tru acton fr pntes wednesday march 12 1969 jffroc jjifcs youth fresh tracks by barbara mcintosh when i ttiii to think about school and students and teacher i find myself in a unique portion thi year essentially i ttill think from a itudent point of view i love loud fast muiic poetry that doesnt rhyme protett marches lost causes saturday and chantlnf rule just thi week i bought a pair of giant round purpleterued sunglaisei i avoid formal occasions reient parent crlticiini hate conformity loathe nanowmlndedneit and refute to believe that merely becaute a tystem exist it hat to be accepted yet thit year for the fiit time i filled out my income tax form by myself and realized that when the government announced 77 per cent of the ontario budget would go into education they were talking about my money suddenly thit year thou friendt who skipped clattet with me marched betide me for ttudent rep on the administration board swapped ettaya with me and helped me anonymouily cut up instructor in the tchool newspaper are now teacher ihemulvet when they ditcut itudenti there a certain fetr in their tired eye they complain of lack of respect and discipline in the classroom and invariably wear that if theyd known how much work wa involved they would have gone into something else i think i wai a idealistic and u intent on nuking over society at anyone when i wai a ttudent but looking back over essays i wrote they dont teem all that profound now in many cases my thinking wat naive and incomplete and in a few cases i wis dead wrong some will argue that the establishment la getting through to me and im falling into my little slot of mediocrity like all the other dead beats nevertheless i find that thit year i look on teachert with a more humanlttic attitude and students with a little leu undivided support word hat trickled through the jungle grapevine that there it a current move on in the high tchool for ttudent evaluation of teacher and itudent voice in choice of the curriculum i cant resist throwing in my opinions while it it true that students in the senior grade are beginning to tee tome light it it only a beginning penonslly i dont think they are capable of deciding what they should leant becaute the majority limply dont know what they want to do with their lives however i do concede that teachert should be open to itudent evaluation nothing it more frustrating for a itudent than a teacher who cant teach with a final exam looming on the horizon most poor teachert are intelligent people who could do with comprehentive courses in public speaking and public relations and they wont realize thit unlets they are told vet i shudder to think of school in which the ttudent throws more weight than the teacher for me the bett teachert were those who showed respect for our idea and a genuine interest in ut but at the tame time did not permit ut to treat them at equal we alwaya knew that they were there to teach and we were there to learn in my opinion much of the problem with teachert it incomplete training teachers college teem to ignore the communication aspect of teaching evaluation polls could do a great deal to fill thit gap at the same time teachers should not be nude to feel their career rests on the mercy of 35 prevotert students evaluate teachers by debbie winter i2b should students be allowed to evaluate their teacherst ttuj question is definitely disputable on one hand one may uy a definite no this person it not only narrowminded and bigoted he mutt assume that all ttudent are irresponsible of mmalurt some people mainly students will give an emphatic yet for an tntwr these are too broadminded they consider themselves mature and responsible which it often a tntscajcwtallort i believe that student should be allowed to evaluate their teachert with certain ttlpubtiorii to begin with all tudentt arent responsible enough thi irresponsibility reveals itself in ttudent riott resulting in damage and injury but llu majority tie if an election wat held every year in every secondary school in canada in which a responsible council wat elected to evaluate teachert and give any resulting evaluation to the board of education a great step would have been taken to further student democracy have you ever lieard of ttudent democracy probably not youve heard a lot about itudent power and yet you probably dont associate the two each school it in effect a small government system most schools have a student council suie a few itudenti get swelled heads if they gel elected and give be whole council a bad name but remember we elected them thats democracy acton high even hat a itudentttaff relations committee that is democracy too now comet the question whether or not we should be allowed to help choose our teachert we definitely should thit it a changing world itt about time the ttudentt of canada got tome teachers with individuality itt about