tho acton free press wednesday april 9 1969 ioomjim fa by wendy thomson ive always wondered just how id manage if faced with a firtwhether id bungle or whether the cool i know i have somewhere inside would surface the lust thing i learned when we moved here wa what to do in case of fire and oo sunday when i happened to glance out the front window to see a 450 foot i me of flames tushing across the field on the other side of the- toad i said to me be calm e cool and do things properly wendy dashed for the phone dialed the right number i have i stuck prt the i and said the right v telephone thingwendy thomsonlot 24 concession 1 naasaga way aksquesng town une grass fir i had most of thai atdck on the phone too then i phoned the newspaper editor now thjj could hive been s little embarrassing as on friday he had mentioned in that rather unsympathetic way i it best o stay out irt the middle of the field and not urr my hack to anyone i was waiting for someone to holler at me tbt theheckout oflhere as no matter how hard i tried i dont think i looked very professional the camera was the type that had to be held down at arms length and kept would suppose it typical of getting sooted up over my reporters that there bad been a large grass fire in flirt and hed missed it darn it and i had replied in the hearing of a dozen or so people well ill start another one for you and hete i was with fire on my doorstep unfortunately he wasnt home out to easter dinner i guess i figured id done all right so far and might as well keep going the camera was of course not in its case and i finally found it in with my sewing trying to get a fresh film in for some reason or other i couldnt gel the empty spindle to click into plsce i kept uylng now be calm and cool and it ii go in i was calm and i was cool and it wouldnt go in after the twelfth desperate try i realized i had it end for end turned it around and was away calmly i jogged across to the fire and began taking pictures im not sure if i remembered to turn the film but thats beside the point when i came up to the owners of the two neighboring properties who were trying to keep the fire on the other side of the fence i introduced myself politely and firoperly but when asked if i ived in the house across the road i wasnt quite sure for a minute i managed to get through three fences quite alright but the fourth was barbed wire jrid i sol hung up not in just one spot but in twohence and thence i wiggled a bit but only succeeded in starting a rip in the thence my hence was a fairly new and fairly expensive sweater and i preferred it as it was so i hung there with the smoke billowing in my face and my eyes and nose running thinking be calm now what would gord do first he wouldnt get caught if he did hed just slip out of the sweater unhook it and put it back on however the smoke wasnt thick enough for me to try that and since the fire truck had arrived i figured theyd put me out if i caught on lire round about then i sneeed and came loose anyhow by the time i got all the way through the fence my jeans had tppcd another few inches to i thought sweater i had a red tkisliell hut my horse had dribbled oats down the front of and the pony had just plain drooled down the back of my desert sand hush puppies were now a genuine tootpeckkd smoke color with smouldering soles and my jeans well if id had to go over one more fence the rip would have gone right around and id have been standing tliere with one leg off and one leg on thai would have been a real test to my cool 1 i was halfdebating what to do in that event whether to throw the pant leg over my ihoulder or fold it over my arm or just kick it into the dames and let it burn however within a few minutes the fire was out and i tottered back on home for a cup of tea this should have been the end of this story with the editors grateful thanks for helping him out instead he informed me this morning that hed already been to a couple of fires over the weekend and wouldnt liave bothered with this one anyhow maybe its just as well that i couldnt summon the right words to express what i was thinking at that minute it was something along the line of lighting a small fire under someone s chair if i were organized i would have dipped into the freezer that night and come up with something t pup into the ovvn and hake as it juas i tent cord out for fish and chips if i remember i try to keep a container of frozen cooked sausages in the freezer heat them in a tin of tomatoes thiclen the whole thing with flour add salt and pepper and serve with mashed potatoes and vegetables this is