j m the acton free pratt wedneaday march 12 1969 involvement is new 4h theme by jim lenlunl the 441 member fat the 1969 hilton club will be urged to become more involved m the dub program the marking rytlem employed in prcvxxra year will be altered fat tome clubt fat order thai more emphatii may be placed on the leadership atpectt of the program in tome instance members will be asked to take pari in presenting much of the 411 leant another change thlt year tee urban youth being invited to participate far the 441 program programs such at the llalton 441 conservation club may interest several the organization meeting for the ration 441 corn club llalton 441 forage club llalton 441 strawberry club llalton 441 beef calf club llalton 441 hoiuein calf club hilton 441 jerseyguernsey ayrshire calf club llalton 441 tractor club arid the llalton 441 conservation club will be held at the boyne community centre on wednesday mrch 19 at i 30 v member siust b 12 yean of age by jan i im and may not teach their 21st birthday before pec 31 l those interetted in joining the hafron 411 conservation lub mutt be 16 by jan i of this year and those joining the llalton 411 tractor club are to be 14 by jan i of llusyear the organization meeiing for the acton 411 calf club and the acton 4 ii i mage club will be held at 1lie acton community cenlie at h 00 p m wednesday march 1 9 haltows outstanding senior 441 dub member in ims wad verm thompson ol milton shown receiving the j e wmltelotk memorial trophy presented bv david boyd chairman ol the agricultural committee ol the ktrvjwvav kiwanlt club thlt year 4h program will be organlied next weak stanley tells fair boards update their annual shows a plea for the updating of ontarloi fall fain was delivered in a speech to the annual convention of ontario agricultural societies recently by llallont agricultural representative henry j stanley mr stanley noted the time hat come to do some futurulic thinking to change some of your fair activities to find novel solutions to old ideas as he addretted the annual convention included in the areas requiring tome reassessment and new blood was the entertainment atpect he suggested the abolition of costly and usually brief hone racing in favor of a dunging annual program the prize list it was noted recelvct the attention of livestock breederi mainly because of the advertising with the prize money merely covering pocket expenses ebenezer it wat noted a cutback of the variety of classes limultaneout with an increase in the prize money for each category would encourage breeden to enter higherquality livestock in more suitable displays although fair boards treatment of 441 work hat been perhaps the most properlyoperated division the representative noted the concept of 4h clubt it changing and their participation in local fain will have to change at a result other areat requiring investigation mr stanley suggested are the show ring vegetable categories where obsolete varieties are still accepted and encouraged for display reduction of emphasis on livestock type in favor of performance and encouraging commercial and educational exhibits mark day of prayer at campbell home by mrs ross mclean mrs moftot and mrs mclean were the convenen for the march meeting of the lbenezer ucw the topic was stewardship with special reference to the use of time the roll call was answered with j verse containing the word neighbour the hostess wjs mtt henry and lunch wjs served by mrs young and mrs cliff nicholson lbenezer ladies joined nasjugaweya ladies in observing the world day of prayer which was held at the home of mn grant campbell mn joyce beaton wat the speaker and mn llayward favored with j solo at the sundjy service the junior choir sang let all the world in every corner sing paula kitchtng ung a solo my jetut i love thee mr hnley based his sermon un the beatitudes in bible times the teacher ut when he taught the sermon is a collection of diflcient teachings the beatitudes an- the heart of jesus teachings there is joy when a person realizes the purity of his soul peter went out and wept bitterly ills tears had a 50000 hm natsagaweya zoning administrator s v savage reports five building pemuti were issued for structure with a total value of 550000 during february they included two residences with a total value or 33000 and three alteration with a combined value of s 1 7000 cleansing effect try giving yourself away the real joys of life come then at jesus taught they would paul stewart ol hornby wat named haltont outstanding lint year 4 h member last year this it an annual award to recogntro tignificant