Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1968, p. 2

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9 the acton free press monday december 30 1 960 tleuf tfeaj rejciutichj k new years resolutions used t be as much a part of the holiday seasolvais turkey and mince pic but in this era of the organization man they have gone out of fashion amid committees commissions and the other social structures that engulf us where they do things rather than t we tend to avoid responsibility even for ourselves while this anonymity may be comfortabje in a very short timeit makes life meaningless this year lets bring back the personal resolution if only as a gesture of defiance against the corporate lump that so deprcssingly sucks us under here are a few for consideration resolve to be committed to something be it ever so smalland see it through it may be canvassing for some worthy cause visiting a shutinregularly giving leadership to a group of youngsters develop a healthy skepticism about what is on tv every shot of every situation does not automatically contain the truth photography can be as slanted and shallow as some verbal reporting since you can go back and reread what is in print the newspaper doesnt hitandrun in the same devastating way refuse to be a slave of the newest just because it makes the most noise whether it be art politics or morals for every genuine insight there are ten sterile blind alley bypasses whose misdirection has to be corrected before we can progress will and ariel purant who won the nobel prize last year for their final volume of the history of civilization wrote recently it is good that new ideas should be heard for the sake of the few that can be used it is good also that new ideas should be compelled to go through the mill of opposition this is the triul heat which innovations must survive before being allowed to enter the human race this year do not shrug helplessly before every problem stand up and be counted p jtree ms editorial pag predict wrtyaye kike buying a house you may have to pay close to 10 per cent for a conventional house mortgage if you undertake one early in the new year according to an article in the financial post conventional rates have already started to grow higher in anticipation of an increase in the national housing act mortgage ceiling january i conventional rates are usually vi per cent higher than nha rates house buyers would be wise to buy early in the new year the article says because rates in february and march could be u per cent higher than those in january however theres always the possibility the mortgage men could be wrong uven the most seasoned cant agree on whats going to happen in february and march if the conventional mortgage rates rise as some predict they could more than double the cost of a house i cifitwial hctej dont forget write 196 beginning tuesday at midnight hourly earnings in canadian manufacturing industry in september this year averaged s262 an increase of 1 cents eight per cent over the same month of 17 in the same 12 month period the consumer price index climbed from 1507 to 1564 an increase of 38 per cent in the 20 years from the present consumer price index calculations january i prices as measured by it have risen b for example if a buyer borrows s20000 at 1 per cent on a s20000 house and pays it back in monthly instalments over 25 years the total cost of the house will be 562680 a home owner who took a s20000 loan two or three years ago at 7i per cent for 25 years is paying monthly instalments of si 4320 the house owner who takes the same loan for the same period at l per cent will pay si 7560 monthly payments at this rate of course will just put the cost of housing further beyond the reach of the average wage earner those in the money market may benefit from the increase but it could mean the difference for some between ever owning ahome and staying in rented places it could mean misery for others who must put up with inadequate housing because they cant afford a decent home nearly 0 per cent average hourly earnings in manufacturi industry in the same 20 years have risen by- more than i 50 per cent january 1 is not only new years day it is also being observed as a day of peace the world council of churches have asked members in l countries to join in pope pauls call for prayers for peace on january i it takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong pketej frtm the pam back issues vacant house sugar and spice bii i e y actons first oha hockey mem won group honor in the intermediate b group no s during the 102930 season the year the new arena was finished seated front row left to right russ salmon joe kantner frank gibbons bill holloway g huffman bobby anderson neil gibbons standing second row dr a j buchanan trainer w eecleshall jack greer joe woods harry chew back row john mellon club president gordon baanjmore manager n h garden j m mcdonald and l b shorey members of the executive and the same to you lang may your luni reek and if you start the firstfootin it through the town on hogmanay youll probably find yourself lastfootin it in the door at 6 am your car in the garage with he lights left on your wife already in lie house wild her lights blazing and yourself burning with a clear pure 10watl illumination however thats your headache busier i expect to have my own right now im going to give a serious analysis of the coming year as i see it as we old soothsayers say everything will be fine in 6 usually my prophecies arc right un the nose but i make the odd slip so just in case you are invited to bum this after youve read it known as destroying the evidence speaking of burn 1 predict that this year students will not be threatening to burn the universities the universities will start burning students it would solve a lot of problems like overcrowding and soaring costs the idea is simple a mob of students starts a demonstration invades the university buildings and turns them into a pigpen at this point