time the mold producing assemblyline white collar and tie teachert wat broken studentt have open minds let ut choose religion or evolution communism or democracy give ut teachert who will guide ut not those who insist that we think like they do or who dont think at all to go one step further let the ttudentt have a hand in choosing what they are to be taught i think that by the time itudenti are in senior high school they are beginning lo develop ideas on what life it all about the itudenti of today are no longer willing to be told that one plut one equalt two theyre asking why and we need teachert who know the answers or at least try to answer our questions down with student power and up with ttudent democracy cwossa champs move on to ontario finals monday phil dopuis top somen in lift ueekt cwovsa ii basketball finals were phil dupuis 14 polntt bobturknu it paints hairy oehlrich 12 pomll bill landsboiough 10 points dave broostad 2 polnli actons first cwossa basketball champions tie bound for the ontario finals in petetbofoufh next week the three day ofssa tournament is being held bl lakevkw and si peters high schools in peleiborough coach brian skerrett expects competition lo be stiff with both a and b teams from all across ontario competing for top spot in a double elimination fourantenl v ad iis is supposing the kidmen aid way in addition to the team the cheeileadcis and about 40 fsns are leaving monday afternoon by bus and returning late thuadjy night the orfcenlzajlou only provides billets for ten player so four kedmerl will hide out in a hotel with mr skerrett spectator hwo airange their own afcotnntoditlont acton competes in ill first seme at boo monday night in st petert school sock ii lo em fellows antons 5c to 1 store i u pocket hovels see our large assortment of updute paperbacks for alliu utan stwrofl irtdodlrhj 0atwcstf nchoftf wemnfwy pray for victory eebcaeicmab also srotvutmc movus bv trnllv lorina grace uvlnenjons hill hsrleofjln cendlelloht uli ann vulhcilmj troches builneu tnj commerce to grsjet 1 1 tnj 12 she uied lo commute irom crsnj vlky bul now the tui moved to town pedagogues are people i had never heard of acton before i started teaching here admits mrs sutherland she wat born in scotland and taught for one year in a builneu school there when she immigrated to canada with her husband die took time off to raise a daughter now in grade seven at robert little school she has been teaching here for three years mrs sutherland has some definite ideas on how she would like commercial facilities to be modernized for seniors the would like to see all electric typewriters a complete set of dictaphones a shorthand laboratory and a special room set up as an office for the itudenti in their lait year the people here have tried to modernize bul behind it all there is a lock of funds for a small tchool she explains at the present time there are courses in typing shorthand and office practice the school owns five business machines she hope thai under the new county board more finances will be channelled into thit field mrs sutherland feels thai in some cases itudenti in their but year ihink there it no little time left around this point in the year that they begin to slack off or even give up they dont realize the importance of these lost six months she warns she does not believe that the sroposed so per cent exemption high enough particularly in her field you have to be 100 per cent right in this type of work she encouraget her students to find summei work in related businesiess because firactlcal experience it mportanl mri sulheiland concludei that glilt usually do belter in her classes the boys seem to think il isnt s manly thing to be doing they also tend to be centered out when the class is discussing what type of clothes and makeup are appropriate for office work she definitely doet not want to tee slacks silting behind her typewriters i think this is a very practical opinion considering the type of work we are training people for youre certainly not going to be anyones secretary in slacks despite a heavy workload from tchool mrs sutherland enjoys reading in her spare time particularly psychology and history books she loves lo dance und took modern lazz at a child she also likes all kinds of music with the exception of chamber music and western types in the summer she is an avid swimmer and loves cycling a hangover from life in scotland if you want to lose weight i would think cycling is one of the nicest ways you can do it site adds this summer she will be continuing a specialized course in business and commerce at the university of toronto working with students and the mother of a teenager herself mis sutherland claims she has never experienced the so called generation gap her philosophy i like people and people to me are from babyhood to 95 the secret is lo try to ihink from their