Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1968, p. 6

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x the acton freo press monday december 30 1 6fl zsx nslnjoiafcaiajc personals by wendy ihomsnn in lie ntml hist week were christmas cards irom two ladies one in acton itnd one in guelph willi lovely notes telling me how ninth they enoycd 1 1 1 iv column i was absolutely delighted with them and keep them tight on linul which to me means a shell in the kitchen to rereaipwhru things g wrong i guarantee theyll he the most read christmas curdsever mrs mel hcliern iroin guelph snd i am sure we have nil loiind ourselves in the same predicaments jt one time ol another md my tirsl reaition mtss sushi i lend is holidays irom i lutloit mr 1 1 null pitient in hospital patterson guelph wus good heivens no 1 he thought ol thousands ol women in wrecked cars sliding around the road with iluireycs shut ol llioiisands ol uosseyed dogs and millions ol unblinking cuts lined up in countless kitchens nul ol su inns ol honking geese descending on neighbours daffodils was ovei whelming uu a minute 1 hen common sense took over i guess that problems whuh seim uniii lo mil tamik arent really i or instance i dream about losing my teeth in my dreams they just start killing out and rattling around in mv mouth m matter how hard i try to stick them bilk in gold is alwis threatening to nnl lemovi them sti i wont have to woirj and wont keep waking linn up with my nightmares i woudei how iiiiii vi omen have this problem 1 know ol three others the wile ot an acton doctor the wile ot a georgetown horseman and the wile ol i markham witter ii men have he same dream i havent heard ol one but then ol course i seldom t ilk teeth with men mv the was two nights ago i ton ml a po sibli- solution i went biik to skip and dieaml in a third si l ot ueth souu piedii amen is ivi hi en in ive miii been quite abk to explain to roril mow i sou ell iiii husband thai he hghlhulh slumred in wnu hand as you wen irving lo unscrew if i was at a loss lo iplini how i ml ms hands llie same hand that was holdiut in kmte hi il did the cutting mow im sou loiiiiuii i m in that von are in som right mind but list lorgol that tin cookie sheet would be hoi and leached into a 17s decree oven without milts doid sass lies going to starl introducing uu with i his is mv wile humble mrs md ajiern ends hei note with please dont lost otu sense ol huuioi i hope i dont as some das- ils all hat mikes things bearable i odas he dram pump on he washing iiiiiliuu wasnt working and i implied it he draining il inlo ms launer then dumping it inlo the iiiiihiis lubs when i switched on he pump that should have taken the water irom the tubs m growled unified sighed and quit i ended up running up and down the basement slairs with milk jugs lull ot water id kill my last si v pads u goal to dump it when i got the last lew indies ol water syphoning seemed lo be the oulv thing lo do a shoit length ol gaulen host and a lew empty bleach bottles werent loo lai away and alter a tew lalse stalls i got every thing going quite nuelv then i realized my lingei was stuck alongside he hose in the bleach bottle on the floor and it i let go ol the end in the tub it would pop up and id lose my sin lion while i was debating w hat lo do the water overflowed and i goi a smker i dropped eveiy thing came upstairs grabbed a cat and the imslnijs cirds and went inlo a huddle in the arm chaii muttering i must not lose my sense ot humor i must mot lose ni sensi ot humor its on days like his that the never tail ivpt ot recipe tonus hi hands the youngsters and i dont usually like home made soup but this one is exceptionally good and esen it i get ms measurements wiong it usually doesnt mallei i he same with the apple risp unless ol course von make an extiemelv bail mistake mini mhom id il nip uiu oil oi nun oil iltl i iiovl irtu miiiitil 2 itips itinptiil tifiitm i tup ituippul nlir nip tlmppitl pirsto ok uuhl oli 1 t i t in tniiiui imli i i id ii i d ml hrolh ps hi i i nip tuirli grain talihiii tairols