achievement of beglnnert in the 4 h movement menabb third john y menabb of georgetown was tied for third place with canodian guernsey resident peter knstoff of cloverdalc bc with 119 points each in the recent guernsey all canadian judging contest mr menabb is a former firstprize winner in the competition which includes judging classes of cattle from their pictures jnpejnng in the guernsey journjl clear minor irregularities nassagaweya zoning bylaw only final ontario municipal board approval is left- before nassagawev as lengthy bout with the township zoning by law quietens the original bylaw submitted to the provincial authorities for approval clashed in some areas with the official plan and was uncertainly worded in others council was forced to submit the by laws including these regularities for approval before the o m b suggested amendments could be re submitted since an other procedure would have tesulted jn attempts to amend a in law which did not exist otlicullv the original was approved by the 0mb in october with suggestions for changes and the canadas oldest house built in tti7 has a root ol partly wooden shingles pjrtly tin and the liont and bjck ol the house arc plastctcd it is in sillerv pq near quebec city begorra d6nt forget the colleen march 17th camplill huh aaadc mtttomus memohal tmoaavmo km thi knot in mesh rtowits or potted hants open 7 day a week acta ill 7 p m phetw 5339m i confine rower garden shop j two mlllts wist of acton south sid of hwv roawood fox hire farm pagej for garbage collection dufferin dairymen enjoy visit here the dufferin county dairy farmers awoculion recently spent a whole day touring farms inf llalton countyand about 5 5 arrived in two buses 16 see the farm operations of howard tanwell claude f picket ii craig keid and brock harris- dufferin agricultural representative bruce afatheion and dfa president louis little of shelhurne arranged the trip holsleln oeldnfjn joe snyder of rllmlrl and grey countys doiry fieldman dave dixon accompanied the group i rank d maclntyre editor of the dundalk herald joined the tour and wrote a lengthy story in his paper on how tlie local farms impressed the visitors scotch block w i served a roast beef dinner at ligny hall at noon and mr maclntyre remarked llalton must be the most pieous and hospitable community for some of the hungry farmeri went back fur second and third helpings as the pies were exceptionally good and the ladies coaxed them saying they wanted the pies eaten up the farmers were impressed with a new tingle storey barn housing 7h lloltteini at the tarzwell farm at pickets they taw the fine show herd which include a number of thornlea daughters the royals l6h grand champion cow the all canadian four yearold in 1967 the dim of s 150 000 hull and a cow recently purchayrd for 40000 the name plumbroke farm intrigued the vmlort and owner caalg reid explained ha tried to regitterrfhe name ai glencaun but it was already m use and as he wat si wit of money at the lime decided on the unusual mumbtnke name his covys average 15000 lbs of milk per year and his tile drainage system and high hay and corn yields made an impression t two farms operated by brock harris and his son murray were the list to be visited mr harris explained the advantages of forming a limited company and showed them his dairy feedlot operation it piuscd to he a djy ol education as well as pleasure with the dairy farmers comparing notes and ideas with one another on how they carry on their farm operations mak ing mental notes of how other farmers are facing up to the changes in the dairy indutlryand all the time wondering what their next steps should be in meeting the economic challenges with which this important industry is faced wrote the editor presentation held at ballinafad hall mr and mrt john r sprowl and mr jamet jetseman were honored by friends neighbors and relatives of the communities of dublin bannockbum and erin on friday evening march 7 at ballinafad community hall mr and mrt sprowl have recently sold their farm on the third line east of acton where they have lived all their married life harvey klrkwood was chairman for the evening and presided over a progressive euchre and program of musical numbers by vern denny mary lou brown linda linham and gordon mcdonald and a reading by mn stanley morrison mr and mn sprowl and mr jcsseman were called forward and mn walter linham read an address which was followed by the presentation of gift of an end table tv tables lamp smoker and a wallet to mr jesse man words of congratulations were spoken to mr and mrt sprowl by charlei cum r l davidson