angle halton cooperative medical care plan i found a quote in an old year book by n v peale whoever he t j u a l lll is ttiat teemt to turn up the situation 00016 rlcfwkins dqilcg ql nqll cod grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference mk yfcdawmf last friday at st albans parish hall approximately 75 young people from actons two public schools gathered to dance in the celebrated sadie hawkins ttyle the dance committee ha further surprises in store dont drop out of public tchool just think of the fun at st albans parish hall dr morton shulman ruffles ypc feathers dr morion shulman the controversial mp from toronto high park declared himself to be the ndp foster father of halton county before a houseful of conservative last wednesday night at the holiday inn oakvilic as guest at the second dinner meeting or hilton young progressive conservatives distinguished speaker series the evening proved to be a lively experiment in the democratic process with dr shulman blasting out against public health housing and justice and the crowd or some iso conservatives firing back an indignant defence basing his information largely on dippings from the oakville dally paper dr shulman concluded this county is unique because to many things are not right he condemned the lack of a psychiatric centre in the oakville hospital and the total absence of a counselling centre for young people who become involved with drugs he went on to criticize oakville for wasting 10 yean trying to establish low cost hoisting project this whole thing sounds like a tale of fiction he uid reading out headlines on proceedings over several months citing the last grand jury statement that there are only is public health nurses in halton with a need for 33 dr shulman declared that a lack of money was no defense if you want the staff you have lo pay them competitive wages he said he condemned oakville town council for refusing to give a s3 600 grant to oakvillet family service bureau last year to mike up their deficit knd dubbed county family couit facilities in milton as disgraceful you conservatives place priolties in the wrong place he said your interest should be with the people whits the cure money raise corporate taxes and cut back on highways he suggested the final blow came when he referred to justice in halton as peculiar and openly condemned provincial judge kenneth langdon for making up his own set of laws in court throughout his speech several in the audience found it impottible to rettrain themselves they interrupted and angrily accused dr shulman of basing his opinions on inaccurate newipaper clippings there have been no retractions quipped dry shulman former oakville solicitor john depew was among the most vocal hecklers youre just slandering everyone he itormetl- you dont know anything about anything in a thankyou speech of sorts ypc teny oconnor described dr shulmans remarks as witty urbane articulateand largely hogwash but above it all the five foot former toronto coroner displayed his seasoned ability to keep his cool hecklers always make a better meeting he commented dr shulman left the gathering with an honorary membership in halton ypct conditional on good behavior and a book on art autographed by halton east progressive conservative mp jim snow ypc leaders agreed that so far their speaker series has proven highly successful despite blasting out criticism from the senior organization former tory chief john diefenboker in particular last month liberal judy lanursh left her mark with a witty briticism of the conservative party halton ypc president bruce mackinnon said he felt wednesdays session was well worth while and thanked dr shulman warmly for coining education minister william davis is scheduled for april your baker may think of you as a number but to your safeco agent youre a person not a insurance i number for spteu good student discounts on your family auto bsunnu all dennys insurance agency 17 mill st waal acton phone 1534160 i otiie hours honsaythunclty 9 a an to 6 p m atswhouncmihbaliwsnai harold lwvas5mea all uhmuj 6liaa oecw calle paid u- pint visit cflfeat attsetttvetlst services xfyt ueivlbtla ubh cmwm rtr1lt sriy maaaf aeya rvls4 bales ueaikly t vi tla aitatily 1333ceete ismttly llp alt uettteea major medical pylu j30abteblv veablv haly6m coop medical services 141 uwa u ullma pfsese atwd ikhs he ulctlaa i i address 0h liomth wajttho pi uoo ottt 17 m saaasissaaa w wl t w m afatat se bowl for pleaiur bowl for health 0 the entire family can bowl together go bowling acton bowling lanes 10 main st n bbbabmssftatsstim mjmub mae u3oiro silver creek shell no 7 hwy wtut of gmrgtrlown iwwn georgetown ndaeton open dally 7 am to 1 1 pm including sun 8779042 save ms ftfttou original equipment wtiitewalb stxb st95 sr 14 or us x is met iftdadm installation surest savingsi c cell transistor butteries now 1 for 57c