one of our favorites along the same idea is sausage and tomato bake sausagb and tomato bau in a uurepan inmhinc 2 cup canned lomalckt i thin dour vi tip sugar 14 lip haul or itiytnc cook slminc nil tlightly thicututl pour inlo ha i lt kallou fusing tilth anil arrange looked sauuge in uuec tlreak 4 eggt and dip ttetuccn uuugct cover turtoke unit i or 2 cuni sofl hnad crumtti bake at iso degrees for 20 mlnutti or until eggi arc firm 4 rervlngt new officers elected new officers were elected at the april meeting of actun womens institute mrs c nelles presided for the election miss dorothy simmons is the president with miss marjone hall past president mrs george fryer first vice president miss norti kenney second vice president mrs a wilderspin secretary with mrs c pickett as alternate mrs c nelles us treasurer mrs mcauley and mrs c agnew as branch directors mrs lindsay district director with mrs e lambert as alternate mrs lindsay convener of agriculture and canadian industries mrs m graham citizenship and educational mrs c cults historical research mrs little home economics miss m hall public relations mrs e lambert resolutions miss n kenney curator mrs wilderspin and mrs fryer and auditors mrs mcauley and mrs little as cheer secretaries mix simmons opened the meeting with an taster poem the mary stewart collect and institute olde the roll call was answered with an exchange of slips or flowers a donation of 10 was given to the crippled children and 10 to the cancer fund a paper will be written on the local w i s 66th anniversary by mrs bert davidson members were invited to attend the 45th anniversary of mountain union wl the district annual wilt be held in boston church on may 21 the three delegates picked for the district annual are mrs lambert mitt simmons and mrs lindsay mrs hryer and mrs nellls arc to look after the bus trip in june all the conveners gjve their reports for the year winch were very interesting mrs lurl lambert had a contest on the months of the year a lovely lunch was served by the convener and her helpers mrs graham mrs harris and mrs b lambert chiumup lojfjl topic the duke of devonshire chapter iode met at the home of mrs reed in guelpli on tuesday april 1 a short business meeting was conducted by the regent mrs udkea in which plins were completed for the bake sale to be held april 25 at simpsons store it was decided not to have students at the two public schools do projects for empire day at lias been the custom for some time but to leave to the committee what to do about books at the close of the meeting mrs t o graham spoke on citizenship she outlined the program the czechoslovakian immigrants are doing guelph has about 80 of them mrs graham teaches english to the newcomers cancer can be beaten says the canadian cancer society your contribution to the societys campaign for funds will help rea0v for easter wm ih6t who attundod ttie two sowing clasps at the mooart little school during ihfl winter mortalling thair new dross ih an rotomtal closing uliplay were carol kerpala rhoda sioqmuhi dorothy van wyck florence savers evelyn lutie shirley sayhs lynn ftobwtson jn paton mjurfet sutton sally liatherhmd pat patterson doreen gibb and carolyn woll staff photo night school promoter bob lauflhtcn contentedly tries out one of the firushed products of tho upholstery class he s joined by amateur upholsterers betty stafford nollie focnstra chris grioso and heather oioaon it s mrs stafford s chair tho night school closing display was last wick stall photo at the night school closing display sewing teachers alma mots and joyce dugden oincd satly loathortand on a newly upholstered lovo ujit for a final chat mrs loalhcrland mado her smart skirt and capo outfit in class tho instructors are both mocdonald college final year studonts staff pholo hp compji coy f jo srvc ythl con count oof we care for your car needs yea from tho gait tank to tho ongino you can always depend on the best ol car service from til 24 hour tewkvg frank toth motors 12 quale st 863 1840 sewing upholstery classes stage concluding display dressmaking and upholstering cbstr revived by the y board concluded their 10 week wjson with a display in the robert little auditorium monday evening of last week attendance was disappointing but the board members consider the classes a good beginning about half of the women in the mwu1l lijsms mnuylkd tliur ittr ittivt dusus or mills for i he audience i lie nnnnunl itois were their two instructors joyce burden md alma moss fin it year students at mjidotutd clllcfcc of the 10 in the beginners and advanced classes those who