Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1969, p. 7

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squares surprise pair honor 25th anniversary chukchiu the acton frew pratt wednecuy april 9 1969 the acton pain and squares bunny hop turned out to be atrrprne party saturday night to celebrate grace and charlie perryi 2stb wedding mnrveraaiy on apra 5 cloee to 200 friends retation and fellow square dancen packed robert tittle school auditorium to aurpriee the areata of honor and extend then beat wfahee in cards and ifta among out of town guests were mr parry v mother aire j w perry of cottmgwood and membeni of the original wedding party other guetta came from brighton whitby owen sound hunltvtlle barrie and the surrounding acton area lets play bridge tv bill coat west si4 3 wq7j dasc j cj9i h ij atrial nauoaals at c d tkia ojw a oa vudatdpautabridar nona dh aad earfwiat aw north s10si ha193 d0 51 ca10j south saicq7 m3 dji0 7 4 cqs easy sis hki04 d11 ck764 the uuui noj east south west y j is rwa woo kaj kb of dkuawu uixih suttt wf4 luitii the dnuy oanniiimi sic muy duaueato pit 0et tight a tiilrd ubj fourth potim dniry b ud fa cluck it ofetttf wu ikhl of ftol thui narthv two club bid uks twltncf if h hai thlrj kb tecalnt bw with muv 12 point saotfi fcjrtlb that im u bat too fctfoaf with ma two duowjgkj bid 1h budfe thtt teltte at a ttuouue two jaw coa tract wt lad u dunwod ud and corttiaucd with tit ac aad a ktuq dumoad ftht bid bf hub fof dclafff wu that ho oaatuffed diamottd now dedaier tatted bump ao auction sales for cdmptete auction servlos chris a schouten auctioneer sale of all type big or small iv do them alt salea cond anywhere tel area 4168782576 or local 8532943 jr 3 mutoo out bet rime touch mm had a tnmf lowr hewm as tattlacd wtos mm baaae loaa two e afcaady tod oa hwt tod at bod twb dacianr tad a aul bl uj rawriij nw ku karl woe wld twt tea tad wumd blarad east tut kx tiiaii bit nor v itlamnnili tha kl and dom bo leak tltwttw aw diciani la badatg touts an earfkdatesb deani t4yd tae au of tib4 wuch woe ew trick tw oawfcwatli ill finrl wet tad tad wt eoau ii aa nwii to rurf as he otacttoid a rw mow ovhaum look tke taab ace te wart aea as tnjme heart how eoatd ikam etake hea trfeaa wmi rwe loain oa the haxrf siaole for wf urt caal wu a aood law ad rlaifr bat card wai a oad tab too bid oy bota took the arfae trick two aaacle huk tttjee waa aood fat 9 auuh tobu eeteu taut wk wauurt at ue actoe grilae qwb ww nm fink wlboa aed jack coau tied i for aacoad kaawttae coau andsob dltkaeai with 87 gegka aed cma saulaar fodrtk tartty aauay john ronson nominee for lamp award at i recent meetlrtg of the bond of education the nomination of tiuttee john ronton for the limp of learning award received unanlmout tupport thit nomirution hid been nude by the hilton county branch of osstf tnd will be forwuded to ptovindal office csstf thit it an ajtnuai award grven to a jteraon who hat had teat injiuehce in educitiofl but it a tvmvprofetriofii participant in thefatld the fetigtutloa of l tumbull wai accepted with regret mr turnbull hid found out ptevioui mmmlttaertu would biterfere with hit attendance it future meeting of the advieory vocational committee and at a eiult he tendered hit retignauon the oakvule and ditirict labor council hu been atlced to submit a recommendation for a replacement for mr tumbull their eon don acted at matter of ceremoniea several frienda performed a huariout mock wedding and don sherlock of slreetrvule eerved at caller for the eveninga tenure dancing the tvrryt who live on jeffrey avenue came to acton from brighton five year ago with their three chddreit don maryloo and linda ur ferry recently left hit poaltiod at actortt ttatlon agent to commute to a new pott bt ttimko in addition to being in partnentdp in the lakeview diacount centre with hit ton don langdon completes 25 yoars on bench haltont wrtlor bjovincial judge kenneth m langdon recently celebrated the 25th ennivcrtary of hit appointment to the bench judge langdon hit terved all 2s yeart in hilton he wai originally a county tnagltlrate but but year all magittritet were recuutined at povuicu iudget trt court in burlington hat 25th anniveraary wu recogniied by birrlttef emeu hennetaey who congratulited judge ungdon on behalf of the hallon county law society bhfwa jhnftf whmm ikhi latt saturday orville porte won the soso draw at the lol euchre euchre winneri ladlet high vivian shaw low yvonne dewar tnena high charlie thompton low w billion lone handt muy billion and abo door priie miry billion ladlet travelling mule dewar mena travelling john dewu it w 4 pdoihvohsl lilrkiohi dental db leonard embback dental surgeon suite no 3 hlnton bldg i7a mill st e acton oat for appointment phone is3i300 chiropractic donald j armstrong 0 c chiropractor -xray- 448 woolwich street phon guelph ttt7721 cltumow auction sale op toacfoat and tnthjuikntt luatbex antfovefl the tindertlgnad hat received initructloni from johm w wltbom to aell by auction at farm lot 14 con 3 nattagaweya town- ahlp i tulle aoulh of no 13 sideroad 