Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1969, p. 10

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m that acton fr pratt wodn day april 2 1969 j ft auditorial pagl 4 meamfe cf kcjte the greatest feasi in the christian calendar will be celebrated sunday across the world easter corruption of the obi anglo saxon easfretwhich refers to the goddess of light or spring in honor of whom a festival was held in april celebrate the resurrection of jesuschrist fromhe dead st paul letli us that rf christ did not rise front the dead all his preaching was in vain the christian faith would be a vain empty vessel of vanity resurrection from the dead u a mystery that modem man finds difficult ho comprehend and yet each spring we tee it in the rebirth of nature a tiny seed of wheat comet alive breaks through the earth and multiplies itself it is in this setting that easter comes upon us each yearat a time of rebirth the mystery of the event heightened by the vigil of the faithful watching and waiting for the rising of the turt on easter morning so the resurrection can be proclaimed makes easter sunday a glonousaffuitiatipn of hope it is a hope a faith and a charity of love after the seeming defeat of the first gdod friday when love was nailed to a croj while live worldly jeered uncluttered by jhe commercialism that surrounds christmas the easter message striked deeper at the spiritual core of man make it a time of hope and love have faith in what the future holds make caster 1969 a truly memorable one for the son of man is risen indeed rummer fttj tedtce swelling student enrolments have apparently outpaced the number of jobs available for summer employment and it is expected many young people will experience the frustrations of a jobless summer businessmen householders and leaders in the community will soon feel the impact of a government program of mailings posters and advertising aimed at persuading them to hire a student during the summer theory behind the program is that a public aware of the problem is a responsible public and will attempt to solve the dilemma by constructive action it can be an idle summer for many students in this area if there are no jobs for them theres sense in the old saying about idlentss breeding trouble most students also depend on what they make in the summer months to help pay their wjy through school and assist parents in the increasingly difficult task of clothing them students should have the opportunity to be more self reliant and a summer job often gives them their first tastes of what it is like to work hard for a living summer jobs have also contributed to the resolve of some to keep on in school and achieve something better than what their parents had opportunities for if you have a job available suitable for a student why not lure onegive them the opportunity to prove themselves jht ifaijj cf ektre if teachers ever get the idea their profession has seen few changes since the good old days it might be wise for them to read this list of rules for teachers which was posted by a principal in the city of new york in 1872 in fact these nine regulations are good medicine for almost anyone who feels down in the mouth 1 teachers each day will clean lamps clean chimneys and trim wicks 2 each teacher will bring a bucket of water and a scuttle of coal for the days session 3 make your pens carefully you may whittle nibs to the individual tastes of the pupils 4 men teachers may take one evening each week for courting purposes or two evenings a week if they go to church regularly 5 after 10 hours in school the teacher should spend the remaining time reading the bible or other good books 6 each teacher should lay aside from each pay a goodly sum of his earnings for his benefit during his declining years so that he will not become a burden on society 7 women teachers who marry or engage in unseemly conduct shall be dismissed 8 a teacher who smokes uses liquor in any form frcguents pool or public halls or gets shaved in a barber shop will give good reason to suspect his worth intentions integrity and honesty 9 the teacher who performs his labors faithfully and without fault for five years will be given ass- increase of 25 cents per week in his pay providing the board of education approves winchester press jj metcj from the pam winter in canada it a taason of beauty this pnie winning photo by don hilt of rock wood illustrates an ice storm can hv disastrous tfaets on our habits but often teaves the countrytide a spakhng fairyland photo by don hittt sugar and spice h y smiley july 1 1b08 te the data on this picture in the acton firelighter collection james uvlngttoru ittha driver charlie anderson the lad i dont suppose many of you know what its like to be a dircilnr of a company on the surface u looks great some big operators like robert winters or general lostafcw jre directors in half j dozen companies and ii doesn i ccm to bother them they go to directors meetings vote the way they re supposed to and pick up their annual directors fee anywhere from 1000 to ssooo depending on who they are and how much prestige is attached to ihc name dy some legal fluke i am still a director of the company in which i started a brilliant newspaper career on about 28 cents the rest was cash money borrowed from relatives insurance policies jnd everything else short of armed robbery and selling my wife but i guess im nobody and the prestige attached to my name is somewhere below zero uecause i dont get any directors fees and i dont sit around an oval table with a lot of other directors willi the cigars and sharpened pencils and the notepads and the dickering over whether we should sell 5000 shares to amalgamated or buy up 20 000 shares of moose factory refineries our directors meeting usually