the president of the university instead of cowering under his desk and promising no lectures no exams and instant degrees merely calls out loud and clear burn them from all sort of broom closets will rush squads ol squjrc students who want to learn rather than burn they will douse the activists with gasoline and toss each of them a match lighted this will be known as opgas several oil companies and a host of taxpayers are interested in contributing some other forecasts jeanjacques rousseau or whatever they call our prune minister will come up with a vibrant new name lor his governments policies it will be called the busi societ and will be more financial ihan physical vim and i will become one year older less wise and more crotchety well have at least one more wrinkle hangup chin stomach oi whatever we run to off the cuff disabled adults want a helping hand not a handout the rehabilitation foundation for the disabled march of dimes provides that helping handwith public- support for their annual campaign in january a prudent person profits from pergonal experience a wise one from the experience of others joseph collins md supermarket something that keeps most husbands from going into the stock market canada will regain us onceemincnl position in world affairs and will be listened to in international conferences with awe and admiration by guatemala ceylon and madagascar hordes of godfearing canadians will get stoned every saturday night even though the price of booze will rise parents who have spoiled their kids rotten will hold up iheir hands in horror and weep copiously over the activities of their rotten kids australia will be towed by the combined fleets of the western world to a place of safety between hawaii and california but only after they have promised to throw oveboard all their black aborigines miniskirts will go down theres no place else to go theyll probably drop as far as the upper thigh taxes will go up theres nowhere else to go theyll go up enough to infuriate the citizenry but not quite enough to start a revolution the russians will heat canada in hockey you can bet on this one husbands and wives will seriously consider strangling each other with their bare hands they wont do it but you can also bet on that one golfers will continue to hook and slice curlers will go on missing that crucial shot anglets will continue to he in their teeth hands wide apart deer hunters will explain for an hour anda half why they missed that huge buck at pointblank range and well all go on playing that crazy fascinating game known as hie but dont be distuibed chaps its a loi mure interesting than being dead so hang on tor another 12 months and give il everything youve got if you have any thing left the acton free press phone 8532010 butinm nd ed to il office foujutnj in ip j pwfcjtajwd rwry ti hf ai w uiuh v a ion omuiu uaimfcwr ol lb auat ftufu uf ctnuuiwa ihs ohma uj owina ajxlitmj l on nfttjuttl lujmclif- itua twiatur in adttm uto m cajufal 1t m it vuunlimi o4hr lua caajau umjw cofjum lov aullkutmj t imoaj cue fctuil kau otftu orfjurisawni oiiata adtftlluaj mcuj set ik tuauliilum ilui im itw mi ftl lhsllaf it vrrur itui puiiu ul ilu adtnttuaj f t- oc- tuptftt b ifce- ffkuuolm naajl tdltwr umiak rmwmbw allotauk i of ujmitlftf will ml it tkerrjkxj lor but ilw hluu of ilw aufevnutmmj wtil w uaj luf 41 ttw 4jjtlecaue rw i ilk ti ul j iiptajrwlui ttw tdwflueij gooavi or unun i a ura axle ea or taut nui b uuj utanwei it wuniv mat1t to wll anj nut tvr utiuftwn at tv ium dike vvtalinf mkel cat list dnj r dtlu puuuuf tievsiltv colft dm tiyitt cuptnejtii iw7 w 20 years ago taken from the itmlc of the free iicm thursday january im spring like weather conditions on tuesday brought rain during the night making driving condition very hazardous in the district while highways were clear of snow hcuvy ice deposits were found on the sliced in town while county roads were turned into extended skating rinku four icaim will represent acton in organized hockey- this season the oiia intermediate ii entry will xlart its schedule tonight in the arena against weston at the execulive meeting on tuesday of guelph iresbytcnaf wms mrs harry mainprie was presented with an honorary life membership mrs mainprie has been the efficient corresponding secretary for the past five years thanks to the generosity of many local organizations christmas this year was made a little brighter for many of the needy children of halton county the childrens aid society has received many donations of toys and clothing and these have been distiihiitcd where il was fell the need was greatest the acton girls and hoys hand presented a good financial report at the completion of another successful year mr c w hall of the local branch of the bank of montreal has been transferred to the hank in lixetcr he is married to the former olive rookcs of acton a farewell parly was given for him at the home of hank manager w ii clayton and mrs clayton 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday january ll during the christmas holidays the scholars of the baptist sunday school entered into a competition for essays on the life of joseph three well prepared essays were handed to rev mi jones last week they were read and valued by a literary man in town and judged as follows 1st leslie martin 2nd fred warren 3rd claude precious the mercury descended to zero for the first time this winter un saturday morning the watchniglit service at the methodist parsonage on new years evening was most interesting there were about 70 llpwurth leaguers and heir friends prcscnl rev and mrs moyer proved themselves royal hosts mr john watson has sold his farm at the coiner of acton crossroad and the fifth line to mr d a henderson lumberman acton this farm was the homestead of the watson family for some 70 years mr henderson has already commenced cutting off the fine original timber standing on the watson farm a circular has been issued announcing that all government railway lines will be