10 mllee toutti ot acton on sawatlmv amul utta commencing at 12 noon architect tractor and uutxu- ents bond in tractor nuj ley act of csalna fenjuaon kaden int w30 tractor on rubber mnt tood dearbotri 2lurrw plow new ooltere 3 ph uj hltt tooth cultivator v tooth like new 3 pi fr- guaon mouier t cut 3 pit 2- aection draga 13looth cultivat or 12 chain harrow 10 chain harrowa cockahutt ii run grain and terttliiter drill bower lift farm wagon and hat rack dump rake and atone boat jr d t binder ihc manure spreader sjd tide rake ijijc hore mower oate grmlri aagatr- alor 2207 grain thrower geonje white tepamtor 2442 grain thrower loo 7 endleaa belt good one circular aaw hay loader and tedder 2 belte 30- r wide and 34 6 wide hog acalea aaw mandrel and bearing let acalea 30 eaten lot itraw pipe tool poet colony bouae x w on ekidw colony houae 6 a v on akida ateel water trough 3 uckne water bowhi oh drum and aata pump 3 hog crate eartaej and ptiert uteoo outrat 2 tav ecrric motora h hgt and 1 tin 36 absent ateel roofing v new 30 of ridge cap 23 baaw 04020 fenuhier 41 baga sio fertlhier ladder 24 cedar 1 poatt pbe of acrap iron cbaan aaw 30 bbtde tuna good est peywood rackt or picahip long box ford product food aa new lumber 9 piece cedar 5 x 5 10 ft 4 piece hem lock j a 8 7 ft 6 in piecv e hemloctr a vft 1 piece pine 9 x ij 17 t piece pine x 10 19 ft 3 plecea pine 9 x 12 16 ft 6 piece cedar it ft 6 in 10 piece hemlock 3 x 4 12 ft tome 2 white oak aome 2 cedar quantity of used lumber antioims j2 rifle and double barrel ahotgun 12 gaugv cutter acaffotd for atraw oarrietw uauey harrla 3 h engine dretter and waah stand tnetodian aland death of lord netton print fcood one battle of waterloo print damaged toilet tot bumel maple round exteruton table with leave pine flat back cup board with glat door 4 preu- ed back chalra 4 other wood en chair hall tabu wooden tap aplkt 2 trnah iron pot 2 pancake griddjet old hay fork old ckm cut old church bench old oil lampj aquan bate good one cut glaaa gdb- let very old old cream and tu- gar teveraj piece of glaea and china mottry very old acme queen parlor itove butter bowl and print keg viae model t ford rear end and front end worm drive rear end tram 1945 model t terms cash on day op sale furniture and antique aell at 12 noon no reserve farm abld owner or auctioneer not re for accident 20m1 donald e skinner darch mjlaic i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 85m740 office hour by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 2744428 optoyetrists arthur a johnson od milton 184 main st 8789972 tuetdaya and fridaye ctonshuill sub 8332520 wednetdaya and saturdaya retldence phone 87897 funeral director phone 8530350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur street acton ontario phone 8530720 appraiser and imurance over 50 year in acton kb the mutual z4f aaauaamc ooumnv vw tutuuv roberts hart easier services visitors in report bymrt fmacarthur eaater aervice at churchill community churcb on sunday morning was very weo attended our miiutler mr robert hyde ba gave the easter meaage and the choir anthem wat the easter carol miuet dabble and kathy swackhamer tang a duet were you there whet they crucified my lord a family dinner wat enjoyed on eattar sunday when mr and ur arthur grutln mt treat keeler and mr william mearthuf ill of erin alae mr and mrt r l davideon vitited with- mr and mt william thompton acton mr tnd mri ron swackhamer and daughter blend of guelph visited on easter sunday with mr and mrt ledle swackhamer and girl ur and mrt john 7 julian and family or woodstock vulted at hit trstet home mr and mil nomun turner david and julunn on easier sunday a family gathering wat enjoyed by all when mr and mrt archie kerr entertained mi and mrt don anderson donald and david mr and mrt bob keif and mr and mr tony slrokov and family it dinner on eattet sunday mi and mn harry angui jay and oordie of grand rapidt michigan alto mitt jean walker of holland michigan spent easter holiday with mt anzut paienta mr and mil allied winter mr and mm chailet blnnie visited on easter sunday at her brothers home mr and mrt alex jackson erin mr and mit fied thompson of guelph alio mr and un don swackhamer wete easter guttit at the family home with mr and ml wallace swackhamer misset caiol and janice and ray ur and mit donandeiton donald and david mit aiclile kerr and erica and eliubeth stiokov spent last fildayal niagara faut mr ron blown accompanied ml and mit gordon unjily and family of georgetown and motored to visit koatt uncle and aunt ml and mil wallet brown and family at krvetfleld quebec mi tnd mil wubeit blown and family visited with their old neighbori mr and mit willltm butler in feigut on litlei sunday mi and mit kennelh rott jltrthlie and debbie of kitchener tpenl easier sunday at their puentil home with mi and mit tom roll ind family acton ah club completes project our riadirs write na 11 mmmm max storey auctioneer rockwood phone o3697s5l 341 orvule road acton but 4164313460 re 3194331527 help wanted mr editor on march 18 1969 delegation