takes place in the back shop the printing area of a weekly newspaper i dont even rate j cigar let alone a sharpened pencil and i find myself operating as labormanagement arbitrator father confessor and den mother somehow id rather have it that way the only time i snoke a cigar is when someone lias a baby and our problems arc more human theyre things like how are we going to keep the fraznutogal working on the linotype machine or the trout are scarcer than hens teeth this spring sounds simple out youve no idea how difficult it is being a director in your old home town the trouble is almost everybody is a director theyre all unpaid like me but they have a stake in the paper maybe its only the factthai their son graduated or their daughter is not going to reform school after all but they know how the paper should he run and they arc not loath to say so off the cuff have you heard about the author who was asked which of his works of fiction he considered the best my last income tax return he answered the wife didnt give a darn when it came to her husbands socks but she often knit her brows toronto according to the historians is the indian word for iitteeting place the indians couldnt have named it more aptly there arc lie directors who buy a five dot la r advertisement twice a year but expect the paper to carry two pictures flatleringland a twocolumn account of their ujughtcr wedding for free and here arc the directors who scream with outrage when you report in all honesty that theyve spent two weeks in i loridj or california or me ico they dont want their customers o think theyre making that kind of money and of course they d be equally furious if you hadnt mentioned it and there arc the directors who are fanatics uhout the wctu or the i all fair committee who expect seven columns to be devoted to their work and spend four dollars for an ad or go to he opposition to get their printing done and here and there about as numerous as the whiterooted beagle dreasted thorny pink owl there are the directors who say youre putting out a good paper keep it up these you try to stuff mount and put up in front of the building but they often object but its worth it to revisit the old town this week i met an old buddy with two broken ribs in considerable pain he cracked one rib in a fall and i was too polite to ask how he did it got it all strapped up by the doc his wife sleeps on the inside of the bed next the wall she had to go to the bathroom i know i said she put her elbow in your ribs climbing over you he replied grunting with agony elbow be darned she put both hands backed by her 138 pounds mynbs i had one cracked rib now i have two broken ones exactly why we need directors if hed had a director in charge of climbing out ol bed when you have to go to the bathroom he would not be in that shape today the acton jmw free press w phone 8533010 business and editorial offk found t ims swd hiajhkid mry wttottuv m 80 wtllsasw si acton 0ui to umhf ol ik audit buwu of ctfotuiuft tha cwma ond owna atmnuw rotsm on 4usa stawfioilm otvtfeto tawinciimwia1otufttim0aw ihswlctattli wtulaoiimlbcissmssswwtadamuij basfrujwun numbsw -061ft- atkswiula u uutmsatt on that otmslltaoa theh m tils ttal of ivhiptohattl krvtv tkm bswiltvt ol the tnjuwtuiag iptm oxuotd bv tiki mtoassoul i totasttiav with hmaris tsmowiwot for iltiuium hvui l b ejwfrd fv but thf taluam of tiki dymlisflmit vhiutll pmd fof w tfc tfs- row in tit mm ol a tvooofskowfal n tdifrtyitt hood of tstrttom u vmahf prim tatwk tv tavwkam v mm b tcaltt atawttuflj u mawy on otw u mil md mtf b vk4tmwn t my luo tttb pi ihhj utj mmifchj c iv dvid i 011k rwuk don vcw adv luuantaflsw qomwifmi 20 years ago taken fioni thrnui of the wee press thuruby apil 7 1949 robert iviry watson one of the belt known ibuurveiinun in acton passed fcwty at hi home he was born on the home farm a fewmlc east of acton through the years he ha butlt up acton vmity and a few years ago added watsons kettauiant und dairy bar to the business with th loyal htlpftdrvris and uilrmc attention of mrs watson and their son tom who joined then when he returned from service a popula and sound business has txxri developed s s koyce hat been appointed clerk freaturcr of ftvtaou townoup ivrliaps a few of acton older residents wdl br reminded by the cmveruon of the local telephone system tocontnuh battery operation of an earlier era when the chiv telephones were coming into use in those days there wj not a single automobile or radio m the community the first telephone exchange was established in ihss in ihht the first line was built from toronto to guelph through acton and the fust telephone conuct wasanade wild the outside world in ikh j v kennawin became manager and he sold out to a t brown then the business required a building of its own and mr and mrs j h ijnt were appointed marugeis in the old days the subscriber required at times the voice of j circus barker there weie is telephones on he first exchange and now here are 6h2 acton home and school association executive was unjnimously accepted including r r parker mrs l a garrett r chandler w i i smith mrs j h creightnn h ii ihnton mrs helen cullen ii ritchie mrs i uvell mrs g cunningham ook steel girders are being erected on he new garage for bert whu1s i oundations wye laid his week for the foundation to the i rce press building 50 years ago taken from the issue of the tree press thursday april 3 1919 that the people of csquesing are alive to the present day problems of canada was amply proved by the attendance at the meeting of rural school trustees when an organization was formed to consider consolidated schools for lsquesing j m denyes b a inspector gave a succinct outline of conditions in the county showing 1 1 schools with an average of less than 10 pupils 36 