this week of clumber of commerce president paul nielsen relaxing after the christmas rush in his busy mill st store he visualizes 10 changes in store for the town in 60 and here they are the increase in population will be 10 per tent the average over the past 20 years has only been two per tent several new industries will locate here in the next year as well present industries will expand an urban renewal prograrrvlor the core of the town willnw planned k council will be under pressure from developers to allow unwise growth fairy lake will emerge us the focus of recreational ajmiyjtics adult education will tic an important feature of community life and wilt centre around the resource centres at the schools rather than our library the students and teachers at the high school will participate far more in community activities than before and merchants and industries will pi a dilfercnt and more active role in education for shoppers mr nielsen predicts that a major chain will open an outlet in acton and for those feeling the strum of christmas rush mr nielsen predicts a health spa will be started in town sleet snow plug roads hours of overt line and weekend work were logged by the weary town work crews over the weekend and still many complaints were phoned m about the condition oi the rcuds following the blowy sleety twoday storm snow and ice blanketed the town plugging roads and driveways pious and sunders were out in tull lorce here and throughout the district as well as the weather and complamers town men were laced with the infuriating problem ol cars let l on the streets impeding the plows police contacted as many owners as possible onlv two cars out ot a possible manv many mine were toued away police u thes will be strictly enforcing the no overnight parking regulations liu iccepl ible leilurcshivc been 1iveii no incoiiraeinetil now limes ion into ihe nidus i nal p uk im almost cert mi iwo or three light industries will loc itc i here in ihe nc ii luiure predicted mr duby allhough regiuijil government is in the oiling here will he no ch mgc in councils operations ouiicil wilt continue in do ihe same as m the p ist so as to keep in the be si condition when the chaugeovei comes il will be it leas two years be ore we have regional government lure and it will he a two county deal hilton md peel the mayor thought in his v n v i js i cipacity as head of ihe central ontario regional development tunilll o k ix which has been designated us advisers to region il government by the minister of municipal alfairi mr duby has seen the entire plan develop from the inside as it vveji- yiv d is the last source tor the grass roots to make their views known the mayor declared all acton brief is among thou considered and some strong recommendations haytr been accepted from it among them is a plea lor transit on the t nit line from 1 oionto to kitchener the mayor said he was v wt- v- 4 sn v ninety fourth year no 27 acton ontario monday december 30 1961 ton pages ton cents council opposes hike in bell rate acton i ouncil accepted the recommendation ol no i committee and passed a resolution opposing ihe increase in rates proposed by the hell canada telephone system opics of the resolution will be sent to the ontario municipal association the mayors and reeves association and the federal m p for llalton rud whiting reeve hinton included mr whiting in with the municipal associations because he said he tell the llalton m p was showing u n due enthusiasm over the cnr and should be giving some time to the bell telephone company bell canada bus applied to the canadian transport commission tor approval of higher telephone rates and charges to take effect march 1 iw individual residence service in acton would increase from s4 1 s to 54 70 per month business service would go up from s8 to s10 for an individual line and other charges rise proportionately discussion later in the meeting revealed however that the retiring reeve was a strong advocate ot stopping cio trains here he asked that council give the issue ol a co line between toronto and guelph priority in next years business mayor duby said the entral ontario regional development council cor1x had prepared a briet exerting pressure for go trains along the present r line the reeve said be was lamihar with the cordc program but that the minister was more concerned with the mtarts study i think the coilnty and this council should take a strong stand on transportation he argued ihe mayor replying to mr hinton said the corix which represented 14 municipalities had much more chance ol success with the powers that be than individual representations to the government both the mavoi and reeve reviewed their meeting with the minister ot municipal at fairs darcy mckeough along with other municipal officials trom llalton and peel t hey reiterated the strong hints that came out ol the meeting concerning the imminence ol regional government tor llalton and peel counties the minister told llalton and peel representatives that the government wanted a bulter municipality to separate the rapidly growing metro toronto and 11 million areas he will likely unveil his proposal to peel ounly ouncil at a meeting january 22 llalton mayors reeves and deputy reeves aie invited as spectators touch of nostalgia at final meeting there was a note ot sadness in the final meeting of acton council monday night differences were forgotten as councillors exchanged compliments with those who will be replaced on council councillor charlie perry expressed his enjoyment ot the last two years citing the experience as a gainful one he predicted a tough year ahead for silent night councillors were reminded twas the season to be merry whan members of the acton citizens band struck up some stirring seasonable music outside the council chambers during some serious discussion on appointments last week smiles creased faces deep in thou qh t knitted brows relaxed and the tension disappeared when mayor les duby followed by several councillors went outside obviously pleased to thank the band for their thouqhtfulness but atked them politely to blow their horns somewhere else wearing a grin in place of a poised baton bandmaster george elliott replied fittingly mnd the group dispensed joy to the world elsewhere