itiinly slunl isp mil up pippn lktsp sjt mtv wt ii hrmc it hnil tnvii miiinur i hour aii 1 n 1 tin kuik iwins i tup lni ii put tup tint ookt ii in it iiuiii onk s muuiiis idiiin stri vntti iarinisiii xlll i i kim situ d nr h nu ilium ippli t mln a inkim lifi mis i nip hour nil a k 1 1 mis tall nu mp brow n sii ii til in tup hut it r uitli j p isli mi ntli r or tun knius spnnkli uur ilu lop ol ipput iwnh lliki n pv titrtts tor jo lo s tuiiiiilin st m nil tit jin barbara mercer richard doyle christmas ceremony ixiughtei ol loiiner lesuletiis ot acton barbara niie meuei was mainicl to kithaid wavue hoy le in kowntici i mud church ondon llu bndi is the daughu ot 1i uul mrs mian john v hailion mercer mo lasloi si i ondon i graduate ol he gieaiei iagata general hospital niacna i alls she is ernplowd at wcstmmsiei hospital i ondon the groom a student at the horticultural t ollegi at iigaia i alls is the sou ot mi ami mis william h oosle point iclwaul christmas uees while mums and c an dies dec ot a ted the chinch toi the tetemous ai p in peitormed in ilu ues norman jones m s jean hun was organist miss jacqueluu ciiundy was soloist singing llu wedding prasei the hude wore a uhiti ieliei gown w i th mandatin ticklme and ca t bed i al 1 1 a in with apphqutd trim and the seil had nut citing appliques she tarried a nosbogay ot deep ied roses and kibv mums encircled with holu the brides attendants all wore floorlength vutouan sts le diees ot niomi gieeyeliet trimmed with white lacf 1 lieu headdreises wei e small bcetrunmed pillbox hats m hutching veuei ihes earned nowpys ot red and white carnations and babs muim encircled with ancgated holly they were mm carol kas ai maid of honor and bridesmaids miss marianne andre- mrs paul goddard and miss men mercer the brides suiter the bride was given in marriage by her father groomsman was uud doyle uncle of the groom ushers were john griffith douglas dalby and tom mercer brother of th bnde i he evening reception was held at the c arousel motor hotel llie brides mothei wore a pine silk biocade dress in blue and mlver with matching blue accessories and a pmk orchid toisage 1 hi giooms niothei woie a slutcking pink dress wiih applique turn and matching hat black acccssones mid a pink corsage i he couple lett to spend llu hiistmas season in the pucouo mountains in pennsylvania i lies will be living in niagara i alls on then uturn 1 he bride tor travelling wore a camel ban mat oiange hat blown accessories wool dievs in camel shade with gold trim and a i hrisinus toisage special guests at the wedding included the great grandmoiliei ot the groom mis wilkinson giandparents ot t groom mi and mis sasloi and mi and mis h dosle an the giandmothei ol he bride mis v eda mercer nests were present irom cton t huago 1 oronto iagaia i ills sauna and si mars trousseau lea was held al the home ol the hndes parents viid there were showers in l ondon and sarnij swiss treat special holiday treat tor the swiw is birewege a pear cake which contains a spicy flavorful concentrate irom airdried pears mixed with raisins and resembling a slimy loal of bread vlso traditional is a christmas cookie the tuggel said to have originated as an early german sacrificial cake miss julie preston visited hosing hay mr and mrs iiielph spent relatives in acton i esniewilh acton i r lends ol 1 rnest oles o chnstinas with mr and mrs w and steven ol si visited with relatives iren wood ath nines mi and mrs hiane i mi ic toronto visitei this week 1 oiiv lionside and vil ol aclou iriends mi and mis aniiand hiaula and lamily ol kingston visited with ins parents mi and mis s hiaula mi and mis wayne nine and boys ol ouudas visiled with mi and mrs dordou curric and other acton relatives mrs u algie spent a tew days with hei son mi hiuce algie and sons in harrie during christmas week mis alex near spent christmas with relatives in kitchener and waterloo miss robina c clark christmas with mi and pent mrs alex pateai kitchener and mi and mrs j spent hnstmas with and lamilv in ottawa mcleod daughter mis u m macdonald had mrs w 1 a