schools between 10 and 14 17 schools between 20 and 29 while the remaining had over 30 he claimed this condition was unfair to both the pupil and the teacher high school privileges should be available to all and not just the favored few salt and pepper never knew until recently that i had an articulate stomach it can carry on a conversation at any lime of the day in a language all its own but i was unaware of its talents until a recent tuesday afternoon when in the heat of the weekly grind to turn out this journal a deskmate said she could interpret my moods more by my stomach than by my altitude i always tried to convey the impression that i am a pretty cold fish but she wouldnt have any of it no sir mrs ceo ltwi aeiort secretary of ibltoti womens institute spoke on the need and importance of medical attention a dectuori was nude that each rural school board would elect out member to represent it on a committee the dust on the streets hs been very annoying to cituens now friends be thoughtful and neighborly now that ardenuuj has started shut up lite cuckeris for the summer tlie- autos which have been out of commission li winter months have been pee ping out fi in sergt coles is reorganaing the boy scouts the brigade having become loirvtwhjj dorrrivl fo want of a leader pie ross sackluner arrived home and was giwu a royal reception tie kiplmsyculfer h home and his left harvd which was wounded by machine gun bullets is healed up the daylight saving nuisance his started in some of the cities and towns 75 years ago taken from ilie issue of the free preis thursday april 5 ir94 the free press has repeatedly pointed out thai too many children areisfltowed by iheir parents to he on die streets at night lately a number of boys have been misbehaving between nine and eleven oclock and this conduct has been most annoying to citizens the chief of police has been notified and unless there is a change there will vc places occupied in the cells some night by unruly boys the introduction of the curfew might have a salutary effecl messrs cheyne bros of guelph luve arrived in town and taken possession of the flour mill of bxouncillar harvey and intend transforming the plant into a full roller mill there will then be no necessity for the farmers of this section to take ilieir wheat away from home in order to secure firstclass roller flour on tuesday a young man said to live in umehouse came to town and filled himself so full of forty rod lie didnt know who or where he was lie fell in the cattle guard at the cnr crouing removed most of his clothes and then fell asleep in will am browns bam in the morning the clothes were found and it was though by some a murder liad been committed the young man turned up shortly robed in his underclothes mr ii grlndell is improving his residence on mill st mr arch mcnabb and family have move to mrs r utiles fine residence on church and wilbur sis cons graham had five guests of the tramp species last thursday night in the cells april you mock our hopes with your careless smile your stomach tells me different she said wadda ya mean i demanded is the pot boiling over id heard of bay windows that obstructed views but never one that carried on a monologue when you get upset she offered there isn t much of a change in expressionbut your stomach really waxes eloquent whats it say i asked astonished at this ladys temerity isnt so much what it says but the way it says it that counts she replied this afternoon it rumbled and grumbled belched and gurgled like a cement mixer knew you were all tight inside as soon u it started to protest far from being flattered at having an articulate spokesman around the middle i demanded to know what it did when the emotion was joyful pleasant and the job was flowing peacefully you know she smiled tell me i pursued lets out a belly laugh she gurgled dodging a paper clip and a volley of loose words mentally disturbed by this revelation of my inner life i asked my wife what she thought of the whole thing a true confessions strapped around my middlereserve ahatteredlife an open bay window what does my stomach tell you i asked innocently that youre getting too fat came the answer she didnt bother to duck since she just came home after an extended holiday in the hospital and knew i wouldnt want to delay the recovery and the iron was lying nearbysteaming away who ever dreamed up the one about striking while the iron is hot has never been faced with a situation like that by this tune 1 was almost ready for the ptycruatrrceouch anywayr7owjoyou r throttle a tattletale tummy then it came to me the solution calm the old tub with the sedative effect of some of the new patent medicines curry favor with easily digested foods lay off the beer give him his regular weekly cleaning treat the old guy with the respect due it he in tum will cooperate and keep secrets hidden in your abdominal cavity it worked for two weeks then i accidentally ate a dill pickle followed by a glass of homo milk straight from the bag and started to worry about whether the boss would give me the night off from midnight to 4 a jit the old boy began to grumble he begin to chatter away like ahen at a barnyard convention he itiitaved and grumbled chattered and chirped flipped and flopped in an incessant stream of stomach obscenity that defied description geluslb turns seltzer tablets milk of magnesia and baking soda only added fuel to the flames he kept the whole house awake for almost three hours before settling down into an uneasy sleep an uneasy sleep produced an uneasy truce cavernous rumblings still occasionally break the stillness of the digestive tract meanwhile im billing myself as the guy sih the talking tummy all i need is an line prefer v 5r

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