operated under the name canadian national railways- this includes the canadian northern railway system and canadian government railways salt and 75 years ago taker fr in the issue of ihc free prcis thurnday january 4 h4 prohibition passed with u good majority ag the polls monday and now il is up to the government to pass u law which shows the obvious wishes of ihc electorate mri trunk hamilton of the station house met with a serious accident last thursday evening she was on the front verandah off the secoqd storey when by some meaiik she fell over the railing lo the sidewalk below sustaining a fracture of the left leg above the ankle constable graham found a full bottle of whiskey on a tramp who applied for permission to sleep on one of the downy couches in the cells the other night owing lo the breaking of a bit mr r i brown had a somewhat serious runaway while going to the funeral of the late mr mclaughlin on sunday the horse got away and ran with die cutter lo the place of the funeral only the cutter was damaged reeve pearson has suggested the advisability of at once trimming the trees damaged by the recent storm and painting the wounded parts a good idea in the prize list of the worlds lair beardruore and co are given fust place for their exhibition of sole leather hbhages new skating rink on hendersons pond will he upened this evening 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton dec 24 ik6h we arc indebted to john fasteibrook fsq clerk of nassagawcya for an account of he nomination proceedings in that township which we would have been happy to make use of had we not already in type a similar account from a friend who was present mr fasterbrook supplies the following motion omitted hi ihc last minutes he says the following lesolulion was passed at the close of the last meeting of the council during my tcmporaiy absence from the council hoard which was the cause of its not appearing in he minules moved by mi iaslcrbrook seconded by mr ramsay hut this council do tender their hearty thanks to archibald campbell hsq reeve for the courteous manner in which he has discharged his duty towards the members of this board while presiding over their deliberations this is the nineteenth time without interruption that mr campbell has been elected as a member of the municipal council for this township the anniversary leamccling uf he peru society will he held on he evening of christmas day december 25 the reverends nugent llayncs and others are expected to deliver addresses good music may be expected doors open at 630 tea served at 730 pm admission 25 cents pepper by hartley coles i trust you had a nice christmas and are looking forward to the new year festivities with something more soothing than a seltzer bottle i trust you also curbed your appetite forgot about extra helpings and merely sniffed when someone suggested you have a second round of christmas pudding i didn but it would be good to know theres someone out there with some willpower and a stomach which still digests without churning like an old wringer washer christmas dinner at our house is usually preceded by a round of cracker cracking thats where ihey set a christmas cracker in front of your plate you turn to the person in the next chair proffer the cracker and both pull when you pick yourself off he floor remove your sleeve from the giavy and extract he end ofyour tie out of the dressing you end up with a paper hat loo small for your head a mimlov a cracker joke and tattered ends of used cracker paper which nobiuly knows what to do with some people place great faith in the printed slip of paper that flies out of the cracker and ends up in the carrots mine for instance after missing the carrots and landing in the peas provided this startling bit of information give a pig and a boy everything they want and youll get a good pig and a bad boy try that on for size you juvende delinquents who think you should have everything you want next time around it might be 3 good idea for parents to raise pigs instead of boys especially with the price of pork on the market boys dont sell for much its no wonder whod want them after reading the next piece of information which popped out of a cracker it read indulgent fatherim sorry paul you cant have the chauffeur and limousine tomorrow but daddy how will i get to school do the same as he oilier kids call a cab fine advertising for the taxi boys but a little hard on we indulgent fathers who own limousines and lure chauffeurs its a good job we arc few and tar between we might go aftei the cracker company for libel the cracker company in turn might accuse us of going crackers which in case you havent any friends from ole blighty means we are heading for the funny farm thcies advice for everyone in these cylindricalshaped gadgets tven the little woman didnt escape the scathing remarks if you catch her ogling another woman with a new fur coat for instance just tecite this little bit of wisdom which fluttered out of another cracker the mink in the coiet is often responsible for the wolf at the door i tried that one out on my better half with startling results first of all was the reply if she had a mink it wouldnt spend much time in the closet second die wouldnt mind a few wolves at her door at all provided they were the twolegged type what can you do with an answei like that stifle your impulse to dug her dive out the window old smoothie here merely pulled another gem our of the cracker barrel it read some people believe the jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous a weapon as it was in sampsons time that one was tantamount to declaring a cold war but due to the holiday season and the plenitude of good will it was shrugged off with a smile to assauge my uilt feelings i remarked how well die looked under the holiday lights the answer came out of a cracker flattery is soft soap and soft soap la 92 per cent lye maybe well be talking by the new year

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