hell ol toronto mr and mrs norman small ot niagara i alls and mr jim small ol waterloo university with her on christmas mrs m mcauley is spending a christmas vacation with her daughter mrs i rank ritchie and mi ritchie near i ucknosi mrs allen smith and wanetta smith spent hnstmas day in toronto with mr and mrs harold smith and ako visited other relatives mr and mrs win willis of oxford nova scotia are visiting with their daughter mr and mrs harold smith and granddaughter leslie in toronto before leaving for i lorida on a holiday mr and mrs a m mac pherson spent christmas ss ith their daughter and soninlaw mi and mis ross gordon and allen at guelph mr and mrs donald i mdsay and daughters sseie also guests at the parental home mr and mis roy macdonald ot hrigden and their son mr kenneth j macdonald ol belleville called on their cousin mrs j c dennis last week peter tas loi son ot mr and mrs chut lavlor was home for the christmas holiday s peter is a civilian radiolelex operator with the i p p at kirkland 1ake ontario now miltons deik mr jack mcgeachie and mrs mctieachie entertained lonnei colleagues irom aclou council i ndas evening at then new home in milton mi and mrs john i asl and family spent hnstmas in uoodbndge with mrs last mr and mrs walter c onion and anne mi and mrs gordon johnston were guests at a prechnstmas gathering and dinner at the home ol mr and mrs o d clark miss jane it i lorida holt is holidaying eial mi and mrs i rank hrowmng ol 1 oronto spent hnstmas with mis a dills miss maiy hahneis ol oronto spent hnstmas in acton with mr and mis stan norton and olhei lelattves mis during guelph a nine relative- maw giaham visiled tile holiday week in wilh hei sister mrs sotketl and oilier mr and mrs llvmn i aiug ol montreal spent chnstinas with hei sislei mrs loin watson ml watson and lamilv missmaiy ueth i i tiom wmdsni with toi holidays toll is liimie hei family mr and mis hill mcllughand lamily ol scai borough were in town svilh relatives over the holiday mrs mclean and jean mr and mrs i red dixon miss diane dixon ol milton spent christmas with mr and mis william a mel can i art and piauces mel can near 1 tin home irom i agos nigeria loi holidays are mr and mis pelei hurst me is with the anadiau government there i hey aie visiting with his patents mr and mrs joe hurst aithur st chnsimas and then soth wedding annivcr saiy weie combined celebrations this yeai for mi and mis hatiy mampne spending hnstmas and hoxing day with them and son mi hill maiuprie weie daiighlei mrs i rank i gan mi i luii and boys ol duelph son jack maiupne mrs mampne susan david and janel ot montreal mitt ttitttftstm greetings deal honored much respected hiends wheieei y on chance lo dwell jogieel you would we lein employ oui feeble semblance ot such skill whereby lo scalier captured joy and radiate unfeigned goodwill mongst tiicudsand kindred near and tar whom drawn by ties unseen that bind i ike ancient followers ol 1 he star i he blithesome heart the sensive mind t he slender links of friendships chain are lused by nuituied fire ihev bind the head ol friend to inend they kindle fine desire i hey stimulate ihe spark divine rare sentiments inspire onslram to greetings hearty kind i ond wish for joy in store 1 or happiness in future days more blessings than before our greetings then in tones sincere in steadfast faith our prayer that he whose glory shone around will keep you in his care this poem written by m m oles of acton was part of his hnstmas card this year yogi lirar a stuffed loy was tin prie svmnn hihiwih had tor tin liuky lirkiit holder in their annual draw wrfn this ycir hy miss than k itjmjmfo ychjis supported by larli mai syinoo while julf gay in ke ihe driw was held stewart ol syrnon and father draws th winmri jin imr eve mr and mrs john hulnagel and children of mississauga spent christmas with relatives in town christmas guests ot mr and mrs david dills and kalhleen included mr and mrs roy brown miss hertha brown mr i rn brown and miss isie k stewart all former actoiuatis who live in toronto now christmas