the acton free pre wednesday april 16 1m9 acton minor hockey heads decide to stay in tri county sports hj meetlnc of the arfort ulnor hockey at tlcourity association in the arena monday nigh i it ku decided by majority vole oflhe ruecutive that actons onjj14 entries in novice peewee bantam midget and juvenile will remain in the tricounty league for the 19970 season past treslderit roy goodwin chaired the meeting which wai also attended by the coaches and managers of the five teams alto present to answer questions and offer advice wete al moore of guelpli convener of the waterloowellington league uoyd maybe of guelph 3rd vicepresident of the tricounty league and oulla executive member hill burrctl of italian soma of those present expressed the opinion that competition in the tricounly league which includes entries from brampton burlington oakville and guelpli was becoming too strong for the acton teams and that acton would be belter off playing in the waterloowellington league against towns of the time population such as elmira fergus erin and orangeville others fell that actons entries were holding tlieir own against the larger towns in tricounty and could ill afford to lose use experience of the tricounty executive members by withdrawing from the league and joining a relatively new organtzallon everyone present was given an opportunity to speak on the subject before the matter was turned over to the executive for vote the majority of the executive voted to stay in the trtcouiily league however the tricounty tepresentilive was instructed by tlrf executive to make an effort to see that next years schedule is drawn up so that acton would not be playing quite to many games against aaa teams it was also agred by all members thai ii would be better for all concerned if minor hockey in acton was governed by one organisation and not split into two groups one for tfie omiia teams and one for the house league teams as is presently the cjse a- continued effort is ip lie made in this diteclion plant 90000 salmon near here in credit durham knocks raiders from oha int b playoffs anglers in this neck of the woods angered by the fishing licences now required might be able to collect some of the investment back in the credit river j department of lands and forests officials planted nearly 90600 colio salmon fingerlings in the river recently many of them in i lie georgetown glen williams norval area upstream plantings were made at cheltenham inglewood and various other points up to hie forks of ihe credit strikes youth bowling council jackie palmer april 12 sundiy monday and turuuy april 67h marked itw final and latt ilcp of llic lour slept lo stardom tournament olhcrulte known at live national i inal held al ihc sherwood lane tn hamilton although aclon wa nol rcnreiented our friend and nelchbon in georgetown ucre the entor fir i a team were irvccuculu during the three day rolloff and ucrc in rtrtt pbec up to the utt day however they ended up ihc tocond bht tenloi gill tcjm in canada cftttgntuutiona cur you wonderful aporia alio cohffaluutrona to all ihc national iinajiili winner and everyone who were fortunate enough to qualify ii sure waa an experience of a lifetime the finale of the f am out weekend waa a lahulou banquet at llic tcjimltrt hall in hamilton the attendance waa approximately hoo people one prctcnlalion wai made which i considered unique and trcmendout lo a young viic how let brad colin from hc told 68 bote of almond during our campaign alui one tpecial and proud award wai presented to alberta for being the heit spot timen during the finala it mutt have been very difficult to chootc the beat hecautc the ipiril the atmoiphcrc and friend linet of the sherwood ijiwi uai vuper and i hope l hit tpirit never diet in tournament or the wonderful world of how ling i back lo acion word of appreciation are due to all our vbc cojihet u ho are doing supreme job ken proof worct and average have unproved thank you coochet from the ybfert of acton trm coming saturday it the latt week for the tegular tea mm then for two wlt after the playofft will be bo led and lutt a friendly reminder thai bowling ahead tlu not he oilowej during thete urckt the otdy lint boubng in the y it c of acton rvgjty and lummy v llusky sic celebrating their hirttuljy april ik hippy llllthdjv twins happy tlillluljy to junior vncer wade knllil on april 16 with the playoffs to near at hand tomatoes pulled out of thud place in the bantsm dmiton and tied for second defeating the onlom out of luo games the heels did ii stain by winning both names off ihc spuds the carrots uon one game and edged totals from the turnips the ten toppers were as rollout valerie hattnun tjl 302 carol cant um4s q9 cwv nome 142145 2h7 