took part 10 the brief display were c jrol korpela khoda shoemaker carolyn wolf dorothy van wyck i lorcntc savers and shirley saycrs i vtlyn lutie- lyiinc robertson jean puton margaret sutton s illy lcatherland tat patterson daughters of knox present three life memberships the daughters of kmoc held their meeting in miss i lien anderson room on monday april 7 the president mrs tom watson opened the meeting with a poem followed by all sine in living for jesus and repeating the mottos mrs hnan moore read the minutes and i s members answered the roll call by nimiiil i new c anadun that lliev kneu bruce trail slides enjoyed hxcellent slides on the hiuet trad were shown numbers ol lakeside chapter ol the i o d i by local u conservationist ue i ounlam he uj the eticst vpeaker at the april meeting tuesday of last week plans were made tor an evening at the mohawk racewa tonight wednesday and lor a bake sale on april ik i urtlur discussion ibi ui tin lloor couiille nul lhcs til he nursery took pi in pi ins were stulcd lor i smoil isboid to be held it he church on sjluiday miy 10 mrs 1 ii tnsui i ml her lronp led in lie dci id n nul studs bo k pining uih ill siniue die lumn lei tile lower lights he hurtling mis willi mi loth md mrs limn moon ouhboiu dllleleill w in annual meeting the 4 arum il niccliue i i the piomiiciii thipur ol ontario 10 11 will be held on vpnt to 17 md is it ilu sltct it on t oiiniinjii hotel in ii million mis k morrison will preside mrs licorte 1 1 nl ti ronto lirst vice president ol he natfonal hipier ot i undi i odl will be 1 ctlest it the niecllul th il christians could assist others to learn considering the new canidian and the lineuale problem also the emotional children in schools the scripture taken from gal i 10 was re id rcsponsively led b mrs mae sprowl the hymn lake 1 ime to be hol w is miiil and prayer by mrs hirry chelan closed the meetine hollowing this i present mm 1 two tile nie nibe t ship ce rtil ic ate s ind pins w is pre se lite d t o mrs j allies mcknight in mrs jickpink md to mrs limn mom b mrs wilhim loth and dorccn ihh 1 hey showed a pleasing vinety ot clothes irom simple daytime dresses for spring to j wool pant suit the sewing classes were held in the robert 1 it tic school there were 1 4 in the upholstery class held in the y m c a instructor was stcwarttown upholsterer 1 1 1 lirius about a dozen ne itly refurbished pieces of furniture were on display including a huge deep armchair and a graceful love scat welcoming the group in the audience y board chairman hob laughlcii explained the role of the y as your parents kncv it is i thing of the past he expressed thanks to board members who assiscd in sitting up the courses hob unite and i d tcitherluul our schools wilt be open seven diys i week lot the publics be lie hi for ice leal ion idlltt education tun groups or my thine icmiested i lie s new role is to dn thrns lur pe pie ii you e cot in ide is we d like t he ir them he ci njudcd dont waste money on insurance it s ii fact somo businosos me over insured with overlapping insurando policies others aro danrjorouily undor insurod because your business involves customers and sup pliers inventory and equipmont bad dobts liability taxes employoes etc otc you nood a business insur anco export wo know how to plan your business coverage so you hivo just tho insuranco you nood and no more dennys insurance agency 17 mill si wu acton phtmm 1530150 office hours monday thursday oam to 6 p m fr day oam to 0 p m after houns milt u 853 3743 harold otnny 8633686 safeco insurance ilki poplt uwl iii il ill so wtvlvlvvvwv fri sat sun april 111213 i j all color show dean martinjames stewartraquel welch z george kennedy in bandolero plus alan arkin frank finlay inspector clou seal 1u5tafv drivein theatre please note shew starts at 715 adult admission 1 50 par paraon children undtr 12 fm phone m anytime day or nits av 1 mile e op ouuph city limits just ow hwr r nows the time to plant and fertilize cil fertilizer 696 evergreen solb 696 evergreen 25lb 696 evergreen 5lb 4 25 260 75e 5000 sq ft sogreen premium lawn food 25lb 525 weednfeed24d 22lbs 610 lawn green 22lbs 5000 sq ft 510 also available peat matt shaap manur ban maal we rent lawn roller fertilizer spreader see our large selection of garden and flower seeds gordon hardware i9hv limited 22 mill st e 4532720 shop and savf at dollar daddy head n shoulders reg si 69 shampoo 0 144 lander 32 02 reg 99c shampoo 89 resdan reg si bo 119 fact reg si 07 toothpaste 97 revlon reg si 70 hair spray 137 all giftware and houseware at discount prices we invite you to compare pries