day visitors at the home ol dr and mrs f oakes were arolyn and i rnie gregorv of himilton i ranees and russel gaulton and children ol grimsby george and 1 leanor oakes and children ot i tobicoke i very one talked by phone lo daughter peggy paul and son ted lawson ol milwaukee who were unable to attend the hnstmas gathering home lor hnstmas with mr aud mrs charles i andsborougli were mr hob i andsborougli 1 oronto mr and mrs mac sinclair gnu and ian kingston mr and mrs gordon park atln steven and kenneth p e t i o i i a miss donna i andsborougli guelph miss joanne i andsborougli waterloo l inversus mr dave sver surma hnstmas guests with mr and mrs gordon johnston r r i were mr and mrs i arl sayers bryan sandra and c raig mr and mrs i ee s ivcrs and barbara ot osliawa and mr and mrs o bruce toronto mr and mrs ward biuce ospnnge mr harry bruce london mr h sayers mr and mrs james savers shirley lynda and i orna cton mrs neville ha r r up r o s c m a n e and j oanne ol islington were hnstmas visitors with mr and mrs henry deveau mrs r c cunningham ot mtlton mr and mrs harold dolson and miss 1 liabeth leslie of georgetown mr and mrs john watkins mr and mrs i orne doberthein and lisa mr and mrs mcb blow mr and mrs j m steele of acton mrs doreen njckhn of guelph had hnstmas dinner at the amber upola guelph and spent the evening at mrs doreen nickhns mi md mis urns norton uf st ivanger norway pined j boxing day pluuu call honn to ml and mis 1oh i onttel despite the distant t mrs i oiillct desenbid tin i dl very cle u mil ml it snundid as if the virions wen next dooi 1 hey an in 1h south o noiwiv nul i in it w is no snow ovei hnsiin i illhough llu tenipcialiiii was todigieis on demiihu 1 mis i shiuglei arrived lioni i nitiml to spend t hnstmas and new years wilh hei daiiihlci mis i i aenby and i nnily on saturday decemhci i ihe family ot mi md mis i i aenby held i puts in honor of then patents z vudding anniversary in in oloni il room ol the amhissidoi lloiil guelph re la in i md lnend from 1 imiliousc inmnto guelph and acton itluukd mrs slungki is hiilhd with ilu great arrays ol duoialivi light seen everywhere christmas draw winners named i here weti ilirce hiimuis mi i heiuly imnscllui iiiisiini driw midt hy one iiiinijti mis 1 clilh ltlnlie a jkihirnc siilk wis ori hv mrs s siull i iiiiiliii dr irpslilk h mrs ann mi tnrilli rh i md i pllkll ol it i ershiv e loutlelus hv linnie nlcs r u mirruir pirs nhed guaranteed products and service from imperial vfurnace and syerttfe oils greases gasoline diesel fuel motor oils oil ltd ultimatic furnaces no down payment 10 yean ro pay power humidifiers jerry skirrow dr j d hines bsc md cm cbcs eye specialist c wishes to announce the opening of an office for the practice of ophthalmology 140 main st milton office hours wednesday 9am 8pm telephone milton 8783612 if no answer oakville 8457841 by appointment only btsc wishes our trunks ind gratitude for your generosit ct cetera al v w yl al il iii is iin sl le ill ck in in iniil i exl wi tk si vi ka1 a ih spuuling the linslinas holiday in i lorida one plium i ill repoilid molish w it hei koads aui still mushy in town today hut the highways art ik ii al midnighi on new years i vi milton s town bell will ring to welcome in ls0 additional k ii llll hoi iday wl a i iii u is pcrlecl tor tobogganing on district lulls ihe uohert i htle siliool fiounds tic popular spooding along our bout wnihou and thanuu to all our good friondn itn boon a ploaauro to norvo you reids ba service rr 4 acton 8531831 v j as wt ring in lh new ytor were no forgetfing our loyal tuilomers please atttpt our ihanki and have a happy new year gordon hardware limited j watsons restaurant y m c a sewing classes begin on january 6 1969 700 pm elementary january 7 1969700 pm advanced robert little school up to is people will im e tttm trill a taw vscshctae im barli date- if intarmtod utd hev nal md v- j thmtj td uelhahemj s31577 or kb broc u3137 or 90 to robwf uttu sdmml on abova tltu f 1200 for 10 wewk coorm

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