blab mccallum 1 56114 276 bui gcnllet 1531 1 5 267 melanle ii idle 1281 37 2651 slevie bunehard 125 119 264 fddy couture 1391 19 12511 danny thornton 107147 254 donna darby 104147251 winners of cartons of cocacola sevcn1p and ttctnturts uere ann porle tddy couture cindy nome and rlur mccallum tlie compclitort in the junior and senior divltion only one point ahead in ihc league standings after latt uecb have edged thcnitclves futhcr ahead by winning two games and totals from ihc silver savaget the zosrthiet tifc in their 4lh position look all three garnet defeating the turks the beatlt uon luo games and totali from ihc sacklltoct the high ltylng tenners thit week were at fallout jackie palmer 778 299 gary pnce 599 267 cord morm 596 211 janet storey 573 220 larry knight 541 1274 wendy coutuic 531 193 wayne tvroreil 515 198 lynn stewart 508 207 ken marthill 50r 2211 urucesuill 5041232 llagiil standings vbc ilanlains beds 63 spudt 47 tomatoes 47 cariolt is turnips 29i onions 29 vbc jr and si competitors 71 soklltotl 6h beatlt 63 zombies 56 turks 4 1 v silver savages 37 downstieam the salmon were introduced at cliuichville meadowvale and slreeltville fishermen nuy find u few of the colios on the line lists fjll reaching six or seven pounds but it will be use fall of l70 before they aie pulling i 5 pound beauties from the river most of the salmon will head for lake ontario until they ate ready to spawn in l70 department of lands and forests officials hope they will hud back into i lie credit to spawn tints when the anglers will be nellt the fingerlings weicjjiiecl at a hatchery al clutsworlli and prepared for the chilly credit in tanks at 35 degrees officials think some of the salmon will be caught on their way down to the lake by smell fuller men but they arc not concerned this will indicate whether the salmon arc heading in the direction they arc supposed to smelt fishermen are being asked to notify ihc department of lands and forests if and where they net any salmon pollution in the river is not expected to bother the fish mainly because it has been exaggerated according to officials x similar project in michigan proved a great success and fishermen are coming from all over the country lo tisli for the coho now theyve matured the credit river and its tributaries many of which run through this area may once again be a mccca for salmon fishermen in the provinces early days there arc many accounts of spectacular salmon fishing in the credit the salmon which for many centuries was a staple food for the indians here may once again be kingfish of the credit winners of the consolation series in the ontario junior farmer hockey tournament saturday in milton wero tha halton players shown hero wllh their trophy are front dave norton art brooks paul ccjoper captain jim james dtnnli sinclair and tnanrjf al brownridoa in the rear are gary daniels lloyd zuest al norton bob mckay jell nurse gatnie houel stuart mcenary and tony barr stall photo durham huskies eliminated georgetown haiders from hie oiia inl ii hockey playoffs willi an i 13 victory monday night in georgetown arena huskies dropped the first tyme of ihe hestoffive series in overtime on iheir own ice but then came back lo win ihe next three to knock raiders out monday nights contest wilnciicd by several fans from aclnn and area was close fur hie firl two periods ml then the uutkies rallied in goals galore til vew ihe scricvup sponsor tools llownlow an avid gcnryc town fju said fliidrri had too many players out wiiji injuries lo put up much of a hjltlc with he vtjistiiuded doilunil crew hmlies recruit talent from all over ihc northern cud of western oiiijimi they faredf fending oiia clumps durlijin will meet cither iicliiii or midljnd in the next round they eliillmmted se j f o r t h i uc j n and georgetown lo uke the gioup lille kjidrit knocked off i crius and chelleiuuiit lojvnn 4 lierlh in the finals if was georgetowns first year back in inleimediale hockey for several seasons although some fans were disappointed in the outcome of ihe durham series hie raider executive expects the team will be back in the same company nest year although it is expected several players will lung up llicif skates drop ibchku lo cetiteaomk t sliufflctuxiul jkiniihion hater drop j an hl deciiion to m jit on ontrnuuli ijtt t1iuruhy in miltihi chopping l tie acton dub iti fifili place in tluf league sfjudinft in the leijiui at of april 13 ait as follows nw murray 170 lurk isjw fiffitnuli 111 brjpton a 1 ih lionnnuiii hnih 117 oakville ho us lllj iyn tavern k4 llijinplon 1122 new murrjy plays tlie ditminion itih licte nex1 week wellington team in jr farmer tournament 00000 coho salmon wero planted in the credit river recently by officials