council toes still tapped in time as the carol music faded in the night the new council mr perry did not run tor office because ot job uncertainties c ouncillor bill williams nosed out in the election said he also enjoyed the last lour years it was one great debate and he had made a tew enemies hut acquired some friends he along with mr perry wished the new council success ouncillor bob drinkwalter defeated in his bid for he mayors chair said service on council was a privilege everyone should try lie enjoyed the experience and gained some valuable knowledge mr drinkwalter thanked the press tor their coverage but telt lie couldnt be as considerate as mr hinton was at a previous meeting since it wa s his impression that they were biased on some things i ast to speak was reeve hinton defeated in his bid lor the othce ot mayor mr hinton expressed his appreciation ot the work and said he always had he best interests of the town j heart its m town our nvccn lie told council and tic wished to see cton go forward 1 he kevc and councillors drinkwalter and perry will run entirely sever then connections with municipal work since mr hinton was appointed to serve o u i h c 1 c e i o pme n t om mission and t ounullois drinkwalter and pern were appointed to planning board fiftieth wedding anniversary was observed on boxirsg day by mr and mrs harry mainprize john st they were married at wyevale december 26 1918 and camo to acton ih 1920 mr mainprize s barber shop was at the cornor of john and mill for 30 years and he retired seven years ago staff photo no tree burning i hi traditional 1 well iii nighl c linstnias i rcc burning will mil he held this ycai because of restrictive mil pollution laws aliihi t ounul discussed the nultcr at tlic last meeting of the year tin the monday bclore christmas and decided the town rmisl set the example hy complying with new air pollution liintiol laws hrislmas trees will he picked up on 1 nday jjiiniiy 1 however in the usual manner reeve million said the town had no alternative hut to comply with the law i heres a good reason for it he declared what kind of an altitude can we expect trom industries and others il the town ignores it mayor lcs duby agreed with the reeve me asserted there was no doubt practices like tree burning did pollute the air although no evidence of pollution might be evident at the site a cloud of smoke or a fog a few miles away could very well be traced to the burning the twelfth night tree burning ceremony was fast becoming a traditional part of the holiday season attracting hundreds of acton people to the dump site for the huge bonfire und refreshments provided by the lumber of commerce who ran the event in conjunction with the town one accident mors holiday the holiday season was only marred by one accident and a minor one at that in acton the only accident reported to the police during the past two weeks occurred last hnday on mill st a car owned by archie papillon main st s was parked in front of the hank of nova scotia when it slirped into reverse and moved across the street striking a parked car owned by john vhetstra r r t acton there vvas no damage to the papillon iar but the vhetstra car received s0 damage pirticiilarly pleased wimi the crossseclion ol community interest on council this year he toresaw no difficulties in lppoiuling committee chairmen because of the varied interests there will he a very strong desire to control the null rate but work not done this year because ol chopping could complicate things the backlog of work will probably tue in the null rate will go up the mayor laid mayor duby saw no majoi piobleins lacing the town this yeai ihe addition to the water pollution control plant should lie i unshed in i id and in use by l70 sonic street digging necessary for the plant has been postponed until spring so it will ii ive a minimal effect on traffic i or llie lust time in seven years the mayor hopes council will operate on a functional pnitccliuil by law so council can enjoy shorter meetings and lewer meetings hut gel more business done this wjy councillors must come prepared and everyone gets a chance to speak on the issues i he town hopes to embark on a progrjm of new sidewalks based on pnority and also some road work 1 he new subdivision agreement makes it mandatory for developers to construct sidewalks and roads which will relieve older taxpayers of the necessity of helping to pay for new services mayor duby said that with the completion of dredging at i airy lake in w he can foresee serious consideration must be given to allocate funds for cleaning up operations although it is difficult to gauge the extent of work now the mayor hopes to use the recent incident at the main st north railway crossing as a lever to convince department of transport officials of the need for a railway underpass the situation where a large tank stuck on the tracks indicates the serious nature of the crossing mr duby said perhaps the town could work in conjunction with the department of highways and the drainage project on tyler avenue to improve the approach into the west end of town plans of course would have to take into consideration department plans for no 7 highway in conclusion the mayor said the mam thing for council over the next two years was to understand local problems live with them and deal with them to obtain the best results wassail bowl during c linstmas week police report one liquor seizure and one minor consuming under age these incidents were down from ihe week before 2r large snowfall of th wtntar fall on acton and district and saturday clogoirvg road and tidasvalka and craatlng hours of ovartlma for town amployaes fortunataly th district was spared the deluoe of freezing rain which paralyzed districts to the south cutting off electricity and heat and making driving hazardous town employees kept roads in acton open all through the heavy snow while citizens dug themselves out saturday and sunday snow plows were hampered in their work by car parked along streets two were towed away meanwhile children enloyed the uvow toboggenlab hr and emoh ridlrej snow were out in force many of them chrtetnua grlta some brought owner to work from the country where mow plow were slower

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