walter linham jack marshall and ralph mckeown lunch was served at the conclusion of the evening 4h members do you at a farm parent have a 4h boy or girl in your family did you ever slop to realize that these young people are the potential leaders of your farming community or even our future provincial or national leaden at least liny will be if you help to keep them alive so your rasjronnbihliet to your family may extend far beyond ijih family circle hospital requests grant i iquciing uhiihii look no sit i ion nn j request from the cent pel own and oniric memorul llmpiljl for t trant lur a pruprntd s 7k0 000 cxpjmion program the lionpiljl a received oiis jitprovil lor j m bed siddilion jiong with renovjiion jnd modcrnijlion of he existing buildings in a letter to lsqucsing count il the hospital odmiimlrjfor cited the rapid growth of the jrcj jnd he at tend jnt pressures on the hospital for expansion plins tenders the hospital board dopes will be called in the early summer for the project of whuli twothirds or s i 070000 will lie financed by the ontdno government and i ho goo by the county leaving 524000 to he raiud the hospital hoard despaired of raising this amount in the two communities u requested a grant they estimated 6000 township residents used the hospital a figure council considered cxhoibitant a special levy of tut mill will be hdded to the regular 15 mill rule by rockwood village trustee the reason for the increase ts the trustee earlier decision to discontinue garbage contracting and handle disposal urajigements themselves the board of trustees had a late meeting to resolve the problem of budfeet the purchase of necessary equipment for the garbage disposal i the rnain reason for the temporary hike nt tax a similar levy wa nude several year ago to finance renovations at the town hall other business conducted by trustees included unlawful dumping of garbage and the problem of dog running at large letter of warning were instructed to be sent because of the ontario hydro it r ike trustees learned installation of the new lumiruiies on the village main studs may be delayed some lime e ua water conditioning co acton 8531703 bom burlllt umtitntatrvf a wefor conditioning products soft water 9 soap supplies salt delivery service to all makes freo water analysis waub condition specialists iih fred a hoffman optometrist 58 st georgea sq cuelph ont ytwohone uuill home owners you have a hidden cash reserve use th hidden caih reserve equity in your heme 9 consolidate all your outstanding bills into en low monthly mortgage payment we offer i cash mortgage loan for any reason x low payment lone serine 9 sound real estate loan ralai s free tontultallon 4 4 hour approval aetvue a dluratlon 7 we pay off any 3nd or 3rd mortgage up to 15000 en any mortgage loan 1tt 2nd 3rd mortgage mortgage consultant services call collect 2334536 3319 bioob it w toronto lhiwwiw count the savings om i priced right used cars ixrr buy from lou 64 chivkoirf 2 door 6 cyl 6 automatic with radio lie 767989 beautiful shape only 89500 64 olikmobiu 2 door hardtop ps p 0 lie j96048 a stsal at 99500 63 chrvsier windsor 4 door terrific lie j96049 your for 89500 63 nvmouth 4door 6 cyl automatic radio lie j96i54 only 49500 63 chevy ii 4 door 6 cyl automatic lie j9a25i drive it awiy at 49500 61 ponttac 4door maroon in color excellent condition lie 96255 only 49500 all cars certified lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 amendments later te submitted at the ioutuil meeting of tuesday evening match 4 the new by ijw i lt which is an improved jnd ilanlietl llyljw 117 vas given its three rejdings jnd sent to the municipal llojld for jpprovjl njssjgjueyj zoning jdministutor s vt sjvjge noted the jmendmenls wetc mainly cljrifitjtions ol points jhcjdy laid out in the otiguul h lavs 01 qfficl il il 0 hoth t excellent interest on your money 5 year term guaranteed investment certificates artvounta from 100 to 100000 inleretl paid halfyearly by cheque it can be deposited to your savincji account legal investment for trust fund 7tt for 3 4 year 7m for 1 2 ym ask for further details oeoroktown ss main street north john a edflar manager vrtxu convenient office hours mon thuri 9 00 s 00 frldavt fill 600 local director north halton advisory board w j bealty vicepresident john t armstrong chairman reford gardhoute maurice c beaty michael ledwlrh john gov dr b d young lorne skuos halton peel trust v savings company tna mnar of matron and pmi trent with canada trimhuron and erla maana that all o blv amlcw will b maintained and augmantad by th lacllklaa of a natioihalda organization