of tho department of lands and forests the f inoerlinos it is hoped will find their own way to lako ontario ond return to tho credit in the tall color portraits at aclon store attfon iga im arranged to have u profcvsional photographer at the store friday and saturday o take color portraits one free picture will he supplied there is no limit to the number of poses you can have done the pioneers who i lazed the trails into the wilderness now have dcccndanls who burn up the roads halton countys cam emerged consolation winners while wellington county was declared the champions saturday at the firs junior farmers provincial hockey tournament in milton arena teams from halton peel duffer in wellington ontario waterloo and perth counties participated in ihe toumcywilh oxford failing to show in the first game peel downed halton 42 while wellington tliul out duffcrin km in the second hie third tussle saw waterloo take ihc lead over ontario 41 with perth winning the fourth over oxford through default in round one of the consolation series halton downed duffcrin 71 and in the next game wellington roared over pcef towards the rl 21 chainpionuiip marker the djys only exhibit ion game saw ontario skunk duffcrin with a 70 tab perth downed waterloo 11 tn ensure iheir spot in llic final in the cnnsolatimi final game halton tacked up eight goals o clinch that scries over ontarios 111 ice goalv the final game of the by saw wellington bowl over perth to cany he championship halton scorers throughout ihe days games included i norton with wit glials and five assists a norton with one goal and four assists art brooks with two goals and wo assists mckay with three goals and four assists uoyd zuest with one goal and three assists urr with three goals and one assist daniels with three goals and one assist sinclair will two goals and one assist rotel with four assists and james with oneassjst the clumniomhip trophy was donated anil presented by lely iarm fquipmcjil burlington while ihe consolation cup was prevented and donated by w attcrson of patterson t nicking reverend rink a rink skipped by ihe rev a ii mckenie won the annual clergy bompiel at the guelph curling club on the acton ministers learn were rev don llcihuon ilrin rev norman you n ft geiicctown and rev bruce peglai fergus the acton ministers learn were rev don herbisnn inn rev norman younp georgetown and rev brace peglat fergus clean cars over k0 cars patronized the acton lions juveniles car wash last saturday at bill toths service station the project was to raise money for jackets w ife wz to boost tax ravanu the ontario government has ctecirjod to taw our food tfw new i ok retail talet ta applies on ell takeout orders over 250 from april 1 in order to try to save our customer this tak we are tuogeitinrj separate orders at listed below av out usual skcial ol ihcnic pak one whole chicken cut into 8 equal portoiu ready to serve chickin smack 1 pieces of chicken and trench fries chickfn in a ttox 3 pieces of chicken trench fries cole slaw buttered bun honey 219 79 139 1 ao tftarn swrctal i pieces of c r slaw chicken buttered bun frendt fries cole vi i 2 3 more tasx saver special 9 pieces of flavorcrisp chicken 6 pieces of chicken pint of cole slaw i orders trench fries 2 warm rolls a pieces of flavorcrisp chicken 3 order of trench fries s pieces of chicken 3 orders of trench fries 1 pint cole slaw jfvij 245 250 244 239 4iii a wx ff5f jljiim w s0k v wf w v vv i i j piv- y ma wfc7 imp- v c elvjziasassasasasasa faatslly boat of is french fries sum sltujle order cj sin holla 3c french fries tie gg faasslly box cole slaw 54c sw pack of hitney uc r ihione s53i301 hood drive in acton avlvd and quhn s in act i best op mixed the mix it dacron polyester with finest worsted the breed is la yarn in colouring in tevture of fabric the result is the best if lignmunirttd suits are desired with a dogged resistance to rumple show up at this establishment soonest and judge tho entires for yourself tt bf 0a bond bldagulph ont g w is here tm to make vacation piahs or for wuktnd fun choose a camping trailer models by s e woods exclusive features on trail blazer trailers large vindows vinyl screen- ing clear elastic stormflaps privacy curtain integral unit frame extra duty springs all new grease fittings easier lubrication heavy duty axles extra large tires tongue hinged with propane bottle holder stabilizers positive lock and adjustable heavy duty vivatex canvass trailers are iinished with baked automotive enamels chrome bumpers and door top 2 enclosed storage areas in body of trailer priced as low as m75 complete with matthksk spare whiet see models on display now ask about our camping traier rbhais bp car wash snack bar 341 queen st acton 8532114