composed of mr patrick redgrave mr lloyd chiiholm and myself met municipal affalra minister mi darcy mckeough to submit 1107 tlgnituiet by reildenli of nattagaweya rellectlng their overwhelming detirei tq be made known to oppose the propositi to split our lovely township we felt the meeting wu constructive in that we conveyed deilre to remain u a selfgoverned rural area even if we had to be incorporated into a larger unit to we could have representation in reflecting the balance of interett that mr mckeough mentioned in hit proposal we in the rural area would have nothing in common with large urban centret except to assume responsibility for debenture debt which came about by poor planning or to meet riling taxation coils which undoubtedly will be incurred by regional conttolt and new edm initiation in order for the proviiuia government to cany out their large development in the area of services alone they mutt have a great deal more money and this will come from you the taxpayer in one form or another so i strongly urge you reildenli to continue your interetti and tupport your municipal leaden in every possible way these two words regional government should become the basic topic of conversation because it it against all principals of human rights for the average person should be able to express hit wuhei by meint of the ballot vole on a subject which deeply concerns all of ua now it the time for all rural nets to let thenuelv be heiid before they ate split apart bythe gumtforcetlrylngto tak away out right that out forefather fought to hud to pan on to their future generations think do you wish to hind your chlldten a cross to bear in the form of itaggering debts congratulations ottawa february 271969 deu hartley congratulations are indeed in order to you it editor and to your ttaff for being honored at the annual convention of the ontario weekly newspaper aaoclitlon held recently in ottawa you mutt be very pleased to have won first place for general excellence ang second place for the belt anortt page convenge these honour are richly so sit down today and write your letter staling your views in favor of retaining ruial aieas a very concerned laxpjyei basil mcdonald r r 6 milton the 411 club of acton the acton cotteem it now completed finished garments and iccod books weie handed in to the keeneyed leaden foi inspection on april 7 the name cotteens was spelled out on each members book a simple of everyones material was used to funn the letters thus creating avaiiety of ptlntt and a tuitbl iiisikiii to the cittbt activities rven though tegular meetings have been completed there it tlill much wurfc to be done foi the achievement djy display the commnittiy concerning good lmet for different figures was written by kilhle lynch oil april 2tj lynda siyeii will icpreielit the group speaking and showing a variety of models on the subject leaders fix cottons maybe smart mis mscnaugliton and mis lynch deserve a great deal of hunks foi the work and effort put forward by them they weie always willing to be of assistance when usistance wu needed two member of tint club mrt lynch and her daughter kathle hive been active in 411 foi several yeais mrs lynch is one of the founders of the acton blanch katliie hat alwayt actively taken part helping younger and uncertain memberi and especially aiding with achievement day sincere oppieciation wai extended to them from everyone in the club and they hope hut the lynches will be able to continue with 411 work in theii new location at a final closing foi hill ptoject plant oie being considered for a loumey to burlington mall there they would have lunch together and then separate to go bowling see a movie or browte through the shops details for thb are still undecided john newman of r r 4 acton won a twopound chocolate easter egg m a draw arranged by rotes variety ttore in milton to rake money for the sunshine school proceed in the draw were 340 the visibility wat rated clear in 45 par tent of the hunting accident la ontario in 1967 hakuttom oa otoertgttwt 1 1 6 mountinvew road s atjmw 3 a i 21 it utltihi ilitml lllfltf 5 every hour of every day someone is thinking of buying or tailing an mls property ita tinte to lttt your property with the oranaawiue and district real estate board on mls deserved and i congratulate you and your ttaft on the high caliber of the acton free press at judged by the expert with every good with for continued success i remain yours sincerely rudl whiting mp hilton thfl djffgrtke will mm yom see the nhl stanley cup action color advanced rca color tv at exeitino low prices at hcttjiu ttlnat t la maaut n 0hai81s wbtan hotdsx rrac aos cmc cm y a drttflatatts ctactjttfl hlut wnb yrjrorio ij voijf rictctst rowss vatf and vtw budget your purchase to suit your paydays atwauih caotoma oomracmi wnft uttsb cotxm nttmtuutt atca atjtomatio coum katftbal a gnfrurizd couib4itl0k nmtno oomtact taatfji moorl m wtlctad aattaitoahnr wngl wautot oaxum estawlsbew 1s77 rjoh wttujatam jutb aea7o0mu 8226041 guelph

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